2024-06-19 index New Links
Old World buildings. They still remain today
Old World Order - Hibbeler Productions
See also Michelle Gibson &
My Lunch Break on You Tube & Rumble
Hellstorm US kills Germans after WW II
Government Admits no Pandemic.mht
Bonds for the Win- filing claims
UW-Madison receives $9.5 million Gates Foundation grant
Most People Don't Realize What's Coming in 2025… - YouTube
Revocation of Election - Your Ticket Out of Tax Slavery by Jerry Day step out of income tax
200 Thousand Year Old Technology - Sound Resonance Magnetics The Nature of Reality Michael Tellinger
Remaining artifacts of 10 million stone circle energy sources or communities.
The Downfall of the Dollar and the Global Monetary Transition - LewRockwell
Many lies being posted not for us but for the still asleep
White Hat Military Devolution Plan in Place. Arrest Wars Have Begun - Judy Byington 6/15/24
Bonds for the Win - Filing Claims
Most People Don't Realize What's Coming in 2025 - Craig Bong
Trace Amounts - Autism - cause
The Storm – 11.3 Arrest Wars are Approaching | Q The Storm Rider
Secret war intensifies in anticipation of financial black swan event - Ben Fulford
The Doctor Who Cracked the Secrets of Existence" on YouTube Cymatic frequencies
Is your DNA an EMF antenna in an electromagnetic field?
The Biden Family - Creepy And Weird All The Way Rense.com
Earthing movie - walk earth, regain / maintain health
Supreme Court Rule: State Sponsored Banks Can Disban from Federal Reserve, Issue OWN Money End the Fed
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - Burien gov't agencies mange much unreported funds.
Cape Coral Redevelopment Agency
Lee County, FL Comprehensive Annual Financial Report CAFR1.com &TRFA.us Tax Retirement Fund Association
Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett - Annett is trying to put in prison the Pope & many high officials involved in satanic child abuse, ritual & deaths.
Microplastics found in every sample tested
Prior research has shown that microplastics are nearly everywhere, found on mountaintops, remote islands, in the upper atmosphere and the depths of the world's oceans. They have also been found in every organ in the human body.
The Ultimate Lie - Find your way home - Dr Randy Tent exposing all the lies around us.
The Next Level (2022) - Flat Earth Documentary by Hibbeler Productions
Fluvid-19 ▪ Hibbeler Productions (2022)
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Germs and viruses do not exist!
Dr. Tom Cowan, San Francisco, explains. Please join us,
Jump in at 5 or 20 minutes.
Old World buildings. They still remain today
Old World Order - Hibbeler Productions
See also Michelle Gibson
My Lunch Break on You Tube & Rumble
Truth surrounds us, but we have to search & study.
We cannot rely on our authorities, experts, teachers.
They repeat what they are told to cling to their property, salary, benefits.
Few have the intelligence or courage to investigate.
I’m in full time for 19 years. I’ve convincing materials on 100s of subjects.
You can’t say my materials are false & misleading.
You have to view, consider, investigate to determine truth.
People choose not to investigate as they fear they would lose:
- friends, family, salary, benefit…
I believe what I now believe as an abundance of integrated, physical evidence.
Before I had random unconnected people & events.
Now I see schemes, & extensive, integrated evidence.
I’ve collected 100s of hours of documentaries & books.