Wake Up America

The Alarm Has Sounded ! Your Liberty Is In Danger!

Save Our Country From The Federal Reserve
The IRS & The new World Order

The IRS is lying to You and Stealing from You
IRS Admits Income Tax Is Voluntary
Constitution Prohibits Direct Tax on Individuals
Supreme Court Rules Wages & Salaries Not Taxable

We Can Legally Eliminate Income Tax


Federal Reserve: We fooled you for 80 years. Now we own this country, most of your politicians are working for us.
(Big Banker grabs throat of America)

They are Stealing Your Country

Take it Back !

The ultimate goal of the hew world order is complete control of all the world's population under one. world government, with one world police force under the united nations. one world religion with Lucifer as their god. one world currency to replace the dollar until they can move to a cashless society under the control of the' triumvirate of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bildergergers, all influenced by the freemasons. they control all the world's money, including the federal reserve. Your freedom is in danger if they succeed.

Our freedom as we know it today will be gone forever.

We must not let this happen !

Links to Chapters at side & at bottom

Wake Up America

Save our country from the Federal Reserve,

the Internal Revenue, the New World Order

Emery C. Budd
Copyright 1993
Portions may be copied for the benefit of the American People
Please acknowledge source when copying

Patriot Publishers

2635 NW 13th Street, Suite 061
Gainesville Florida 32609

Table of Contents

The Declaration of Independence                                                1

The Constitution of the United States of America                     4

Must You Pay Income Tax?                                                           23

What Is Income?                                                                              33

The Constitution Prohibits Direct Tax on Individuals                38

The Law that Never Was                                                                40 Power of the Jury

What is FEMA? Federal Emergency Management Agency    47 UCC Connection       

Without Prejudice UCC 1-207 (now 1-308)                                58

The Flaw of the Constitution Two Nations in One                    62

Federal Reserve the Ruination of our County                           7_

Our Flawed Debt Monetary System and Solution                     82

Social Security Largest Economic Fiasco in History                 87

Government Wasteful Spending                                                  104

The Trilateral Commission                                                             114

Council on Foreign Relations                                                       110

The Bilderberger Group                                                                  118

The Clinton Clique, by Larry Abraham                                        135

The World Rule of the Illuminati                                                   139

Freemasons Influence TRC-CFR-Bilderbergers                       140

The Club of Rome                                                                           147

Antichrist King of the Illuminati                                                     150

Federal Emergency Management Agency                                 161

NAFTA North America Free Trade Agreement                          185

Disarming America First Step in Creating New World Order  

Is President George A Crook?                                                      

Operation Vampire 2000                                                               

Colonel "Bo" Gritz


Links to Chapters    - -  ^ top

0 NWO Wake Up America Index

1 The Declaration of Independence

2 Constitution Prohibits Direct Tax on Wages

3 Fully Informed Jury

4 UCC Connection

4 UCC Connection Short.htm

5 Federal Reserve Act

6 Fed Reserve is Privately Owned

7 Government Wasteful Spending

8 World Rule of Illuminati

9 Federal Emergency Management Agency

10 Vampire Killer 2000




Index above to Chapters in htm format for reading in frames from web


Here are Chapters as MS Word Documents in 2 columns

0 NWO Wake Up America Index

1 The Declaration of Independence

2 Constitution Prohibits Direct Tax on Wages

3 Fully Informed Jury


4 UCC Connection

5 Federal Reserve Act

6 Fed Reserve is Privately Owned

7 Government Wasteful Spending

8 World Rule of Illuminati

9 Federal Emergency Management Agency

10 Vampire Killer 2000