Achieving Happiness- Archapulco.

Anvil Gupta - happiness.

Participate. .

Some seek happiness, that's external.

Seek fulfillment, that's internal.

Fulfillment = GQ.

1 G You must GIVE time, energy, love, your gift, & money.

2 G Be GRATEFUL for what you have.

Be thankful to have your hands.

Do 5 random acts of kindness daily.

3 G You have to GROW.

Grow emotional, physically, spiritually mentally.

Motivation is external, inspiration is internal.

You have to be grateful for what you have.

Don't think happiness is a fantasy.

People remember how you make them feel.

Be grateful for what you have.

If any time one of your Gs is low.

Work on lowest G.

Everything rises.

Awareness gives you clarity, clarity gives you focus, ... action, ... results, ... momentum then to everything.

Awareness is the master discipline .

You cannot be joyful, happy, successful without awareness.

If you change the definition of the word you change your life.

Success is making progress.

Keep your life simple.

The less attachments you have, the better the quality of your life.

The less rules that you have, the better the quality of your life.

Forgiveness is the express pathway to freedom.

The quality of your life is dependent upon the depth and authenticity of the forgiveness you give to yourself and to others.

in the moment you give there is no pain or suffering.

The secret to living is giving.

The decisions you make today determine your destiny.

What changes would you make?.

Compound happiness, give more daily.

A small change will create a big change.

We love to be comfortable.

The biggest growth comes from being uncomfortable.

Consider your kids or your friends. What is your greatest gift? Money, love, freedom?.

Throw adversity at them.  Teach them how to handle life.

As in nature, the parents push the children into the reality around them.

A big mistake for married people is they make the child a number one priority.

Make your partner your number one priority. The child will see and copy that behavior.

Lead by example.

Today is the day, it is my life, .

Choose how to run and live your life.

I choose freedom, peace, tranquility.

Today is the day, I love me.

I am here to make a difference.

It is not about me, it's about the difference I make.

Inhale the joy, exhale the frustration or anxiety.

Remember the great times of your life, .

We do things for a feeling, we can make the feeling anytime. .

We love to be right, and in doing so we sabotage relationships.

When something happens, we try to extract meaning from it. .

If you call some one and don't reach them, you suppose that is something negative coming from them to you.

All you know is she did not return your call. All else is imagined.

Some one may reject you or your offer, but be aware to discern what is coming to you.

Awareness gives you clarity, gives you focus, .

Decide today.

A small change can make a big change.

Always say yes and find a way to do it.

Magical things will happen. .

Be so great that you cannot be ignored.

And if you are ignored, it doesn't matter.

Forgiveness is not about the other person winning, it is about you winning. .

It will give you freedom & peace .

It is time to let go.

What other people think of you is none of your business.

Men want to be respected.

Women want to be loved.

What can I do to make you feel more loved?.

Shut up. Pay attention. Listen.

It is not what you say, it is how you say it.

Thanks for being with me, trusting & having faith in me.

For giving me courage to serve others.

Be kinder in our thoughts. We are what we think. We are what we say, we are what we eat.

We are who we hang around with.

Change your friends, change your life.

Knowledge is not power unless you implement. Possibly with kindness.

Be insatiable, step up.

It is your life.  Show up.

It is not a dress rehearsal.

If you are in adversity; .

Adversity is your friend.

It is not what happens.

It shapes who you become.

What is your lost G ?.

Smile more, chill, don't be offended.

Spend time with people you love.

As you grow older, time becomes more valuable.

Be silent 1 minute.

Be aware of the thoughts pouring thru your mind.

Face book: AmilGuta Immediate Happiness.

Linked in, or Instagram: Immediate Happiness.

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Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the homeless swamps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul parish in lonely frustration for the life you deserve and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be one.

It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours.

Ayn Rand.