
My preliminary conclusion is that the "number" has been corrupted by false presumptions based on our ineptness at self-governance. So in order to "restructure" the number to operate correctly in "republic" one needs to "invest" in becoming foreign to USA inc. and use their baptized "unmolested" name to obtain a non-withholding grantors trust number from the "number issuers". The foreign entity may then "capture" the "descendant" number under a new Estate number and notice the fed, treasury, and others of the new "owners". 
I have done all the above and i am working on such notices.   

see more here:    - rh

The GoldFish Report No. 112 Guest Kenneth Scott Discusses "Status Correction"  On The GoldFish Report No. 112 Guest kenneth scott, Overseer from Gemstone University joins the GoldFish Team Steve, Louisa and, systems researcher, Martin t...

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