- Chapter Eight`

The Global, Debt-Based Economic System is a Casino Gambling Operation Destined for Bankruptcy!` BANKRUPTCY`

by Johnny Liberty`

Dedicated to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research` and creation of this handbook.

The Federal, Corporate United States` Government is Perpetually Bankrupt`

"Mister Speaker. We are here now in Chapter 11.

Members of Congress are official trustees` presiding over the greatest reorganization of` any bankrupt entity in world history,` the U.S. government.”

— James Traficant, Jr. (D-Ohio)` addressing the House on Wednesday, March 17,` 1993 — United States Congressional Record,` Volume #33, page H1303 1`

Since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the federal` United States government has continued to borrow and` spend without limit or accountability.

It took only 20 years (1913— 1933) for our power-hungry,` money-crazy elected representatives in the U.S. Congress,` the supposed guardians of the American republic, to` bankrupt the federal United States government and sell out` the united states of America. So much for politicians. Has` anything changed?

In 1933, the federal United States government declared` bankruptcy by Presidential Proclamation #2039, issued` March 6, 1933, and #2040 issued March 9, 1933,` temporarily suspending banking transactions by member` banks of the Federal Reserve System. Normal banking` functions were resumed on March 13, 1933 subject to certain` restrictions.

These Presidential Proclamations took effect after President` Roosevelt’s declaration of a national state of emergency` pursuant to Executive Orders # 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260` (see Senate Report 93-549, pp. 187, 594; 5 U.S.C.A§903)` under Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, codified 12` U.S.C. 95a; House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933;` confirmed in Perry vs. U.S. (1933), 294 U.S. 330-381 and 31` U.S.C. 5112, 5119. 2` The Federal Reserve foreclosed on the U.S. Department of` the Treasury in 1933 and demanded all the gold ($) to satisfy` the interest payment on the debt obligations already` incurred. On June 5, 1933, the U.S. Congress enacted House` Joint Resolution 192 to suspend the gold standard.3`

“Whereas the holding or dealing in gold` affects the public interest, and are therefore` subject to proper regulation and restriction; and` whereas the existing emergency has disclosed` that provisions of obligations which purport to` give the oblige (Federal Reserve) a right to` require payment in gold.”

— House Joint Resolution 192`

The U.S. Department of the Treasury was emptied, all the` gold in Fort Knox was removed, and every state republic in` the Union went bankrupt as well by pledging their good faith` and credit (i.e., your future productivity) to aid the national` government.

The Federal Reserve Bank directed President Franklin D. Roosevelt to declare a state of national emergency and` prohibit the private ownership of gold ($) within the federal` United States.

The American people were ordered to deliver their gold to` the nearest Federal Reserve Bank. Although, by law, this` Executive Order applied only to U.S. citizens, most people` complied (as they didn’t know any better) and handed over` their real money ($) in exchange for a paper money` substitute (Ø). So if you wonder why you don’t have any` “money” it’s because you were robbed in broad daylight and` didn’t even notice.

Since HJR 192, the American people have not been able to` lawfully “pay” a debt. You can only exchange and transfer` debt from one party to another which is what we do when` we exchange FRN’s. The debt can never be paid off. It is` perpetual, growing exponentially and lasting forever (until` bankruptcy do us part).

The suspension of the gold standard and an emergency` prohibition against the payment of debts, also removed the` “substance” from the Common law thus effecting the entire` legal system as well.

The substance of lawful consideration was replaced with the` “National Public Credit System” where debt money (FRNs)` was used as legal tender to “discharge” debts instead of real` “money.” Perpetual debt belongs exclusively to an` Admiralty/Maritime jurisdiction and an International` contract compelling performance.

Thus the Common law was also suspended, as there was no` money to consummate any action in law. Note that the court` “excepted” matters governed by the Constitution and acts of` Congress from being governed by state laws.

“Except in matters governed by the federal` Constitution or by Acts of Congress,` the law to be applied in any case is the law of the` state...there is no general federal Common law.”

— Erie R.R. vs. Thompkins, 304 US 64 (1938) 4`

The “principal/creditor” in the fashioning of the “federal` Common law” is the “Admiral” himself, enlarging his powers` over the republic and jurisdiction over the land as a result of` the public policy declared in HJR 192.

The limited liability for payment of perpetual debt falls` under the federal law merchant and the law of Admiralty` because of the subject matter, and the nature of the cause of` the action.5` Thus, the state and federal constitutions, and/or Common` “law of the land” has yielded to the Admiralty/Maritime “law` of the sea.”

The “Admiral,” and whomever he personifies, has become` King. The CEO has become King. The sovereignty of the` united states of America has been effectively and invisibly` transferred to the foreign principals/creditors of the federal` United States.

“If we don’t change our direction,` we’re likely to end up where we’re headed.”

— Chinese Proverb`

When the brave Congressman Louis T. McFadden stood up` to the mighty bankers and legislators, and brought` impeachment charges against them, the indictments were` buried in Committee and never reported to the House floor.

Later he was believed to have been poisoned for daring to` tell the truth. Few of our elected representatives Washington` D.C. have dared tell the truth since. The federal United` States government is perpetually bankrupt. Our children` will inherit this un-payable debt, and the tyranny to enforce` it.7` The American people not only lost their gold in 1933, but` were paid only Ø.59 on the Dollar in worthless paper` currency (Ø) when they exchanged it.

The U.S. supreme Court upheld President Roosevelt’s` policies due to his threatening to reorganize the judicial` branch despite the Administration’s clearly unconstitutional` acts. The Constitution and the Common law was gone,` and the monied powers of the international bankers were` firmly in charge.

The Banking Act of 1935 established the Federal Deposit` Insurance Corporation (FDIC), booted out the Secretary of` the Treasury and the Comptroller of the Currency and finally` decreed that all profits of the Federal Reserve Bank would be` retained by the Federal Reserve Banks.

The federal United States government has been bankrupt,` financially, legally and morally ever since. Had you seen the` writing on the wall, would you have acted? 8` Instead of correcting this horrible mistake by repealing the` Federal Reserve Act, or challenging its constitutionality, the` U.S. Congress, and our elected representatives have cowardly` continued to confiscate the property and income of the` American people through excise and income taxes, social security` taxes, probate and inheritance taxes, inflationary` monetary policies, seizures, forfeitures, condemnation, malicious` prosecution, bankruptcy proceedings, and outright` grand theft.

The U.S. Congress continues to borrow and squeeze until it` hurts the American people, then they borrow some more.

Every time they raise the debt ceiling in the U.S. Congress, a` piece of the country and a bit more of the future is handed` over to the foreign principles/creditors.

Both Republicans and Democrats have perpetrated this` policy to this very day. All this lip service about balancing` the budget is great political positioning, but it cannot be` done in a debt-based currency system.

Whether seven (Republican) or twelve (Democrats) years,` it’s too little, too late to avoid the collapse of the American` economy and way of life.

The true cost of funding this federal U.S. government` shopping spree and the international banking cartel, at` public expense, has been the sovereignty of the united states` of America, our lawful sovereign “state” Citizenship, the` integrity of our justice system and the loss of our` Constitution and Bill of Rights.

"I have never seen more senators express` discontent with their jobs...I think the major` cause is that, deep down in our hearts,` we have been accomplices` in doing something terrible and un-forgivable` to this wonderful country.

Deep down in our heart, we know that we have` given our children a legacy of bankruptcy.

We have defrauded our country` to get ourselves elected.”

— John Danforth (R-Missouri) 9`

When the federal United States government, or any corporation` or government, becomes bankrupt, it transfers its` sovereignty to its creditors/principals.

As a bankrupt entity, the federal United States govern-ment` has no power or authority to initiate civil or criminal actions` against anyone. No bankrupt entity can issue credit or make` loans. All government loans, supposed benefits and charity` is a fraud.

The entire constitutional court system is suspended, and` replaced with military tribunals operating under Admiralty /` Maritime law.

Consequently, the power and authority of the entire federal` United States government resides in the sovereignty of its` principles/creditors, the Federal Reserve Bank, and its` principles the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

All courts, federal and State, are convened in bankruptcy` proceedings against the citizens of the United States, suing` via the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in an` Admiralty/Maritime jurisdiction.10`

“A banker is a man who will loan you money` if you can prove you don’t need it.”

— Mark Twain`

Reorganization of the Federal United States Inc.

Editor’s Note: When the Emergency and WarPowers Acts` are lifted all Federal Reserve Banks will cease to operate.

In 1995, the law forbids member banks of the Federal` Reserve System to transact banking business except under` regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury, during an` emergency proclaimed by the President (12 U.S.C.A§95).

The CFR Parallel Index of Rules and Authorities, which` begins on page 751 of the 1995 Index to the Federal Code of` Regulations, demonstrates that the Federal Reserve System` has always been an agency of the self-interested or` geographical United States and has never had legitimate` authority applicable to the state republics and the` population at large.

The only published regulation which supports 12 USC §95a,` section 5(b) of the “Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917” pertains to customs; the other under Title 31 is held in` reserve, and there is no regulatory application for Congress'` approval of emergency powers granted to the executive via` 12 USC §95(b).

Likewise there are no regulations applicable to the state` republics for the statute which authorizes federally` chartered financial institutions to monetize public and` private assets with ledger-book creation of debt (12 USC` §101), and there is no regulation extending the Federal` Reserve note as legal tender for payment of debt to the state` republics (12 USC §§411 & 412).

This is further verified by regulations pertaining to federal` tax and loan depositaries at 31 CFR §202 et seq. United` States-chartered financial institutions traffic exclusively in` “public money,” which is treated extensively in Chapter 10 of` Title 31, United States Code.

By definition, public money is obligations of the United` States which can legally be in the custody of agencies of the` United States and officers, agents and employees of United` States agencies. [Editor's Note: This supports the theory` that any use of Federal Reserve Notes indicates an` adhesion contract that ties one's Citizenship to the federal` system.] 11` The passage of Public Law 90-269 (March 18, 1968)` declared that the Federal Reserve Notes (FRN’s) you carry` around in your pocket are not redeemable.

The passage of Public Law 95-147, 91 Stat. 1227 (October 28,` 1977) declared that all American banking institutions,` including State banks, were under the control and direction` of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).12`

Furthermore, the Act further declared that section 10(a) of` the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 is amended by striking out the` phrase “stabilizing the exchange value of the dollar.”

Furthermore, the Act states that the Joint Resolution to` assure uniform value to the coins and currencies of the` United States shall not apply to obligations of the United` States issued after the date of enactment.

Therefore, the international organizations, corporations and` associations who had refused to pay their debts determined` they could pass the loss of their non-redeemable, noncurrent` notes, bonds and other evidences of debt to others, and` therefore crown the fraud of the money trust with success.

Several recent U.S. District court decisions have placed the` entire U.S. banking system into receivership which is more` prima facie evidence of bankruptcy. During the New Deal` (1933), when banks were first federalized, they did not` register with the Secretaries of each respective Union state.

Therefore every commercial, American bank has been` operating illegally since 1933. All loans, interest and` foreclosures since then have also been illegal contracts (e.g. National Banking Association, Farm Credit System).14` The Federal Reserve System is being absorbed into an entity` called the Federal Banking Commission (FBC) through HR` 1214 (May 1993).

This Commission will abolish seven systems, including the` Federal Reserve, the National Banking Association, Thrift` Associations and the FDIC (though the names might be` retained for awhile). Henry Gonzalez (D-TX) addressed the` U.S. Congress and told them about the reorganization plan.15` The Federal Banking Commission is comprised of Seven` Governors including the Secretary of the Treasury, the` chairman of the Federal Reserve, and the chairman of the` FDIC.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) no` longer protects commercial banks. The national banks have` recently de-federalized, returning to their state charters.

Banks without state charters will close. Deposits are no` longer guaranteed by the bankrupt FDIC.16`

Sedition &Treason Against the United States` Sixteen nations declared bankruptcy at the first Breton` Woods Agreement in 1930. The Geneva Convention Treaty` (1930) declared that international bankruptcy treaties were` superior to all federal law, and the Constitution.

No treaty with a foreign country or legal entity can` supersede the Constitution, except in cases of bankruptcy.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank` was an outgrowth of the Breton Woods Agreement (July` 22,1944), aka “The Final Act of the United Nations` Monetary and Financial Conference.”

Over 100 nations declared bankruptcy and formed a new` currency system led by the federal United States government,` the Federal Reserve Bank, and international bank-ers.

The entire monetary system of the United States was subverted` and usurped by agents of foreign principals. This was` the same year the United Nations was founded.

The Secretary of the Treasury, as the chief financial officer of` the federal United States, is the “Receiver” in bankruptcy` (Reorganization Plan #26, 5` U.S.C. 905, Public Law 94-564).41 The federal United States` government is a front for the sovereign creditors, the` Federal Reserve Bank (see Foreign Agents Registration Act` of 1938; 22 U.S.C. 286 et seq., 263(a), 285(g), 267(j), 611(c)` (ii) & (iii); Rabinowitz vs. Kennedy, 376 U.S. 605; 11 L Ed 2d` 940; 18 U.S.C. 219, 951; Treasury Delegation Order #91).

The Federal Reserve Bank is also bankrupt under the` receivership of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).17` The former Presidential Cabinet Office of the “Secretary of` Treasury” and Department of the Treasury no longer exists` except in name only.

The present Secretary of the Treasury is NOT the same office` as the Treasurer of the united states of America. Search as` you may for an appointment in the public record including` the Congressional Record and the United States Code, you` will not find one for the present “Secretary of the Treasury.”

But you will find an appointment for Robert Rubin as an` alien, corporate “Governor” of the International Monetary` Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and` Development (i.e., World Bank), among other interna-tional` appointments.

Check out the “Weekly Compilation of Presidential` Documents.” For example, Rubin’s predecessor, former` Senator Lloyd Bentsen of Texas, is listed in the Weekly` Compilation on January 28, 1993 under Nominations` Submitted to the Senate as follows: 18` “Lloyd Bentsen of Texas, to be U.S. Governor of the International` Monetary Fund for a term of five years; U.S. Governor` of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development` for a term of five years; U.S. Governor of the Inter-` American Development Bank for a term of five years; U.S. Governor of the Asian Development Bank; U.S. Governor of` the African Development Bank; and U.S. Governor of the` European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.”

The Governor of the International Monetary Fund is the` present and only “Secretary of the Treasury.”

The corporate and federal State Governors are also regional` Governors of the International Monetary Fund. These are` the front men for the foreign principals/creditors of the federal` United States. These men are agents of a foreign principal` pursuant to 22 U.S.C. §611, 612. They are directed, controlled,` financed and subsidized by a foreign power that has` nothing whatsoever to do with the “United States” or its` Constitution.

Under 5 U.S.C. §3331, each individual elected or appointed` to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or` uniformed services, must take an oath to uphold the` Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

You cannot serve two masters. Acceptance and holding of an` office or employment must not violate 5 U.S.C. §7311`

Section 7311. Loyalty and striking` An individual may not accept or hold a position in the` Government of the United States or the government of the` District of Columbia if he:`

1. advocates the overthrow of our constitutional` form of government;`

2. is a member of an organization that he knows` advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of` government.

Under federal law, the “Secretary of the Treasury,”  appointed by the President, cannot be employed by the` united states of America. Neither does the “Secretary of the` Treasury” receive any salary from the federal United States` government.

The “Secretary of the Treasury” is paid directly by the` International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF also pays the` salaries of federal judges, U.S. Attorneys and U.S. Marshals.

So why are these purported government appointees being` paid by a foreign entity? To whom do they have allegiance?

You cannot serve two masters. He whom the piper pays` dances.

Title 22 U.S.C.§283(a)` Appointment of officers; term of office; salary (c) Compensation` No person shall be entitled to receive any salary or` other compensation from the United States for services as a` governor, alternate governor or executive director.

Reading 5 U.S.C. §782 will shed light on why these` appointees are not being paid by the United States` government directly. Acceptance of funds or a salary would` be sufficient evidence and cause for indictment for treason.

Of course, there still is the element of fraud. Did anybody` ever tell you they’re working for a foreign principle? Now, do` you still wonder why many appointees in government` appear to be acting in somebody else best interest, other` than the American peoples? Now, I’m curious who pays the` salaries of the U.S. Congress? 20`

“The giving, loaning, or promising of support` or money or any other thing of value for any` purpose to any organization shall be conclusively` presumed to constitute affiliation therewith.”

— 5 U.S.C. §782, item 17.

The federal United States began participation in INTERPOL` in 1938, designating the U.S. Attorney General as the official` representative to the organization.

The Waco Massacre of the Branch Davidians in Texas was` an INTERPOL operation spearheaded by U.S. Attorney` General, Janet Reno. This enlarges the picture quite a bit.

The U.S. Attorney General officially designated the Secretary` of the Treasury as the U.S. representative to INTERPOL in` 1958. The U.S. Attorney General is the “permanent member”  to the Secretariat of the Interpol Operation, and the` Secretary of Treasury the “alternate permanent member.” 21` Representatives to INTERPOL must, pursuant to Article 30` of the “Constitution and General Regulation of Interpol (22` U.S.C. §263 (a)),” renounce their allegiance to their` respective countries and expatriate.

The U.S. Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury` have renounced their allegiance to the united states of` America. One cannot serve two masters. The World Bank is` the agent for the principles/creditors of the federal United` States and is not subject to American law.22`

> TREASON— offense of attempting by overt acts to` overthrow the government of the state to which the offender` owes allegiance; or of betraying the state into the hands of a` foreign power (e.g. international bankers).

> SEDITION— knowingly becoming a member of any` organization that advocates the overthrow or reformation of` the existing form of government of this state by violence or` unlawful means.

Consequently, all “public servants,” officials, congressmen,` senators, politicians, judges, attorneys, law enforcement` personnel, the States and their various agencies, are express` agents of the foreign creditor/principles who have bankrupted` and stolen the united states of America through the paper` money banking swindle and other frauds and treacheries. Is` this treason?

“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers` of the society but the people themselves and if we` think them not enlightened enough to exercise their` control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is` not to take it from them, but to inform them.”

— Thomas Jefferson`

Bankruptcy & American Sovereignty`

These undeclared federal bankruptcies are directly linked to` the profound changes in the American system of law.

Without substance and without real “money,” there can be` no Common in law actions.

When the federal United States borrowed from the Federal` Reserve Bank in excess of the American peoples ability to` pay the federal government’s obligation in substantive, real` money, and the international banks demanded to be paid in` gold coin, the sovereign states and their respective “state”  Citizens lost their sovereignty under the Common law.

Under the influence and prompting of the Royal Institute for` International Affairs, the American Bar Association and` other private organizations accommodated the dilemma by` blending “law” with “equity” in such a way as to not alarm` the American Citizens of their newly acquired subject status.

There would no longer be any genuine Common law courts,` or distinct jurisdictions (Law, Equity, Admiralty) as required` by the Constitution. All law would be “colorable,” or` commercial. All law would be practiced as “statutory,” or` commercial operating under the rules and procedures of` EQUITY or ADMIRALTY, not the COMMON LAW.

As every “licensed” attorney knows, the rules of “equity” are` quite different from the rules of “law.” Equity compels` performance upon the letter of a contract obligation, or in` the interest of the creditor in case of financial default, but it` allows a jury trial for controversies above $20.00, and it` outlaws debtors’ prisons.

However the equity jurisdiction of international default on` debt is tried in “admiralty” courts, which do not recognize` any of the constitutional protections of the equity courts.

A jury in an admiralty court is only advisory to the judge` who may rule contrary to a jury verdict if he/she wishes.

Admiralty courts impose criminal penalties on those who` fail to perform. You can recognize the admiralty jurisdiction` by the gold-fringed flag around the American flag in` virtually every courtroom today.

Balancing the Budget Fiasco` [Editors Note: Any intelligent individual ought to understand` basic arithmetic and the simple realization that in a debtbased` currency system you cannot balance the budget. So` what's all the fuss and fiasco in the halls of Congress? Here’s` an analysis of the balanced budget amendment.]` The government’s practice of burdening the public with debt` was addressed by Henry George in 1904 with a keen insight` that boiled frogs have cooked out of them.

As much as the people who are in debt are told that they are` actually benefiting from their negative condition, it is they` and their children who suffer, he observed. “The institution` of public debts...rests upon the preposterous assumption` that one generation may bind another generation,” he wrote.

He recognized that foisting debt upon the public is an` exercise that would involve “a flagrant contempt for the` natural and unalienable rights of man.”

He says that drawing on wealth that has not yet been created` not only robs our progeny but that it creates dangerous` power certain to be abused. The only ones who gain by such` an arrangement are “those who get control of governments.”

They are able to amass sums clandestinely this way, because` outright taxation to acquire the amounts they want would` immediately arouse indignation and resistance.24`

National Debt Now at $13 Trillion?

The official tally of the national debt is not somewhere over` $5 trillion, but the real figure could be closer to $13 trillion,` according to Robert Gaylon Ross writing for Media Bypass` Magazine. During the government budget crisis shutdowns` last December and January, Treasury Secretary Robert` Rubin admitted he was borrowing money from trust funds` to keep the government afloat — “a simple electronic entry,”  he called it.

Unfortunately, there is no real-life container that holds these` trust funds. As money funnels into the Treasury it lands in a` general fund. When that fund is empty, anything borrowed` from any purported funds is just another electronic debit` entry.

Investment banker and chairman of the CFR, Peter G.

Peterson announced on CSPAN in April of 1994 that the` government had already borrowed over $7 trillion from the` Social Security Trust Fund. How much has been raided from` the government's 47 other trust funds? Whatever that figure` is, it is invisible debt which the government terms` “off budget” items.

The invisible debt is also contributed to by the “Black Budget”  which funds our nation's huge intelligence apparatus.

This part of the budget is off limits to scrutiny because of national` security. Another source of off-budget debt is programs` that are currently being underfunded, such as the federal` pension plan which has been getting shortchanged to` the tune of $1 trillion since 1993. Add all this up and the total` national debt could be at $13 trillion or beyond.25`

Bankruptcy Strategies` There are alternatives to declaring bankruptcy. Bankruptcy` is not a desirable status for sovereign people as it creates a` lien upon not only all your present assets but your future` productivity.

To declare bankruptcy is to admit that you are not` economically sovereign and incapable of being financially` responsible for your actions. That is a lien-able position to` take. A Chapter 7, 11, 12 or 13 bankruptcy court order will` make you a “ward of the court” forever. Not recommended` for aspiring sovereigns.

Accord and Satisfaction`

“Accord & Satisfaction” is a commercial process for` discharging debt. Sovereign “state” Citizens cannot declare` bankruptcy, thus “Accord & Satisfaction” is an alternative` for Citizens who get over their head in “credit” money and` cannot meet their debt obligations.

A third party, on behalf of the debtor, will offer a creditor` consideration as a conditional “Accord & Satisfaction” in` exchange for the full and complete discharge of the debt. If` the consideration is offered and clearly designated as a` conditional Accord & Satisfaction on the negotiable` instrument, and accepted by the creditor, the debt is legally` discharged in full.

In the case of Ford Motor Co., consideration was sent and` accepted, then Ford Motor tried to send the check back and` undo the Accord & Satisfaction, which it could not, by law,` do.

The cost of litigation for Ford Motor was prohibitive against` a pro se litigant, so they eventually settled for a full` discharge of the debt, and a title to the truck free and clear.

Accord and satisfaction is one alternative to declaring` bankruptcy.26`

Repudiating Credit Card Debt Fraud`

[Editor’s Note: Barrie’s methods are not for everyone, but` for those faced with un-payable credit card debts,` imminent foreclosure on a mortgage or the prospects of` bankruptcy, perhaps this is a remedy.]` Author Barry Konicov advocates fighting bank fraud and the` rip-off of the American people by canceling personal debts.

The modern so-called “money” system, he points out, is` sustained by lies, cheating and thievery.

Bankers (who are all ultimately linked to the Federal` Reserve) create “money” out of thin air every time a person` activates the debit/credit system.

In a lawful system, borrowers put up collateral (something` real) in order to borrow real wealth that actually comes from` deposits or investments at the bank. In our fraudulent system,` borrowers are still putting up collateral that was created` by their very real labors, but the banks are loaning credit,` which is created by electronic computer entries.

As a result, bank customers become unwitting enablers to` the fraud of the dishonest bankers, and pay interest for the` privilege.

Taxpayers, who have become accustomed to paying the` government for the mere privilege of existing, have been` hoodwinked into the same crooked system of paying back` money that never existed in the first place.

The private, for-profit corporation called the Federal` Reserve, creates debt money out of nothing at the` government's request, then the IRS collection agency` extracts repayment from the people who assume they have` no other choice but to sweat and pay.

The Great Snow Job by Barrie Konicov advocates mass` credit card and mortgage debt cancellation, on the basis that` those unlawful debts are perpetrating the fraudulent nature` of the nation's money system; a fraud that is hurling the` country toward imminent financial collapse. 27`

FRN Redemption Strategies` Eric Madsen of Team Law has developed some interesting` redemption strategies for dealing with the IRS or other` government agencies who are demanding payment in` FRN’s. First, offer to pay your IRS bill with gold or silver,` and the IRS will refuse to accept the payment of lawful` money.

In fact, it’s against the law for the IRS to accept payment in` gold or silver. Second, prior-dated FRN’s must be accepted` and exchanged for silver dollars at the rate of Ø24 to $1` silver. 28`

Economic Sovereignty` As in all other aspects of sovereignty, we must reclaim what` we’ve lost. To be completely sovereign means reclaiming` spiritual, mental, emotional, political, economic and legal` sovereignty.

Economic sovereignty is a stumbling block for many people` who’ve lived their entire lives in debt, not having been paid` in real “money” of substance, not having acquired assets` sufficient to be able to be truly independent and free, instead` of dependent upon the New World Order system for their` lifeblood and support.

The welfare and co-dependency survival patterns are` pervasive and the attitudes behind them must be broken` with prosperity and abundance consciousness. Attitude is` everything.

If you feel unworthy of having wealth, of having choice, then` certainly you won’t. If you don’t believe there’s plenty for` everyone, then certainly there will be scarcity and struggle.

Achieving economic sovereignty morally, ethically and via` the expression of your own talents is the preferred method` for independence and freedom.

“The best way to help the poor is to` not be one of them yourself.”

First, assess your present financial and economic condition.

Tell the truth. Be honest. Inventory your resources, talents,` skills and dreams. What motivates you? What excites you` enough to get out of bed in the morning and be self motivated.

Obligation and debt is a poor motivator.

Assess your ability to make a contribution, your capacity to` generate a right livelihood for yourself and your family, and` to provide goods and services that are needed and wanted.

Success and achieving your goals may not come overnight. It` may take time to break the old belief structures and` attitudes that have kept you limited. Be patient, but stay` focused and energized on your goal — being economically` sovereign and financially responsible for your actions.

If you’re an “employee” with a “job” consider starting your` own business. You’ll have more options for freedom working` your own business than for someone else, unless they’re also` sovereign-minded.

Get independent of employee status as soon as possible. Or` be prepared to educate your “employer” and exercise other` tax-reduction strategies.

Declare what you want and how you'll serve. Extend an` imagination of yourself into the world around you and` faithfully assess what is needed and wanted, then provide it.

You must commit to action to receive the opportunity for` manifestation.

Commit to being and living debt-free and supporting others` to do the same.

Create a community of family, friends and neighbors to` support this agenda.

Commit to being judgment proof from liens or prosecution.

There are hungry, litigious vultures out there looking to take` advantage of anyone with assets connected with their name` or number.

Extract yourself from both and live free. Slowly, carefully` and safely remove yourself from the existing system and` replace it with another system than gives “pure mission” to` manifesting your goals and life’s purpose.

Commit to reorganizing your business and financial affairs` as quickly and wisely as possible. Set-up and utilize foreign` entities (i.e., LLC's, CLT’s IBC's, PIF’s, SA’s), domestic, nondomestic` and offshore with the assistance of expert counsel.

Set-up private offshore banking in a country with strict` banking privacy laws.

Get rid of your credit cards, utilize VISA debit cards, and/or` fiduciary trust accounts to do business outside the` jurisdiction of the federal United States. If you send less of` your productivity to the principle/creditors of the` government, there’ll be more to invest and allocate where` you choose.

Allocate a portion of your assets into short-term and long-term` investments. Transit from the debt-based currency to` tangible assets (e.g., gold/silver, land, food, tools) as quickly` as possible.

Organize a communications network for sovereign` individuals and businesses to buy, sell and trade goods and` services. Organize and participate in local scrips for the` exchange of goods and services and the development of` community-based self-reliance. Invest and establish an` asset-based solar economy with We the People as creditors.

Let’s deregulate the Federal Reserve monopoly over legal` tender, and create our own money system for We the People.

Notes and Sources`


1. Sourced from James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio)` addressing the House on Wednesday, March 17,` 1993; United States Congressional Record, Volume` #33, page H1303`

2. Sourced from Senate Report 93459,pp. 187,594,` under Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, codified` 12 USC §95a; House Joint Resolution 192 of June` 5, 1933; confirmed in Perry v. US (1933), 294 US` 330-381 and 31 USC §§5112, 5119; See also Velma` Griggs, The Original 13th Amendment, Inyawe` Trust Company p.48 (Treasury of the US and every` State went bankrupt); See also California Assembly` and Senate adopted Joint Resolution Number 26.

3. HJR 192 (suspended the gold standard).

4. Famous supreme Court case that signaled the` change from Common law to Negotiable` Instruments Law.

5. See also Limited Liability Act, 46 USC §1851` (March 3, 1851).

6. Sourced from Americans Bulletin, Sep '94 p.11.

7. Sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T.

Party, (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992, pp. 4/3-4/11).

8. Ibid. See also Gold Reserve Act of 1934, Banking` Act of 1935.

9. Sourced from Arizona Republic, interview on April` 22, 1992.

10. Sourced from Government's Liberty...Brings Death` To Freedom, p.43 (Federal Reserve creditors are` the sovereign powers).

11. Title 12 USCA §95.

12. Public Law 95-147, 91 Stat. 1227 (October 28, 1977)` (all American banking institutions were under the` control and direction of the IMF); Sourced from` Jeff Ganaposki, Patriot Primer #2, (Living Word, p.99).

13. Sourced from John Prukop` 14. See also EO # 12278 by George Bush (Oct. 23,1991)` (Federal Register Volume 56, No. 207, Oct. 25,` 1991, p.55195); Not absolutely certain this is the` proper authority.

15. H.R. 1214 (May 1993); See also C-Span (June 8,` 1992 at 2:30 pm).

16. Sourced from Friendly Fire at the Fed, Business` Week (Dec. 13, 1993).

17. Sourced from U.S. Congressional Record, Weds.,` March 17, 1993, Vol. #33, p. H1303 (bankruptcy of` the federal United States documented); See also` Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, 22 USC` §286 et seq., 263(a), 285(g), 267(j), 611(c) (ii) &` (iii); Rabinowitz v. Kennedy, 376 US 605; 11 L Ed` 2d 940; 18 USC §§219, 951; Treasury Delegation` Order #91; See also Article IX §3 of the Articles of` Agreement of the IMF which has been made` effective in the United States by the Bretton Woods` Agreements, 22 USC §§286(h) et seq.

18. Sourced from patriot researcher John Prukop,` Washington. See also: Reorganization Plan #26, 5` USC §905, Public Law 94-564.

19. Sourced from 50 U.S.C. §781 (summarizes` Congressional findings of necessity regarding the` control of subversive activities and the existence of` a “world communist movement.” Read §781, and` sub-parts 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15. 20).

20. Sourced from Jeff Ganaposki, Patriot Primer #2,` (Living Word, p.79).

21. U.S. Government Manual, 1993/1994 edition, p.390.

22. Sourced from U.S. Congressional Record, March` 17, 1993, Vol. #33, p. H1303 (bankruptcy of the` federal United States documented); Sourced from` Government's Liberty...Brings Death To Freedom,` p.43, 137 ; See also Article 30 of the Constitution` and General Regulation of Interpol; 22 USC` §263(a)(US Attorney General and Secretary of the` Treasury have pledged allegiance to foreign` principles); Sourced from Jeff Ganaposki, Patriot` Primer #2, (Living Word, pp.77-87).

23. Sourced from Thomas Jefferson.

24. Sourced from Henry George; AntiShyster, Volume` 6, No.3, p.26. Reviewed by Estar Holmes, NANS` Fall ‘96, p.69; For those interested in the elusive` nature of this section, see The Wall Street Journal,` Tuesday January 31, 1995, page A-18, "A Boon for` the Constitutional Bar" by Mr. Tofel; See also From` Balancing the Budget...the Facts by John William` Kurowski; review authored by Donald Lambro,` Washington Times; Brought to you by:` ralph@TeamInfinity.com ; Transcribed to ASCII by the` Legislative Exchange Association.

25. Sourced from Media Bypass Magazine, April 1996.

26. Sourced from a brief by patriot researcher Timothy` Lee Richardson, Patriot Resource Center.

27. Reviewed by Esther Holmes, NANS, Spring ‘96, p.73; Commentary  by Johnny Liberty; Available for` $14.95 from E.L.I. Press, c/o 9392 Whitneyville` Rd. SE, Alto, Michigan. Postal Zone: 49302. (616)` 891-2217.

28. Sourced from audio series by Eric Madsen, Team` Law.