2024 11
virus, vaccine, covid
Chief Scientist, former VP at Pfizer exposes the intentional death and health destruction of people plan (you) with Pfizer vaccines! . Michael Yeadon, 15 minute video explaining his proof
EX- Pfizer Vice President Bombshell Address | Healthcare | Before It's News
What Killed the Native Populations? Dr. Sam Bailey
A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition), Dr Mark Bailey, 2022
What Really Makes You Ill?, Dawn Lester & David Parker, 2020
Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth”, Dr Sam Bailey, 6 Jul 2024
ViroLIEgy.com Mike Stone
Propaganda - a documentary by TheTruthAboutCancer TTAC
- Big Change
- Cancer Treatments - Jonathan Otto
AI Artificial Intelligence to animate classic still painting.
When church bells were transformed into weapons of war.
Fiat Everything: When Decree Replaced Reality
Trump & Epstein raped young girls together.
Old TV show - Trump wants to bild a wall to lock us into USA.
Trump Surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices Greg Reese Reports
White House Press room was controlled. Controls come off for Trump.
Hundreds of January 6th Political Prisoners Set FREE, DC Judges PANIC! Trump Pardon Soon
Jared Kushner Involved in Staffing the New Trump Administration
Trump Deception Buyers Remorse Club (A Whole Lot More ‘I Toad A So’s’)
Fluoride in public water stop by Trump & RFK Jr.
Jeff Berwick 54 min Trump Bankruptcies, 1:16 cancer healing with Tesla device
"He who controls the weather controls the world.-- President Lyndon B. Johnson -- 1962
Congressional Testimonials on UFO/ Free Energy - Dr. Stephen Greer -
JFK Assassinationg - clones - Alternative theory 6 min video
The Lost Century- Free Energy has been hidden from us for over 100 years. narrated by Dr. Stephen Greer.
Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle- Greg Reese - Dr. Rima
CIA Scariest weapon, heart attack gun
Berwick, Jeff - Anarchapulco - anarchy- without government control- sovereign freedom
NESARA Insider Info! High-Level Politicians Leak Imminent Collapse of the Current Financial System—EBS, QFS, and NESARA Rollout is Ready!
The old system is breaking down, and the whispers of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), and NESARA are becoming deafening among insiders. Politicians are leaking details, preparing the world for a financial and political upheaval that’s about to unfold. - Posted on Oct.26, 2024 by Eliza Ayres
The Elite's Are Planning To SHOCK The World | Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed
Arrest Kamala Harris ! at RealRawNews.com
JAG Arrests Ellen DeGeneres and wife, Portia de Rosi- Real Raw News.com
Ellen DeGenerate Moves To Great Britain Following Trump’s Victory- Ellen was born a man..
White Hats Arrest Unnamed Pennsylvania Election Official for Election Fraud, Treason - RealRawNews.com
Marines Arrest Criminal Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Mayorkas
How your cell phone really works Sabrina Wallace. We are & all about us are electrical fields.
"Cancer Secrets" is a groundbreaking 12-episode docuseries hosted by Jonathan Otto that explores holistic approaches to cancer prevention, treatment, and overall wellness.
Cancer Treatments - Jonathan Otto - streaming free Dec. 2024
There are over 222,450 sealed indictments in US. accusing people of treason or cries.
Musk Continues Supporting Wars & Pushing the NWO – Video #163 Freedom Files 2024 Nov.
The World Ahead 2025 - Evil Revealed
An Inconvenient Religion: From Babylon To Today - Probably Alexandra
The agenda is to outsource your power to others - first the church, then the government, then the NWO.
FEMA setting up around New Madrid Fault Line, They are going to set it off!!
Gene Decode DUMBs - Deep Underground Military Bases - Basic Introduction: The Underground War
Anti Human Death Culture - not for the faint hearted 14 min vid
Plandemic-Fear Is the Virus. Truth Is the Cure - Mikki Willis. book
Toxemia Explained - all disease - live healthy
Home School your kids, keep out of federally controlled schools & their agenda.
> The Oklahoma City Bombing - explained 4 mins (Corbett Report) #Timothy McVeigh
Bill Clinton introduces Anti terrorism legislation shortly after Oklahoma City bombing.
Fiat Everything: When Decree Replaced Reality
Weather - How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium
Exposing the medical industry by honest doctor
The Zionist Occupied Government of Trump 47
Georgia Guide Stones replicated in Japan same latitude. vid
The Real Reason 350 FEMA Trucks Just Showed Up In Michigan Has Everyone Losing It
BlackRock: The Most Shocking Conspiracy You’ve Never Heard of
Hospitals Summerized not concerned with patient 2 min vid
Julian Assange from TeleGram, 11 Nov. 2024:
Governments Admits to Skies Being Sprayed ChemTrails
Emergency Broadcast, EBS World Wide
Data from cancer.org
2019 - 26,660 2020 - 26,500
2021 - 26,510 2022 - 47,000
2023 - 297,000 (and the year is not complete yet !!).
Mark Passio - Interviewed On The Reese Report - 2024-10-27
Leopard Vision, vol.1 - ForeRunner Chronicles 777
Rethinking DNA: Examining the Evidence featuring Dr. Tom Cowan
> JFK Jr. explains how big corporations stole the food markets to their control & profit.
Old World, Tartaria
Max Igan: Tartaria, Mud Floods, Orphan Trains, Foundlings ...
What Is going On In NC, Lithium toxic mud, devestation 10-4-2024
Chemtrails banned: Climate engineering, blocking the Sunlight; the aerial spraying of the toxic chemicals raining down - killing life on earth now banned in Tenn.
Climate Engineering Ban —Tennessee Law: Passed by Governor Lee
1896 Book claims trump to be last President of the Republic of America: The Baron Trump Collection