-hp- Truth Seekers - - the Claim ... www.abodia.com/t  4 July /2013
Wake Up - Truth Surround us. Research by Ted Elden, Public Speaker, Architect, ret. computer guru

The world is very different then main steam news and government tells us.

The International Tribune into Crimes of Church and State

a Common Law Court (in Belgium)
* These pages were gathered from the web. They refer back to the source documents.
www.ThoughtPrint.org shows how you can quickly find any source document.

They tried Pope Francis & other high officials for their involvement in human trafficking,
rape, murder, the NINTH Circle cult rituals.

They reclaimed the physical assets of the Broadcast Industry and N.A.S.A. for WE the People.

We have won in court - now we need to notify others, and local sheriffs to enforce our victory.

Armistice and Accord Letters Patent, Notice of Reconciliation, Court of Ages

Arrests and Jail for Vatican Officials

Common Law Community Training Manual

Global Proclamation Abolishes the Papacy

Governments are Corporations - Proof

Initiation Orders from We THE People

Pope- Global Child Trafficking and Murder

Slung Stone

Itnl. Drivers License

One People's Public Trust

ITCCS International Tribunal into

Crimes of Church and State

Documents above - Overview below


What does all this mean ?????

explained in last paragraph           - Freedom & Victory for YOU !


www.ITCCS.org International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

(Our Mandate: (1) To bring to trial those persons and institutions responsible for the exploitation, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state. )


Read how Rev. Kevin Annett has taken Pope Francis to court, with many in the high authorities, and caught them in participating in huge crimes, human trafficking, Ninth Circle ritual rape & murders, etc.


Click to Read an Introduction (& How To Use) Common Law

Ted's updated & corrected copy of Common Law Training Manual.

Here is Common Law Training Manual from itcss.org


He announcement this Easter 2014.


Here is their Armistice & Accord



The conclusion is that it is ordained that we the people take occupancy and possession of that property which was theirs.


Giving us permission to take the property of the Broadcast systems, and N.A.S.A. because of their participation in these crimes.


Incredible stuff, the more and deeper you read, the more real & important this is.


https://www.scribd.com/doc/201587666/Special-Assumpsit-NASA-Replevin as such:


Special Assumpsit

National Aeronautics & Space Administration (Replevin)

Heirs of Creation, Court of Ages


WHEREAS clause ten of the Armistice & Accord" of November 22, 2013 states: "Armistice initiates ascended reorientation to intro- and inter-personal relationships within the hearts and minds of ALL Heirs of Creation upon receipt:" and

WHEREAS the conditions set forth by the Heirs of Creation, through court order, in the Armistice & Accord have been breached: and

WHEREAS clause six of the Armistice states: "Breaches of these clauses shall result in reprisals;" and

WHEREAS, according to International Law, a reprisal is an act of restoration, short of war, for damage or loss suffered: and

WHEREAS "THE EVENT" " describes the action or reprisal chosen for this time; and

WHEREAS through the Letters Patent of December 15, 2013, a wholly indemnified court, the Court of Ages, was established: and

WHEREAS the will of each Heir of Creation is assured by the low of nature,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Court of Ages on behalf of ALL Heirs of Creation that the will of the Heirs of Creation be fulfilled and immediate action taken to trigger "THE EVENT" "to Include the replevin of ALL properties associated with the National Aeronautics & Space Administration, headquartered In Washington D.C., with all properties, laboratories, stations, branches, facilities, vehicles, equipment, records, and files along with ALL subcontractor properties, branches, facilities, offices, and laboratories.


/s/ Cindy K. Currier,

Ombudsman and Parlementalre


Adopted of Court of Ages, session January 22, 2014 Los Angeles, California






Then did the same with the TV Broadcast Industry, for their participation in these crimes.


Special Assumpsit, Viacom Inc. (ARDO)



Special Assumpsit, CBS Broadcasting Inc. (ARDO)


Here is more from:



Court of Ages Armistice and Accord

Published by RiseTogether


The Court of Ages began in the Spring of 2013 as a Common Law quorum of people from what is commonly known as the United States of America. After the investigation by the People's Public Trust, and the subsequent foreclosure of all corporations and governments, our quorum began working together through Skype filing writs in the form of arrest warrants, replevins, and cease and desist orders to have the domination and control system dismantled across the globe. Those writs served as public, fair notice and have not been disputed nor rebutted to this day.

In November of 2013, by International and Universal Law, we formed the only Universal, indemnified court of settlement on earth, and called it the Court of Ages. We did this by filing a series of documents that restore planet earth to Natural Law. We are now filing formal court orders requiring law enforcement to complete the takedown of the domination and control system in its entirety.

We recognized that there needed to be another structure in place before the old system was collapsed. With that in mind, we developed a series of documents: The Armistice & Accord, the Letters Patent, and the Notice of Reconciliation. You may find links to these documents below. Videos are also available on this Rise Together video channel.

We've also been asked what you can do to help. One thing is to locate our court orders on Scribd and begin sending those to your Marshals. They are required by law to act on them at your request. The Marshals and Sheriffs work for you, the people of earth, the Heirs of Creation.

Also, you may begin organizing yourselves into communities and developing your own customs and traditions. Those who resonate with your customs may want to join your community. From there you may form your own common law courts to protect and maintain Natural Law in your area.


Initiate the Orders of We THE People



Incredible document to read

All our research on the high on going crimes, all posted & declared as a lawful basis for our actions !


These are the results of the work of the One People's Public Trust (I think)


What does all this mean ?????


I think if we can follow the words, the ideas, the concept, that we can apply this to

cause those who want our money, property, taxes, to stop bothering us.


How can we understand all this ?

Well, first find and read the documents, then think about it, then come together by phone or meet or skype and discuss these things.


I converted many of these documents to easy to read MS word files.  (I hate pdf or graphic files you can only view on a web site).  I make files you can read on a tablet or nearly any device.)


Ted Elden


I have much more to share with those who are interested.


For any years, I did a skype  conference

7 to 9 pm EDST Thursdays


These are documents I have - reformatted, I'd love to send to you.

You can find them on the web, but this is much simpler to read them.


from ITCCS & related

Proclamation Abolishes the Papacy

Armistice and Accord.doc

Covenanted Community Drivers License & Common Court.doc

Global Emancipation Proclamation.doc


Links to Web sites:

Source for Vatican Crimes

Organized Crime Implemented Globally by the Vatican

Crimen Sollicitiationis: Vatican Top Secret document to protect Pedophile priests
Published by Vatican Crimes Exposed
The following document is a document distributed by the Vatican to all archdiocese worldwide, disclosing their guideline on how to protect pedophile priests around the world. It is entitled CRIMEN SOLLICITITATIONIS in Latin. The Catholic Church MUST close down.


Solution to your problems NOW !



25DamningIndisputableFacts (of the United States)...pdf

(US is a corp & much more)


Comprehending Estate, Occupancy of the Executor Office and use of the Executor Letter.doc

19 Comprehending the Estate & Office 1.pdf

A4V Doug Ridlde.txt

Validity of AFV 7 Doug Riddle.pdf