Current Events    2021-10-26


Reflections - grateful thoughts   

Divine Image Destroyed

The mRNA i vaccine will disrupt our divine connection, in our DNA, to Yahuah, God

The science shows this, the bible foretold this.

Similar but the sound quality is not as good:

Divine Image Destroyed - Christine Beadsworth v2

    Christians will understand this.

PhDs avoid vaccine

2030 UnMasked - For those Preparing for what's Coming After Covid-19 

    Recommended to Read - 2030 UnMasked

The 1918 "Spanish Flu": Only The Vaccinated Died - Sal Martingano
    by Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA

Compensation - Coverage of injuries Resulting from the COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate for Federal Employees.  Any employer, public or private, that mandates a vaccine will be liable for any damage claim.

La Palma Tsunami East Coast, Florida, all underwater 2012 vision Bill Larkin man made

Emergency Alert For La Palma!!!! Extremely Important!!!! This Video Could Save Millions Of Lives

La Palma Predictive Programming From The Game Secret Files 2 Destroying The USA with a Tsunami

A great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: the third part of the ships were destroyed
They want to hit both coasts of America at the same time with title wave !

Psychological tests show people just agree with a group.  They don't stand on what's right.

Discover the Truth About Effective Cancer Therapies