Anarchapulco notes Partners with Anarchapulco

Anarchapulco is excited to announce that will be the title sponsor for Anarchapulco 2019, the world’s premiere Liberty event for voluntaryist thinkers and activists held annually in Acapulco, Mexico February 14-17, 2019.

The principle tenant of Anarchapulco is everyone is responsible for themselves and that every relationship is based on voluntary participation rather than through forced servitude or coercion. Anarchapulco 2019 will feature over 150 speakers with keynotes from Dr. Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Doug Casey, David Icke and Cynthia McKinney on topics from financial freedom to physical freedom. is the premier source for everything Bitcoin related; from your personalized wallet to purchasing and selling bitcoin and bitcoin cash to the latest news in the crypto world. was started in 2015 by visionary entrepreneur Roger Ver, a fervent believer in the use of decentralized technology (blockchain) to create market-based centralization solutions for a more free world.

Ver has said “For the first time in human history, anyone can send or receive any amount of money with anyone else, anywhere on the planet, conveniently and without restriction. Bitcoin Cash and digital currencies are the best tools the world has ever seen to accomplish a better, more free world. Anarchapulco is where you can experience that free world today.”

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Anarchapulco and Candles in the Dark with Larken Rose and Amanda Rachwitz!

Anarchapulco community producer, Dayna Martin interviews Larken Rose and Amanda Rachwitz about Anarchapulco and their Candles in the Dark Seminar that they will be hosting February 12th and 13th at Anarchapulco.

The Candles In The Dark seminar is a 2-day crash course designed to teach Voluntaryists how to be far more effective at speaking to the statists in their lives in order to help them escape the authoritarian indoctrination they were taught. Reserve your spot below!

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Larken Rose Joins the Main Stage

Anarchapulco is excited to announce that Larken Rose will be joining us on the Main Stage as well as hosting with his famous workshop, CANDLES IN THE DARK with co-host Amanda Rachwitz!

Larken is the author of several books—including "The Most Dangerous Superstition" and the novel, "The Iron Web".  He has been an outspoken advocate of the principles of self-ownership, non-aggression and a stateless society for over two decades, producing many hundreds of articles and videos, including "If You Were King," "The Tiny Dot," "The Jones Plantation," and "It Can’t Happen Here!

Larken will also be hosting with his famous workshop, CANDLES IN THE DARK with co-host Amanda Rachwitz.

"Candles In The Dark" is a 2-day crash course designed to teach Voluntaryists how to be far more effective at speaking to the statists in their lives in order to help them escape the authoritarian indoctrination they were taught.

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How To Experience The World's Premier Liberty Event

As far back as you can remember, the “anarchy” label has been used to stigmatize a world without rulers---as a world without rules.

For the average person, images of burning buildings and masked rioters may still come to mind when the term “anarchism” is uttered.

But as you’ve come to understand, nothing could be further from the truth, and anarchy is really just another word for liberty.

People spontaneously organize every day without the need for Big Brother breathing down our necks---and few events could be a greater testament to the power of self-ownership than Anarchapulco.

As if by an unseen hand, every year the pieces come together for the most remarkable gathering of freethinkers---voluntarily assembling on the beaches of Acapulco, Mexico for four days of fun and freedom that only the most passionate libertarians know how to have!  And we want to encourage you to bring your spouse (get a couple’s add-on), your kids (children under 18 are free!) and friends!

The struggle is real, we totally understand. Getting red-pilled can be a grueling journey of intellectual study and awakening, but eventually it’s time to put theory to practice---and this is what Anarchapulco is all about: experiencing freedom, practicing self-ownership, living life unchained.

So while we’ve got the most incredible lineup of thought leaders to feed your mind---including Ron Paul, Andrew Napolitano, David Icke, and many more---no vacation is complete without some bonding and relaxation, and this year’s Anarchapulco will be unlike any we’ve had before.

To start, we’ve reserved the entire hotel to ourselves. That’s right: the gorgeous Princess Mundo Imperial will be ours to take over, and take over we will!

Whereas we’d normally be restricted by the presence of non-attendees, this year we have unlimited freedom to customize Anarchapulco to an experience like none other.

Aside from the incredible speakers and numerous events scheduled, we’re also providing a wide variety of enriching workshops and activities.

Anarchapulco 2019 will have it all---from entrepreneurship, investments, and politics, to philosophy, health, and sustainability---for four days among the sun and beaches of a world-class resort.

Looking for a wild, spontaneous time? We’ve got you covered with access to sports, games, and even an underground nightclub to indulge.

Seeking mindfulness? Enjoy group yoga, meditation, natural medicines, and much more.

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Living the Change With Luke Rudkowski

Luke Rudkowski is back with Change Media University 2.0 - LIVING THE CHANGE.

"Travel hacking, changing the world, doing what you love, living a happy and fulfilled life are all the things I do NOT guarantee for you! BUT, it's something I have my self and want to share how I got it plus give you a couple tricks on how to get it." - Luke Rudkowski,

Pioneer in independent media and activism since 2006 Luke Rudkowski continues to free minds around the world through information and action.

An adventurous travel hacker using a shoestring budget, he has traveled the world in pursuit of forbidden information, often in the face of danger. He has also traveled to some of the most stunning places on the planet, many of which are popular expat areas.

Throughout the years Luke has built relationships throughout the crypto and alternative media by doing groundbreaking investigative journalism, advocating cryptocurrency since 2012, and continuing to be a prominent anti-war voice.

A man who believes there is too much government, too many taxes and not enough freedom, Luke has fearlessly confronted establishment politicians, policymakers, oligarchs, and mainstream media puppets alike while being endorsed by numerous celebrities and experts.

You can always find Luke in the middle of large-scale events all around the world giving you a non-partisan perspective of the madness

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Wellbeing Is The Enemy Of The State

What is wellbeing? As I sit and ponder this question, many words come to mind to describe what wellbeing means to me. Contentment. Peace. Vitality. Feeling good. Accepting. Non-resistance. These words convey the overall meaning of wellbeing and the basic human energy and emotions that should be our default state. However, where many of us live in a culture of fear, dishonesty, negative intentions and control, being in the state of wellbeing sadly isn’t our default and never has been. It may not even be a state that many can be in for very long without slipping back into unhealthy patterns of living. We at Anarchapulco think that we should be part of our mission to help facilitate our community to get back into that stage that was robbed of us so long ago - Wellbeing.

The Health and Wellness Center at Anarchapulco this year will help bring people back into alignment with their true selves, buried beneath the conditioning. Wellbeing is the state at which all inspiration that changes the world truly grows. When we are in a state of wellbeing, we have balance. It’s a focused tightrope walk to get to that place of acceptance of what is in order to operate from a state of inspired creation and give of yourself to others with your purpose on the forefront. When we are in a state of Being that is suffering or victimizing we are very self-focused and unable to evolve and heal. We hurt and everything we do is an extension of that pain.  We unintentionally send out a plea to the world to be heard and soothed and supported, but because of the way our culture treats children, many of us have never learned the proper skills, help or facilitation for our unique path to wellbeing and wholeness.

These tools for expansion are essential on the path to helping shift the world towards more peace, love, and compassion. The only way to truly fulfill our life’s purpose is to first discover the broken pieces within ourselves. We need to completely fall apart before we can reassemble the pieces in the way they were meant to be put together to form a whole, loving, connected human that feels Oneness with all living things. The Health and Wellness portion of Anarchapulco is designed with this overall intention in mind. Most of us know that fear, lies, and manipulation are used to control people in our culture and most turn to “experts” to diagnose and drug us into a state of unwellness that eventually becomes our identity.  What few in our culture realize is that this is all intentionally done to us with full-knowing that we will become crippled and dependent on the government to more easily control us. Wellbeing is the enemy of the State. Empowered, whole people are harder to control. There is very little in modern medicine that is set to truly help us. The intent in treatments today are centered around money and power and there are rare exceptions.

This is why Unchaining your Health and Wellbeing is so important for us to bring to you this year in new and radical ways. This year we will have a speakers stage where you can hear the latest tools for holistic and natural ways of living in alignment with your purpose and your true self. We will have the most inspirational voices on the topics of wellness, longevity, nutrition, alternative treatments, tantra, yoga, exercise, essential oils, plant medicine, breath-work, and much, much more! Empowering our community to take full responsibility for their health and wellbeing is something we are taking seriously because this is more than just a “hippie” or “new-age” way to walk through life. Your wellbeing is being pulled to the forefront of necessity at this time in human history, no matter how you choose to label yourself.  You need to understand that those in power do not care about your wellbeing and if you give yourself over to our current cult-ure to care for, you will die young, suffering, victimized, used, abused and discarded before you even have a chance to step up and Own Yourself.

In the Health and Wellness Center, we will have a Wellness Lounge. In this space, there will be some exciting modes of healing and connection with others! It will be a space of spontaneous communication and discussion with a relaxing and uplifting atmosphere.  We will have healing juices, along with many other delicious and healthy treatments to be experienced in a social setting. Building a community is essential to the growth of our movement. Our intention to facilitate this has unfolded in ways that we could have never imagined in the initial planning of the event but has bloomed organically and from a place of pure love and desire to show our community what is possible for self-care and wellness. We look forward to the collective intentions of all of you to bring about enormous change in how we experience, “Wellbeing".

The time is NOW to empower our community to take their wellbeing into their own hands. With the tools, education, and support we are offering this year at Anarchapulco, you will add a richness and potency to your life that you’ve never experienced before. You will leave a stronger, more capable person who takes full responsibility for their life with a community of aware and empowered people behind you, holding you up, showing you how to own your Wellbeing and make lasting changes in your life! We look so forward to connecting with all of you and bringing our community together in a space of joy and anticipation for all that we may create together. The Health and Wellness Center will be a space of pure power and buzzing excitement. Potentiality of the human experience will be amplified and you will look into the eyes of your future selves through the eyes of others who you are inspired by. Every single year you will return a healthier, more awake person and it all begins in the center of your wellbeing. We can’t wait to meet you there!

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Plant Medicine with Lila Vega

Lila Vega. Lila is a sacred shaman of plant medicines who will be with us this year, yet again. This time, however, his offerings are like never before!

This year, Lila is offering much more than he ever has before! He will be offering not only ayahuasca - but also, peyote and 5-MeO-DMT! These medicines are becoming more respected and valued as our awareness of their power is being taken more seriously and their benefits discovered. The purpose of these medicines is to facilitate the raising of consciousness, healing from trauma, releasing the ego and the feeling a oneness with the Universe. These medicines shouldn't be taken lightly - these are the real deal! They are incredible, sacred offerings with a rich history and power behind them.

Lila explained how vital the lineage behind the shaman offering the ceremonies indeed is. He, himself, has been a medicine man since the age of fourteen years old after being hit by lightning and discovering a great gift and role that he had within his tribe. When I asked him how many times he had experienced these medicines, he chuckled and said, “People who ask that question, don’t understand the medicine.” I concluded that he had released ego long ago and he was genuinely embodying what these medicines are all about. It was the first time I had actually considered taking part in a ceremony.

When Lila told me that he was bringing the leaders from three different tribes with him to assist in the ceremonies, I thought I had misheard him. I could not believe that he was coordinating all that he was for us! I am happy to share that we will have among us, three leaders who are incredibly important to their tribes, with us for the entire event. They will be offering their teachings and energy for us all to learn from and connect. What an incredible opportunity! We are honored to welcome them and bring them into our Tribe with love and appreciation.

Hearing that these tribal leaders and elders would be present to support those partaking in these healing medicines, my heart and soul are at ease. Being the official, “den mother” of Anarchapulco, I tend to look through the lenses of nurturing and mothering, everyone. I want to make sure those in our community are safe, taken care of and supported during every experience that we are offering this year. After a discussion with Lila, I felt so at peace and joyful with the seriousness and care that he insists upon by bringing the best support people in the world with him. With his lineage, experience and supportive tribes-people behind him, this is going to be an opportunity of a lifetime to be able to take part in any of these plant medicine experiences with this true Healer and Shamanic tribe.

These ceremonies are going to sell out quickly! Space is limited due to the nature of the growing desire for these plant medicines. Do your research! Read more about Ayahuasca, Peyote, and 5-MeO-DMT. If you are interested in taking part in any of these experiences, be aware that you will need to act quickly when the tickets go on sale! We apologize in advance for limited space, but we have to respect the medicine and how the ceremonies will be led with small groups.

We want to thank Lila for all that he is offering this year at Anarchapulco 2019! His desire to hold space for us is humbling, and we are beyond grateful for what he is working hard to create. For all of you who are interested in taking part - stay tuned! We can’t wait to reserve you a ticket to the most significant and most potent plant medicine experience that Anarchapulco has had to date!

“You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.” Terence McKenna

Peace, Love and Anarchy,

Dayna Martin has been inspiring others for over a decade by sharing her experience through natural birth, attachment/peaceful parenting and Radical Unschooling. She is an activist, educator and author of, Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun, and her newest book, Freeborn: The Thinking Women's Guide to Birthing Outside the Matrix.

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Expression: Why All Artists are Anarchists

When most of us were children, we were told that only certain subjects that others deemed important were of value. In school we learned that art, music, dance, theater and other creative pursuits were not something to take seriously. The way art and music were taught to us limited our creative expression. We had to do what we were told, and create in the mediums that we were told to. We had to sing the national anthem and other patriotic songs in music class, or be punished. It is stunningly obvious that the agenda was never to inspire our creativity, but to learn to worship the State.

Music and art were tools to deepen our subservience in school, yet free, creative expression was seen as frivolous and unproductive in the eyes of traditional education and government. Most of us came away damaged from that experience, thinking we were not creative because we were constantly judged, compared and penalized for creating outside the imposed lines.

In reality, creativity is threatening to those who wish to rule us. Creative expression has been shown to heal past trauma and to help us form a positive, confident personal identity. Playing music, singing and dancing have been shown to boost psychological well-being, improve cognitive functioning and decrease depression. Artistic expression in various forms has even been shown to improve our immune system. These benefits are bad news for a society that benefits from keeping us sick, stupid, sad and scared.

All Artist are Anarchist.

George Bernard Shaw

In short, creativity assists in an individual's ability to escape the Matrix. It wakes up parts of our brains that have been slowly conditioned to take orders and silence our intuition. For these reasons, we are offering many outlets for creative expression at Anarchapulco 2019. Our Creative Rebel Center will feature four spaces to explore your creative side. We hope to further awaken and ready your mind for deep and powerful learning at the event.

Our creativity spaces will feature inspirational talks from artists who have walked their own paths to freedom, despite society trying to hold them back in their purpose. We will have hands-on artistic experiences where you can learn to paint, use pastels, clay and other mediums of self-expression. There will even be some local artists sharing Mexican crafts for you to make yourself. In our creativity space we will also have musical instruments available for impromptu jam sessions. Poetry and writing workshops will be offered as well.

In our Creative Nutrition space, we will have ways to upgrade your awareness about real foods and you will see chefs and food enthusiasts playing with food in friendly competitions and presentations. In the Revolution Tattoo Studio you can adorn your body and celebrate your individuality. On the patio of the Creative Rebel Center, there will be collaborative art pieces and that will evolve every day of the event to express our collective consciousness and intention for freedom, as a whole. I can’t wait to see what we create together!

Throughout the property of the Princess Resort, we will have various artistic spaces and expressions. In order for these spaces and experiences to be the best that they can be, we need you! We still have a few spaces to offer the artists in our community to help create art installations representing freedom, peace and unchaining life. Please reach out to me and let me know if you’d like to be considered to create a unique piece of art and be seen by 3,000+ anarchists who will get to know you and your work. The spaces are limited and will fill up quickly, so connect with me HERE as soon as you can!

Creative performers and dancers will contribute to our festival component of the event this year. We’d like to invite our Tribe to participate if you have crazy or creative talents that you’d like to share. Our hope is to have our community build this activation together to deepen our experience and strengthen the integrity of the event as a whole.

Some types of performers we are looking for:

- Drummers for our drum circles

- Fire twirlers and fire dancers

- Hoopers

- Acrobats

- Magicians

- Stilt walkers

- Illusionists

- Festival performers with various talents

What we are taking on this year is an enormous endeavour! We know that our Anarchapulco community has many talents, passions and inner-purpose as pioneers on the forefront of positive change. It’s hard to believe that in only four short months, 3,000 of the most influential people on the planet will be together, co-creating the most dynamic consciousness-raising freedom event that the world has ever seen.

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Unchain Yourself from Childhood Trauma

How the Free Your Family Camp Can Start a Revolution!

Most people are familiar with physical abuse and emotional abuse. Many of us lived with that growing up often times slipping into unhealthy relationships which were much the same as adults. Another form of abuse is control and behavior modification – the primary tools in dealing with children in our culture today. Becoming aware of this is of great importance. Children are next on the human rights agenda for us to shift the world towards more peace and freedom.

As adults, we relive the patterns we once lived as children. We become either oppressors because of what was modeled to us, or we stay victims of control and abuse. It is rare that people get out of this way of being in their lifetime, but I’ve come to realize that the only way in which the world is going to shift towards more peace and compassion, is to reawaken the empathy and compassion that was robbed of us as children. Almost all of us were born with the tools to empathize and be compassionate people. It’s the natural state in which humans are supposed to live together.

Controlling another is a form of human engineering in which they are trained to obey above all else. This is a narcissistic approach with no regard to what damage this may cause in the child. Control, manipulation, and coercion are practices that warp the human condition. This abuse is so widely accepted that over the years, as I’ve advocated for peaceful parenting and letting go of these destructive ways of being with children, I’ve been told that I am, “abusing my children and doing them a huge disservice by not controlling them.” I’ve come to learn that most people feel this way because as we were being controlled, punished, shamed, coerced and manipulated as children themselves.

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