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I am trying to organize new articles to thiw website.

Here are current articles, videos

These may be organized differently later.


Flat Earth. - Dave Weise

Flat Earth Reality - what you actually see - Eric Dubay 6 hr vid

Sgt report intervewi with Dustin Nemos – the hidden truth about Antarctica

Biblical Earth Documentary – Young, Stationary, Geocentric, Flat, Hollow & Domed

MyLunchBreak Channel for ancient buildings and architecture  

Cancer, Consciousness and Healing From Within featuring Katie Deming

Politicians receive saline solution not vaccins

Supposedly from Julian Assange - Deep State arrests: - California alone has witnessed up to 8000 arrests, with over 3000 in the Northeast U.S. particularly concentrated in the New England area.

Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 12, 2024 – Western nations now rapidly collapsing into CHAOS and TYRANNY - discussion of Israel War at 53 minutes

Tech Tech live stream- Ransall Carlson- v

Another Confirmation Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology In COVID Bioweapons: Remarkable Longitudinal Study and Culture Work of COVID Shots for up to 12 Months And Cellular Toxicity Studies- Humanity United

Most Dangerous Superstition Paperback –Larken Rose  January 1, 2011

The Vatican is not associated to Christianity - It is an ancient Babylonian Pagan cult based on the worship of the sun and pagan gods. - Billions of people are unknowingly worshipping Lucifer

Jones Plantation about true freedom - Larken Rose

BREAKING FREE: Larken Rose On Control, Freedom, Voluntarism & The Jones Plantation

 The Cold Hard Truth - [Time To Wake Up] - m

How 8 Crimes Actually Work from Money Laundering to Diamond Heists how Crime Works Marathon

Former Pfizer VP: Why evidence is lacking for the existence of COVID-19 ‘virus’ or any other

Trump shooting

Fake Trump shooting was top secret plan behind “MOSHIACH” Donald J. Trump even an assassination attempt on a former POTUS and current 2024 candidate is fraught with hidden objectives and religious significance and political purposes and esoteric meaning

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Arrested! -

20 Key Questions Exposing the Trump Assassination Hoax

Trump shooting

Peggy Hall Healthy Americans

Evidence of Multiple Shooters at Trump Reese Report

20 Year old Crooks cannot carry 8' ladder & rifle

Bible shooting sacrament - Leviticus 8-23, Geneva Study Bible
And he {f} slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.
Might explain why his shoes came off?

WATCH In2ThinAir on X: "🤯 100% PROOF Of shooter On the WATER TOWER! Multiple shooters were seen and pointed out to POLICE & Secret Service by many rally goer" / X

The Paradox of Being a Good Person - George Orwell's Warning to the World

Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.

Looking Back on the Spanish War - George Orwell

- - -

The Predators vs. the People” Book Review & Analysis – Part 3  Part 123

JD Vance, VP candidate - background

Trump speaks in Butler, Pa.  2 videos, Trump speech & gestures same in both video, but 2nd video has photoshopped different background. At 1 min. 10 sec.

Signs - Trey Smith yt v symbols, language

 Hebrew meaning of Humble - Deep word study teaching by Eric Burton

Many many times US government captures our citizens, put them in concentration camps & burn their homes to ground. - Reese Report

The global elite plan to coerce people to take implantable microchips by requiring them in order to access digital currencies, Universal Basic Income (UBI) and other services,

 a former World Economic Forum member has warned.

Former WEF 'Global Leader for Tomorrow' turned whistleblower, economist Professor Richard Werner, explains how—according to his sources—CBDCs will ultimately be held on small microchips implanted under the skin, and Universal Basic Income will be used to entice people into accepting this gross invasion of their freedom, privacy and bodily autonomy.

Gates Foundation Insider Admits Depopulation Drugs Are Pumped Into Fast Food Meals

Child abuse from government policies

Bill Banning Geoengineering 'Chemtrails' Signed Into Law by Tennessee Governor Bill Lee: First in the U.S. "Geoengineering experiments" and "intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere" now prohibited in Tennessee.

New Hampshire Becomes Second U.S. State To Ban Chemtrails 

They Cracked The Code That Runs The Universe (MIND BLOWING!!!!) If controlling the mass consciousness (consciousnesses is an energy pattern - frequency) is not the key to controlling the planet, then why are vast resources being spent to censor and discredit anyone whose ideas conflict with the narrative put out by those who understand this concept? (and control most financial institutions and thereby control governments)   Substitute the word "frequency" for the word "dimension" as he explains the concept. There are frequencies all around.

Exeption from taxation. 12 USC 531. Effective Oct.1st 2023

IRS Currently Non Collectible

Khazarian Mafia: The God Eaters, part 1-2


Invisible Contracts by Mercier – Intro

Your attitude affects your outcome.
consider frequency, vibration, energy

The Empire of Lies: Pseudoreality, The Brutalisation of Language

The Secret of the CUSIP

The Miracle of Water  & here

Prison Camps for Political Dissidents in All 50 States- Resse Reports

Covid Shots Were Planned 20 Years in Advance - D Martin

State of Health in USA - T Carlson 3 min vid at bottom

Japan: 'Billions of Dying Vaxxed Have Dementia

Before 9-11, Port Authority was required to pay $ 600 million for asbestos removal from World Trade Towers.

Dr. Steven Greer testifies to congress of UFO advances technologies

Dr. David Martin major Intel reveal. Covid 19 & bio-weapon biggest crime against humanity ever

Skynet 100 % tracking all people in US, technology & surveillance

2-Year Legal Fight, CDC Releases 780,000 Vaccine Injury Reports- - Epoch TV

USPS Custom form 3806

Supreme Court strikes down Chevron, curtailing power of federal agencies

Julian Assange / Wikileaks Exposed!

Dycinian Die see aura, new dimensions

Cancer Cure - David Straight

Former WEF 'Global Leader for Tomorrow' turned whistleblower, economist Professor Richard Werner, explains how—according to his sources—CBDCs will ultimately be held on small microchips implanted under the skin, and Universal Basic Income will be used to entice people into accepting this gross invasion of their freedom, privacy and bodily autonomy.

The global elite plan to coerce people to take implantable microchips by requiring them in order to access digital currencies, Universal Basic Income (UBI) and other services,   a former World Economic Forum member has warned.

New World Order: “We are on the brink of a dramatic change; we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and replace it with a new one, Digital Blockchain CBDC, which will give us greater clarity over every single transaction.” - Pippa Malmagren. #WGS2022

Reese Reports shows true cause of cancer.


Fantastic Fungi

EV's Are Exploding In Shocking Numbers

Government had restraint on government spending prior to 1913


Bullets vs Steel at 800,000 FPS - The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube


Blimp transporting pasengers

Europa: The Last Battle - 10 Parts - how money, central banks control all people & everything, documentary 10 hrs.
  mass  genocide of  people  and  Holodomor (the holocaust never spoken of)   covers  Bolshevik revolution  and rise of Communism  WW 1,   WW 2   Why  Hitler and Germany  had  to  be  destroyed

2 Billion Will Die in New War Cycle

Detailed Plan of Upcoming Lockdowns, 15 min cities, C 40 administration

Harmful Antibiotics and a Contraceptive Found in Top Ten Fast Food Samples


The Blockchain and Us

All wars are banker's wars

How the Banks Won

JFL to 9/11 Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick

9/11 Suspects

The Time Travel Experiments Of Project Pegasus - Stranger Dimensions. Andrew Basiago

The Sound That Transforms Every Cell in Your Body (the sound of God)


NESARA - The Definitive Guidebook



Khazarian Mafia: The God Eaters, Part 1 & 2

MIKE KING: 495,000 Sealed Indictments Matter > Justice Is Coming! ( 3 min

Authorized to Kill at AMC Southroads 20 - In-Person Event - Gathr

Airplane Controllers can see aircraft on the groud 100 miles away.  If earth were globe, the planes would be 6,000 feet BELOW the horizon.

Trump pushes: Operation Warp Speed...  A public-private partnership initiated by the 

United States (Private for Profit Corporation) 

with the Blessings Backing of Donald John Trump...

 to facilitate and accelerate the Killing Development, Manufacturing, and Distribution of 

COVID-19 vaccines

 (Depopulation Bio Weapon Death Jabs)

therapeutics, and diagnostics

Taylor Swift Insider Reveals Singer Is a Man Who Worships Satan

The Timeless Truth About Tyranny According to Aristotle

Anna von Reitz on Trumps standing.

Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States


- Reinhabit the Restored Republic

Sign up, Obtain 30k signatures within your State

Bush Obama Trump..same club. False Christians Wage Spiritual Seed-Civil-War. Camp FEMA

SCOTUS already ruled on Brunson. The election was already overturned.

Brunson Brothers Case – Supreme Court Extended Session – Trump Returns as President  

The Outcome: Trump’s Reinstatement?

OPERATION FLICKER: Uncover the shocking truth as over 5,000 employees from the Pentagon, Department of Defense, U.S. Military, DARPA, NSA, and NASA are implicated in a child pornography scandal. Watch the video

Robert David Steele - investigations, books & websites on Pedophilia (satanic practices) & the elites & prominent leaders involved.

Pedophilia, governments, bankers, elites, 8 million kids annually world wide, captured, trafficed, tortued, killed