Oil Rising (video documentary title)

related to book -
The Energy Non-Crisis by Lindsey Williams



Here is a part of his index, you can read from the web.

He, the governor of Alaska and many geologist find there is an incredible amount of oil in Alaska, ready to tap, but sealed by the control of the government.


View the one chapter below in red to see the magnitude of the available oil, rivaling the fields in Saudi Arabia.  I know that you and most people did not know this.  Nor did I when I listened to main stream.  We have found reliable, accurate, diverse and better sources of information.  You can too, when you look. 


Chapter I         The Great Oil Deception

Chapter 2       Establishing Credibility

Chapter 3       Shut Down That Pipeline

Chapter 4       An Important Visit by Senator Hugh Chance

Chapter 5       Amazing Facts About the Oil Fields

Chapter 6       The Workings of An Oil Field

Chapter 7       Toilet Paper Holder for Sale Cheap—Only $375.00!

Chapter 8       Want Some Falcons? just Two Million Dollars... A Pair!

Chapter 9       How About An Outhouse for $10,000 (Extra for the Mercedes Engine, of Course!)

Chapter I0      One Law for the Rich, Another for the Poor

Chapter 11     The Barges Froze and Cracked and Popped

Chapter 12     Those Welds Are Not Faulty!

Chapter 13     Why Are These Arabs Here?

Chapter 14     The Plan to Nationalize the Oil Companies

Chapter 15     Waiting for a Huge New Oil Field

Chapter 16     Gull Island Will Blow Your Mind!

Chapter 17    If Gull Island Didn't Blow Your Mind—This Will!

Chapter 18     The Oil Flows—Now the Tactics Change

Chapter 19     The Energy Non-Crisis of Natural Gas: A Startling Prediction Comes True

Chapter 20     A Scandal Greater Than Watergate?

Recent news also showed Montana area find of oil
give US 10 times the reserves they currently have.


We collect hard facts on the new free energy systems, implosions, inventors and the working models and more, like thru physicist Bearden,.  I can give or show you hard evidence of a world few have even imagined.  It is in place now, with numerous reports from diverse participants.  I gather and focus information to make it easier for others to see what the main stream intentionally did not report.  I am sad for those who are injured, killed, or suppressed, they offer such incredible and wonderful news.


We are deceived as we are lazy to read, think consider.

We will be oppressed until the point that we resist the oppression.