The Global Sovereign's Handbook

by Johnny Liberty

Reclaim the Seven Aspects of Sovereignty and Take Back the American Mind


Dedicated to the thousands of pioneers who came before and contributed to the research and creation of this handbook.

© 2004 Institute for Communications Resources, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, WITHOUT PREJUDICE No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the publisher and author. This book has been freed into the public domain, under reservation of rights by the author in 2006


North American Mailing Address: Institute for Communications Resources, Inc. c/o 60 North Main Street #102 Ashland, Oregon [97520] non-domestic, zip-exempt International Mailing Address: Institute for Communications Resources, Inc. c/o Apartado 5956 El Dorado, Panama City, Republic of Panama, Zona 6 International Shipping Address: Institute for Communications Resources, Inc. Sun Towers Building, 1st Floor, Office #39 Via Ricardo J. Alfaro Betania, Panama City, Republic of Panama

Legal Disclaimer: Information contained in this publication, or in any consultation regarding our services, cannot under any circumstances be construed as providing legal advice, but is purely educational in both form and substance. Special Credits: I'd like to thank all the contributors, researchers and pioneers who made this sourcebook possible.

Mission Statement:

To create and experience a context for freedom, sovereignty, and consciousness emerging worldwide... To create and experience an aligned leadership committed to our goals and objectives...

Applaud  the  Beginner

Goals: To develop and build a free-enterprise, sustainable, economic infrastructure in the primary areas of food, water, air, shelter, energy, environment, technology, communications, education, and health and wellness. To build a Global Media and Resource Center, a communications structure for networking and creating opportunities worldwide.

Develop  Winning  Habits

Overview of Chapters

Dangerous & Exciting Times The Liberty Story Begins Biography of Johnny Liberty



Chapter One..................................................12

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Truth is an Endangered Species

Beyond Denial- Being Responsible

Independence Day

An Independent Press

Media Literacy and Internet Activism

Censorship and Security Issues

Breakdown of the Family and Tribe

Truth is Neither Left Nor Right

Chapter Two.................................................26

The Big Picture

Spiritual and Mental Sovereignty

Herd Mentality

Policing Ourselves

Emotional Sovereignty

Breaking Through Fears Self-Responsibility,


Anger and Blame is Not Taking Responsibility

Power is the Name of the Game

Sovereignty is the Source of Power

Chapter Three...............................................34

Native Sovereignty and the Doctrine of Discovery

Indigenous Treaty Rights

Indigenous Sovereigns of North America

News from Indigenous Nations

Sovereignty in Hawai'i Today

Lessons for Aspiring Sovereigns

Chapter Four................................................46

Power Makes the Rules

Special Knowledge is Power

The Illuminati & Freemasons

Power Doesn't Play By the rules it Makes

Global Power Structure

United Nations


State of New Columbia

American Power Structure

Executive Orders & Management Agency (FEMA)

Federal Government As Organized Crime

National Security State and CIA

Chapter Five.................................................64

Conspiracy vs. Fact: Who Benefits from Terrorism?

Disinformation Agents & Hate Groups

Crime Control and Domestic Terrorism

Legislative History of the Clinton administration

Anti-Terrorism Act of 1996

Government Protecting the People?

Chapter Six...................................................76

Unveiling the New World Order

War Against the American


Listen to the Drumbeat of Tyranny

Police State Actions

Expanded Police Powers and Foreign Military Forces

War on Drugs - War on Human Rights

Building Prisons Instead of Schools

Health Freedom or Fascism?

Outcome-Based Education

Parental Rights Endangered

Biochip Implants, Tracking & the Microchip Generation

Genetic Vampires & Sovereign Rights

Seizure Fever: The War on Property Rights

Banking on the New World Order

Chapter Seven..............................................98

Gold and Silver Money

Paper Money Substitutes or Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's)

Introducing Debt Currency Circulation

International Banking Cartel

Federal Reserve Banking System

Americans Asleep at the Economic Wheel of the World's

Largest Republic

Irrelevant Economic Dialectic

Exponentially Raising the Debt-Ceiling

Investment Recommendations for Getting Out of Debt

Chapter Eight..............................................112

The Federal, Corporate United States Government is Perpetually Bankrupt

Reorganization of the Federal United States Inc.

Sedition & Treason Against the United States

Bankruptcy & American Sovereignty

Balancing the Budget Fiasco

Bankruptcy Strategies

Economic Sovereignty

Chapter Nine...............................................122

Government Without Taxes & Tyranny

Social Insecurity

Privacy Act & Freedom of Information Act

What is the Internal Revenue Service?

Delegation of Authority

IRS is a Bizarre Scheme to Collect Taxes

Individual Master File

Short History of the “Income Tax?”

Withholding Requirements

Income Tax is Voluntary

Sovereign Citizenship & the IRS

Getting Lien and Judgment Proof

Dealing With the Audit

Performance Management & Recognition System Kickbacks

Wages Are Not Income, But Property

Notice of Intent to Lien Notice of Levy

Chapter Ten........................................... 142

Toward A New World Order

Republic Vs. Democracy

Manufactured Wars, Revolutions & Conflict

Who Won the American Revolution?

Who Contrived the French Revolution?

Who Makes the Money, Makes the Wars?

Emancipation or Slavery for All?

Original 13th Amendment

14th (or 15th) Amendment, “U.S. citizen”

Titles of Nobility & 17th (or 18th) Amendment

Corporations Born & Enthroned

World War I: Foundation of New World Order

Who Bought and Sold Out the Russian Revolution?

Borrowing Forever from the Future:

Your Children Will “Pay” for it

War and Preparation for War: Your Children Will “Die” in it

Prosperity and the Great Depression

The New Deal: “Socialism”

Stealing More Than Money

World War II: The War That Won the World?

Zionism and the Creation of Israel

Chapter Eleven...........................................164

Early America

Church and State

Colonization of North America

America: The Brotherhood's First Nation-State

Fourteen Presidents Before Washington

The Famous War Inevitable Speech

Declaration of Independence

Story of the Flag of the United States

Articles of Confederation

1st Constitution “for” the united states of America

2nd Constitution of the united states of America

Two Distinct Jurisdictions in America

Sovereign Union states of the republic

Corporate Federal States & the Buck Act

10th Amendment State's Rights Sovereign, American Nationals AND Sovereign “state” Citizens

Immigration and Naturalization in the sovereign state and

Jural Societies

Declaring Your Citizenship

Chapter Twelve...........................................186

De Jure Nations Are Defined By Law

Natural Law & Unalienable Sovereign Rights

Basic Concepts of Law

The Constitution is Controlling

Jury Rights & Who Judges the Law?

Whose Flag is Flying in America Today?

Distinctions of American Law

Due Process and the Bill of Rights

5th Amendment Rights

State & Federal Court Systems

Federal Law and United States Code

Limits of Federal and Federal State Jurisdiction

Sovereignty and Separation of Powers

Venue and Jurisdiction

Common Law

Invoking Common Law Venue

The Great Writs

Underground Lawyers

Constitutional Common Law Courts

Chapter Thirteen......................................208

From Public Law to Public Policy

Color of Law

Adhesion Contracts

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)

Affirmative Defenses

Attorneys or Title 42 Lawyers

Chapter Fourteen......................................222

International Law of Nations

Counter-Claims and Cross-Libels in Admiralty / Maritime

Chapter Fifteen...........................................228

Introductory Tools for Freedom



General Affidavits & Constructive Legal Notices

Quiet Title Action

Refusals for Fraud and Notices of Default

Non-Statutory Abatements

Police and the Traffic Stop False

Arrest and Imprisonment

Writ of Habeas Corpus

Petition for Redress of Grievances

Re-Declaration of Independence Elements of a Court

Chapter Sixteen..........................................240

Elements of a Court



Challenging “Statutory” Jurisdiction

Article I, Court Actions and Motions Counsel of Choice

Challenging Oaths of Office

Original 13th Amendment Arguments

Article III, Court Actions and Motions

American Flag of Peace

Civil Rights Actions: Title 42 U.S.C. §1983

Commercial & Common Law Liens

Chapter Seventeen......................................256

Virtues and Listening

Problem Solving and Learning

Visions for the Next Millennium

A New Cosmology

Teaching Preparedness

Preparedness for Survival


Balanced View of the Environment

Depolarization of Left and Right

Breaking Through Victim Mentality

Expanding Imagination

Agenda 16

Creating A Paradise on Earth

Restoring Sustainable Economics

Gold and Silver, Local Scrip, Barter and a Breadbasket of Commodities

Chapter Eighteen........................................274

Take Back Your Country

Challenge Unlawful Activities of the Government

Abolish the Federal Reserve System

Emergency and War Powers Acts

Restoring a Constitutional Money System

Police and Military Against the New World Order

Citizens Militia and Non-Violence Home Rule

Jural Societies and Townships

Restoring the Constitutional Republic

Chapter Nineteen.......................................290

Alaska: An Irregular State

Independence for the Hawai'i(an) People

Short History of the Republic of Texas

Provisional Governments Established in Kingdom of Hawai'i

International Recognition for the American Sovereign

Chapter Twenty..........................................302

Reclaiming Your Inherent American Sovereignty

Getting Your Papers in Order

Getting Your Affidavits in Order

Getting Your Business in Order

Right To Travel

Posturing Yourself at a Traffic Stop

Securing Your Right to Travel

Restructuring Tax Liabilities

Getting Your Taxes in Order

Restructuring in Foreign Entities

Foreign Trusts Explained

Types of Trusts

Allodial Titles and Land Patents

Rediscovering America

Index and info.............................................337

About this edition

Words from the past


Dangerous & Exciting Times

by Johnny Liberty, Author

Note: This final edition of the Global Sovereign’s Handbook is being released as a free e-book for maximum distribution of the ideas and passion behind my life’s work._

Johnny Liberty is not just a man, but an idea whose time has come again._

Please distribute this work freely and widely to arouse the ideas and passions that will once again make our country great._

Look around. These are dangerous times to be exercising your rights and liberties in these united states of America._

These are also exciting and momentous times to be alive and take a stand for freedom at home and around the planet._

The times they are a changing still. The current tide is shifting away from tyranny and towards enhanced and expanded freedoms. The chains of human bondage will be broken and a new generation will unleash a mighty power rarely seen on earth._

Stand up and be counted. Stand up for your individual sovereignty. Challenge authority and the established world view. Examine your beliefs and free your minds. Have compassion and love your enemies._

One True America

Where is the true America?

The true America is not to be found in our current government. For these are too ignorant, blind and cowardly to defend our most precious rights._

For these are bent on destroying the U.S. Constitution and shredding it for their own self-interest and power._

The true America is not to found in the brain-dead, stupefied public without the willpower to defend their most basic self-interest, rights and freedom. For these are lost sheep._

For these are all too willing to accept their conditioning and indoctrination without questioning authority or the source of the beliefs._

Do not look towards any of these false America’s or listen to false prophets for the answers. For the answers are not to be found there._

The true America is not to be found in our current leadership or on television. New leadership is emerging and there will you find the hope and the prayers for future generations._

These leaders are invisible, sometimes hard to find, but existent nonetheless. They are not born, but made._

Desire Freedom and the Truth

How much do you desire freedom? How much do you desire your own sovereignty? How much do you love yourself? A life unquestioned and unexamined is not a life worth living. So you have a choice._

To examine your life, your beliefs and to learn from history or to be condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past._

How many more people will die without knowing the purpose of their lives? How many more will suffer lack in the land of plenty?

Sleepwalk or Awaken?

Do you continue sleepwalking through your existence or do you awaken to the drumbeat for freedom, sovereignty and consciousness emerging worldwide? Do you turn away from a friend, a neighbor, a family member or your countrymen, or do you stand besides them in their hour of need? For if you do not stand for them, then who will stand for you? The courage and sacrifice that made America great will make America great again, but in a new way._

Everybody Wins, No Plunder

This time everybody wins. There is plenty for everyone._

There is no need for racism, bigotry or genocide of any indigenous culture. The future is inclusive and everybody has their share._

But everybody must also respect the rights and properties of each other._

There can be no legal plunder and no excuse, no law justified to steal from one and give to another. Each and everyman and woman is responsible for their own creations, their own productivity and the consequences of their actions._

Protect the life, liberty and property of each other and you will also be protected. Plunder each other and you will be plundered._

Honesty Please, No Tyranny

And most of all, there must be honesty, please._

Enough of the lies, deceit and dishonesty that has crafted a grand illusion upon the state of the nation. Enough of the false promises of security and comfort leading ever more dangerously towards tyranny._

Let’s tell the whole truth and nothing but. That’s a sacred vow of honor to dare to speak the truth._

If you are blind to the tyranny arising around you, then take a good look around._

If you fail to notice the signs, the writing on the wall, then you may also fail to notice your liberties and property are under attack, not by enemies from foreign countries, but from within by your own so-called “government.”

Government as a Fraud

This “government” of ours in America today is a monumental fraud. The income tax is a fraud. The leaders who promise the stars and deliver nothing but lies are a fraud. Stop believing in the lies around you. The least we can do is tell the truth about that.

This book and the editions that preceded it had a mission._

That mission was to uncover and to reveal the hidden truths about American history, law, economics and politics so you and you and I could reclaim our God-given rights and liberties as a sovereign people._

This book is about freedom. It is about individual sovereignty. It is about restoring accountability in the governments of men and telling the truth about the state of our nation and the world today._

It is Dedicated to all the freedom fighters and the lovers of freedom alike for without these brave pioneers and warriors, America and the world would most surely be lost._

Join us now in liberating not only our minds, hearts and spirits, but the chains of human bondage._

Prologue from Success Education Course

If you want to be successful, spend your time and energy with the most effective and knowledgeable people in whatever area you want to master._

Surround yourself with teachers who are inspiring, empowering and in alignment with your personal principles and goals._

The authors and contributors to this course are successful because they have discovered the key elements of this program through the course of their living, and have already successfully applied and integrated each tool in both their personal and professional lives._

They will take you from concept to the finish line in less time than most people spend watching television every week._

And if we’re successful in inspiring you and delivering this important information, you’ll be coming back for more in our Success Education Leadership Training Programs (Phase Two, Phase Three and Phase Four)._

Online Version with additional links for Success Education customers, go to: se1source / cd1of12track1.0.htm

The Liberty Story Begins

This is the story of a modern day seeker of truth and freedom. The story begins one dark evening on route to the New World._

After a long sea voyage, his ancestors were about to arrive in the promised land of their generation._

Their hope and prayer was that they might live in a land where liberty and justice prevailed. Although this New World was filled with opportunity and danger, they were committed to the journey._

There was no security, little comfort and basic survival was always a concern but there was no turning back._

He can almost remember being there and sensing the fright and excitement of their arrival. The moment they set foot upon the ground, they fell to their knees and prayed._

They gave thanks for the success of their long journey and prayed that the future would still hold promise, seven generations later._

The rest is history – a history that many of us have forgotten, or have chosen not to remember. Our ancestors from whatever race, culture or nation laid a path for us to follow. And we have a responsibility to them to fulfill the promise of the New World._

The story continues early one morning over eight years ago._

Like many of his neighbors, he had fallen into a deep sleep._

He was raising a family of three children, working two jobs that could barely sustain them, and was not able to make ends meet. It was that chilly morning that he took a hard look in the mirror:

What am I doing with my life?

Why is it such a struggle?

I work so hard;

yet can barely stay ahead of the bills._

What’s wrong with this picture?

There must be something more._

What is my purpose for being here?

He looked hard into that mirror for an answer. But the mirror was silent. All he could see was his face worn with age and stress. But beneath that face was a spirit - ready to burst into a smile._

There was something so familiar within him that was alive and committed to the journey._

Once again, there was no security, little comfort and basic survival was often a concern. This is when he knew that his life was about to change forever._

He sensed the fear of not knowing what the future had in store. But he also sensed the excitement of his decision._

He gave thanks for this turning point when he recommitted to the hopes and prayers of his ancestors that he might again one day soon, live in a land where liberty and justice prevailed._

He knew it would be a hard road, but had the courage and strength to travel upon it._

It was the truth that ultimately set him free. It wasn’t a truth that he was told. It wasn’t somebody else’s version of the truth._

It was a truth that he discovered on the path of selfdiscovery and experience. His goal was nothing less than being a successful human being. This is how it began: First, there was the issue of money. He believed that if he only had enough money all his problems would go away._

Does this sound familiar? Yet the more money he made, the more problems he had, and the more bills. So he started to research the nature of money, how it was created, and who controlled it._

What he discovered was astounding and shocking. In truth, he didn’t have any real “money” nor had he been paid any real “money” his entire life. This set him on a new course._

He was committed to not only learn about the nature of money, but to teach others what he discovered._

As you will discover in this course, he had issues with his own thinking that kept money away from him. And there was also a design to the creation and distribution of money that kept it from circulating._

So there were both internal and external controls over money that had to be liberated so that he could be financially free._

The issue of money, and not having enough of it, was a big one._

But there was more. As he learned about money, he also learned about history._

Although he had taken some history classes in school, it had not been a subject that interested him - until now._

He discovered that by learning about history, he could better understand his present condition, much like he understood his ancestor’s story._

What he found is that history was always written by the victors in war - but there were always two sides to the story._

One side of the story was told as the official version and the other side … was silenced._

Even today our history is being revised, popularized and retold by the media. The story of history is always told with a bias. As an individual committed to serious research, he knew he must know both sides of the story, and then decide for himself._

So how did he verify history and uncover the missing side of the story? Some of this was done by reading carefully between the lines of the source materials and compiling cross-references. But mostly it was uncovered by discovering the law._

Very little law was taught in school, except as it related to history. What he discovered is that law is a very precise and accurate record that has been handed down from generation to generation and is available in the public records for verification._

Histories could be lost and the stories retold, but the law remained as a permanent record of events. To comprehend history, one must learn the language and the context of law._

One piece of information led to another like a great detective story. In the tradition of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, he uncovered piece after piece of a gigantic jigsaw puzzle that made no sense whatsoever, until all the pieces were finally put together._

Then the light went on and he saw for the first time a grand design that was so obvious once uncovered – crystal clear to anyone who sought the truth._

All was connected in an indivisible system. The money system was linked to both the context of law and to the history that created nations on a political level._

And all of that was tied to our inner world - the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental aspects of our lives._

So he had to pull the wool away from his eyes and refocus his efforts on synthesizing these materials into what is now called, “the seven aspects of sovereignty”._

This has been further expanded to include all aspects of free enterprise business development and success education._

When he began this work, the political landscape was different than it is today. This work rose on the coat sleeves of the Clinton Administration over the last eight years._

He began as an avid supporter of Clinton and a Democrat, and ended renouncing the entire political system of Democrats and Republicans._

He discovered that he was in the midst of a cultural, economic and political war currently being waged against the minds and property of the people of the world._

He knew that he was an individual who could reclaim the liberty and justice sought by his ancestors, and live an incredibly successful life._

The mountain of ignorance that he confronted in the beginning of this work has eroded. It has transformed into clear choices one can make to stand as a truly free individual. In the future, one will either be a sovereign or a slave. There will be no riding the fence … no gray area in between._

In this course, you will learn about freedom and how to live the seven aspects of sovereignty. This is the foundation for seeking truth … and everything that will follow._

Biography of Johnny Liberty

John David Van Hove, aka Johnny Liberty, is an educator, visionary, whole systems strategic planner, researcher, business manager, consultant, and a specialist in free enterprise business development._

He is committed to developing and funding 300 or more strategic companies over the next five years with the objective of building a free enterprise infrastructure worldwide._

This plan includes organic food, affordable shelter, renewable energy, the environment, technology, communications, education, arts and music, health and conscious films._

John David Van Hove is the Managing Director of the Institute for Communications Resources, or ICR, which provides a communications and networking infrastructure for global business development in the emerging markets of the world, along with producing educational and training components such as the Success Education Course._

He offers structuring and company formation services through our marketing affiliates and associate partners such as the Southern Oregon Resource Center. He is also the publisher of the World Good News Service, the Waking Giant News Service, or WGNS._

Through his alias Johnny Liberty, he has authored eleven books including the best-selling Global Sovereign’s Handbook, the Sovereign American’s Handbook, the Sovereign Hawaiians Handbook, a book on the Individual Sovereignty Process, and Allodial Titles and Land Patents._

He has compiled extensive legal research in the area of sovereignty and American law, and has been the primary researcher and contributor to the Global One Audio Seminar published by IGP._

Mr. Liberty has been a keynote speaker at many offshore events and has taught seminars for over 100,000 people._

John David Van Hove developed the ICR Leadership Training Programs which will be offered as introductory, advanced and graduate programs for those completing this basic Success Education Course._

Mr. Van Hove attended Michigan State University and studied biological sciences, humanistic psychology and oriental philosophy during the activist seventies._

He has traveled extensively researching and experiencing many cultures, networking potentials and identifying key people, organizations, businesses, projects, programs and media in many systems areas. The fruits of a lifetime of research and networking are available on the ICR web site at: John David Van Hove is a true renaissance man with many diverse talents shaping new thought on the leading edge of social, political and economic change._

He has been a powerful and compassionate influence on millions of people since the early seventies. He was there during the communications revolution and the emergence of the Internet._

He was there during the human potential movement, founded communities and an environmental education center, built seven houses, played and wrote music, raised three families, produced hundreds of concerts and events, researched and contributed to making the concept of sovereignty a household word._

Presently, he is involved in free enterprise business development and organizing new financial business models to revolutionize banking and company capitalization in the new millennium._

For another biography, see: 
