-hp- Truth Seekers - - the Claim ... www.abodia.com/t  4 July /2013
Wake Up - Truth Surround us. Research by Ted Elden, Public Speaker, Architect, ret. computer guru

The world is very different then main steam news and government tells us.   visitors

      Help - Truth Seekers                      www.abodia.com/z        www.abodia.com/help

Let's help each other, sharing our talents, interest resources.

I know we all have skills, opportunities, and we all are compromised with handicaps.

Here are a few of my handicaps.

- the postmaster will not deliver any mail in my area with my name on it, nor can I have mail sent to a friend's home.

- post master won't let me pick up mail at the post office either.

I have little money.

I gladly accept donations. $ 5, $ 10, anything.

A simple thing to do is to give me US Postage Stamps, in Forever denominations.

I have 100s and 100s of 2, 3, & 4 cent stamps.

I like it when other people also read & try to understand laws, codes, info that we get from various sources like the internet.

Reading graphic files, like photos and or pdfs is difficult. You can't search for text or word on them, nor can you copy words or paragraphs to put in your own documents.

I have converted 1,000s and 1,000s of documents from pdf, or photos of pages of books, to easy to read MW Word or even text files.

I have software that does this. The software does most of the work, but I have to spell check, show which paragraphs to read first, show how the page is divided into columns, etc.

I have the software that can convert 1 to100s of pages to MS word, but I have to spend hours and hours to make the conversion.

Certainly it is easier then just typing the words from scratch.

I would like money or stamps or any support for the huge conversions I am making.

I may get some high school or college kids to help me, but they want a reward, a benefit, like money.

I don't hire them, nor pay them. We find a way of mutual exchange where they donate their time, and I donate something of value or something that they want.

 I have 1/2 million files on my hard drive, which I can burn or copy to external hard drives, CD/ DVD disc, digital thumb drives or chips.

I have copied and shared much like this, but other people have not sent my chips or thumb drives on to other people to also share the info.  They did not return those things to me when I had a mailing location.

Now I do not know anyone who would even offer an address that others might return things to them.

I spend several hundred dollars getting chips, thumb drives and a portable hard drive to share things with others, but those who received them have not loaned them to other people nor returned them to me.


Making DVD data discs is a solution but they cost more to mail and are more fragile then mailing a 16 or 32 Gyga Byte chip.

Those who receive the chip need to have a slot in their computer or device or get a card reader that connects to their computer via USB cable so they can see, read, copy things from the chip.

Ideally, those who receive a chip from me should copy them to anything they retain, like their own hard drive and or a thumb drive or external hard drive, then send the chip back to me or to someone else.

I have often sent a copy of Total Commander on chips, or DVD discs.  You can also download that free program from the internet.

If you do not have or use Total Commander or a file management program, then I do not know any easy way that you can see, find, read things on the chip or copy from the chip.

I have sent mp3 players to many people to allow them to listen to audios and even videos when they drive to work, garden, take a walk.  Again using Total Commander makes it easy to see what is on the mp3 player and or to find & copy new audios to the mp3 player to listen to.

I spend huge time trying to teach people simple technologies to enable them to read, consider, learn from the huge libraries that I have.

Yes, some people like to have things printed to read, study, or have books to mark up.

That is fine. If you have money, go buy them.

I am doing huge things that take huge time from me, but do not cost much and or do not use the resources of others.

I also have had 10 to 20 - 7" tablets on which you or I can put : 1000 books, 20 audios, or 3 videos that you can watch on the generic tablet.  They cost $ 50 to $ 150.

If you have or buy an iPad, Kindle, Nook, then I don't know how to get my materials to that device, as they are proprietary.

I do not desire to put some of my materials on the internet nor send by e-mail, mainly because the files are very large.

I hope, pray, seek anyone to come to understand what I have and how I work, so they can use the resources I collect to enable and empower them.

I prefer to teach several people at once, and hope they can talk to, support and help each other.

I have told 100s of people to get and use Total Commander, as 40+ million have gone to that web site to download it.

It complete changes your relation to your computer or any device and your access to files.

I have 1/2 million files on my computer, and I can find things in a few seconds.

I do not know the names of the files nor the folders or locations of the files, but I can find what I need to read or share with others who could use those resources.

Please help me.

There are many ways that others could help me.

Many people just list what they can't do. I can't mail anything, I can't read a chip, etc.

I want to know what you can, and what you will do.

1/3 million have come thru my web sites, but only about 40 people have actually called me.

I regularly communicate with 100 to 500 people, often sending 2 ¢ letters to people who do not have or will not use internet and e-mail.

People who use e-mail seem to me to be open minded to consider things.

Those who will not use e-mail seem to be locked to the popular world of the lying media and cannot think for themselves, hence they desire someone else to think for them and make their decisions.

I prefer to have choice, lots of choices.

My primary function in life is to find and share truth.

Many are in some way engaged with and helping me.

I have great computer skills, I have huge tomes of great information, I have cheap but useful equipment, but above all I first desire to connect people together, to each other, hence my frequent conference calls.

Next I try to teach people technology, like Total Commander, so they can use the things I collected and or how to find things.

Lastly, I try to find, comprehend, break down, simplify and use and share information.

Please help me.  Thanks.

There are many reason that I mail rather then e-mailing or post to the web.


You can learn this in 5 minutes. Any teenager can also learn it.

I often find on the internet in 5 to 10 seconds things that others could search for days and never find or see.

This is the method whereby I have found and collected 1/2 million files, much of suppressed or forgotten information.

A New Reality is my free book at top right corner of


I would like to have someone help me form a private, pure trust, and then publish my book so that others could get it for a mere $ 2 as a pdf.

Since I do not know have any way that I can get money, I just give away everything that I have. I have spent $ 4,000 + buying books, seminars, services, most of which I just give away to anyone who might be interested.

I do not keep records of to whom I send what.

With skype, we can share computer screens.

With a lady from Ohio, She shares her screen, then I tell here what is in what folder or by what file name when she looks at files she got from me.

I have 1,000s of things that would be useful to you or someone that you know.  I have spent 10 years building my web site.

But my web site is just 1/1000 the of what I have.  When I know your interest, I can send more.

I cannot tell a doctor that there are inexpensive cancer cures. He will no longer talk to me as I question the ethics of his primary income source.

I can tell him of 9-11 or Sandy Hook deception.

Same with a banker, I cannot tell them initially of HJR 192, or the US bankruptcy, I have to come in a side door to build a relationship and gain their trust.

If I answer their questions for a while (sometimes years) they may eventually listen to me, to what I want to tell them.

Generally, it's human nature, as you talk to new friends, that tends to drive them away, unless you are talking of something very interesting to them.

However, if you listen to their problems and or their questions, that tends to build the friendship, trust.

Later; days, weeks, years, you may talk to them of things important to you, and sometimes they may see that they also could get a benefit to know and live in truth.

The truth will make you free. John 8:32

I do not like to work in the limited world of others, like their slow and cumbersome ways of using their computer and finding and reading data.

I like people to go very fast as I do.

I like others to learn what and how I work.

You would do great to learn anything from me and to tell another, teach them or have them contact me.

I am NOT smarter then other people but I have huge things that could benefit many if they would only pay attention.

I've work without income for a decade.  I have a little savings on which I live.

I have lived over 1 year with each of these problems.

- no working car, - no domestic water, and often for months without electricity, nor place to live.

I have slept and or worked in very compromised conditions.

My bike and many things were lost or stolen as I lived a year without a place to keep my stuff.

My home was seized and auctioned. I believe that my UCC lien and my Land Patent could, may, will get my home back, but it could take years.

I have done huge things that should give me a benefit, like charging those who steal, deprive, or hurt, harm, injure for take from me., but I need days, weeks, years, of active legal/ lawful action to bring those claims to fruition.

You can learn many things about me, what we are doing and our associates from my web site.

Her are a couple of links

www.abodia.com plus these extensions

/sh  Sandy Hook

/911            What happened

/debt           /law     /t          truth

/truth          /disclosure     /u         Updates

/skype        /ezekiel          & 100s more.

/t/mail         samples and how I mailed 5,100+ letters for 2 ¢ postage or international and certified mail and books for free.

I shut down a federal court on my bankruptcy asking the judge to show me his oath. I walked out of traffic court because no one suffered any injury, I had 2 felony charges, with 20 years jail time dismissed because of what I do and how I think.

Please tell your friends to read this link.


I know many people with great knowledge or skills.  I may be able in some way to help you.

I give away a DVD with 2000 books, many are hard to find or suppressed.  Every person would find 10 or so books that are very useful to them. Each person would find different books. I don't know which  you want. Take the set of 2,000 books, copy them, share them. Books and or information can change your world, your outlook, your success, your goals, your understanding, your future.

Any one should be able to burn a disc (with files, video or audio or book) or copy to and from a computer chip or thumb drive.

Knowledge (applied) is powerful, transforming.

Many people have no hope, they are despondent thinking there is no better life. They want someone to fix their life or give them benefits.

I try to persuade people that if they learn (& learn how to use mp3 players $ 20, tablets $ 80, or computer $ 200 or the internet at their library), they can change, and improve their own world.

People need to STOP listening to news, TV and popular sources and step out of popular crowds to talk with us to build their fire of independence, freedom, truth.

Rod Class https://abodia.com/rights

He said, if you seek only to solve your own problems, then he (& we) can't help You, but if you seek to help others, they will in turn help us all and we will all get an advantage.

I have 20 of 35 books that David Robinson wrote.

I have books by judges at https://abodia.com/u my update site.

Many must watch a video or audio to learn or get info.

When you learn to read, and search and use ThoughtPrint.org, you will leap into hyper space (with me) and be able to knock down the high walls of elites, attorneys, courts, government, corporations, by learning and applying knowledge.

They have guns, jails, cruisers and apparent force, but they lack knowledge, commitment, perseverance.

We can prevail and we must.


In the end it, is all a spiritual battle.

I am hosting a conference and encouraging people to read 52 Weeks with Jesus.

See more at https://abodia.com/Jesus and or contact me.


There are many philosophies and religions, I am a dedicated bible believing Christian, putting my absolute faith and trust in the Lord, far beyond my own understanding.

I maybe cleaver and resourceful, but I take huge risks and am intuitive on many things, thereby reaching the end or my goals much faster then cautious people.


One thing I learned early, is that you cannot believe something until you try it (& or preserver until you win).

Anyone can read anything or listen to any one.

You final proof is your own action.

Anyone can 1/2 do what another advises and fail.

Anyone can fail, either quick and easy or after long work.

The trick is to win, prevail, manifest your goals and desires.

What you think or believe, you can make real.

Believing or even carousing, talking, living with the unwashed masses, people who are not thinking deeply or clearly, that washes away your curiosity, your energy, your desire and you fall back to your captors.


Napoleon or any psychologist may say, there are 2 ways to control people (& pet & plants)

You can persuade, invite, encourage some behavior


you can threaten, harm, deprive or hide info from them.

The other way, the 3rd way that most of us are harmed is this way.

People lie to us (most don't really know the truth, so they don't even know they are lying.)

When we accept a lie without checking, then we begin to do things that help those who lie, or the government, universities, doctors, lawyers, and to hurt ourselves as we do not understand what is really going on.

Deception is everywhere in every subject: money, loans, war, history, medicine, law, food, chem trails, subliminal advertisements, mind control and much much more.

Ironically, most all of these things are revealed in plain site from impeccable or honorable sources, and written or spoken of to the general public, when you learn how to find these things.

You sphere of influence (friends & family) who you can talk to is how we change the world.

I try a little to change every one I meet or see, to invite them to consider information or a DVD but I try hardest to find those who are awake on any subject and blend them together to know & show others are awake and to get them to talk to each other to spread the truths they know.

That which is my best knowledge and presentation are the writings or speaking of other people who very clearly illustrated what I believe is true, like the books of David Robinson, Robert Menard, Mary Croft, Judge Dale, Judge Anna Reitz, Rodney Class and many others.

Most people could do many of the things I do. - manage my video library to distribute what others want or need., - mail 2 ¢ flyers to people to invite them to our conferences, web sites, physical meetings, - seek information about law and people to get our claims established to our right standing, and much more, call people to invite and encourage them to come to our conferences and to listen and or prepare materials and speak to us via our conference calls.

I can magnify many people through my many skills, tools and resources.

I prefer to get things digitally, and written (typed) rather the people calling and telling me stuff.

I prefer you to talk directly to others rather then give me stuff to distribute.

I teach my things.

I'd like any kind of help.

I have gotten 100s and 100s of books, thru inner library loan. Many were out of print.

On seeing some (most) books, I have scanned or photographed them, taking some hours.  On many I have also converted them from photos or graphics to MS word documents so you can read them on a computer, a tablet, or even a small android or phone.

I spend huge time converting things from difficult and complicated formats to easy to read, share, copy, print formats.

If you have money, you can buy or print stuff.

I live nearly completely digital, working without money to move tomes of info to different people.

I continually find easier, faster, simpler ways to do things that use to take time, energy and or I lost interest before I got to the conclusion.

Many can get a benefit from me, but it is helpful if they also learn my tools; Total Commander, Optical Character Recognition, talking 10 to 20 hours to convert just one book, of which I have converted 1,000s of books.

How to copy materials to DVD data discs or thumb drives or digital chips, and share the info.

I blend things, finding diverse things in different forms: vob, avi, wma, pdf, tiff, etc. and from diverse and separate files & people, blending them together where you see a more convincing argument, facts, cure, remedy, truth.

It would be great if you or anyone learned to and host our conferences, prepared our speakers communicate with our audience

and or share your research and questions.

I am the secretary for many people who will not write down what they think and learn, nor mail, nor call.

Many (most ?) people I know live in their isolated world thinking they are not ready or able or intelligent to engage, talk, ask other people.

They come to me as they are shy and closet people. They want me to connect to the world and bring them a benefit.

I want to empower, teach them skills so they can learn knowledge and benefit.

I most want them to befriend and talk to each other.

My many conference people do not independently call and talk to each other but they should !

They wait for our conference and or they tell me what to tell others.

Stand up, be a man, or adult, come forth with your precious knowledge and insight.

Present it clearly, write it down, have your friend or wife spell check it and re write it until it is readable.

Many of us are learning of Rod Class, Bill Thornton, Frank O'Collins, Robert Menard, Hon Harris, and many other people who see clearly a reality that most cannot see.

Ted or h. theodore, the Charleston guy, the Truth Seeker.