Court case makes money for the court


Another reason to stay out of court !

The Court Registry Investment System (CRIS)

It's the same for criminal cases too

Every Court case makes money for the court through Federal Reserve
by Michael James Anthony
Is there no end to the unjust enrichment? New concepts: "To the credit of the court" and "deposit into the court's registry" made through "depositories authorized to accept deposits on behalf of the Treasury Department of the United States." Each case has its own account! And the clerk is the "custodian of the account!" Gives new meaning to the phrase "the business of the court!" It ain't justice that's for sure.
Here you go! Columns and tables tell the story of the "CRIS" - Court Registry Investment System! It's a frikkin' money machine!
See attachment and search results below. It is frighteningly real!
Legalized plunder! And this isn't a conflict of interest and a financial interest how? Do you think they are paying any taxes on the "total aggregate income received" or the "income earned?"
Rhetorical question.
registry investment system" 2,690 results!
Google Search Link
(if above link does not produce a search, just Google the phrase above in quotes) Text from first link from New Hampshire US District Court Local Rules!

67.2 Deposit of Registry Funds Into Interest-Bearing Account a. Receipt of Funds.

  1. Unless an applicable statute requires the deposit of funds without leave of court, no funds governed by Fed. R. Civ. P. 67 shall be tendered to the court or the clerk's office for deposit into the court's registry absent court order signed by a judge.
  2. All funds received by the court or the clerk's office for any case pending or in the process of adjudication shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States, in the name and to the credit of this court, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2041. Such deposits shall be made through depositories authorized to accept deposits on behalf of the Treasury Department of the United States.
  3. The party making the deposit or transferring funds to the court's registry shall serve the order permitting the deposit or transfer on the clerk of court or, in the clerk's absence, upon the chief deputy clerk or financial administrator.
  4. The procedures for the receipt and handling by the clerk of any funds deposited with the court shall not be waived except by order of the court. Any such order submitted for the court's consideration must reflect the clerk's signature.

b. Investment of Registry Funds. A motion and a proposed order setting forth the manner in which the funds will be deposited in an interest-bearing account or invested in an interest-bearing instrument must be submitted prior to the tender of such funds to the court.
1. Court Registry Investment System.
A. Unless otherwise ordered, the Court Registry Investment System