Stones notes - son to Irving Stone ?

Director/ producer of JFK film showing Oswald could not have killed JFK Kennedy

Conspiracy Theory
Operating Mocking Bird
400 journalist on CIA payroll
Media consolidated
1993 90 media corps
2011 6 media corps own others
Alternative sources, history
New World Order by Stone
British Empire ended 1920
Swiss Federal Institute, 140 companies control 40% of world assets.
8 people hold 1/2 the wealth of the world.
1960 33 times richer than world.
1990 133 times
Cecil Rhodes, started Round of Table,
Council of Foreign Relations.
WW I Prolonging the Agony by MacGregor
Open Conspiracy by H G Wells

1963 JFK sought joint space exploration with Russia.
Everything around us is manifest of what we think.
Media wants us to live in fear.
We can and should live in:
    Abundance & Joy !

Breath medicine.