Juistinian Deception video notes.


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RomIey Stewart

Grammatical Deceptions of the Underworld:

Dog Latin - Sign Language

11.147 Glosses in ASL. American Sign Language.  The written-language transcription of a sign is called a gloss. Glosses are words from the spoken language written in small cap­ital letters: WOMAN, SCHOOL, CAT. (Alternatively, regular capital letters may be used.) When two or more written words are used to gloss a single sign, the glosses are separated by hyphens. The translation is enclosed in double quotation marks.

The sign for "a car drove by" is written as VEHICLE-DRIVE-BY.

One obvious limitation of glosses ... /written language to represent signs is that correspondence between the words or signs in any ...

11.148 Compound signs. Some combine ...taken on a meaning separate from the ... various typographical conventions... system, the sign for

The Envelope: a sealed casket? the coffin's that appear in the post?


The slab of stone that sits on a grave?

ledger, n. [compare D. legger, a layer, daybook, from O.D. leggen, to lie, from same root as AS. licgan, to lie.]

1. in bookkeeping, the book of final entry in which a record of debits, credits, and all money transactions is kept,

2. a slab, beam, or the like made to lie stationary, as, (a) in a scaffolding, a horizontal timber supporting the putlogs; (b) a slab of stone placed horizontally upon a tomb or grave; (c) the wall under a lode.

3. in fishing, ledger bait.

4. a resident ambassador or agent. [Obs.]

led ger, a. that lies or remains where it is placed ; stationary: now only in a few expressions.

ledg er bait, fishing bait hooked to a floating line fastened to the bank of a stream, etc.


Is the line of credit the bait on the hook?


Assumed dead, lost at sea?,

A dead man has no rights, is that all they are trying to do?

render us as legally dead without rights?

"When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."

[Thomas Jefferson to Charles Hammond, 1821. ME 15:332 ]



Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid


Moneo : to warn, admonish. remind, advise, instruct.

Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid

dolens : painfully.

doleo : to suffer pain, to be pained, grieve.

dolor : pain, grief. misery, pain, suffering.

dolose : slyly, deceitfully.

dolosus : crafty, cunning, sly, deceitful.

dolus : fraud, deceit, guile, treachery, a trap.

A "non consent" or a refusal to comply is deemed as a "conflict" and renders you as an "enemy of the State."

Conflict invokes the military codes in favour of the administrator.

EYE OF HORUS or Christ?

Symbolic DOG-LATIN text of the legally dead underworld.


This is debased dead ledger DOG-LATIN text.


DOG-LATIN (ALL-UPPERCASE-TEXT) is the written language of the illiterate. It is a LATIN-SYMBOLIC-TEXT appearing under the grammatical rules of English text rendering it as a "presumption" and no longer standing as a grammatical fact. It is the language of the ROMAN EMPIRE!


National Australia Bank Limited

If underliverable return to:

GPO Box 9909



The PROCLAMATION is the date you claim (Unseal) the statement.

What soul/sole was the POPE talking about? One is the footprint "birthright" to the common law of the land! There can be no footprint in water.


Is a "SIGN" a name???

A SIGN is a symbol, a hieroglyph, it is not a proper name and is alien to English.

+ (1) a sign of the cross used by the pope, by arch bishops, and by bishops, before their names (2) in religious services, used to mark the places where the sign of the cross is to be made

+  died: used in genealogies, etc.

X (1) by: used in dimensions, as paper 8 X 11 inches. (2) a mark representing a signature, as on a legal document, made by someone who able to write; the name is added by some else; e.g.


John X Doe


Genesis 3:22 Note the ALL CAP LORD

22 ¶ And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

322 is also related to the  UNITED STATES Citizens Act "322" whereas the UNITED STATES is foreign to the United States of America.

N-600K, Application for Citizenship Issuance of Certificate Under Section 322

Form N-600K (PDF, 583 KB)

Instructions for Form N-600K (PDF, 254 KB)

Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance (PDF)

Purpose of Form

For a child who regularly resides in a foreign country to claim U.S. citizen based on the child's parents.

The vessel of the vessel:



of the




"Quasi" means a fake.

Symbolized text is ALL UPPER-CASE TEXT.

The "ALL CAP'S TEXT LIKE THIS" is a form of "SIGN" language and has no grammatical correspondence with the common English written text without consent

Evidenced by the Chicago Manual of Styles: Article 11:147 Re: American Sign Language (ASL)

'THIS ALL CAP'S TEXT" is grammatically "foreign" to the English write text.

Only the "PRESUMPTION" remains, no grammatical "fact" exists.

The "PRESUMPTION OF LAW" is nothing but a clever grammatical deception.


The "L" has been grammatically removed from "LORD" leaving only "ORD" being the sign for "ordnance" replacing the God of Moses for the "SERPENT"

The Science of English is taught at the YALE UNIVERSITY, that creates the world Bankers and Presidents of the "NEW WORLD ORDER" of the BEAST.



There is no "Sovereign Head of State" in Australia that can authorize any proclamation for the General Public, rendering Australia as a land of: "Independent Sovereign Nation States"

"PROCLAMATION"- can only be done individually


So what is the Proclamation date?

Beware of article in the mail.++

The PROCLAMATION date is the day that Chris "claimed" the driver license that appeared in the sealed article that arrived in the mail.



Check registration status

View results

Registration number 139WIL

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 6G1FC5EW7GL205752



Purpose of use




Charged without evidence?


/'terarzzem/ .4)


noun: terrorism

the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

"the fight against terrorism"

In the 18th century (in reference to the rule of the Jacobin faction during the period of the French revolution know as the Terror French terrorism from Latin terror


What does the term Star Chamber mean?

a former court of inquisitorial and criminal jurisdiction in England that sat without a jury and that became noted for its arbitrary methods and severe punishments, abolished 1641

any tribunal, committee, or the like, which proceeds by arbitrary or unfair methods. Origin of Star Chamber.


Foreign Criminal Corrupt: Star Chamber Courts?


/proklo' meijn/ 4)


a public or official announcement dealing with a matter of great imps "the by the monarch of a proclamation dissolving Parliament synonyms: decree. order edict. command, rule, ruling. announcement,

pronouncement, statement: pronunciamento

"the rector issued a proclamation forbidding such practice

announcement, declaration. pronouncement, notification

broadcasting proclamation:

The articles in the mail are the




1. made in exact imitation of something valuable with the intention to deceive or defraud. "counterfeit £10 notes"

synonyms. fake. faked, copied. forged. feigned. simulated. sham. spurious. bogus. imitation. substitute, dummy. ersatz: More


1. a fraudulent imitation of something else.

"he knew the tapes to be counterfeits"

synonyms: fake. forgery. copy. reproduction. replica. imitation. likeness.. lookalike. mock-up. dummy, substitute, fraud. sham: More


1. imitate fraudulently.

my signature is extremely hard to counterfeit.

The "name" appearing in the ALL CAPS text appearing on a driver license is not a name and has no grammatical correspondence with proper English text. It's a "counterfeit"

The "name" appearing in the ALL CAPS text appearing on a driver license is not a name and has no grammatical correspondence with proper English text. Its a "counterfeit."

The "ALL CAPS" text appearing within the article and on the driver license was the debased, criminal and corrupt: DOG-LATIN text!






In 1973, Gough Whitlam, signed Australia over to the foreign: UNIDROIT

Treaty of Rome, handing the Equitable Title of the mineral and energy wealth of Australia to a "foreign power", head office Rome. Why do so few people know about this criminal act of treason and why are there so many lawyers in parliament that pledge their Oath to the foreign: CITY OF LONDON in order to hide the truth from the masses?

UNIDROIT uses the ALL UPPER-CASE debased corrupt DOG-LATIN text of BabyIon (Rome) being foreign to the common law English



In 1973, Gough Whitlam, signed Australia over to the foreign: UNIDROIT Treaty of Rome, handing the Equitable Title of the mineral and energy wealth of Australia to a "foreign power", head office Rome. Why do so few people know about this criminal act of treason and why are there so many lawyers in parliament that pledge their Oath to the foreign: CITY OF LONDON in order to hide the truth from the masses?

UNIDROIT uses the ALL UPPER-CASE debased corrupt DOG-LATIN

text of Babylon (Rome), being foreign to the common law English language. DOG-LATIN is used for foreign Roman (VATICAN) military accounts. (Military Dog Tags) The UNITED-STATES was signed over to UNIDROIT in 1964, just after Kennedy was shot dead. This fact was hidden from the masses.

UNIDROIT (formally, the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law; French: Institut international pour ('unification du droit prive) is an intergovernmental organization on harmonization of private international law; its projects include drafting of international conventions and production of model ...

UNIDROIT - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNIDROIT

UNIDROIT headquarters: Rome

Via Panispema, 28, 00184 Roma, Italy

Councils, energy companies, banks, government departments, they are all now private foreign subdivisions of the foreign UNIDROIT Private Law, treaty of ROME, under a grammatically corrupted "NEW WORLD ORDER"


by a foreign corporate entity in order to enforce its criminal will upon the deceived public




In Law, the action of dealing with goods in a manner inconsistent with the owner's rights.

That's why they need you to surrender your rights in order to plunder your equity, your estate, your goods.

The grammatical deception that deceives you into falling from the office of creditor into the lowest standing, office of debtor, to a foreign private criminal administrative banking system.

The act of using "Debased Latin" is Criminal, and renders every court or corporate government that tenders such a text, as a counterfeit.

111.147 Glosses in ASL. The written-language transcription of a sign is called a gloss. Glosses are words from the spoken language written in small capital letters: WOMAN, SCHOOL, CAT. (Alternatively, regular capital letters maybe used. When two or more written words are used to gloss a single sign, the glosses are separated by hyphens. The translation is enclosed in double quotation marks.

The sign for "a car drove by" is written as VEHICLE-DRIVE-BY.

One obvious limitation of the use of gloss in the spoken/written  language to represent signs is that...

When you can see the truth,

you will have the ability to see the lie

Is this a crime of Conversion, converting you from the office of Creditor to the office of Debtor, rendering the Vatican from the Office of Administrator to the office of Creditor, never having to settle the debts of the true Creditor, that was always you, but you lost your name and could never find your way home to the tree of life?





Entertainment Only

This is not Legal advise, this is research into the principle secret underlying Trust Law system.



Without Existence, there can be no life... Life: The term-length-duration of a Contract.

NOMINA SI NESCIS PERIT COGNITIO RERUM; ET NODIINA SI PERDAS, CERTE DISTINCTIO RERUM PERDITUR. Co.Litt. 86. If you know not the names of things, the knowledge of things themselves perishes; and, if you lose the names, the distinction of the things is certainly lost.


If you know not the name of the thing: the thing itself is surly lost

Salvaged: rescue (a wrecked or disabled ship or its cargo) from loss at sea.

Written and performed by Romley Stewart:

This document is only a presumption of the concept of such a dangerous private law governing system that governs the people of the western world today and even though this is presented as entertainment only, I urge you to conduct your own research in relation to such a presumption.



DOG-LATIN. The Latin of illiterate persons; Latin words put together on the English grammatical system.


/i ht(e)resi/ 4)


the inability to read or write.

"the ineffective educational system meant that illiteracy was widespread" synonyms: illiterateness, inability to read or write

"the ineffective educational system meant that illiteracy was widespread"

·          ignorance, unawareness, inexperience, unenlightenment, benightedness, lack of knowledge, lack of education;

informal cluelessness;

literary nescience



U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

EDGAR Search Results

SEC Home n Search the Next-Generation EDGAR System a Company Search a Current Page

Companies with names matching "COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA" Click on CIK to view company filings

Items 1 - 2

CIK                                                                               Company State/Country



SIC: 8880 - UNKNOWN SIC - 8880




A contract may be concluded either by the acceptance of an offer or by conduct of the parties that is sufficient to show agreement.


1. Offer and acceptance

Basic to the Principles Is the Idea that the agreement of the parties is, in itself, sufficient to conclude a contract (see Article 3.1.2). The concepts of offer and acceptance have traditionally been used to determine whether, and if so when, me parties have reached agreement As thls Article and this Chapter make clear, the Pony pen retain these concepts as essential tools of analysis.

2. Conduct sufficient to show agreement

In commercial practice contacts, particularly when related to complex  transactions, are often concluded after prolonged negotiations without en identifiable sequence of offer and a acceptance. In...


About the Governor-General Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General Australian Honours and Awards



About the Governor-General Office of the Official ...'

Grammatical Deception

English     Governor General

Ancient Latin       GOVERNOR-GENERAL


Dog Latin           GOVERNOR GENERAL


Its too late for these top dogs of the underworld occult hidden private law,

BAR, VATICAN, Hold I can.


This is "Ledger" not a proper noun or name.

driver's license or credit card info.

DOB 16 May 1993 Sex F Height 163

Class   Type  Effective        Expiry

CA        P2       26.11 12         31 .10.14



It's a Grammatical Deception

It's is criminal, is against God !

The Antichrist



Grammar and Latin were removed from Australian schools in 1966 in order to dumb the masses to a point of legal illiteracy, rendering such masses to fall for the greatest deception of all time: the Justinian Grammatical Deception.

The: Governor General, is an "assumed" office having no real standing in Common Law and such a fact appears with the very grammar of the words used, however, because the public's ability to read Common English has been destroyed, we can no longer see such a grammatical deception.

RomIey Stewart

Grammatical Deceptions of the Underworld Governing System of the Roman Empire