5 Stage Society Collapse


We are all called to do something. You have a role, I have a role. I was called to feed the patriots during the coming difficult times. I grow most of my own food and harvest 20% of the seeds for resale. I package these seeds myself on my dining room table deep in the woods of southeastern Kansas where I have built a self-sufficient homestead. I invented the water filter system and the gardening method that I have added to this kit. You must have both. Now, let me explain something that you will agree with, but have never thought about...

Civilization will collapse in a 5 stage event just as I've outlined here. Although it can be put on fast track by a pandemic, an impending asteroid, world war, civil war, or terrorism, what follows is what will essentially happen. In realizing how the collapse will happen, you will understand how important it is to have heirloom vegetable garden seeds ready to plant.

STAGE 1. As long as the economy is thriving and you have freedom and are not over taxed, life can be good.
Here are your most important assets today:
Savings     Career
Health Insurance       Home Value
Automobile Image
Credit Rating for Debt Accumulation

STAGE 2. The economy goes into a prolonged decline, which we have been experiencing for the past 7 years.
Here will be your most important assets:
Precious Metals, which you might want to sell now
Elimination of debt
Job Stability
Health Insurance
Home Equity
Automobile with good MPG

STAGE 3. ….

STAGE 5. War between freedom fighters and government forces break out nationwide, and starvation becomes common. Government offers food and water and shelter in exchange for chip implantation and enslavement.
Here will be your most important assets:
1. Survival skills
2. * My patriot gardening method so your food will never be stolen
3. * My homemade water filter system so you will never be thirsty
4. * My heirloom seeds for long term food and barter
5. Guns and the ability to use them
6. Survival dog
7. Willpower

As you can see, priorities change as the world changes. Your most prized assets- home and good credit and car and job and health care are no longer important!!!!! your indecision today WILL DETERMINE THE magnitude of your suffering TOMORROW