-hp- Truth Seekers - - the Quest ... www.abodia.com/t
Wake Up - Truth Surround us. Research by Ted Elden, Public Speaker, Architect, ret. computer guru People Comments CMU

  www https://www.abodia.com

Banks & Loans- deception     RSVP    05/03/2024

Questions for Banks    Close Credit Card Debt

Expose Bank Fraud    Get out of Debt

Top Ten Things the Banks don't want known

Good source info at www.Real-Debt-Elimination.com

10 things Courts don't want known

10 things FBI agents don't what known

Police Defenses

New Web Sites:  UCC  Law   Court - ref. materials

Learn to be a Sovereign, above any lawyer, judge, court, above any law (stature) city / county, state / federal government.
Recent attendees: Ted, Tannette, Dan, Dr. F, Bev,  Joe & Peggy, Russ, Fannie, Jennie, Sandy, Charlie, Dar.. Dan, George, Mel, Jim, Glenn, Tom P, Tom, Alice,

Claiming Your Rights     9-11       FEMA Camps      ChemTrails      US to cede Sovereignty      Vaccines !
Most people are comfortable in what they know, isolated from the truth. 
They don't want to change.  They believe their news, and avoid uncomfortable reports & truths.
While they live in denial, many of our freedoms are quickly disappearing.  Wake Up America !  Educate Yourself !