Flight 93 - Pennsylvania

October 10, 2006

Flight 93 'was shot down' claims book

However, the absence of any significant debris — including tailplane and wings — bewildered witnesses, relatives and, more importantly, some crash experts.

They found it hard to believe that an airliner up to 155ft long, with two engines each weighing more than six tons, could have penetrated the ground so completely as to utterly disappear. Had it, in reality, been blown to pieces in mid-air?

Certainly it is unclear how a single piece of fuselage the size of a dining room table could have been recovered from a marina in Indian Lake, a couple of miles away from the crash site — unless it fell from the sky during an aerial break-up.

Flight 93 - Flight 93 = Y

'The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) is a privately owned website that is not affiliated with Social Security.' In fact, it is a database and query for obtaining information on the names of deceased Americans. He continues, 'It boasts an accuracy rate of about 83%...To check its reliability, I input the names of people I knew that had died in my family along with friends and neighbors... and with the exception of a cousin, I found everyone I was looking for.' Searching for the 9-11 victims names in the registry, Sammartino writes that on Mr. Todd Beamer's Flight 93, 'of the 45 people who are listed as dying in this flight, only six are listed in the Social Security Death Index (13%).'

December 27, 2004

Rumsfeld says 9-11 plane 'shot down' in Pennsylvania

Secretary Rumsfeld says Sept. 11 flight over Pennsylvania was ’shot down’

In either a gargantuan slip of the tongue or a momentous gaffe departing from the Bush Administration-approved timeline, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told troops in Iraq that the Sept. 11 flight over Pennsylvania was “shot down.”

December 26, 2004

In peculiar gaffe, Rumsfeld vows to hung those who "Shot down the plane over Pennsylvania"

DONALD RUMSFELD, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: And I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off peoples' heads on television to intimidate, to frighten -- indeed the word "terrorized" is just that. Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter behavior, to make people be something other than that which they want to be."

December 25, 2004

Surprise Trip for Donald Rumsfeld; Interview With Brigadier General James Marks; Christian in Iraq

NOTE THE FOLLOWING QUOTE (Before they remove it) : DONALD RUMSFELD, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: And to change that way of living, would strike at the very essence of our country. And I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off peoples' heads on television to intimidate, to frighten -- indeed the word "terrorized" is just that. Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter behavior, to make people be something other than that which they want to be. - M. R

December 28, 2004

Pentagon: Rumsfeld misspoke on Flight 93 crash


"I mean, who are you going to trust, the Secretary of Defense, or the internet? Ummm, let me rephrase that..." - M. R.


Has Devvy really cleared anything up?  Yes, the coroner's lack of report is in question, but now the crash is verified?  Hardly!  Where is the physical and photographic evidence?


After reading Devvy Kid's account of her PA investigation https://www.devvy.com/flight_93_part_3.html, the following craves an answer, based upon the laws of evidence and probability:


1.  What is the mathematical probability that a 9/11 aircraft would just so happen to crash PRECISELY on an "abandoned strip mine" (how perfect)--WHICH CONVENIENTLY BURIES THE EVIDENCE ENITRELY--which Devvy uses to explain away the missing debris?  There appears to be NO identifiable parts, and only 8% of human remains.  (This ASSUMES the number of bodies should match that of flight 93, or a flight 93 that did not land at Cleveland per their mayor!).


2.  What identifiable evidence is there that this was indeed flight 93, rather than some other aircraft?  WHAT ARE THE MATHEMATICAL ODDS OF HAVING A CRASH THAT LEAVES NO IDENTIFIABLE PARTS (except that we are TOLD than an "engine" flew into the lake nearby...which evidence has never been

presented?)  I would like to see the report of how that ONE piece of evidence, the engine, happened to be found.....one report says woods, this report claims body of water.


3.  Interview with farmer

https://www.devvy.com/pdf/Flight93/lambert_interview_080205.pdf is very poor in the transcript, and he even says, "...I thought, what the heck is that?

Maybe its an airplane...".  "MAYBE ITS AN AIRPLANE?"

THAT IS HARDLY CONVINCING PROOF OR POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION OF FLIGHT 93!  He appears to admit he has never seen an airliner?  If our witness is reliable, then what did he really see?  He talks about what he has been TOLD, more than what he actually saw.


4.  Maybe Devvy should post on the web the pieces of wreckage debris that they picked up!  (Is it standard procedure to leave any debris behind....oh, and the earth, from the mine, just keeps "belching" out evidence from its bowels?  SOUNDS LIKE PLANTED EVIDENCE TO ME!  What parts of the aircraft is this "debris" from?  What kind did they find?  No description is given.


5.  The farmer in the transcript gives NO IDENTIFICATION of the plane (admitting he did not recognize what it was), yet gives as vague account of how it went (D.C. Dane seems to lead him well), but KNOWS that it crashed at

"585 mph".  Talk about an indoctrinated witness!


6.  The "interview" continues to lead the witness (he is not asked to trace the events by "tell us what you saw, in detail, please")......see the way Dane in particular leads him from point to point....."did you see any smoke?.....yes black smoke within a second (this is necessary to prove kerosene fuel was burning, yet it does not explain the "huge fireball").

This is the worst interview or objective investigative questioning I have ever read.  IT IS ADMITTED AT THE END THAT HIS WIFE COULD NOT BE REACHED.

"Let every testimony be confirmed by 2 or 3 witnesses".  HE ALONE, not his wife, is the sole interview near the site, and he volunteers his time there (no doubt, then, telling the official story).


7.  "trees caught on fire".  Does not show that in any of the aerial photos.


I have talked to Pentagon families at gun shows and they "resent" when Flight 77 is questioned about Pentagon crash.....but none of their family in the Pentagon saw or found any commercial jet or debris, or evidence.


THE 9/11 COVERUP IS BASED ENTIRELY ON MISSING CONCLUSIVE MATERIAL OR PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE FROM ALLEGED HIJAKCED COMMERCIAL AIRLINERS.  Yet Devvy justifies the lack of evidence in this "investigative" report, and also "debunks" the German film company's photos and quotes of the mayor!


8.  The mayor says the German film company took his words "out of context", but does not correct, or amend his words reported.  MOST  MAYOR'S KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THE PRESS, AND DEMAND CORRECTIONS.  This mayor did not get it right in his own local papers.


[Apparently WCPO Cincinnati and the Cleveland Mayor have the same problem of how HE reported to them that Flight 93 landed under bomb threat in Cleveland that morning!  A correction was never issued....only an AP disclaimer wiping out everything said!]


Is Devvy a patriot infiltrator, with a Pentagon husband?  How about D.C.

Dane?  Did Dane pull the wool over her eyes, and pre-call and setup the situation?


911 Nutshell: 9/11 Flight 93 Passengers 'Lost'

  https://www.rense.com/general67/911pass.htm >


What Really Happened – Flight 93 – Shoot Down - Witnesses