Creator Controls Created

Name in All CAPS ? What’s with your Birth Certificate (registration) ?


The more you study, the world turns upside down.


Most Americans are not subject to federal laws, that only control those living and working in federal districts; Washington D. C, Puerto Rico, Guan, Virginia Islands, federal docks, prisons, courthouses. ...


Proved with laws listed below.

David E. Robinson, like many authors, researchers makes all this very clear,


Your names in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is used by

government (city, state, federal), banks (loans, credit cards) & utility companies .


The Birth Certificate act, a federal law, was passed in 1921,

.    but was thrown out in 1922 by the Supreme Court.

The federal government does not have rights as provided

.    only to the states in the 10th amendment.


Birth Certificates – the evolution of that law 

(Elden contends reading is more efficient then watching video below.)

.    Birth_Certificate_-_All_Capital_Names


Of course, in the end, it is all about money & power.


Name in All CAPS ? What’s with the Birth Certificate ?


Your names in upper & lower case is who you are, John Doe, or Jane Doe

You are not JOHN DOE, but if you accept that you are JOHN DOE,

then you have obligations to the federal government. You lose rights.


The federal government can only control things they create: the District of Columbia, & federal territories, that they bought – Guam, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico

but if you permit them to rule you, they gladly will rule you.


To read, understand and act lawfully,

gives you rights & freedoms that most surrender, because they do not know.


Read & know the constitutions (your state & the US Const.)

to know and preserve your rights & liberties, else they will be assumed to be abandoned.


As explained on the video:

God created the universe, earth, land, man. and controls him.

We, man, have sovereign rights over all – land, earth, property.


Man created state government, then federal government.

Man has rights over all government,

States have rights over federal government.


Federal government created Dist. of Columbia., and federal citizens, 14th amendment, names in all capital letter and has control over them. JOHN DOE


The federal government did not create you and me and has no power over John Doe.


What creates controls.  Parent creates child.  What is created is subservient to.

We are subservient to God, but not to government.

Government is subservient to We the People,

Gov. controls over gov. property, territories, and their federal citizens, 14th amendment JOHN DOE citizens, of the United States (which is the incorporated federal gov. of Dist. of Columbia only,

not the sovereign state in the united States of America. 


US Tax code specifically defines the United States as the Dist. of Columbia, and the federal territories.  Internet search “Federal Zone” to see the findings of Supreme Law in California on the limits of the Federal Zones, zip codes, 2 letter stat abbreviations.


Words, names, spelling are very specific as defined in the law itself.

Common English usage is not relevant in law,

only the terms defined in the laws & contract.


Assumption is why many fall to be subervient

to things that have no power over them.



Subject: Who are you ? on video


Who are you ? – as I was saying last night

Understanding the fiction of your name in capital letters.


I placed articles at  see Birth Certificates

An excellent source on all this is

David Everett Robinson discusses this in 1 or more books.      book is about $ 20, or view mine


Your world is as big as your curiosity, your understanding.


Most huddle together (beat down by media & government),

but with knowledge, you defeat fear

and step to higher control, freedom, authority.


It is real, when you choose to consider, understand, grasp and act on it.

It is not well know, nor widely known, and ignored or debunked

by those who wish to control you or those who are afraid to think & act.


I believe we should reach for our freedom, not cower in imagined fear.


These classes of organizations refer to your fiction in capital letters:

Government (fed. State, city, ..)  banks, utility companies.


WV is not the same as West Virginia

JOHN DOE is not the same as John Doe


Your power is in your knowledge.

Cowering to assumption and presumption is where & how you lose your power.