-hp- Missing 13th Amendment to US Constitution ~ 1812 ~ 1819

New Hampshire House Bill 638

Bill Title: Recognizing the original Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. (original 1819)   https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB638  (current 2013)


The missing 13th Amendment (to US Constitution in 1819)  www.amendment-13.org

TONA: Title of Nobility Act
Any who accepts a title of nobility
(from a foreign government or principle),

like being a B.A.R. lawyer, cannot be a US citizen and cannot lawfully serve as government official.

B.A.R. British Accredited Registry.  The American BAR is linked to the British Crown (I think).

Elden's Quick research, Links & references to actual pages at side

Amendment XIII

Passed by (US) Congress May 1, 1810 - Ratified December 9, 1812.
( This was never repealed, it's still in effect, but intentionally concealed, covered up by many since the confusion of the civil war. )

On March 12, 1819 the State of Virginia, with the enactment and publication of the laws of Virginia, became the 13th and FINAL state required to ratify the above article of amendment to the Constitution for the United States, thus making it the Law of the Land.

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the united States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."  [Journal of the Senate]


Rhode Island and Kentucky published the new Amendment in 1822.

Ohio first published it in 1824.

Maine ordered 10,000 copies of the Constitution with the 13th Amendment for school use in 1824 and again in 1831 for the Census Edition.

Indiana Revised Laws of 1831 published the 13th article on page 20,

Northwestern Territories in 1833.

Ohio Published it in 1831 and again 1833.

Wisconsin Territory in 1839.

Iowa Territory in 1843.

Ohio again in 1848.

Kansas Statutes in 1855.

Nebraska Territory 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859 and 1860.

Colorado Territory printed the U. S Constitution in its Statutes publication showing the 13th Amendment in 1868.

            The Revised Code of the Laws of Virginia, General Assembly

The Constitution of the United States, Volume I, Richmond, Printed by Thomas Ritchie, 1819

Bill of Rights, 13th Amendment, page 30

        Virginia ratified the 13th Amendment on March 10, 1819. This completed the 13 states required to ratify an amendment. (Virginia Legislature Act No. 260, Virginia Archives of Richmond, file, page 299, micro-film). It was published by printing 4,000 copies, triple the usual order, with instructions to send a copy to President James Monroe, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.

        This book above is in the W. Va. Supreme Court Law Library.  The linked pdf file is from that book, clearly showing that the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, in the Bill of Rights, ratified this amendment as published in this book.  The wording is as stated above:

        "If any citizen of the United States shall accept, ...


The first state to ratify the amendment was Maryland, which did so Christmas Day, December 25, 1810. A Table showing the dates on which the remaining states voted to ratify or reject the amendment is shown at this hyperlink. So also are shown the official publications which researchers have uncovered in the various archives. The researchers are now in physical possession of other extant volumes of the same after years of searching old bookstores and auctions. The researchers' collection also includes many private printings and newspapers that contain the Thirteenth in its proper place.

The ratification by Maryland was followed closely by Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, North Carolina, Vermont, Kentucky, and Tennessee, all of which ratified the amendment in 1811. Massachusetts and New Hampshire ratified in 1812 by which time the War of 1812 had commenced. New York and Connecticut rejected the amendment in 1813 and Rhode Island did so in 1814. South Carolina tabled the proposal Dec. 21, 1814. This left the proposed amendment one shy of final ratification, the vote of Virginia either lost or not taken in the chaos and confusion of the War of 1812.

Authorized by an act of the Virginia General Assembly (February 15, 1817), the complete revision of the State's laws were entrusted to five of Virginia's most prominent lawyers and legal scholars: William Brockenbrough, Benjamin Watkins Leigh, Robert White, and judges of the supreme court of appeals, Spencer Roane and John Coalter. When their work was concluded, the Virginia General Assembly voted on March 12, 1819 to publish the Revised Code of the Laws of Virginia with both the Constitution of Virginia and the Constitution of the United States including the Thirteenth Amendment intact and in its proper place. Thus, the vote of Virginia was accomplished and the amendment was ratified.

The General Assembly of Virginia authorized the distribution of the Revised Code of 1819 with ten copies designated for the executive branch of Virginia, five copies for the Clerk of the General Assembly, and four copies for the Secretary of State of the United States; one copy each for Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and President James Monroe; one copy each for the federal Senate, House, and Library of Congress, and one copy for every judge in the courts of the United States in Virginia. Thus was the Federal Government notified of the actions of the Virginia General Assembly ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment.

By February of 1820, sufficient copies of the Revised Code had been printed to make it available for public sale, and it was advertised as such in a Richmond newspaper. Research conducted on this subject indicates that at least six or seven other Virginia newspapers also carried advertisements for the new Code.

The missing 13th Amendment (to the US Constitution in 1819)  www.amendment-13.org

First, it was created to help stop foreign agents from buying votes in State and federal elections, and secondly, it was written to stop spies and saboteurs from promising rich lands and hereditary titles to officers in the military, thus preventing the manufacture and preservation of American traitors.

It is the only amendment to that time ever issued by Congress which contained - in its actual text - a numerical designation! (said that it was XIII Amendment)

(( In the tumult of 1865, the original Thirteenth Amendment was removed from the  Constitution. In a Congressional Resolve to amend dated December 5, 1864, approved and signed by President Lincoln, February 1, 1965, another Amendment numbered XIII (which prohibited (voluntary) slavery in Sect. 1, and ended states' rights in Sect. 2) was proposed. When, on January 13, 1865, a two-thirds vote was taken in the House of Representatives for proposing the currently presented 13th Amendment "in honor of the immortal and sublime event" the House adjourned. It was then presented to the States for ratification. Two months later, April 9, 1865, the Civil War ended with General Lee's surrender. On April 14, President Lincoln was assassinated, dying on April 15th. ))

Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer. Did he somehow practice law without ever reading from the Illinois Statutes? He had to know that the Illinois State law books of the 1820s, '30s and on through 1845 contained the original Thirteenth Amendment (forbidding a lawyer with title of nobility to be elected), in its proper place in the appendix. Mr. Lincoln told the Cooper Union "assemblage" what they wanted to hear, and almost all of it was right and proper.

But he lied about the Constitution for the United States.

The whole country descended into a kind of madness in 1860 - secessionism ...

(Similar to Obama today – who will not prove that he is natural born citizen – to be eligible to be President)

Further discussion, meaning, proofs, links, research:

References to actual books & pages
Same as from side bar links:


Original 13th Amendment Is Missing

The Real Thirteenth Constitutional Amendment

The Demon Of Discord - Ratification and Suppression of the Original Thirteenth Amendment



Missing 13th Amendment; 16th never ratified!

Missing 13th Amendment

Missing 13th Amendment - 02

Missing 13th Amendment - 07

Missing 13th Amendment - 19

Missing 13th Amendment - The Lawful Path

Original 13th Article of Amendment

The Real Titles of Nobility Amendment FAQ

TONA Research Committee - Legislative Extracts

TONA Research Committee - Legislative History

TONA Research Committee - Rebuttal to Arguments Against the 13th

TONA Research Committee - The Thirteenth Article of Amendment

U.S. Constitution - Thirteenth Amendment

The Failed Amendments - The U.S. Constitution Online - US Constitution.net

Constitutional Amendments - The U.S. Constitution Online - US Constitution.net

Daily Kos The Missing 13th Amendment, an odd Constitution story

Constitution Amendment Thirteenth OR 13th -involuntary -1865 - Google Search

Titles of Nobility Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of amendments to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Links to Elden's Research


 Elden's Truth Seeker - Home Page