- Chapter Ten`

People and Nations Who Do Not Learn from History are Condemned to Repeat It.


by Johnny Liberty`

Dedicated to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research` and creation of this handbook.

Toward A New World Order`

“Have you ever witnessed a nation die,` a people become enslaved, and a great` country fallen to its knees?

Have you ever witnessed a war in which` the people are unaware that a war is occurring` and they are the ones under attack?

Have you ever walked by a homeless person` in complete disregard, not offering a helping hand?

Do you realize how many thousands of innocent` American citizens are under attack by their own` government and the court system?

How many trillions of dollars have been unlawfully` extorted from hard working Americans without` their consent or knowledge?

Do you hear the march of tyranny descending` upon this land as certain as the holocaust` that once capitivated Germany?

— Johnny Liberty`

Religious intolerance and racism played a major role in` bringing the original constitutional republic to its knees. In` 1776, the founding fathers had excluded Blacks, indigenous` American people, women, and landless minorities from the` sovereign Citizenship of We the People.

If we are wise it would serve us not to make this mistake` again. We the People must embrace the diversity of all` cultures, religions and races.

The European Power structures saw an opportunity to take` back control and ownership of their rebel united states of` America by waging a long-time, internal and secret war` between the sovereigns (states and “state” Citizens), and the` disenfranchised Blacks, women, and minorities (via the` federal government and the 14th Amendment). This began` prior to the Civil War and continues to this very day. This is` part of a classical, historic distinction between the` Republicans and the Democrats along with the Right vs. Left` paradigm.

The constitutional republic would eventually be replaced` with an expanded legislative democracy from the Federal` Reserve Act (1913) to the Buck Act (1940), imposing power` and jurisdiction over the state republics through the` manipulation of the economic and political system, the` transfer of sovereignty from the states and its Citizens, and` the co-opting of the American system of law.

The federal government is directed and controlled by the` lending policies of a private bank and it’s foreign` principals/creditors, not the American citizens. We have` been in a perpetual state of national emergency since 1933.1` After the Great Depression, the increasing majority of both` “state” Citizens and the disenfranchised would become U.S. citizens through a variety of adhesion contracts, giving up` their rights and due process under the law.

The remaining sovereign, “state” Citizens would dwindle to a` minority class too preoccupied with power, money, privilege` and preserving their assets to notice they were losing their` grip on the republic and their freedoms as well.

This culminated in the bankruptcies of the federal government,` continually transferring more and more property of` the sovereigns to the foreign principles/creditors through` each Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This opened the door for globalist,` international organizations (e.g., United Nations,` World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Agency for International` Development, World Trade Organization) to step` in and further direct and control the affairs of the bankrupt` nation-states on behalf of the Power structures behind the` New World Order.

The goals of the New World Order are one in the same with` the Communist Manifesto (1848). 2`

Abolition of all ordered, national governments`

Abolition of patriotism and nationalism`

Abolition & Confiscation of all private property`

Abolition & Confiscation of all inheritance`

Abolition of all religion`

Abolition of the family and private education`

Centralization of the means of production`

Heavy and progressive tax`

Creation of a New World Order`

“A generous parent would have said,` ‘if there must be trouble, let it be in my day,` that my child may have peace.”

— Thomas Paine, Common Sense 3`

Our present day federal United States government has` imposed burdens and restrictions on Americans that are` comparable to the ones placed upon the Citizens of the Old` World before they left for America. It’s time for another` “Declaration of Independence.” Thomas Jefferson said it` best.

“If we run into such debts as that we must be taxed` in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries` and our comforts, in our labors and our` amusements, for our callings and our creeds,` as the people of England are,` our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen` hours in the twenty-four, and give the earnings of` fifteen of these to the government for their debts` and daily expenses;` And the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us` bread, we must live, as they now do, on oatmeal` and potatoes; have no time to think, no means of` calling the mismanagers to account;` but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring` ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our` fellow sufferers;` And this is the tendency of all human governments.

A departure from principle in one instance` becomes a precedent for a second, that second` for a third, and so on till the bulk of the society is` reduced to be mere automatons of misery, to have` no sensibilities left but for sinning and suffering...

“And the fore-horse of this frightful team is` public debt. Taxation follows that, and in` its train wretchedness and oppression.”

— Thomas Jefferson`

Republic Vs. Democracy`

In this educational process, it is essential to deepen the` distinction between a “Republic” and a “Democracy.” There` actually was a time in this country when the “Republicans”  and “Democrats” held distinct, philosophical positions on` the political spectrum.

Democracy=Top-Down / Republic=Bottom-Up`

Today, those distinctions are all but meaningless as both` political parties have surrendered their ideologies to the` economic and political powers that put them into office, and` keep them there to serve their interests not yours.

Meanwhile, the federal United States has surrendered the` sovereignty of the people and the government to foreign` principals/creditors and sovereign Power structures.

Both Republicans and Democrats are conspiring to rob the` American people blind for their own personal and political` self-interest then bill the “taxpayer” for the expense.

Money and lust for power is still the prime motivation for` elected officials to commit daily acts of treason. Americans` have been reduced to mere taxpayers and consumers.

Beware of the persistent lie that America is a “Democracy.”

You’ll hear it incessantly in the media, and in political` rhetoric from both Left and Right. You’ll hear the President` pontificating about making the world “safe” for “Democracy.”

The American “Republic” was co-opted by the Enrollment` Act of the Civil War, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913,` generations of propaganda and misinformation, and many` other encroachments. Here’s a definition of “Democracy.”

> DEMOCRACY— Sovereign power is exercised by` the whole body of citizens directly or indirectly` through a system of representation, as distinguished` from monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy; People are` subject to the government they elect and the civil` rights granted by the government; Large groups of` people tyrannizing smaller groups, majority or mob` rule through the political process; Results in tyranny` of government and the masses; Government structured` from the top-down.

“...[Democracies have been] found incompatible` with personal security or the rights of property;` and have in general been as short in their lives` as they have been violent in their death.”

— James Madison 4`

Today, America is not a “democracy” by any stretch of the` imagination, and never was intended to be. The founding` fathers clearly disliked democratic forms of government.

America is a “Republic,” with sovereignty vested in the state` and it’s respective Citizens.

Because the founding fathers had suffered under an` oppressive British monarchy, a democracy was ruled out` except for the House of Representatives which was elected` by the popular vote. This issue was hotly debated. Here’s a` definition of a “Republic.”

> REPUBLIC— A Union, confederation, consortium,` compact of sovereign states, free and independent nations;` Sovereign states form an agency or corporation (e.g., federal` government) to serve their common interests; Purpose of` this agency or confederation is to establish justice, provide` for the common defense, promote the general welfare of the` several states, and to represent the states in international` matters (basis of federal law); Powers of sovereignty are` vested in the people and are exercised by the people either` directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to` whom those powers are specially delegated; Government` structured from the bottom-up.

“...And to the Republic, for which it stands, one` nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all”

— Pledge of Allegiance`

The American Military Training Manual (1928) spelled out` the distinctions between a Republic and a Democracy quite` clearly. It’s doubtful whether you’d be able to find or read` such “subversive” material today. Which form of government` would you prefer? Do you recognize any of the attributes` of Democracy in America today? Remember, America` was not founded as a “Democracy,” but a “Republic.”

> DEMOCRACY— Government of the masses; Authority` derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct` expression; Results in a mobocracy; Attitude toward property` is communistic, negating property rights; Attitude toward` law is that the will of the majority shall regulate whether it` be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice` and impulse without restraint or regard to consequences;` Results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent,` anarchy. (America today is a pseudo-Democracy.) 6` “The United States shall guarantee to every State` in this Union a Republican Form of Government.”

— Constitution for the usA [4:4:1]`

> REPUBLIC— Authority is derived through the election of` public officials best fitted to represent them; Attitude toward` property is respect for laws and individual rights, and a sensible economic procedure; Attitude toward law is the` administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and` established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences; A` greater number of Citizens and extent of territory may be` brought within its compass; Avoids the dangerous extreme` of either tyranny or mobocracy; Results in statesmanship,` liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress.7` The organic law of the original Constitution limits the ability` of the federal United States government to meddle in the` affairs of the sovereign states or encroach upon the` sovereignty of its Citizens.

We the People are sovereign “state” Citizens in relation to` the national and federal government. All newly admitted` states were guaranteed a “republican” form of government` by the Constitution.

The original 13 colonies, as freely associated compact states,` the Union of states, or the united states of America are also` sovereign in relationship to the national and federal United` States government. 19`

Republic = Sovereignty Of The People`

“A Republican form of government is one in which sovereign` power resides in and is exercised by the people through their` own elected representatives... The only Constitutional` provision made for Democracy was the election of political` representatives (e.g., House of Representatives), whose` power is sharply defined and contained. Thus, minorities are` relatively safe from the voting tyranny of majorities. The` American Republic was designed to protect us from both` tyranny by government, and tyranny by the masses.” 5` “I love the man who can smile at trouble; that can` gather strength from distress and grow brave by` reflection.”

— Thomas Paine, Common Sense 8`

Manufactured Wars, Revolutions & Conflict`

In piecing together world history over the last few hundred` years not taught in school, a serious and independent` historian can easily conclude that nothing in politics and few` major world events ever happens by accident.

It is all planned, sometimes years, decades or a generation` ahead of the actual events by self-appointed individuals and` institutions behind the scenes of the apparent Power structure.

It is no longer in the domain of “conspiracy theories”, as it is` now provable “conspiracy fact”. It is by design the economic` crashes, world wars, revolutions and conflicts are created to` further the aims of those pulling the puppet strings of world` leaders, governments, corporations, banks, media and the` people's attitudes and mindsets.

It is coordinated across national boundaries with little concern` for the sovereignty of nations or the rights or lives of` the people. “If you want nations to give up their sovereignty` and hand over decisions and power to a world authority, it` won't just happen. You have to make it happen by causing` conflict between nations on the principle of problem – reaction - solution.” 9 There are those who have real power contrasted` with those who have the apparent power. Don’t be` confused by this illusion. “Still today, the power lies not with` the politicians, but with the shadowy figures who ‘advise’` and control them, and those who manipulate the flow of information` into the public arena.” 10`

Thesis vs. Anti-Thesis = Synthesis`

Hegelian principles have been used time and time again` with such consistent and predictable results as to be a viable` strategy for world conquest - one stepping stone at a time.

The global elite has orchestrated these events for` generations, creating and funding organizations to support` one side of a conflict, while with the other hand they were` also creating and funding the other side.

The illusions of Left and Right being different sides of the` political spectrum must be abandoned forever. They are two` sides of the same coin tossed in the wishing well of world` government, a centralized world bank, a world army and a` micro-chipped world population. WWI, WWII, the Russian` Revolution and the formation of the State of Israel are four` well-documented examples of Hegelian principles in action.

They are briefly outlined below. 11` Carroll Quigley said the House of Morgan was infiltrating` Left-wing groups from around 1915. It was the strategy to` hijack both Left and Right domestically and internationally.

12 If there are two sides of the political spectrum, it would be` based on two mindsets:`

> FEAR— one which wishes to imprison, manipulate &` control.

> LOVE— one which wishes to free, empower and manifest` human potentials; maintain cultural diversity.

All other political mindsets as we know them including` democracy, capitalism, socialism, communism and fascism` are based on the fear-based model. It's time for an emerging` new politics based on love, freedom and human possibilities.

Who Won the American Revolution?

There was deceit and trickery behind the scenes of the first` American Revolution against the British, and every war to` follow.

The sovereign Power structures did not ultimately lose the` American Revolution, they simply regrouped and continued` their assault in the political, economic and legal realms.

European corporations were deeply invested in the commerce` of the newly formed Union. International bankers` had invested in both sides of the war, and profited immensely` from the perpetual war machine— then as they do today.

The Declaration of Independence spelled out clearly the` reasons for the first American Revolution. Thomas Paine` wrote the revolutionary manifesto Common Sense, which is` attributed to inspiring and motivating participation in the` first American Revolution.

The common people then, as now, were mostly disinterested` and indifferent with regard to the prospect of reclaiming their freedoms from the tyranny of the King of` England. 3-5% of the American people actively participated` in the first American Revolution, and that was enough to` beat the British.

“The history of the present King of Great Britain` is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations,` all having in direct object the establishment of` an absolute tyranny over these states.”

— Declaration of Independence,` in congress assembled (July 4, 1776)`

We the People were sick and tired of oppressive taxes` without representation and the military meddling in the` affairs of the American colonies.

The American people, especially the white male property` owners, wanted to reclaim their sovereignty from the King of` England.

So We the People drafted the Declaration of Independence` and the Articles of Confederation to declare our sovereignty,` fought the American Revolution to defend that unalienable` right, and authored the Constitution for the united states of` America to establish a federal corporation and national` government to represent the commercial interests of the` Union of state republics.

“Posterity, you will never know how much it cost` the present generation to preserve your freedom.

I hope you will make good use of it.

If you do not, I shall repent in heaven` that ever I took half the pains to preserve it.”

— John Adams`

Who won the first American Revolution? Although “...the` British Empire as a world government lost the American` Revolution, the sovereign Power structure behind it did not` lose, they profited from both sides.

The most visible of the Power structure was the East India` Company, an entirely private enterprise whose flag, as` adopted by Queen Elizabeth in 1600, happened to have` thirteen red and white horizontal stripes with a blue` rectangle in its upper left-hand corner.

When George Washington took command of the U.S. Continental Army ...the flag used for that occasion was the` East India Company’s flag...by pure coincidence.

While the British government lost the 1776 war, the East` India Company’s owners who constituted the invisible,` Power structure behind the British government not only did` not lose but moved right into the new united states of` America economy along with the latter’s most powerful` landowners.”13`

Who Contrived the French Revolution?

[Editor’s Note: Thanks to David Icke, The Truth Shall Set` You Free, for the extensive research and analysis.]`

In old Europe, monarchies were problematic as they were` clearly dictatorships. Sustaining such governments were` difficult over time.

The people had no rights, no freedom and the times they` were a constantly changing. In a monarchy, inevitably the` people would rebel and demand their freedoms.

So people’s “democracies” were ingeniously created by the` sovereign Power structure to give the appearance of “people` power” and appease the masses.

Give the people the appearance of freedom and they’ll likely` believe it. Give them a vote. Give them a voice. Let them` protest. Let them march and yell all they want.

The only difference between a monarchy and a democracy` was that the people “believed” they were free in a` democracy, whereby they knew they weren’t free in an` monarchy. All revolutions since the American Revolution` were orchestrated towards this end. Both Left and Right` were created to give the appearance of this superficial` distinction. Both Left and Right have been invented and` controlled to keep the status quo perpetually in power.

The French Revolution of 1789 was a perfect example of` such a strategy, the first Illuminati coup d’etat, the methods` of which have been repeated to replace “undemocratic”  monarchies with undemocratic “people's parliaments”  throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Ironically, the French Revolution wasn't organized by` French people any more than the Russian Revolution was a` hundred or so years later.

The techniques for implementing a “people's revolution” or` coup d’etat are simple:`

1. Create a financial crisis to impoverish the spirit of the` people and arouse their anger.

2. Dupe or buy out influential people to support the cause` without comprehending the underlying agenda.

3. Dump or sell-out these leaders and any opposition once` their purpose is served through character assassination,` betrayals.

4. Disseminate mass propaganda to arouse the passions of` the people to revolt.

5. Exploit, dis-inform and lead the sheeple in the desired` direction.

6. Organize mobs to cause agitation; and finally,` 7. Install a phony “democracy” or alternative dictatorship.

Fascism and communism are not opposites, only promoted` as such. Don’t be fooled. Both involve centralized control by` a tiny elite. The real political choices are:`

Freedom of expression, thought and lifestyle`

Authoritarianism (Fascism/Marxism-Leninism).14`

Who Makes the Money, Makes the Wars?

The sovereign Power structure moved right into the united` states of America after the first American Revolution along` with the American Power structure and eventually usurped the constitutional republic. Between 1944 - 1962, the Federal` Reserve Bank went bankrupt to the International Monetary` Fund (IMF), and remains so today.

The American republic was co-opted by sovereign Power` structures and international banking families and eventually` replaced with a “democraticsocialist-corporate” state under` a perpetual declared state of national emergency.

Today, the American empire is in dramatic decline and rapid` “reorganization” into a world government under foreign` control and ownership.

Behind the scenes of all wars are sovereign Power structures` competing or cooperating for a greater market-share of` control, power and domination over others. Who will` dominate? Who will control? Who will gain land, property` and power?

Wars are fought between Sovereigns, nations, corporations,` and ideologies for power and control, although they may` occasionally rally round some flag for the sake of the` mainstream media gluttons for “news,” and boast of their` intellectual or moral superiority.

There has not been a war in the last two centuries that has` not been financed and sold to the American people on the` premise of lies, deceit, and a so-called foreign policy which` was not in the best interests of the American people.

The federal United States government has been at war` against the American people since the War Powers and` Trading With the Enemy Acts of 1917.15` Transnational, American-based corporations were socialized` via President Roosevelt’s “New Deal (1933),” abandoning all` but lip service for the “free enterprise” system and freemarket` capitalism.

Today, We the American people are “subjects” under the old` Ruler’s law, as the British have always been, quietly and` meekly surrendering our sovereignty, our independence, our` unalienable rights, our property, and our Constitution and` Bill of Rights to foreign powers. History has a way of` repeating itself. One who doesn’t learn from the past is` condemned to repeat it.

The same story is repeated time and time again throughout` history. Dare I ask? Who won World War I? Who won` World War II? Who will win World War III?

Who is busy creating the next conflict to inflict fear and` terror in the people and reap huge profits on the carnage?

Isn’t it ironic that two of the world’s largest economies are` Germany and Japan who supposedly lost World War II,` while the “victorious” Americans have bankrupted` themselves by becoming the “world’s policeman” and only` remaining “superpower.” The Soviet Union has already hit` the dust.

Obviously, the invisible, sovereign Power structure behind` the Germans and Japanese appear to have won WWII. What` was their agenda? Was it the same agenda as those who` orchestrated Korea or Vietnam? Who won the Vietnam` War?

Certainly not the American soldiers who fought and were` killed. Certainly not the American people who are still` shouldering the debt from the war, both economically and` spiritually. Certainly not the Vietnamese people who were` murdered like animals. That war further divided an already` hurting nation with the assassination of John F. Kennedy` and Martin Luther King. A healing has still not happened in` this country.

Today, the frontline of any war is the hired guns of the` public relations departments paid by government spin` doctors, selling skeptical yet gullible Citizens on wars that` don’t represent their interests at all, but are ultimately being` fought between sovereign Power structures for their narrow` self-interests.

The Gulf War in Iraq brought the public relations,` propaganda machine to its peak of performance, with a wellorchestrated` “disinformation” campaign more effective than` any I’ve witnessed in my life. Dissent was completely` silenced in the media including the so-called alternative` press, more effectively than ever before.

Yet, every war preceding it was also sold by lies,` disinformation and outright propaganda campaigns against` the enemy, which included the American people.

Besides the Middle Eastern oil interests and George Bush,` guess who won the Gulf War in Iraq? The same old` sovereign Power structures are still winning at American` and allied taxpayer expense.

The Gulf War successfully transformed the United Nations` from a “peacekeeping” force and militarized the United` Nations into an instrument of global empire operating on` behalf of both visible and invisible sovereign Power` structures.

With the now-declared economic, political and moral` bankruptcy of the former Soviet Union, sovereign Power` structures are full steam ahead with the rapid, tech-nological` deployment of centralized, world government.

Here comes the legacy of George Bush and the “New World` Order” with the Clinton Administration right behind in` support of NAFTA and GATT, and the wholesale theft of` what remains of the sovereignty of the united states of` America. This is business as usual in Washington D.C. (i.e.,` District of Criminals).

There are many hard questions that must be asked, and` answered. How many Americans really supported the Gulf` War? Why was there little or no dissent reported through` the politically controlled mainstream media?

Why is the United Nations in Somalia? (Oil?) Why is the` United Nations in Haiti? Why did the United Nations and` NATO allow the atrocities in Bosnia and Rwanda to` continue? (No economic interest?)` Where else are sovereign Power structures operating behind` the scenes of current events (e.g., Bosnia, Mexico, Chiapas,` Indonesia, Japan)?

Read between the lines of your daily newspaper. Don’t` believe what you see on television or hear on National Public` Radio (NPR)? Do your own research. Confirm your own` sources.

Think for yourself. Something is amiss, and life ain’t gonna` be any fun under this New World Order.

“Our worst sin towards our fellow creatures` is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them;` that’s the essence of inhumanity.”

— George Bernard Shaw`

Emancipation or Slavery for All?

The American Civil War was not fought to emancipate the` slaves, but to defeat state sovereignty over the federal` government. South Carolina seceded from the Union in` December 1860, signaling the onset of the Civil War.

The contention of many southern legislators was the states` retained full sovereign rights as co-signers of the` Constitution, including the right to secede from the Union.

President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated in March 1861.

Another proposed 13th Amendment was signed by President` Lincoln in 1861, but only one state had ratified it before the` outbreak of the Civil War. Lincoln had signed a resolve that` would have permitted slavery, and upheld states’ rights.

“No amendment shall be made to the Constitution` which will authorize or give to Congress the power` to abolish or interfere within any State, with the` domestic institutions thereof, including that of` persons held to labor or service by the laws of said` State.”

— Proposed “13th” Amendment [not passed] 16`

The Civil War was an attempt by European sovereign Power` structures to split the united states of America into two` separate countries.

“The North [would] be controlled through the banking` interests of England (i.e., Bank of England), the South` through the banking interests of France (i.e., Bank of` France). Both systems of banking were controlled ultimately` by the Rothchilds. The Tsar of Russia literally saved the` Union and prevented the actual invasion from Mexico of` troops from England, France and Spain to insure that the` division of the united states of America would not take place.

Tsar Alexander II threatened war with each of those` countries if they invaded the united states of America.”17` That the Black slaves were “emancipated” at the end of the` Civil War appears to have been an economic sanction` against the rebel South, not the morally superior or` righteous idealism of the Northern abolitionists. Black slaves` were considered private property, and the government` cannot take private property without just compensation.

Because Citizenship was determined by the state, not the` federal government, Citizens in all the Union states were` divided as to whether or not the Black slaves ought to be` freed and Black freemen ought to have the right of “state”  Citizenship that white male property owners enjoyed.

The U.S. supreme Court was also unresponsive to social` legislation, or to claims of individual rights for the Blacks.

Racism has always been central to America’s political` agenda at all levels of government, and a hotly debated and` contentious issue since the founding of the republic.

Abraham Lincoln, though portrayed as righteous in others` areas of his life, did not personally believe in the equality of` the races as evidenced by his quote below.

“I will say...that I am not...in favor of bringing` about in any way the social and political equality` of the white and black races... am not in favor` of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of` qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry` with white people;` and I will say in addition... that there is a physical` difference between the white and black races` which will ever forbid the two races living together` on terms of social and political equality.”

— Abraham Lincoln 18` “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except` as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall` have been duly convicted, shall exist within the` United States, or any place subject to their` jurisdiction.”

— ”13th (or 14th) Amendment”

The “13th Amendment” (which was actually the 14th, as another` 13th Amendment had already been ratified prior to the` Civil War) freed the slaves from physical bondage. The Reconstruction` period after the Civil War involved a military` coup d’etat by the federal United States government.

Military and martial law was declared (i.e., Enrollment Act` of 1863) and it has not been effectively lifted since the Civil` War.

The Admiralty/Maritime/Military/Martial law flag with a` “goldfringe” was placed in many state courts across the` country signifying emergency war powers were in effect and` the Constitution was in effect suspended.

Admiralty/Maritime law has been the primary jurisdiction` of federal courts since the Constitution. Southern senators` were taken out of office by force during the Civil War and` replaced with military officers who then voted for the “14th` Amendment” (actually the 15th).

The 14th (or 15th) Amendment was adopted under martial` law. If and when martial law ends, so do all the so-called` “laws” instituted under military authority. The 14th (or 15th)` Amendment was a fraud from the beginning instituted` during times of great instability and duress for the nation.

The 14th (or 15th) Amendment was not lawfully ratified by the` required 2/3 of the Union of states. The 13th, 14th, & 15th` Amendments (actually the 14th, 15th & 16th), also known as` the Reconstruction Amendments, were declared to be` ratified in a proclamation by the Secretary of State (July 28,` 1868) with attempted withdrawals by Ohio and New Jersey.

 “While the Union survived the Civil War,` the Constitution did not... in its place arose a more promising basis` for justice and equality, the 14th Amendment.”

— Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall` (May 6, 1987)`

“As long as the Constitution endured, this supreme` Court must exist with it, deciding in peaceful forms` of judicial proceedings the angry and irritating` controversies between sovereignties.”

— Judge Taney`

The sovereign “state” Citizens of the South became prisoners` of war after the conclusion of the hostilities, and were` forced, along with all the southern states, to accept the` federal government as their superior authority. This` included the unconditional surrender of the sovereignty of` the southern states and the southern “state” Citizens, who` like the former slaves, became 14th (or 15th) Amendment` “U.S. citizens,” subjects and property of the federal` government also.

To be relegated to the same class and Citizenship as the` newly freed Black slaves created huge amounts of animosity,` hatred and resentment by southern whites, not only toward` the federal government but especially toward the newly` freed Black slaves.

But instead of focusing on the federal government as the` object of their rage, race became the issue and continues to` this very day.

The “emancipated” Black slaves suffered tremendous abuse` and inappropriate scapegoating by the newly disenfranchised` southern “state” Citizens. This fueled racial hatred,` which has continued to this very day in the South and` around the country.

These true “hate crimes” are a symptom still, of the deep` divide between North and South.

What’s now considered “white supremacy” is a twisted and` distorted version of the southern “state” Citizens maligned` attempt at restoring their own beleaguered sovereignty.

Somehow the federal government got off the hook and Black` people got the brunt. Outfits like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)` rode the passions of this resentment and hatred and` executed acts of terrorism against Blacks for generations.

The claim that the South was going to rise again, just never` materialized. It was beaten and it’s sovereignty destroyed,` except in the hearts and minds of many southern leaders` who held true to the old republic, despite it’s defeat. The` Civil War, instead of freeing the slaves, made slaves and` chattel property of everyone south of the Mason-Dixon line.

Original 13th Amendment`

The sovereign Power structures of Europe were actively` infiltrating the new government of the United States, and` offering special favors, benefits and endowments to` government officials too weak-minded and greedy to stand` for the Republic.

These foreign powers offered various Titles and honors to` men who would betray their own country, and represent` their interests instead.

“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by` the [federal] United States.”

— Constitution for the usA [1:9:7]`

The issue of “Titles of Nobility” was so important to the` founding fathers for the preservation of the Republic that` “another 13th Amendment,” besides the one we’re familiar` with that freed the slaves, was passed and ratified in the` early 1800’s.

As you’ll see, this was perhaps the most important` amendment to the original Constitution for the united states` of America and it prevented anyone from holding office in` the government of the United States if they received any` Title or benefit from a foreign power.

“Neither slavery, nor involuntary servitude,` except as a punishment for crime whereof` the party shall have been duly convicted,` shall exist within the United States, or any place` subject to their jurisdiction.”

— 13th (or 14th) Amendment,` (3rd) Constitution of the United States`

But the “original 13th Amendment” was mysteriously` “edited” and turned up “missing” from all copies of the 3rd` Constitution of the United States (1868) published after the` Civil War, but had been, prior to 1868, published in` hundreds of official copies of the 1st and 2nd Constitutions in` thirteen (13) states.

American history books and the present U.S. Congress` maintain that it was never ratified by the necessary 13 states,` but we have certified evidence to prove that it was. To what` ends will men go to deceive their brothers and sisters? This` is another classic story in American history that has yet to be` fully told.19`

Maryland, Dec. 25, 1810`

Kentucky, Jan 31, 1811`

Ohio, Jan. 31, 1811`

Delaware, Feb. 2, 1811`

Pennsylvania, Feb. 6, 1811`

New Jersey, Feb. 13, 1811`

Vermont, Oct. 24, 1811`

Tennessee, Nov. 21, 1811`

Georgia, Dec. 13, 1811`

North Carolina, Dec. 23, 1811`

 Massachusetts, Feb. 27, 1812`

New Hampshire, Dec. 10, 1812`

Virginia, March 10, 1819`

This original 13th Amendment had been ratified prior to the` Civil War by thirteen (13) states, enough for ratification, and` was published in the official copies of the Constitution` throughout the country. Over 30 or more official, certified` state publications from Maine to Colorado have been found` to contain this original 13th Amendment.

That it suddenly “disappeared” and was replaced with` another 13th Amendment in the midst of the Civil War is now` a matter of historical and legal fact, and will be a hotly` debated issue.

“If any Citizen of the United States shall accept,` claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or` honor, or shall, without the consent of congress,` accept and retain any present, pension, office or` emolument of any kind whatever, from any` emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such` person shall cease to be a Citizen of the United` States, and shall be incapable of holding any` office of trust or profit under them, or either of` them.”

Original 13th Amendment,` (1st ) Constitution for the united states of` America, ratified 1820 20`

14th (or 15th) Amendment, “U.S. citizen”

Editor’s Note: We shall utilize the 1st Constitution for the` united states of America as the source document for` references. Therefore, the 14th Amendment, as we know it` today, is actually the 15th Amendment under the 1st` Constitution. Henceforth, we shall refer to the 14th (or 15th)` Amendment as such.

The “14th (or 15th) Amendment” gave the newly freed Black` slaves very limited “civil rights” by creating the “U.S. citizen.” The 14th (or 15th) Amendment “U.S. citizen”  ultimately expanded the jurisdiction and authority of the` federal United States beyond the constitutionally specified` and limited 63 square miles of the District of Columbia` (D.C.) into the sovereign states whereever a “U.S. citizen”  resided.

The 14th (or 15th) Amendment is the backbone of the` constructive fraud perpetrated on the American people to` “waive” their rights and lawful American National OR` sovereign “state” Citizenship. Birth certificates were created` after the 14th (or 15th) Amendment for the children of the` newly freed Black slaves to enroll them as chattel property of` the federal United States government.

Therefore, if you have a Birth Certificate, you are the child of` a former Black freeman. Birth certificates presently enroll all` “U.S. citizens” as subjects and chattel property under the exclusive` legislative democracy of the District of Columbia via` the Census Bureau at the Department of Commerce.21` “All ‘persons’ born or naturalized in the United` States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,` are citizens of the [federal] United States` and of the [federal] state wherein they reside.”

14th Amendment (or 15th) (July 28, 1868) 22` The 14th (or 15th) Amendment created legal “persons” (i.e.,` corporations, trusts, U.S. citizens) and gave these legal` fictions the “civil right” to hold “equitable interest” in` property that previously could only be “owned” in allo-dium` by a living human being or sovereign “state” Citizen.

This opened up the door for corporations (domestic and` foreign) to acquire equitable interest in properties not` available to them in the pre-Civil War republic.

The 14th (or 15th) Amendment was clearly as unconstitutional` as the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which had already` been declared unconstitutional by the U.S. supreme Court.

The federal United States government had conferred a “Title` of Nobility” on these newly manufactured “U.S. citizens” by` granting certain benefits, privileges, and securities to any` “person” who accepted them.

This was another return to Ruler’s Law. Granting “Titles of` Nobility” to any “person” was strictly forbidden by the` Constitution.23` The 14th (or 15th) Amendment served the growing “federalist”  movement well, centralizing more and more power` within the federal United States government at the expense` of the states and their respective “state” Citizens.

The sovereign American and Global Power structure behind` the federalist movement was slowly, but purposefully,` encroaching upon the sovereignty of the people of the united` states of America.

“A person is born subject to the jurisdiction of the` [federal] United States... if his birth occurs in` territory over which the [federal] United States is` sovereign, even though another country provides` all governmental services within the territory and` the territory is subsequently ceded to the other` country.”

— 3Am Jur2d, section 1419`

The federal United States government corporation, and the` sovereign Power structure operating behind the scenes, had` clear intent of expanding and exploiting fraud after fraud,` through coercion and war if necessary, until such time as` there were no sovereign “state” Citizens independent and` free in any of the 48 sovereign states.

Without the sovereignty of the states and its respective Citizens,` who will remain to question the authority or jurisdiction` of these foreign and domestic sovereign powers behind` the federal government who want to be our Kings / Queens /` Popes at the helm of the New World Order?

We the People are the ultimate check against the` centralization of government and corporate power in the` hands of the few.

The 14th (or 15th) Amendment also replaced sovereign` unalienable rights with government-granted privileges or` “civil rights.” Any reference to the 14th (or 15th) Amend-ment` maintaining unalienable rights over privileges is invalid.

(See A Historic Overview of the Unlawful Enact-ment of the` 14th Amendment by the supreme Court of Utah.) The` distinction between unalienable and civil rights has been` clearly established in the U.S. supreme Court.

You have lost your unalienable rights as a 14th (or 15th)` Amendment U.S. citizen. Any wonder you feel powerless` against the government? 24` “The word ‘citizen’ as used in the 14th (or 15th)` Amendment is used in a political sense to` designate one who has the rights and privileges` of a Citizen of a state, or of the United States` and does not mean the same thing as a` resident, inhabitant or person.”

— 3Am Jur2d, section 1412 pg 659`

A lesser known, but more profound result of the 14th (or` 15th) Amendment made “economic slaves” of every “U.S. citizen” obligating them to pay the debts of the federal` United States in exchange for privileges, benefits and civil` rights.

Thus the federal United States could justify borrowing from` the international bankers and making U.S. citizens, not` sovereign “state” Citizens, accountable for the repayment of` the debt. This paved the way for the Federal Reserve Act of` 1913 and the federal United States bankruptcies that` followed.

“The validity of the public debt of the United` States... shall not be questioned.”

— 14th (or 15th) Amendment` Instead of the 13th (or 14th) Amendment actually emancipating` the slaves, the 14th (or 15th) Amendment ultimately` made “economic slaves” of every American Citizen by` “volunteering” your “person” into servitude without your` knowledge or consent. This was the great revelation that` inspired me to write this book and reveal this monumental` fraud.19`

“Money is a new form of slavery, different from` the old only in that there is no direct personal` relationship between the master and the slave.”

— Leo Tolstoy`

Titles of Nobility & 17th (or 18th) Amendment`

After the federal bankruptcy of 1933, the U.S. Congress gave` the authority to the supreme Court to merge the rules of` procedure for Common law and Equity into one form of` pleading (1934). State governments followed suit.

Although today, all Superior courts still have a place in` which one can file an “at-Law” action, there are no longer` “qualified judges” who can hear at-Law actions. Although,` Superior courts in many states still have the power to` naturalize a Citizen directly into the state, very few of them` have ever done so.

Judges acquire a special privilege from the Bar Association` to be titled “Attorney at-Law,” “Esquire,” and as such their` “Title of Nobility,” which along with their own U.S. citizenship, disqualifies them from ruling “Without` Prejudice” (or bias) on at-Law actions.

Titles of Nobility were strictly forbidden by the 1st` Constitution for the usA as the founding fathers understood` the dangers in allowing the legal fraternity to gain a foothold` in the government.

Titles of Nobility bestow special privileges to a select class or` people (e.g., U.S. citizen, person, employee, driver, resident,` attorney, esquire, your honor...). Our nation of sovereign` states stopped functioning at-Law after U.S. Senators were` no longer appointed by the state legislature according to the` organic law of the Constitution for the usA, and after the` undeclared bankruptcy of the federal United States.

The 17th (or 18th) Amendment called for the direct election of` U.S. Senators and eliminated the sovereign states direct veto` power over acts of the U.S. Congress.

The Union of sovereign states has not ratified any corporate` United States bill, statute, resolution, war, treaty, policy or` doctrine since the 17th (or 18th) Amendment (1914).

Each state legislature must take their sovereign perogative` to re-exercise its appointment power and put itself back into` the equation of lawmaking. Introduced April 5, 1911, HJR 39` falsely proposed the ľ rule applied to the passage of the 17th` (or 18th) Amendment. Article V of the Constitution for the` usA specifies that “no state without its consent, shall be` deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.”

Many states at that time that did not consent to give up their` representation. Each state to reenter the Union of states` under the Constitution must appoint U.S. Senators through` their respective legislatures, ratified by a de jure governor` and revoke the 17th (or 18th) Amendment.26`

Corporations Born & Enthroned`

Before the Civil War, only natural-born, sovereign “state”  Citizens could hold allodial title to land and property in the` united states of America. Corporations were forbidden from` owning land or property held in allodium.

The sovereign Power structures of Europe could not own or` control the land and property of the united states of America` through the corporations and commercial enterprises they` controlled.

They had to devise a scheme whereby corporations could` have “rights” equal or superior to We the People. These` sovereign Power structures including international banking` families and the old monarchies conspired to create war and` division, bank panics and economic unrest that led to the` breaking apart of the Republic into North and South.

The Civil War was fought not only to destroy the the principle` of state sovereignty, but to enthrone the corporation as a` “citizen” with “civil rights” greater than those of the` sovereign “state” Citizens and the sovereign state republics.

Not coincidentally, the “United States Inc.” was` incorporated by the “Government & Corporations Act` (1868).” This was the birth-date of a federal corporation` which trademarked names such as USA, United States and` America. This began the trend toward corporate dominance` in America led by none other than the federal government in` its corporate capacity.

This was all accomplished within the exclusive legislative` jurisdiction of the democracy and was “constitutional.”

“Corporations were not Citizens and could` not invoke the protection of the 14th (or 15th)` Amendment.”

— Paul vs. Virginia, 8 Wald 168 (1869)`

A “person” is not, by definition, the same as a natural-born,` individual human being. Your “Birth Certificate” is an` unrevealed “trust instrument” that created a legal fiction` (i.e., trust) in the same name as you were given at birth by` your parents, except that the “trust” was named in all capital` letters (e.g., JOHNNY LIBERTY, not Johnny Liberty).

Corporations are persons.”

— Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific` Railway (1886)`

This legal fiction (i.e., trust) was effectively conceived and` placed in commerce with the federal United States Inc.,` from your “birth-date,”— which is the birth of the trust, not` you as a natural-born human being. After 1913, you became` a “beneficial holder” in the Federal Reserve Banking system` subject to the income tax and other encumbrances for receiving` a benefit from the government.

“The global, elitist, corporate cabal that is in` charge was fostered by the legal system when` it bequeathed ‘personhood’ to corporate` entities in the early 20th century.”

— Noam Chomsky`

From that day forward, you were considered the chattel` property of the federal United States government. Plus, you` volunteered into other adhesion contracts that waived more` of your rights, and you surrendered more completely into` your present serf, slave and subject status as a “U.S. citizen.”

End Corporate Dominance`

Editor’s Note: Thanks to Richard Grossman for the following` discourse on corporations. He has spearheaded the End` Corporate Dominance campaign to revoke the charters of` corporations,`

Behind each great injustice, we usually find one or more giant` corporations along with politicians who serve their corporate` master instead of the public interest. Giant corporations` are causing harm to life, livelihood, and democracy everywhere,` and people have been bravely resisting them.

But citizen groups have mostly been limiting their efforts to` symptoms of corporate rule: deadly chemicals, toxic dumps,` union busting, clear-cuts, factory closings, large-scale disasters,` corruption of an election here, buying of a legislature` there, and news corporations distortion of the truth.

These struggles have been important, and people have won` important victories. But let's face it, these struggles are not` adding up. Corporations are wealthier and more powerful` than ever.

Each generation is brought up to accept that what corporate` leaders believe is good must be good for our communities,` good for our health and environment, good for democracy.

People think we are irreversibly dependent upon giant` corporations. We're taught that the corporate system is` normal, the height of efficiency and wisdom. Our culture is` very much a corporate culture, and it is reinforcing this` nonsense all the time.

Most people know that corporations are ruining our lives,` and that this is contrary to the theory of self-governance,` contrary to the ideals of the American Revolution. We've got` to make this the subject of public outcry and the focus of` citizen organizing.

Corporations decide how our food is grown and distributed,` how we heat and light our homes, how we travel, what` poisons we breathe and drink and eat.

They decide who works, doing what, how wealth is shared,` what controversies get attention, what analyses and` solutions are acceptable, who gets elected to public office,` how this nation treats other nations.”

“This is a government of the people, by the people` and for the people no longer. It is a government of` corporations, by corporations, and for` corporations.”

— U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes`

We the People are the ones who are supposed to be in` charge of the country, have almost no legal standing in the` courts of this land. The underlying idea was that the people` were sovereign, and corporations were mere creatures of the` sovereign people.

That’s why all state legislatures reserved the right both to` amend and/or revoke the charters of corporations.28` If indeed the people are sovereign and the corporations are` mere creations, then We the People must reclaim our` sovereignty to restore the necessary checks and balances` against the excessive accumulation of power by corporations` and other legal fictions.

To end corporate dominance, as many on the progressive` Left are rallying for, requires the will and courage to restore` a Republic, not a Democracy, in these united states of` America. Otherwise it’s all lip-service and talk is cheap.

We the People need to put the corporations, both the` government and private, transnational corporations, back` into the chains of the Constitution where they belong.

We the People must also enforce the constitutional` restriction upon our elected and appointed government` officials. Most are daily violating constitutional law and` principles by:` 1. accepting Titles of Nobility and endowments from` foreign powers;` 2. accepting payment for services in foreign bills of` exchange from foreign powers; and` 3. being ignorant about the global agenda for destroying` the sovereignty of the united states of America and it’s` respective “state” Citizens.

"We have hitherto considered persons in` their natural capacities, and have treated of` their rights and duties.

But, as all personal rights die with the person;` and, as the necessary forms of investing` a series of individuals, one after another,` with the same identical rights, would be very` inconvenient, if not impracticable;` it has been found necessary, when it is for` the advantage of the public to have any` particular rights kept on foot and continued,` to constitute artificial persons, who may` maintain a perpetual succession,` and enjoy a kind of legal immortality.”

— Blackstone on Corporations, Chapter 18 29`

World War I: Foundation of New World Order`

Editor’s Note: This was the war designed to destroy the Old` World Order and restructure the modern world for the` sovereign Power structure of the 20th Century. Thanks to` David Icke’s, The Truth Shall Set You Free, for the research.

Here’s a brief summary of the events and how they transpired.

They read like a Hollywood script of an action thriller.

The difference was that millions of people were killed in this` movie, planned, financed and orchestrated by the international` bankers and the sovereign Power Structure.

If you still think wars are accidents, think again.

The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was carried` out by a secret society in Sarajevo controlled by the` Elite called "Black Hand.”

Austria accused Serbia of the murder.

The Czar's most influential advisor was attacked with a` knife on the same day, at the same hour in Russia.

Kaiser Wilhelm supported Austria and declared war on` Russia and France.

Britain came in against Germany and so did the USA.

German sinking of the Lusitania was an excuse for` America to declare war. It was a passenger ship` carrying arms to Britain sailing into an area of known` U-boat activity, and the people on board were` sacrificed to satisfy the Elites ambitions.

Carnegie, Rockefeller and Ford families profited` immensely and engineered the war behind the scenes` for their own benefit.

Changing the way people lived and thought was the` main point of the war.

Tens of millions of people were dead and injured on all` sides. The bloodiest conflict in human history.

The global elite won the war. The face of Europe and` the international community was changed forever.

Europe was devastated and submerged in debt to the` Elite's bankers. Britain owed the U.S. $4.7 billion in` war debts.30` Morgan Guaranty Trust and the American International` Corporation made loans to finance German` espionage and covert operations in the U.S. and South` America during the war. 31` League of Nations and World Court in The Hague were` formed.32` Control of Palestine was given to the British.

$12 billion in reparations from Germany set the` economic stage for WWII and the death of the Weimer` Republic. 33`

Who Bought and Sold Out the Russian` Revolution?

Editor’s Note: History does repeat itself, especially when` it’s orchestrated and planned. Here’s another example of a` people’s revolution co-opted by the sovereign Power` Structure.

Czar was manipulated by the Rothschilds into a war` with Japan in 1905 to undermine the Russian economy` and sow the seeds of unrest.

Rothschild’s company Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. was` secretly funding the Japanese from America.

The war with Germany further weakened Russia.

Sending inferior armaments or delaying the delivery` was one strategy for assuring one side wins or loses.

Armaments ordered for the Russian Army were` months overdue fueling the fires of revolution and` discontent.

Dissension was being stirred from within.

Several moderate revolutions occurred before Trotsky` and Lenin arrived to introduce despotic rule.

This was a coup d’ etat on Russia by the United States` financial arm of the global elite largely controlled by` the Rothschilds.

Woodrow Wilson made it possible for Trotsky to enter` Russia with an American passport. Trotsky was` German not Russian.

The boogeyman of “communism” was being created to` stimulate the division of fear and mistrust.

American International Corporation was formed in` 1915 to fund the Russian Revolution. Directors` represented the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, DuPonts,` Kuhn, Loeb, Harriman and the Federal Reserve.

Used the cover of a Red Cross mission to arrange the` final details of the Bolshevik takeover.

Otto Kahn and the Morgan Guaranty Trust formed a` group called United Americans which circulated` anticommunist and anti-Jewish propaganda. This` allowed genuine opponents of the Russian revolution` to be dismissed as “anti-semitic.”

The British also backed the Bolsheviks.

The hated secret service of the Tsars was revamped` into the notorious KGB.

The so-called “people’s revolution” would turn` hundreds of millions of people into little more than` prisoners in their own land and cause the death and` suffering in the concentration camps.

The foundation of the Cold War had begun.

"The truth of the matter was... that there was a conspiracy,` but it was neither Jewish, nor Catholic, nor` Masonic.

It involved people of all types of religions` and national backgrounds.

Side by side with the` Schiffs, Warburgs, and Rothschilds` were the Morgans and the Rockefellers.

With Trotsky were Lenin and Stalin.”

— Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman`

Borrowing Forever from the Future:` Your Children Will “Pay” for it`

When there was no central bank, the federal United States` government had to live within its means. Imagine that! In` hindsight, that’s not such a bad idea. The founding fathers` knew what they were talking about when they vehemently` opposed a central bank at the beginning of the republic.

When the federal United States government needed to` borrow “money,” it had to borrow directly from the people` by selling government securities (i.e., U.S. savings bonds,` U.S. war bonds).

Prior to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, if the people didn’t` want to go to war or finance the legislation passed by the` U.S. Congress, then they simply didn’t buy the bonds.

American Nationals and “state” Citizens had direct veto` power over the spending of the U.S. Congress.

All these checks and balances didn’t please the European` bankers, as it didn’t make them any substantial profits. So` the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was created and foisted on` the American people with the greatest of deceit.36` The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 offered an unlimited credit` line to the federal United States government thus bypassing` the will of the American people, and this ultimate check and` balance against government spending.

Since then, the federal government has borrowed directly` from the Federal Reserve Bank, forcing the American people` to indirectly lend them the money without their knowledge` or consent, obligating them to pay the debt through the` income tax.

This is the fundamental evil of “monetizing the public debt.”

It no longer mattered what the American people wanted.

The international bankers were now in control of the` American political machinery, and they have been ever` since.37`

War and Preparation for War:` Your Children Will “Die” in it`

Prior to World War I, the American people were politically` neutral regarding Europe and its many battles and cultural` rivalries. The primary measure of wealth in those days was` “land” and the American people owned lots of it outright,` and free and clear.

There were no typical bank mortgages or loans. There` weren’t many consumer items to buy with the wealth being` generated from working the land. Land was held in` “allodium” without any liens or encumbrances on it. By and` by the American people were pretty happy.

Getting involved in any European war was not a popular` idea with the American people. They had refused to buy` savings bonds to finance World War I. So in stepped the` spin doctors along with the international bankers to insure` that We the People would fight, die and pay for their bloody` little war.

The international bankers were lusty for war, as it` burgeoned their coffers and inflated their egos and lust for` power. This was a war that would change the shape of the` world forever.

A massive public relations (i.e., propaganda) campaign was` waged to convince the American people that this was a war` worth getting involved in, that freedom and democracy were` threatened, that it was the “American” thing to do.

What appeared to be a war against “some fool thing in the` Balkans (i.e., Sarajevo)” was actually a war between` competing sovereign Power structures trying to dominate` the high seas “line of supply.”

These sovereign Power structures struggled for mastery over` the high seas trafficking in precious metals (i.e., gold and` silver), with behind-the-scenes allies on both sides rallying` their war efforts and propaganda machines against each` other. America ultimately rallied behind Great Britain and` her allies along with J.P. Morgan and the European` international bankers.21` The industrial production of World War I was financed by` international bankers on behalf of the sovereign Power` structures of Europe through the federal United States` government.

The United States government borrowed $30 billion (all the` “monetary” gold in the world) from J.P. Morgan to finance` World War I, then deceived the American people into being` accountable for repayment of the debt through an` unconstitutional, direct, income tax instituted the same year` as the Federal Reserve Act (1913).38` World War I had far-reaching implications for the united` states of America that still hasn’t seen the light of day. The` international system and national borders were changed` forever. Economic unrest and instability has prevailed` during this century for many nations and people. Thousands` of young men, your children, perished in this war and the` ones to follow, while many families were disrupted and` weakened economically.

This was the first of a long series of perpetual wars that have` kept the American and Global war machine activated` throughout this century. Fueled by the profits of war and the` preparation for war, we’ve forgotten how to generate a` peacetime economy without it.

Now, we are addicted to the economies of war to maintain` our bloated standard of living. Our moral and ethical standards have plummeted. Our own humanity is an` endangered species, and we have invited tyranny into our` hearts and souls.

Every “problem” is now perceived as a war against` something or other (e.g. poverty, drugs, crime, AIDS), and` the “solutions” are confined to fighting against an illusive` and undefeatable enemy. We the People are now reaping` what we have sown.

Today, We the People are the perceived enemy of our own` government.


This was the beginning of the end for the American republic` (of the people), the rise of the American democracy (of the` corporation), the loss of American innocence, and the death` of the American dream. Most Americans have been so` demoralized as to be asleep to the truth ever since.

“All wars are economic in their origin.”

— Bernard Baruch, Financial Dictator`

Prosperity and the Great Depression`

After World War I, the American economy was running in` high gear because of weapons production. Much of the great` industrial expansion was justified by the war and then` converted to the civilian production of domestic goods and` automobiles.

The trickle-down theory accumulated vast wealth in the` hands of fewer and fewer of the prime contractors, who` made a guaranteed profit on both sides of the war.

While the American people were beginning to enjoy some` domestic prosperity, the price of that prosperity was passed` on to future generations through an ever-increasing debt` obligation of the federal United States government.

“A depression is a large-scale decline in` production and trade... there is nothing in` the nature of a free-market economy` to cause such an event.”

— Nathaniel Branden`

The Great Depression was caused by a chain reaction of` defaulted loans made to American farmers for farm` equipment to expand agricultural production. After World` War I, thousands of farmers borrowed money before the` bankers contracted the credit “money” supply in the` artificial Agricultural Depression of 1921, then proceeded to` double the credit “money” supply from 1921-1929 by easing` reserve requirements (8% yearly inflation).

Credit was freely available with low interest rates. Stocks` could be bought on a 10% margin. The economic boom of` the 1920’s was based on inflation, not production.39` When the farmers couldn’t service the debt on new` equipment, the banks came to repossess their equipment,` only to find it rusting in the fields.

The banks repossessed rural properties only to discover they` were in such disrepair as to be worthless as collateral.

Then, rural banks defaulted on loans to city banks who` defaulted on loans to regional banks who defaulted on loans` to the large New York banks.

The international bankers were directly responsible for` engineering the Great Depression and the collapse of Wall` Street.

The day after a visit from the Bank of England, the primary` creditor of the Federal Reserve Bank, the Federal Reserve` Bank of New York raised its discount rate (to banks) to 6%,` credit suddenly got more expensive, loans were called in,` investors curtailed new purchases and stockholders began to` sell.

The Federal Reserve banks called in their 24-hour call loans` made to stockbrokers on October 24th, 1929, meaning that` the brokers had to pay their loans within 24 hours. Then` came Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

Before the New York banks defaulted on their loans to foreign` banks, the federal United States government intervened` to guarantee that the New York banks wouldn’t fail.

The collapse of the American, sovereign Power structure,` and the bankers behind it, was imminent and had to be` stopped. This was the end of the free enterprise system in` the united states of America, and gave rise to the` Democratic-Socialist State that was to follow.40`

“...From now on depressions` will be scientifically created.”

— Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., (1913)`

Although the economy had come to a dead halt, “greenbacks”  were scarce, people were often hungry, and many` were desperate, people survived.

There was no government-funded, socialized safety net like` the one we take for granted today. Charities and help for the` poor was privately funded.

Security and the true source of wealth lived in people` working together and taking care of each other, their` families and communities. Local scrips, currencies, and the` bartering of goods and services were abundant (there were` over 2,500 different local scripts backed by local` commodities).

The American people during this era were better prepared to` take care of themselves during an economic crisis than we` are today.

They had a wider range of competent skills. They had land` and farm animals. They had communities. They still had` extended families and small town spirit.

During the Great Depression, speculation and exploitation` lurked everywhere. It was a great opportunity for both the` American and European sovereign Power structures to` consolidate and enlarge their holdings.

The Great Depression bankrupted 16,000 small, local or` state banks. A few thousand people came to own one half of` the wealth of the nation because they bought it for 10 cents` on the dollar, and borrowed (i.e., stole) the dime from the` American taxpayer to pay for it.

The Vatican acquired many properties during the Great` Depression to add to their previous conquests including` many of the universities, colleges, hospitals, and other real` estate that they still hold today.

“...raping is a crime, unless you rape the voters,` a million at a time.”

— Ogden Nash 41`

The Great Depression was a great national garage sale. And` We the People allowed all this to happen without demanding` accountability from the Federal Reserve Bank or our elected` representatives.

Those were the days We the People should have marched on` Washington and demanded the resignation of all our` leaders.

Instead, We the People had unconditionally surrendered to` the international bankers.

We’re still paying the price for the mistakes of our parents’` generation, their refusal then, and ours today to make the` government accountable to the people, not to foreign` principals / creditors and sovereign Power structures.

Our children will inherit our unforgivable sin of neglecting` our responsibilities.

“There is but one logical end for a nation so` dumb.. the loss of its National Sovereignty.”

— Sy Foster 42`

The New Deal: “Socialism”

Secret deals were made between the Federal Reserve Bank` of New York, foreign interests, the federal United States` government, the incoming Roosevelt Administration, and` the prime industrial contractors to institute the New Deal of` 1933.

Each facet of the Power structure was armed with top-notch` Wall Street attorneys who created a strategy for “legally”  usurping our constitutional republic, keeping capitalism’s` private enterprise alive and prospering indefinitely, while` economically enslaving and bankrupting the American` people.

This has been designed invisibly, and absolutely “legally” by` the top-notch lawyers and high-rolling law firms. They have` effectively transferred all wealth, power and control to` sovereign Power structures overseas with the assistance of` our own elected and appointed government officials..29`

“As soon as Mr. Roosevelt took office, the` Federal Reserve [Bank] began to buy` government securities at the rate of ten` million dollars a week for ten weeks,` and created a hundred million dollars in new` [checkbook] currency, which alleviated the` critical famine of money and credit, and the` factories started hiring people again.”

— Eustace Mullins 42`

Two days after taking office as President, Roosevelt declared` a “bank holiday” closing the nation’s banks to depositors for` more than a week, and writing emergency banking` legislation.

The Banking Act of 1933 stripped the currency of any gold` redemption value and declared FRNs as currency. “U.S. citizens” were forbidden to own gold coins, bullion or` certificates.

Editor’s Note: sovereign “state” Citizens weren’t forbidden` to own gold.

All gold had to be deposited in one of the regional Federal` Reserve Banks and exchanged for FRN’s. This was part of a` federal United States bankruptcy reorganization plan.

Gold had been collateralized against the federal debt, and` needed to be paid in full to keep the doors of government` open. Thus the government paid its debt with all the lawful` “money” We the People had.

And We the Sheeple marched to the nearest Federal Reserve` Bank and handed over our gold for soon-to-be worthless` FRN paper. How’s that for bank robbery! 45` Other New Deal legislation devalued the “dollar” by 41%.

The definition of a “dollar” was diluted from 1/20th to 1/35th` of a gold ounce.

New Deal legislation created the Federal Deposit Insurance` Corporation (FDIC) to guarantee the worthless paper FRNs.

New Deal legislation booted out the Treasurer of the United` States, imposed the National Banking Association and other` federalized banking institutions upon the sovereign states` without legally registering them, and finally decreed that all` profits from public bonds would henceforth go to the Federal` Reserve Bank.

This was all done through extraordinary powers executed by` the President during a declared state of national emergency,` which has never been lifted. Since 1933, the Federal Reserve` Bank has “legally” stolen everything from the American` people. And we stand for this?46`

“...the increase in the assets of the Federal` Reserve Banks from 143 million dollars in 1913` to 45 billion dollars in 1949 went directly to` the private stockholders of the` [Federal Reserve] banks.”

— Eustace Mullins`

Another far-reaching implication of the New Deal was the` complete “socialization of corporate America,” at public` expense, through the federal United States governments` borrowing and spending policies, direct subsidies, tax deductions,` and outright theft of the public purse.

The American people were now relegated to the status of a` “taxpayer” and consumer instead of “Citizen.” We accepted` the liability to pay the debt through the imposition of an income` tax.

The income tax structure is an indirect subsidy to “socialize”  corporate America. America became a “socialist,” corporate` country run by and for the international bankers and corporations` virtually overnight with the complete political consent` of the federal United States government.

Because it was given the appearance of reviving the “free` enterprise” system, very few Americans noticed that this was` a significantly different America. Now, you know what really` happened.

Federal = Corporate = Socialism`

The income tax structure for corporate America allowed the` expansion of industry, advertising, and all capital expenses` to be directly deducted from the tax obligations of corporate` America and transferred that debt to the American taxpayer.

This resulted in an indirect transfer of assets from the` American taxpayer to the stockholders of the largest` transnational corporations, and the wheels of the American` economy began to turn again.

The New Deal also refinanced mortgages at negative` interest, separated commercial and investment banking` through the Securities and Exchange Commission, and set` minimum wages and price controls on every industry.

“As for the Constitution, it does not` seem too much to say that it is gone.

Shame and humiliation are upon us now!”

— Justice James C. McReynolds (1935)47`

In 1942, America had all the monetary gold bullion in the` world. Transnational American corporations then proceeded` to take the profits from an expanding American war` economy and invested them abroad, transferring their assets` to foreign banks.

Transnational American corporations also expanded their` global interests through the foreign aid program which` stipulated that all foreign aid must be spent through the` prime, industrial contractors. The 1950’s saw the moving of` all the major American corporations out of America.

They acquired gold equities and deposited them in foreign` banks, out of the tax control of the federal United States` government.

This move overseas was paid for in full by the American` taxpayer without exacting any contractual obligations on` behalf of the corporations in returns.

Thus the complete socialization of the stockholders of the` major American corporations was accomplished during and` after World War II.48` The federal debt (@$15 trillion including entitlements and` government obligations) is a near accurate accounting of the` amount of indirect subsidies that the American taxpayer has` handed over to the Federal Reserve Bank and the stockholders` of these “public companies” in improved assets and profits` without any obligation on behalf of the international` banks and corporations.

We the People must demand repayment and restitution for` all these unconstitutional subsidies and unlawful extortions` from the American people.

We the People must repudiate the federal debt, and reclaim` our stolen property.

“To expose a 15 trillion dollar ripoff of the` American people by the stockholders of the` 1000 largest corporations over the last` one-hundred years will be a tall order of business.”

— Buckminister Fuller 49`

Stealing More Than Money`

As if stealing trillions of dollars from the American people` wasn’t enough, the theft went deeper still.

The American people were fast asleep at the wheel,` chomping at the carrot of welfare programs made necessary` for many Americans because of the contrived shortages and` hardships of the Great Depression.

They didn’t notice that their beloved country was being sold` down the river for all future generations. The New Deal` devised by Wall Street attorneys has worked beautifully,` almost flawlessly, for over 60 years.

The government cannot sever its relationship to the people` by taking away their sovereign American National OR ‘state'` Citizenship. But YOU can “elect” away your sovereignty,` your “state” Citizenship, your Constitution and Bill of` Rights.

YOU can “elect” away your lawful, sovereign “state”  Citizenship by becoming a born or naturalized “U.S. citizen.”

YOU can “elect” away your lawful, sovereign “state”  Citizenship by entering into any number of contracts with` the federal, State, County and Municipal governments.

This was another unspoken strategy of the New Deal— to` usurp the sovereignty of the people by any means necessary.

After the Social Security Act of 1935, sovereign, “state”  Citizens “volunteered” away their sovereignty en masse by` either enrolling in a federal United States retirement or` pension plan for federal employees (Social Security), or by` receiving government subsidies or entitlements of any kind` (e.g., welfare, subsidies, licenses, permits, legal tender,` limited liability for payment of debt, incorporation).

You automatically made an “election” to become a “U.S. citizen” when you, or someone acting legally on your behalf,` filed for a Social Security Number (SSN).

You became a “U.S. citizen” whether or not you ever applied` for or collected any benefits. Unwittingly, you became a` “U.S. citizen” under the jurisdiction of the federal United` States government.

When someone asked you the simple question, are you a` “U.S. citizen,” and you checked the box without asking, you` lost your status and unalienable rights as a sovereign “state”  Citizen.

What began with the unlawful enactment of 14th` Amendment evolved into a corrupt strategy for usurping` and abrogating the sovereignty of the American republic, the` sovereign states, and your lawful sovereign “state”  Citizenship.

Every federal United States government since Roosevelt has` been a willing accomplice in this monumental fraud and` deceit.

Recent Presidents have been afraid or unwilling to challenge` these unlawful acts on constitutional or ethical grounds.

Recent Presidents including Reagan, Bush and Clinton have` added insult to misery by selling what little is left of the` united states of America down the river to the United` Nations, and other international organizations intent on` destroying this nation.

It is clearly in the interest of the federal United States` government to perpetuate this fraud, as it amasses even` greater power, as the sovereignty of the “state” Citizens and` the sovereign states are diminished.

The sovereign American and Global Power structures` operating behind the scenes have been deftly stealing away` our lawful, sovereign “state” Citizenship, unknown to the` American people for over 130 years.

American history has been systematically rewritten, and` ought to be taught as “fiction” in the public and private` schools, colleges and universities.

Politicians smile and nod their eager heads to get elected,` while avoiding or ignoring the illegalities and unlawful acts` — the unconstitutional usurpation of our money system, the` direct taxation of Citizens, the 14th Amendment fraud` perpetrated on a nation, and hosts of other federal crimes.

Attorneys, judges and officers of the court keep the Common` law from the people and hide behind their “Titles of Nobility` (e.g., Esquire),” protect public officials operating under the` “color of law,” while justice goes begging for most` Americans. Judges and government agencies obstruct and` make a mockery of justice, routinely violating both the` sovereign and civil rights of the American people, delegating` unlawful authority and jurisdiction to federal and State` bureaucrats that are clearly unconstitutional.

The truth, even if it was known and could be proved without` a shadow of doubt, would be systematically suppressed` through the news media and excluded from the textbook` educational institutions. Free people must never surrender` their minds.

We the majority of the People are no longer interested in the` truth. We are far more interested in lies, greed,` entertainment, violence and power.

The news media would discredit the truth and the` messengers who deliver it, and keep the audience distracted` with sports, entertainment, and commercials. Free people` must never surrender their hearts or souls.

If the truth ever saw the light of day, We the People openly` opposing or challenging the sovereign Power structure are` labeled, discredited, framed, bankrupted, maliciously` prosecuted, or even imprisoned.

Any of us who dares to dissent or shine the light of truth are` accused, attacked and labeled as: white supremacists,` patriots, constitutionalists, racists, revisionists, anti-semitic,` communists, cultists, anti-government, anti-American, or` domestic or paper terrorists.

In the minds of most unthinking Americans, an accusation` is the same as a conviction, and the media perpetuates these` lies. Enough of these cautions. Free people must never` surrender to fear.

We the People have a choice. To be a sovereign “state”  Citizen, sui juris freeman/woman, or free inhabitant of the` several states, or to be an economic slave, a U.S. citizen and` subject of sovereign Power structures with little regard for` your basic human or civil rights.

Any person who deprives a sovereign “state” Citizen of any` right or privilege secured by the Constitution and Bill of` Rights is subject to criminal prosecution, if and when we` restore a Common law court to hear the case.

> SUI JURIS — free of all legal disabilities.

“The united states of America was the first country ever` established with an avowed moral purpose— that individual` rights are unalienable and government exists only to` safeguard those rights.”

Have We the People grown too lazy,too stupid, too busy, too` comfortable, too enslaved, too filled with the superficial to` defend ourselves against the onslaught of tyranny? Time will` tell, and time is running out.50`

World War II: The War That Won the World?

In 1943, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and` Joseph Stalin spent four days in Tehran discussing how to` defeat Hitler, how to redraw the map of Europe, and how to` eventually establish a new world order.

Felix Witmer, author of The Yalta Betrayal, says their` discussion focused on the dismemberment of Germany and` the creation of “people's democracies” along the Soviet` borders, as well as details such as unilateral support for` Yugoslavia's General Tito and various land giveaways to the` Soviets.

Historian Arthur M. Schlesinger says Roosevelt wanted to` head off America's instinct to revert to isolationism after the` war by establishing an international organization that could` maintain peace through force.

The United States, Britain, China and Soviet Union would be` the “Four Policemen” as he called them, that would` accomplish this goal.

Stalin proposed the idea of regional peacekeeping; an idea` which is reflected in Chapter 8, Articles 52 and 53 of the` Charter of the United Nations, which authorizes the Security` Council to utilize regional arrangements to keep peace when` necessary.

Several globalist writers of the 1940s advocated the` formation of regional economic entities as a more feasible` method of bringing about a better world order. The U.S. got` its start in regionalism during the Nixon presidency, when` he divided the country into ten federal regions with a` Federal Regional Council, or Capitol for each one.

The next major step was NAFTA, which Henry Kissinger` said was “not a conventional trade agreement but the` architecture of a new international system.”

As P.E. Corbett wrote in Post-War Worlds in 1942, “World` Government is the ultimate aim, but there is more chance of` attaining it by gradual development.”

Similarly, M.J. Bonn wrote in The Annals of the American` Academy of Political and Social Science in 1941, “...But we` are not yet going to have a world state...The formation of` regional federations by hitherto autonomous groups is much` easier...with every move a step toward a new world order is` taken.” 51` Here’s a brief summary of events regarding WWII:`

Allied and German bankers were on the same side.

Their combined monies expanded the pharmaceutical` cartel known as I.G. Farben, Hitler's war` machine.52`

One-hundred American corporations had subsidiaries in` Germany and were extracting profits from the war. A deal` between Farben and Standard Oil assured a constant supply` of oil to Germany during the war.

It was Farben and Standard Oil which opened the Auschwitz` Concentration Camp on June 14th, 1940. The slave labour of` Jews and other political opponents was used to produce the` artificial rubber and gasoline from coal.

Examples of the companies who invested in WWII included:` General Electric, International Telephone & Telegraph, Ford` Motor Company (vehemently anti-Jewish and pro-Hitler),` W.A. Harriman (Prescott Bush owed his wealth to the` Harrimans), Dulles Brothers (wrote Heil Hitler on his letters` to German clients) (would become Secretary of State and his` brother Allan the first director of the CIA after the war)`

Profits to American trusts after the war were $175` billion dollars.54`

The rise of both Hitler and FDR followed the same strategy.

Collapse the economy. Borrow more from the banks.

Impose “New Deal” solutions. Take advice from the elite controlled` Bank of International Settlements. Economic` sanctions, limited loans and high-interest rates created the` foundation for Hitler's rise to power and FDR's dominance` in America as well.

Liberty League was set-up by the Elite to oppose FDR. Its` pronouncements assured it would be branded 'extreme` Right' and ‘anti-semitic’ thus destroying the credibility of all` legitimate opposition to FDR.

Millions of people were duped into fighting and` dying for a war they believed was for “freedom.”

Once Hitler was elected, credit was offered to the Nazi` regime by the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve.

The British policy of appeasement for Germany was based` on: (1) Germany as the main force of resistance against` communism in Europe; (2) Britain was prepared to be part` of a four-power agreement with France, Germany and Italy;` (3) Britain would allow Germany to liquidate Austria,` Czechoslovakia and Poland.

Czechoslovakia was successfully invaded and` occupied in March 1939. Suddenly Britain was in` favor of war with Germany. Hitler had been duped` into believing there would be no opposition. The` rest is history.

Chamberlain was replaced by Winston Churchill, a man of` war. He used the infamous Regulation 18b to imprison` hundreds of British people who opposed the war or pointed` out it was being engineered by a secret force. They justified` this in the public mind by accusing the opponents of being` sympathetic with the Nazi's.

Perhaps even some of the London bombings blamed on the` IRS were created to justify an attack on Britain's opponents.

And this was a country supposed to be “fighting for` freedom.”

Conservative MP, Captain Archibald Maule Ramsey and` Tyler Kent, an American coding officer employed at the US` Embassy where Joseph Kennedy was the ambassador were` imprisoned under Regulation 18b.

Both these men were, and another investigator Anna` Wookoff, were imprisoned for having insider information` about the causes of the war behind the scenes.

America's involvement was a bit more tricky. As a campaign` promise, Roosevelt had to pledge not to involve America in` any more European wars.

But if Japan were involved and we beat the drums of the old` goddess of democracy, it would bring America in without` further ado.55` Roosevelt's New York mansion was next door to CFR` headquarters. Harry Stimson, a founder of CFR, wrote in his` diaries,

We face the delicate question of diplomatic fencing` to be done so as to be sure Japan is put into the wrong and` makes the first bad overt move.” 56`

CFR's War & Peace Studies Project recommended` certain diplomatic and economic actions against` Japan during their conflict with China.

The Japanese were goaded into the attack on Pearl Harbor` on December 7th, 1941 to get America in a fighting mood.

Roosevelt had information from eight different sources` indicating a probably attack but did nothing to avert it. Most` of the cream of the U.S. Navy was out of port at the time.

The Spring prior to the dropping of the bomb, the Japanese` had offered to surrender on the same terms as those` proposed after the bombs were dropped. But the offer was` refused, the bombs fell, and the Potsdam Conference issued` an ultimatum for Japan’s surrender.

Apparently, this was a planned media event not to be` missed. So much for protecting American lives.

Harry S. Truman authorized the use of the atomic` bomb to destroy the Japanese cities of Hiroshima` and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th, 1945.

WWII was justified to protect American lives. It was a` horrendous assault on eighty thousand men, women and` children - another horrible example of the means used to` justify the ends of centralized world government and` control.

Apparently, the lives of every nationality are at risk in this` New World Order. Dare we count the casualties to date and` those yet to follow? 57`

"The psychological spin behind the exploding of` the bombs was to create such a worldwide fear` of the power of nuclear energy that countries` would give up their sovereignty, turn all their` weapons and armed forces over to a world` government and surrender their freedom.”

— Retired Colonel Donn Grand Pre 58`

Roosevelt ignored a German offer of honorable surrender in` 1943. General Eisenhower was prevented by Roosevelt from` moving through Germany once the Germans were overrun` as it didn't match the Elite's plan for the Soviet Union to be` extended to Berlin and the Cold War created. World war as a` form of control was to be replaced for several decades by the` fear of apocalyptic conflict between East and West.

Alfred Rosenberg, an occultist with a Jewish, Estonian and` French background introduced a copy of the Protocols of the` Learned Elders of Zion to Hitler. Why would he do such a` thing knowing that Hitler would circulate it widely to justify` his campaign against Jews?

He presented himself as blatantly anti-Jewish and became` the Nazi’s official ideologist with the role of providing the` facts against the Jews despite his Jewish features,` background and associations. Many of Hitler's leading` officers and thousands of his troops were also of Jewish` descent.

Eisenhower Starved Germans in Post-War Death` Camps`

Four months after WWII ended, German soldiers and` civilians were dying in concentration camps set up by` General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

With the support of his post-war foreign policy cabal, made` up of Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Senator` Herbert Lehman and supreme Court Justice Felix` Frankfurter, Eisenhower was able to act out his consuming` hatred for the German people.

A document in the National Archives says 692,895 Germans` were classified as POWs and 363,587 as DEF’s (Disarmed` Enemy Forces — an illegal classification according to` international law and the Geneva Convention). DEF’s had` no right to food, shelter or water.

Thousands of the POWs had their status changed to DEF as` the months after the war dragged on. Heinz Janssen, a` survivor of the Rheinberg camp describes the conditions:` “Amputees slithered like amphibians through the mud,` soaking and freezing.”

Another witness, French Army Captain Julien wrote,”This is` just like the photographs of Buchenwald and Dachau.” His` unit had discovered 32,000 American skeletons along with` German DEF’s huddled under scraps of wet cardboard.

Author and researcher James Bacque labored for years to` publicize this hushed up story. Information was difficult to` document because most records of the Rhineland death` camps had been destroyed between 1947 and 1950. Also,` The International Committee of the Red Cross refused to` open its archives to him. His book, “Other Losses,” was` finally published in 1989 after being turned down by 30` American publishers.

Here's another example of the victors in war writing the` history from their perspective and denying the story of their` captives, prisoners and victims. When will the human race` stop killing and torturing each other? This is indicative of` the other side of history. There are always the ones whose` stories are never told. 59`

Zionism and the Creation of Israel`

Editor’s Note: Don’t start railing on me about me being` anti-semitic, or whatever, because I’m talking about Israel.

These are historical facts. Israel or any country of the` world must not be immune to critique and unprejudiced` evaluation.

Zionism is not a religion or race but a political movement` consisting of people, Jews and non-Jews who support the` claim for a Jewish homeland. Jewish people are used as` cannon fodder by the Elite and by many within the Jewish` hierarchy, just the way other people of other nations and` races are used by the Power structure to fight their battles.

The Balfour Declaration (November 6th, 1917) established` the policy for Palestine to be the homeland for Jewish` people by a decree by the Rothschilds. Despite promises by` T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) that the Arabs would be` guaranteed full post-war sovereignty and independence for` their support in the war.

This was not part of any democratic process whatsoever. At` that time less than 1% of the population of Palestine was` Jewish. This Declaration was not made public until July` 21st, 1937.

Semitic comes from the race of peoples in ancient Sumer` from whom the Biblical Jews claim to have emerged. But` according to Arthur Koestler's The Thirteenth Tribe: The` Khazar Empire and its Heritage (Hutchinson & Co., 1976),` very few Jews can trace their genetic lineage back to the` Semite line.

Most are genetic descendents of a people of Turkish-` Mongolian-Nordic ancestry called the Khazars who` converted to Jewish religion in 740 A.D. Ironically, more` members of the old Semite line are Arab, not Jewish. To call` someone, “anti-semitic” would more accurately translate` into “anti-Arab.”

Anti-Semitism is built upon a powerful racial myth, accepted` by Jews and non-Jews alike. To be “Jewish” is to follow the` Jewish religious faith and has nothing to do with race.60` The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 and has` operated as an intelligence unit, which brands anyone who` challenges or questions the Power structure as “anti-` Semitic.” Was it set up to benefit the Jewish people?

No, it was formed to protect New York Jewish gangsters` Arnold Rothstein, the precursor to Meyer Lanksy, the` godfather of the organized crime syndicate that funded and` armed the Jewish terrorist underground in Palestine.

Today, it's the arm of the Israeli/Power structure` intelligence agency Mossad and has been at the heart of` some horrific events in this century including the Kennedy` assassination.61`

Notes and Sources`


1. See also: War Powers Statutes, Senate Report 93-549` [ https://syninfo.com/IAN/war_emer_bk.h tm] and` Termination Notice of Emergency Powers` https://www.ptialaska.net/~swampy/powe rs/powers_2.html` 2

2. Sourced from Alexander Christopher,Pandora's Box, p.80.

3. Thomas Paine; Sourced from the Selected Work of` Tom Paine, Common Sense, edited by Howard Fast,` (Modern Library, New York, 1943, p.52).

4. See The Federalist Papers sourced from Goodbye April` 15th, by Boston T. Party, (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas,` 1992, p. 6/2).

5. Sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press,Austin, Texas, 1992, p. 6/2.)`

6. Sourced from the American Military Training Manual` at TM 200025,118120; Sourced from Goodbye April` 15th, by Boston T. Party, (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas,` 1992, p. 6/3).

7. Ibid.

8. Ibid.

9. Sourced from David Icke, The Truth Shall Set You Free` (Bridge of Love, Cambridge, 1995, p.67); See also` David Icke, The Robot’s Rebellion (Gateway Books,` Bath, 1994); David Icke, I am Me, I am Free (Bridge of` Love, 1996). These are great books!`

10. Ibid, p.62`

11. Ibid, p.71-89`

12. Sourced from Carroll Quigleys, Tragedy & Hope` (MacMillan, New York 1966, p.939)`

13. 11. Buckminster Fuller; Quote sourced from Critical` Path, (St. Martins Press, New York, p. 78); See also` Velma Griggs, The Original 13th Amendment, (Inyawe` Trust Company p.5). According to Tennessee Laws,` 1715-1320, vol.II, p.774, in the Jay Treaty of 1794, the` US agreed to pay 600,000 pounds sterling to King` George III as reparations for the American Revolution` — this Treaty was ratified in secret session, could this` have been a` bribe by Congress to serve the British Monarchy and` betray the American people?

14. Sourced from David Icke, The Truth Shall Set You Free` (Bridge of Love, Cambridge, 1995, p.38).

15. See also War Powers Statutes, Senate Report 93-549.

16. Sourced from Velma Griggs, The Original 13th` Amendment, (Inyawe Trust Company p.12).

17. James E. Braddock from the H Document; Sourced` from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party, (Javelin` Press, Austin, Texas, 1992, p. 15/20).

18. See also Free At Last, by N.A. Scott, Ph.D., D.D., p.1-5,1-6.

19. Sourced from Velma Griggs, The Original 13th` Amendment, (Inyawe Trust Company, p.6) (reveals a` plan in an un-catalogued book, 2 VA LAW, in the` Library of Congress to overthrow the Constitution by` lawyers), p.6 (Library of Congress has 349,402 uncatalogued` and rare books and 13.9 million documents` — imagine what could be found!); See also David` Dodge (primary researcher for the original 13th` Amendment). See also The Real 13th Amendment: It's` Mysterious Disappearance by Anthony Hargis,` Perceptions, Spring 1994, p.12.

20. Sourced from Velma Griggs, The Original 13th` Amendment, (Inyawe Trust Company).

21. See also Civil Rights Acts of 1866 & 1968; Distinction` between unalienable and civil rights was established by` the US supreme Court.

22. One line sourced from To Judge Murtagh from the` Panthers, Law Against the People, edited by Robert` Lefcourt,` Random House, New York, 1971 pp.186-204; See also` State v. Phillips, 540 P 2d 936 (US supreme Court has` never held that the 14th Amendment was legally` adopted).

23. Deyett vs. Turner, 439 P.2d 266 (1967); State vs. Phillips, 540 P.2d. 936; See Crowell v. Benson, 285 US` 22 at 50 (1932), and U.S. vs. Radditz, 447 US 667` (1980) (distinction between unalienable and civil` rights).

24. Sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992, p. 4/11).

25. One line sourced from Critical Path, by Buckminster` Fuller, (St. Martins Press, New York, p. 81).

26. John Quade: Sourced from an essay Merchantism: The` Road to Tyranny; See also U.S. Constitution [1:9:7];` Also sourced from Government's Liberty...Brings` Death To Freedom p. 19; See also 17th Amendment.

27. Sourced from audio series by Eric Madsen, Team Law.

28. Sourced from Interview excerpted from Food & Water` Journal, Winter '96, p.16; L.A.W. Conference, NANS` Fall ‘96, p.19]`

29. Quote sourced from Blackstone on Corporations.

30. Sourced from Gertrude Elias, briefing paper for` networked circulation (London, 1995).

31. Sourced from Committee of the U.S. Senate in 1919,` Overman Committee, 2.2009`

32. See also Colonel Edward Mandell House’s Philip Dru:` Administrator (B.W. Huebsh, New York, 1912) Here` Colonel House outlined the plans for the League of` Nations in a fictional work years before. It became` reality after WWI.)`

33. Sourced from David Icke, The Truth Shall Set You Free` (Bridge of Love, Cambridge, 1995, p.71-74).

34. Ibid, p.74-80.

35. Sourced from To Eliminate the Opiate, p.15.

36. Sourced from Edward G. Griffin, Creature from Jekyll` Island (American Media, 1994)`

37. Sourced from Critical Path, by Buckminster Fuller, (St. Martins Press, New York, p. 81).

38. Sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992).

39. Ogden Nash; Sourced from a poem Butcher Baker,` Candlestick Maker; Sourced from Critical Path, by` Buckminster Fuller, (St. Martins Press, New York, p.93). One line sourced from A History of Modern` Political Constitutions by CF Strong, G.P. Putnam &` Sons, New York, 1964, p.112; See also Agricultural` Adjustment Act and other New Deal legislation.

40. Sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992, p. 4/18); Sourced` from Critical Path, by Buckminster Fuller, (St. Martins` Press, New York, p. 86).

41. Sourced from Ten Letters from an International` Banker.

42. Sourced from Free At Last, by N.A. Scott, Ph.D., D.D. 28. Wilson vs. Omaha Indian Tribe, 442 U.S. 653, 667,` 61 L.Ed.2 153, 99 S.Ct. 2529 (1979); U.S. vs. Cooper` Corp., 312 U.S. 600, 604, 85 L.Ed. 1071, 61 S.Ct. 742` (1941)`

43. Ibid. p.68.

44. Sourced from The Federal Reserve Conspiracy ;`

45. Sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992, p. 5/2); See also` Banking Act of 1933.

46. See also Gold Standard Act of 1935.

47. Also known as the Gold Clause Cases.

48. Sourced from Critical Path, by Buckminster Fuller, (St.

Martins Press, New York, p. 97, 101, 103, 105.

49. Ibid.

50. Quote sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party, (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992, p. 16/10).

51. Sourced from Committee to Restore the Constitution;` NANS, Spring ‘96, p.17.

52. Sourced from Rodney Atkinson and Norris` McWhirter's Treason At Maastricht: The Destruction` of the Nation State, (Compuprint Publishing,` Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, 1995, p.20); See also American` War Department Report, Elimination of German` Resources, p.943. Herein they concluded that` Germany's ability to prosecute a war would have been` impossible without Farben's immense productive` facilities.; See also Anthony C. Sutton, Wall Street And` The Rise of Hitler, (Heritage Publications, Melbourne,` Austrailia, p.121 - 132).

53. Sourced from US Ambassador to Germany, William` Dodd as said to FDR on October 19th, 1936 from` Edgar B. Dixon, Editor of Franklin D. Roosevelt And` Foreign Affairs, (Belknap Press, Cambridge, 1969,` Vol.III, p456).

54. Sourced from Gertrude Elias.

55. Sourced from Propaganda in The Next War from The` Next War as see by Senator P. Nye of North Dakota in` 1939.

56. Sourced from Casebook on Alternative 3, p.25.

57. See also George Morgenstern, Pearl Harbor, The Story` of the Secret War, (Costa Mesa, USA, 1991 edition, first` published in 1947).

58. Sourced from The Spotlight, Sept. 12th, 1994, p.15.

59. Sourced from Citizen's Perspective, October 24, 1995;` Reviewed by Estar Holmes.

60. Sourced from Alfred M. Lilienthal's What Price Israel?

(Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1953) p. 223, 224).

61. Sourced from Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment,` The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy` (The Wolfe Press, Washington D.C., 1995, p.82); See` also Douglas Reed, Controllers of Zion (Dolphin Press,` 1978); David Lloyd George, Is It Peace? (Hodder &` Stoughton, London, 1923) Written to justify the Israeli` homeland and riddled with misinformation; Noam` Chomsky, Letters From Lexington (Common Courage` Press, Maine USA 1990, p. 3).