- Chapter Seventeen`

Without Vision the People Perish…Solutions Abound for Every Problem…Keep an Open Mind.


by Johnny Liberty`

Dedicated to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research` and creation of this handbook.

Virtues and Listening` “The way we’ve been thinking, drifting toward` disaster, denying our darker side.

The part of me, I don’t want to see, for fear of` losing what I believe, Black or white, right or` wrong, this mode of our thinking must change.

— For you and I, the earth and sky, creates no` enemy.”

Johnny Light`

Virtue, wisdom, the golden rule, morality, ethics, the` inherent goodness of human beings has all been but` forgotten, neglected and ignored in our contemporary media` culture.

Once in a blue moon we focus on the brighter side of human` nature instead of drowning our heart and soul in negative,` sensational stories focusing on the dark side of the human` condition.

We the People have surrendered virtue to everything goes,` everyone for themselves, the “me” generation, greed,` selfishness, mistrust and disrespect, intolerance and fear mongering,` hate crimes, projection and denial.

Good slaves exhibit none of the following virtues: confidence,` loyalty, commitment, love, sensitivity, intelligence,` community, family, transcendence, ascension, rooted-ness,` grounded-ness, frugality, wisdom, knowledge, compassion,` warrior-ship, creative, productive, beautiful, simple, multifaceted,` multi-cultural, humility.

Innocent people are often the brunt of jokes, considered` naive and foolish.

Innocence and vulnerability is openly murdered world-wide.

The predator-prey, master-slave, perpetrator-victim` relationships still prevail in our contemporary society as the` power struggle continues between the various facets of` ourselves, at war with the world of illusion.

Our short-sighted cosmology perpetuates this war of polarities,` opposites and dualities inherent since the world` began.

How have we poisoned the American soul? Let me count the` ways. Many Americans are disabled emotionally if not` physically, morally and intellectually. On both sides of the` obsolete political spectrum, We the People suffer from a` “listening disability.”

We can scarcely hear each other anymore. We no longer` tolerate dissent or differences. Our minds have closed to` other perspectives. We do not offer the time of day to a` stranger, or take the time to hear another point of view. We` have the power, if not the will, to listen.

We the People are deaf to the suffering of our fellow human` beings, to the cries for help, to the needs of the homeless and` indigent. We demand punishment for victimless crimes.

We demand incarceration of the poor and uneducated to` ease our minds and provide an illusive and impossible` “security” instead of addressing the real social, political and` economic issues. We are blind to the future that awaits us all` unless we act responsibly and reach out a helping hand.

America is presently a conquered land, an exploited and` squandered country. America is a pre-fascist, hightechnology` police-attorney-prison State developing at light` speed. Another genocidal holocaust of global proportions is` being fashioned for the 21st Century. This time America will` witness the malaise, social violence and civil war on her own` soil as this once great civilization disintegrates, unless we act` now to prevent these atrocities.1` “Everything you do may seem insignificant,` but it’s very important that you do it.”

— Gandhi`

Problem Solving and Learning` We the People also suffer from a “learning disability.”

Americans have surrendered “learning” for “education.”

Education in the 20th Century is nothing more than` brainwashing and social conditioning in conjunction with` the mass media.

Our educational system is “dumbing us down.” We are` taught confusion, class position, indifference, emotional` dependency, intellectual dependency, provisional selfesteem,` and that one can’t hide from authority.

We are taught not to think, not to create, not to innovate,` not to make mistakes, not to change the system, not to` question authority, not to dissent from the status quo.

Blame, judgment and punishment awaits those who dare to` challenge these pre-thought thoughts, this social` programming designed to make us docile, willing slaves to` the established order. 2` “We’ve had a society under central control in the` US since just before the Civil War, and such a` society requires compulsory schooling, government` monopoly schooling, to maintain itself.”

— John Gatto3`

Learning and problem-solving is not possible unless there` exists an environment supportive of our ability to make` mistakes and freely apply correction to our course. Like an` airplane whose set-course is incorrect 98% of the time, the` ships navigator “learns” and applies correction to the setcourse` continually, eventually arriving at the “correct”  destination.

In the American political, social and economic system, we do` not solve problems. Instead, we deny responsibility, pass the` buck, and blame someone else for not doing something.

We don’t solve problems because that’s not the goal of the` status quo. We the People are not permitted the necessary` learning curve without blame, judgment, rejection and` punishment being reaped upon those who dare to apply` correction to our set-course.

Stand up and dare to actually solve a problem and you’ll be` shot down by some bureaucratic sniper. Dare to solve a` problem or confront the system and you’ll be discredited or` falsely accused by those with some political or economic turf` to protect.

Big government exists because there are problems that` cannot and will not be solved. Problems justify the existence` of huge bureaucracies and payrolls, huge regulatory systems,` huge police forces, huge tax burdens and altogether too` many irrelevant academic prostitutes who will tell us what` we want to hear to justify any research project, study or` commission. 4` Real problem-solving requires the facilitation of intelligence` gathering, synthesis and integration of disparate,` paradoxical views into a process that generates results,` action plans and coalition building. Problem-solving` involves the breakdown of misconceptions and false` perceptions into working models of reality. This is not the` goal of established Power structures intent on maintaining` power and control, at any cost.

“If you don’t like the news, go out` and make some of your own.”

— Skoop Nisker 5`

We don’t solve problems in America because we aren’t` allowed to make any mistakes. Instead we give ourselves` permission to lie, cheat, steal, and deny the truth to protect` and defend our blamelessness.

This is a symptom of our having never grown up or experienced` the true sense of personal empowerment. There are` real problems to solve in America and around the world.

Looking good, being blameless and right will not solve` anything. It will only postpone the consequences of our` institutionalized ignorance.

Eventually we will have to pay the piper. Or pass it on to the` next generation who will not be as forgiving.

We do not solve problems because we’re unwilling to take` risks. The basis of any sound educational system is the` encouragement and support for being able to take risks,` make mistakes and learn from them, and apply correction` without retribution.

This is all but lost in government, business and our` educational institutions that teach quite the opposite.

Deny any wrongdoing, ignore the facts and truth, discredit` your opposition and appear blameless in the eyes of your` peers. Herein virtue must be applied otherwise all attempts` at problem solving will fail.

These virtues include honesty, respect, the golden rule, a` superior morality and ethics that is trans-religious, yet` inherent in all religious traditions, love, a code of ethics,` character above personality, truth instead of image, the` dream makers above the image-makers.

The healing of broken people, broken hearts, divided minds,` imprisoned spirits requires forgiveness and love, not shallow` apologies and excuses. Freedom requires responsibility.

Responsibility is the ability to respond to what shows up in` your experience. Non-responsiveness is genuine disrespect.

Neglect can be more harmful as abuse.

“Our worst sin towards our fellow creatures` is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them;` that’s the essence of inhumanity.

George Bernard Shaw`

Visions for the Next Millennium` We the People have the organized intelligence at hand to` deal with the many complex, interrelated issues and` problems faced today.

Human beings must first be willing to join together,` surrender their limiting world views and beliefs, educate` themselves and create a new consensus and context for` reinventing the world. And we must not lose our humanity` in the process.

Humanity is faced with the greatest crisis and challenge of` the millennium.

Our global environment, millions of years of evolution, and` our human survival depend on capably organizing our` collective intelligence across traditional cultural, national,` and professional boundaries.

Humanity must achieve a global consensus on an agenda` and action plan for the 21st Century, without surrendering` to monolithic Power structures bent on totalitarian control` and domination.

Our old ways of thinking, being and acting are no longer` appropriate. Conventional “wisdom,” planning, conceptualizing` and communicating are no longer effective.

Command-and-control political, economic and social` systems must relinquish their domination and exploitation` of people and the global environment. We must be willing to` share power, resources and creativity with respect to all life` and the unalienable right of self-determination.6 Through` the constant barrage of media and our own experience,` We the People have witnessed the destruction, violence, and` injustice in which human beings are immersed. More` important though, in these times, is to pay attention to the` “good news” for a change, and shift our focus from the` destructive impulses to the creative ones.

Our emphasis must be on the creative possibilities for all` humanity and all living beings co-existing, co-evolving` together on a fragile planet.

“The Earth does not belong to us,` but we belong to the Earth.”

— Chief Seattle`

We the People must not neglect or ignore what human` beings are capable of creating in the realms of genius— ` inventing culture, art, and technology.

We must extract, organize, synthesize and present working` options, opportunities and solutions comprehensively` through whole systems to effect a transformation of the` human spirit.

We have the means, the processes, and the technology. We` need to manifest the political and spiritual will to act.

We the People can survive and thrive in an ecologically balanced,` sustainable economic, and just world for all people` and species.

We need men and women of integrity, courage and` unCOMMON SENSE willing to devote themselves to the` greatest undertaking conceivable to human beings— to` create a conceptual framework, a paradigm shift for a new` social, economic and political order of the highest` magnitude.

It is either sovereignty, respect, freedom, and dignity for all` the people, or we will all be prisoners in totalitarian systems` of our own design.

“Golden Age getting nearer the sky is getting` clearer. And the waters abounding in pure and` clean surroundings.

There’s plenty for everyone and everyone has their` way. Sun is shining warm on this golden day.

Healing Age mend the wounds open up to golden` tunes. Within your heart lies waiting the songs` you’ve longed for sharing.

Solar Age a new beginning unlimited energy we’ll` be winning. To build the world anew, consistent` with the view.

Peaceful Age no more war sickness, famine or` locked doors. Hopeful we’ll be free again to love` and joy like the best of friends.

In the Golden Age hearts, minds and souls` together will unfold. As one race of humanity,` under one sun we’ll live as family.”

— Johnny Light 7`

First, We the People must unravel our social, cultural and` political preconceptions that have divided us against` ourselves and each other.

Overwhelmed and saturated with information, there is less` significant, interpersonal “communication” occurring today` than before the aid of computer, video, fax and satellite` technology.

Technology is being applied by the Power structure to divide` us, not to bring us together. We the People must utilize the` communications tools we have available and maximize real` human and organizational “connectivity,” not just linear` data flow.

Systems integration is essential. Knowledge and wisdom are` the real powers.

Through effectively organized communications networking,` We the People can connect individuals, innovative and` creative businesses, organizations, projects, programs and` media, and link them together in an intelligent, global` “network of networks.”

This is a powerful commitment to being in communications.

This is how we can win this battle without firing a` single shot.8` Second, We the People must reassess our personal, political` and family values and reprioritize our actions in the world.

What are the implications of our values and the resulting` actions? What is our true responsibility to ourselves and to` each other?

How can we restore the family and tribe as the basic` building blocks of not only society, but our own humanity as` well. Let us celebrate our diversity and unify with a common` cause to free ourselves from tyranny manifest at all levels of` our existence.

Third, We the People are far too “busy” for our own good.

Too busy running around like rats in a maze, disconnected` from ourselves, each other, our communities and the` environment that supports our very existence. It is time for` each of us to pause for reflection and reevaluate our lives` and the purpose therein.

Are you too busy to respond to the most incredible` opportunity of a lifetime if it were presented to you? What` could be more important?

One purpose for being human is to comprehend and` experience the very essence of interconnectedness, and what` our niche might be in the grand scheme of the universe.

“When one door closes, another opens.

But we often look so long and so regretfully` at the closed door that we not notice` the one which has opened for us.”

— Helen Keller`

Fourth, the “people of the lie” must break the long chains of` denial by ‘fessing up and telling the truth. What a great day` it would be if we had the courage to speak the truth in broad` daylight without reservation, or fear of retribution.

That would be a national holiday. Are we so accustomed to` and vested in lies that the truth no longer gets any consideration?

Truth is always the first casualty in war, and we’ve` been at war for so long that peace is only a dream.9` The government lies to us. The media lies to us. Most` advertisers lie to us. We lie to each other. Fundamental` untruths and our lack of integrity are the basis for economic` injustice, government corruption and the total control of the` international bankers over the world’s precious resources.

Money is not what it appears to be, nor are most of our` economic and political preconceptions. Money ought to flow` like love, not like blood.

We ought to forgive each other our debts, instead of using` and exploiting each other economically. Our way of life is` not ecologically sustainable. Greed is endemic. Fear is a` cruel and self-righteous master.

Truth is an endangered species, because too many people` are no longer connected, committed or interested in` universal, spiritual principles that underlie our very` existence.

Many prefer to experience the world as “make believe,” as` entertainment, or as a fictional story than as it really is. We` have also forgotten how to see, think and experience` holistically, as part of a system, not in control.

Being in control is our greatest illusion. The truth is stranger` than fiction.

Fifth, and perhaps the most difficult of all, is our` commitment to economic and social justice for all the` people, while exercising our unalienable rights.

There can be no “security” unless systems and means are` created to create opportunities for all the people, not just the` privileged few.

How can We the People be content in exercising our` unalienable rights at the expense and exclusion of the basic` rights of a majority of the world’s population?

History will repeat itself over and over ad absurdum, unless` we address and solve the issues of economic and social` justice, without creating huge, totalitarian welfare States.

Sixth, once we have liberated ourselves from intellectual and` mental slavery, we can truly invest in “Another World` Order,” a “True World Order” that boldly longs to be created` on this planet— a “golden age” of possibility that could` transform our fears into unfettered creativity, the likes of` which humanity has never witnessed, except for temporal` renaissances throughout time.

It is for this and many other purposes that we live and must` persevere in this vision for the next millennium and beyond.

10` “Without a fully active role in community life one` could not hope to become a healthy human being.”

— Aristotle`

A New Cosmology` In America, the dominate Western, scientific, Christian-` Jewish world view is based on separating man from nature,` mind from body, heart from soul, the stomach from the` brains ad nauseum.

This results in the whole world being divided infinitely` against ourselves and each other. We must evolve a broader` cosmology that emphasizes unifying concepts, without` denigrating our religious traditions.

We are all prejudiced and biased, more or less, regardless of` the particular religious, scientific or cultural perspective` we’ve been conditioned into. Breakthrough your denial,` acknowledge your point of view, and be tolerant and` respectful of others.

There is room on this planet for many religious views` providing they tolerate and respect each other.

Since the landing on the moon when astronauts took the` first breathtaking photographs of the Earth, and scientists` confirmed what the mystics knew all along; that the Earth is` a continuous, ever-changing, water-bound and blue, cloud` surrounded, living organism without artificial, man-made` boundaries. We are living on a fragile, delicate and sacred` world without borders, tipped on the brink of environmental` disaster.

Having the overview of a generalist is crucial in these` interesting and dangerous times. In the present age of` extreme specialization where brilliant people know so much` about every insignificant thing, and when that knowledge is` taken out of context with what all the other brilliant people` know, we have created a masterful deception that threatens` the survival of the entire system.

Every special interest, single focus, one-dimensional cultural` perspective believes it has the whole picture and sees reality` as it is. In fact, the whole picture is created from a composite` of all the special interests, cultural perspectives and` contextual frameworks; all the knowledge of human and` natural history, past, present, and future; information` received from books, audio and video media and other` sources, through the senses and direct experience; through` the psychic realms, the unconscious dream states, and the` entire mind-body-spirit continuum. This is the new` cosmology that is evolving.

“We create the world as we see it, not the way it` is.”

    John D. Van Hove 11`

    Reality is not an absolute, nor is it completely relative. There` are aspects which are based on universal principles that are` unyielding, unchanging, and other aspects that are relative` to your point-of-view.

Yet we often think and act as though our perception equals` reality, without question. In fact, perception is the lens` through which we see the world and it is subject to` conditioning, beliefs, education and personal` discriminations of every kind (e.g., age, sex, race, class,` culture). As the new physicists have discovered, the` perceiver affects the phenomenon so profoundly as to` change the results of the experiment.

Thus, we consistently alter our realities by the way we` perceive, conceive and ultimately in what we believe to be` happening.

If we sincerely believe that the world is flat, then for all` practical purposes it is flat, for us. And our reality will reflect` that belief, until evidence to the contrary is so overwhelming` that we alter our belief structure and see differently.

A common language arising from common perceptions of` reality is the roadmap towards creating our world view.

To challenge our assumptions, we must reflect on our` language, perceptions, conceptions and experience. Mutual` respect is the highest human value, along with listening,` loving, cooperating, communicating, learning, healing,` sharing and trust.

“If we’re going to explore new territories, manifest` new visions and dreams, then we’re going to need` better conceptual maps: a planetary language,` maps to design access to both information and` resources, maps to understand the natural` interconnections and interdependence of the whole` planet, maps to comprehend the principles of` whole systems, and the skillful use of` communications tools and networking.”

John D. Van Hove 12`

Teaching Preparedness` The prioritizing of education in all areas of our lives is` absolutely essential to any “rediscovery” of America and the` restoration of a constitutional republic. We must also reflect` upon ourselves, asking the time-old questions. Who are we?

What are we doing here? Where are we going? We don’t` have twelve to twenty years to go back to school and relearn,` so we must get on the fast track and get smart quick.

This takes teachers who can synthesize difficult subject` matter and articulate it to diverse groups of people through` well-prepared resource materials and seminars.

Find people with experience and wisdom you can trust.

Discriminate and make your own choices. Take` responsibility for your own life, your family and your` community. Find people in your own community who have` integrity and walk their talk.

Teaching “preparedness” is a fine art. Our goal is to transfer` important, survival information into action without` disabling people emotionally through fear-mongering,` judgment and demonizing potential allies.

We must be considerate in the ways we communicate, that` we do not alienate or further polarize or divide people` through overzealous proselytizing. Some of the information` presented in the “patriot movement” is shocking and hardhitting.

Yes, the truth is hard to take. But let it be empowering,` not disabling for people. Ignorance is no longer bliss.

But the truth cannot be heard if it disables the recipient.

Take notice that there are presently many subcultures, races` and religions domiciled in the united states of America.

Perhaps America was at one time a predominately Christian` nation, but that is no longer the case. We must teach not` only tolerance but respect for other religions, lifestyles, and` ways of being.

This is best done through the example of our own living.

Jesus Christ was very tolerant of different people. He loved` them all unconditionally. This is the primary Christian` teaching. Love your neighbor as yourself.

One important criterion for rediscovering America, for` founding a new nation is one of inclusion, not exclusion.

As leaders and teachers, it’s our job to identify the common` ground, to weave the common threads that make a renewed` nation. If we excluded everyone who thought, felt or acted` differently than we did, we’d be a movement of one, not a` nation of many.

There is no other country in the world that represents as` much diversity as we have in America. This is our strength.

A solitary individual doth not a nation make. Divide and` conquer has played into the hands of the Power structure far` too long.

We must break the chains of intolerance and oppression in` our own hearts, before we can honor and respect others.

We must face the facts that our own humanity is an` endangered species, as well as our nation. That we must also` care for the Earth and the health of our bodies. By` acknowledging that everyone has something to contribute,` skills, resources and knowledge, we’ve expanded the scope` of the “patriot” movement to include more people, not less.

By organizing communications and networking, we can` communicate broadly with thousands of “different” people.

By organizing community self-reliance, energy interdependence,` home-schooling, media activism and literacy, we` have created the possibility of a new social, economic and` political organization that exceeds our present capabilities.

We the People must relearn our own American history in the` context of current events. One who refuses to learn from the` past is condemned to repeat it.

Take the time to study American law, your Constitution for` the usA, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and the` Common law.

Understand how the global economic, legal and political` systems actually work. Organize alternative currency` systems and economic networks. 13`

Preparedness for Survival`

Resist being harnessed by the New World Order as an` economic slave, chattel or agent. Restore American, privatesector` free enterprise to its prominence and productivity` before government intentionally regulates and disables it to` death.

The U.S. government replaced the private-sector with nonproductive,` socialist, transnational schemes for destroying` the American economy and controlling it from abroad.

You must recognize that the United States has been a` socialist-democratic state since the first federal bankruptcy` socialized the corporate state through the New Deal (1933).

Recognize that declared national emergencies and executive` orders are symptomatic of the financial collapse of the U.S. corporation, the federal government and its political` subdivisions.

Recognize that we must eliminate all deficit spending (thus` the size of government) and eliminate the welfare state to restore` private initiative and incentives for productivity and` excellence. There are no more free lunches.

Fund self-reliance and economically sustainable enterprises,` owned and controlled by sovereign, American Citizens.

Prepare for the collapse with community-based infrastructures,` local scrips, and barter network organizations. Prepare` for the inevitable remonetization of debt through the issuance` of either a domestic-use currency, or through the free-fall of the U.S. Dollar. Shift all investments out of U.S. Dollar enumerated mutual funds, stocks, and bonds. Invest` in more secure stores of value (gold and silver), and commodity-` based items.

Stop paying all income taxes and funding government` oppression.

Repudiate the federal debt. Stop voting and obligating` yourself to pay an unpayable debt with your property and` rights. Boycott all unnecessary consumer items. Prepare for` survival into the 21st Century.

Preparations for your own personal and family survival` include adequate food and water, radio communications,` land to grow food and retreat from the cities, healthcare` provisions, water/air purification systems, and fuel for` generators and vehicles (solar-hydrogen, solar-electric).

We must also be able to protect ourselves against` biological/germ warfare, AIDS, cancer and other degenerative` diseases, and be prepared to build our immune systems` with ozone/herbs and other natural means.

We must be prepared for any government encroachment or` attack by joining with others in citizens militia, community` networks, and mutual survival infrastructures. Too often the` emphasis has been exclusively on personal and/or family` survival. This is an important foundation. But we mustn’t` forget that our neighbors, communities and friends are the` second, necessary tier of our strategic plan for survival.

It cannot be everyone for themselves, without regard for` each other. We must not only provide and take` responsibility for ourselves, but must consider being` prepared to be generous to those unprepared.

For if we do not, it will be our unraveling. No man or woman` can create and maintain a fortress against the entire world.

If our neighbors are not considered, they may very well turn` against us.

Utilize the resources, skills and support that we can be for` each other and set-up these infrastructures before the social` disintegration gets any worse. Take the time to talk and` interact with your neighbors. Build alliances and network` everyone you can.

“He is truly a fool who trusts his health` to a doctor, his rights to a lawyer, his money` to a banker, or his soul to a preacher.”

— Anonymous`

Be strong when confronting “petty tyrants” posing as` bureaucrats and government authorities. Be gentle as a lamb` and cunning as a wolf. For this we all need courage and` unCommon Sense.

Changes` Consider the environmental changes that are imminent on` the earth and where you will locate if the sea level rises or` earthquakes become more common.

Consider a piece of land that you can secure, free of debt if` possible, and linked with others of like mind and heart.

Consider setting up that land with provisions for food,` health care, education, communication and other basic human` needs in case the lines of supply are cut off for any reason.

Let’s not become mere “survivalists” escaping from the` troubles of the world and arming ourselves to the teeth for a` violent revolution.

Let’s thrive on the abundance of resources and intelligence` available to all people. Let’s support and care for each other` the way tribes and villages once did.15` Join with others to teach and educate about our true history` without prejudice and propaganda.

Put your television away and restore your own ability to` think, see and feel for yourself, make your own judgments` instead of surrendering to the hard hand and cold heart of` an emerging, totalitarian, police state.

Balanced View of the Environment` This author still considers himself an “environmentalist” having attended several Land, Air, Water (L.A.W.)` Conferences, having been involved in many Earth Day` celebrations, and having written an independent strategic` plan for the environmental movement.

I am deeply committed to preserving as much of the natural` habitat on the planet as possible, as our mutual life-support` system depends upon such wisdom.

We can best accomplish this through strategic planning,` design-science, establishing sustainable economic systems,` restoring constitutional court systems, and freeing the` people to becoming productive and creative Citizens.

As I delved deeply into this work, I came across an impasse` in the existing environmental movement that I will address` in this article.

The grass-roots environmental movement must be credited` with having raised much awareness of the environmental` damage we have reaped upon our Earth.

Many productive changes have already been implemented` and have slowed down the destruction of our life-support` system. Recycling, health foods, less pollution, better water` and air quality, preservation of animal habitats, gene banks` etc. have all contributed positively to the quality of life.

Our research uncovered how the grass-roots environmental` movement became institutionalized after Earth Day-1990` and the international Earth Summit Conference in Rio.

This was the day the environmental movement died and was` resurrected as a strategy for global domination.

Environmental laws are now being used as a vehicle for` taking control and transferring ownership of all the natural` resources and private property in the world.

The United Nations, World Bank and the International` Monetary Fund are the instruments for erecting global,` monopolistic empires on behalf of the New World Order.

-It’s essential that environmentalists do not surrender the` control and ownership of natural resources to the` internationalists.

They will be no more responsible than the federal` government and certainly less than private property owners` in protecting the public trust.

I also concluded that the single-issue, single-minded focus` of the environmentalists kept the movement divided.

No one was willing to cross their special-interest and` develop a strategic plan that would embrace all the issues` and concerns.

The primary strategies for protecting and defending the` environment were politically naive at best.

First, the environmental movement relied heavily upon the` supremacy of federal law and regulations as the primary` means for implementing environmental policy and controls.

There is an unholy alliance between the environmental` movement and the federal government which is corrupt to` its core. The federal government has been coopted by` foreign powers and is not acting in the best interest of the` American people or the environment. Isn't that obvious to` any intelligent observer?

And this is without raising any of the constitutional issues` that the patriot movement is bringing to America's` attention.

If the environmentalists could see how they are being used` by the government, the bankers and the corporations, they'd` stop this nonsense tomorrow.

They have presumed far too long that you could depend` upon the government and the commercial courts to protect` the environment and obey the law, despite the fact they have` a terrible track record.

Second, environmentalists have relied upon court` injunctions, civil disobedience and other temporary tactics` for delaying, if not stopping altogether logging on both` public and private lands.

Giving the power to attorneys licensed by foreign powers,` operating on behalf of foreign creditors to decide what` happens to the environment is like throwing your children` into the lions’ den and hoping they won't get eaten.

Attorneys wage wars of words and lies in the courtroom and` it has not ultimately protected any endangered species or` ancient forest.

Yet, environmentalists have given their power to these` attorneys and environmental regulations to decide the fate` of the Earth. That is not only foolish, but outright` dangerous. The destruction of the environment will be` delayed perhaps, but not stopped.

Third, environmentalists have condoned the relentless` assault upon private property and individual liberties, which` has created a backlash known as the Sagebrush Rebellion` and the Wise Use movement.

Rigid positions always create the opposite as the truth is` much bigger than any particular point of view (i.e. the` position of Earth First, “No compromise for Mother Earth”).

It’s the nature of a polarized mind. The truth is always larger` than any one of us.

The depolarization of the environmentalist/logger/jobs` scenario is essential for any constructive dialogue and` coalition-building between individuals with diverse interests` in the environment.

Loggers and private property owners must acknowledge the` importance of maintaining a sustainable and healthy` environment for their own longevity and productivity as.

Environmentalists must acknowledge private property and` individual liberties.

These are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Fourth, it’s not the small woodlot owner that has reaped the` greatest environmental damage but the mega-corporations` who remain unchecked and uncontrolled in their profitseeking` destruction of the environment.

Environmental regulations have put the small woodlot` owner out of business, but the mega-corporations are still` operating business as usual. This is playing directly into the` hands of the global monopolists who can better control a few` large corporations than a bunch of individual freeenterprisers.

The environmental movement still fails to recognize the` bigger, global picture. The fact that the federal government` is bankrupt and subject to the direction and control of its` creditors.

The fact that the forests are being logged not for the benefit` of the American people, not to create jobs, but to make` international transfer payments against an un-payable` federal debt.

The fact that environmentalists are being used as pawns by` the New World Order to transfer title and control of all` property into the hands of a few, individuals who already` control most of the wealth of the world.

Through this single-minded, emotionally reactive blindness,` environmentalists are ultimately destroying the` environment by transferring more power to the federal and` world governments with the worst track record for` environmental protection.

Into the hands of the tyrants we give away our power` justifying the good that never comes from such ignorance.

The ultimate enemy of the ancient forest and endangered` species is not the logger trying to raise a family or the private` property owner, but the international banks, the` transnational corporations and a corrupt federal and` emerging world government.

These interests have conspired for generations and acted` consistently to destroy the environment for short-term` profit.

Wake up and smell the ancient forest! It's being hacked to` death and the present environmental strategies are not` working! It's time to reinvent a truly environmental` movement that also embraces private property and` individual rights.

It's time for the so-called left and so-called right to talk to` each other in the same room. It's time for the` environmentalists and the loggers to understand that they` have more in common than differences.

And that they have a common enemy, the internationalists` New World Order that is laughing at our foolish diatribes.

I'm not willing to give up my rights in exchange for` environmental protections that aren't effective. I want to` support and develop effective strategies that work. Wake up` and watch the ozone depletion accelerate. We'll be living in` caves before the year 2020.

Wake up and watch the oceans rise; the burning of fossil` fuels continues to heat up the environment. Wake up and` watch the extinction of thousands of species that hold the` key to our own evolution, perhaps a cure for cancer or AIDS.

It's in everyone best interest to preserve and respect the` mutual life-support system of the Earth. Only an ignorant` fool would say otherwise. 16`

Land Use Conflicts and Resolutions on the Rise` Somewhere along the way, the American people gave away` the right to manage their own land, both public and private.

This right was given in exchange for the services of an` environmental watchdog — the government.

What the people failed to comprehend is that in giving away` the responsibility of environmental problems, the power to` determine and enforce solutions is also given away. As a` result, communities are increasingly divided and land use` disputes are escalating.

Media usually portray such conflicts in simplistic terms between` two opposing groups by sensationalizing the polarity` between them. Little attempt is made to explore the complex` dynamics that have led to these inner-community standoffs.

Cultural transition and environmental problems affect entire` communities — not just “loggers,” “ranchers” and` “environmentalists.” A study of the Rogue Valley and Deer` Creek communities provides deeper insight into the root` causes and possible solutions to the growing number of land` use disputes sweeping the nation.

Throughout 1989 and 1990, Beverly Brown, author of` Fencing the Northwest Forests, conducted formal interviews` with residents in the Rogue Valley region of Oregon. She was` seeking perceptions and attitudes within the local` community toward changing land use regulations. Brown` learned of long held traditions: “Oral histories are filled with` accounts of people fishing, picking berries and mushrooms,` hunting and even poaching when people were hungry.

Neighbors crossed each others’ fence lines with the` understanding that collective access to domestic gathering,` and fishing and swimming sites were of mutual benefit.

Recreation was always available in the woods and on the` major rivers, often close by.”

The 1980s brought an influx of urban immigrants. Most of` the newcomers were of a higher education and income level` status, and differing views of land use colored the` community. The newcomers pressed for land use` regulations, resulting in the fencing off and decline of public` access to lands previously enjoyed by all.

Their presence increased the value of land and housing to` prices out of the reach of most locals. A multitude of` government intrusions such as new tax policies, permits` required for wilderness use, and restrictions on the use of` wood stoves caused further dissension.

Interviews with locals revealed strong resentments toward` the growing numbers of city-dwellers that had moved into` the area over the past decade. Brown discovered that most` everyone she spoke with was concerned about protecting the` environment, regardless of socioeconomic status. But the` polarization of ideological differences regarding timber use` and private property stewardship resulted in a breakdown of` community relations.

Brown examines the ramifications of such actions: “In their` efforts to save the forests, environmentalists often lose sight` of the severe cumulative effects of their own housing,` fencing, zoning, neighborhood association and forest` entrepreneurial pursuits . . .

To what extent do environmentalists’ well-meaning desires` to restrict many other forest activities, as well as rhetoric` about bringing a halt to all logging, coincide with the` symbolism of closing the land?”

Government imposed land use restrictions in Rogue Valley` resulted in bitter community divisions, with a large number` of residents feeling victimized by their unprecedented loss of` autonomy.

Vina community members living in the Deer Creek Basin` area faced a similar loss of land use rights, though the` standoff in this case was not over public property, but` against private property owners.

Like Rogue Valley, the history of Deer Creek shaped the` character of current residents. Nat Bingham, author of A` Voice from Deer Creek, writes of local ranchers, “Because of` the inaccessibility of much of the basin, the strong` commitment to private land ownership, trespass prevention` and family values, Vina as a community has changed very` little since the nineteenth century compared to most of` California.” Before the settlers came, the Yahi inhabitants` practiced seasonal burning to promote the native perennial` bunch grasses and prevent brush overgrowth. The settlers` learned many sustainable land use methods from the` Indians, including the management of deer grazing areas.

Descendants of these early pioneers now herd cattle instead` of deer. Area rancher Sue Knox traces her use of traditional` land use methods through her lineage to this time. “The` Indians knew when to travel to follow the deer,” says Knox.

“You know not to overgraze — you learn a balance.

The main thing is to know where you are, to know if you are` on good or bad ground, so you know how to graze it. That's` where the government goes ‘off the beam’ — they make the` same grazing rules for everywhere.

The old-timers learned the hard way from overgrazing and` studying the land.” But when Deer Creek's Chinook Salmon` population declined sharply in the 1970s, environmental` organizations blamed the problem on overgrazing.

Ironically, the loss of grasslands due to government fire` banning regulations was later found to be the primary factor` in the salmon decline.

But cattle grazing and timber harvests did destroy sensitive` riparian areas along streams, and the community was still at` odds.

Environmental groups lobbied to place Deer Creek under` the federal and state Wild and Scenic River Acts. But` residents were not impressed by previous government land` mismanagement (i.e., burning prohibition and grazing` allotments).

Their mistrust of this new intrusion grew when they realized` that a little-known section of the law would open the river` banks on privately owned land to the public.

So community members decided to work with, rather than` against, the opposing groups to create their own solutions.

Residents, environmental groups, the federal National` Marine Fisheries Service, the Pacific Coast Federation of` Fishermen's Associations and biologists all came together` and formed a work group focused on habitat protection.

In the end, Deer Creek was not placed under government` protection. Instead, the Deer Creek Conservancy was` established to restore environmental balance along the` rivers. Voting is limited to watershed landowners. The` ranchers took responsibility to repair the damage they had` caused. Community relations among differing groups grew` stronger through the mutual respect they had extended to` one another.

The Conservancy wrote and sponsored legislation to protect` Deer Creek Basin, without the public access restrictions, that` was signed into law in 1994. A plan to reinstate grass` burning is in the works.

The salmon population has increased fivefold during the` past two years. The people did not need a watchdog — they` found the best solutions for their own problems themselves.

Escalating land use conflicts are not the simplistic battles` between isolated groups, as media imply. These conflicts are` the result of complex community traditions and dynamics.

Self-righteous groups on both sides of an issue are so intent` on imposing their will on others that they no longer see the` cost of their actions. Societies that look to government to` solve problems of their own making have lost the ability to` shape their own future.

Government solutions to the land use problems in Rogue` Valley made everyone a loser. Even the environ-mentalists` who seemingly won their "cause" must now live in the` shadows of broken community bonds.

The solutions to the land use problems in Deer Creek made` everyone a winner. Mutual respect not only yielded` workable solutions, but strengthened community bonds.

Those responsible for the problems took responsibility for` solving them. 17`

Depolarization of Left and Right`

Whether you identify with the so-called Left, or the so-called` Right, there are extremists from either side of the political` spectrum who will employ identical tactics to denounce,` discredit or falsely accuse their opponent.

The dehumanization of your opponent is the bottom-line of` any propaganda war. If you can take away the humanity` from your opponent, then you have permission to kill them.

Let’s stop this nonsense. Let’s stop the polarization now.

Take the humanity away from the children and women in` Iraq by not focusing your cameras on the human carnage,` but on the smart bombs and the building wreckage, and` you've justified the killing of hundreds of thousands of` innocent people.

As it is with the battle between the environmentalists and` the loggers, if you keep your distance and don't get too close,` don't listen, don't look into each others eyes, deny each other` the chance to speak, then you can maintain the polarization` for extended periods of time.

I cannot justify violence of any kind for any cause short of` self-defense after being physically attacked. First, comes the` war of words, the labeling, dehumanizing and discrediting of` your opponent. Then, if tensions have escalated long and` dangerously enough, it eventually comes to physically` confrontations and body bags.

This is the nature of war. War is a constant in a polarized,` paranoid mind. To be free, we must master our own minds` and put them to rest.

For example, the media has portrayed Earth First, a` perceived bastion of the far Left, as “eco-terrorists.” The` same media has portrayed people who believe in the U.S. Constitution, a perceived bastion of the far Right, as` "domestic terrorists." Is there any similarity in these` accusations?

People from the so-called Right attack the so-called Left.

People from the so-called Left attack the so-called Right.

Who is the victor in all this? The status quo, establishment` Power structure is laughing all the way to the bank with your` rights and property, that's who!` Divide and conquer is the most popular and effective means` of controlling whole populations and keeping them engaged` in useless war. Just be certain that the so-called Left and the` so-called Right never get together and figure out who the` common enemy is.

The FBI blew up Judi Bari's car then accused them of` planting the bomb. The BATF and lots of other federal police` incinerated innocent women and children at Waco, and shot` a pregnant mother in the head at Ruby Ridge.

Sound preposterous, it's true. As you’ve read countless times` in this book, the Power structure orchestrates events that` keep the people divided, conquered and terrorized. Do not` submit to this kind of programming.

Both the so-called Left and the so-called Right have been` under attack at one time or another over the course of` history. Yet, instead of finding our common ground, we` continue to fight each other.

The war of words and innuendos defeats any meaningful` dialogue that might penetrate through the lies of our times.

Holding a position of “no compromise” guarantees that the` war will go on, and We the People will certainly lose. This` war must stop to be able to win the battle for freedom and` our own lives. 18

Breaking Through Victim Mentality` Victim mentality will always create victim reality and victim` circumstances. If you imagine your sorry state in life, pitiful` and pathetic, wounded, betrayed and abandoned, then sure` enough the universe will cooperate and create that reality for` you.

It’s not bad luck — it's our own creation. And like it or not,` human beings are all Creators on this planet so we might` just as well get good at it.

Creative mentality will always manifest creative reality and` events in your life. If you imagine your life as working,` incredible, juicy and happy, guess what’s coming your way?

As David Icke says so well, “We are all imaginations of` ourselves.” Whether or not we have a small or large, limited` or expanded imagination, the truth remains that we create` our own realities — for better or for worse. Consider what` you’ve created today and how you could’ve been happier in` your life.

Oh, that’s “too simple minded” you'll say in defense of your` limited creative power. “I'm not responsible.” These` mantras, affirmations and meditations will enlighten me.

I'm “new-age.” I believe that everything is everything. Just` listen to yourself!` Oh, but I believe that God is the Creator, not me. I believe in` the literal words of the Bible (which limited edition?). Oh,` but Jesus is my savior. He's going to come again and save` me from myself (we killed him the first time do you think` he'd fare any better today?).

Stop making excuses for being miserable. Stop making your` religion an excuse for not being a responsible Creator on this` planet, in this life now! God save us from religion and the` bear trap minds that refuse to open to their infinite` possibilities.

“Oh, but somebody hurt me - mother, father, sister, brother,` stranger and someone else was to blame. It's their fault. It's` their responsibility. I was abused. My father was angry. My` mother neglected me. I didn't get to breast feed.” Give it up!` Aren’t you sick to death of hearing yourself moaning and` groaning, denying yourself and responsibility for being a` Creator?

You have not exclusively created every event in your life, as` many were cocreated by willing cast members, but you` certainly have created “meaning” around these events that` haunt you. This is what “hell” is - a victim mentality, an` attitude with no exit. And the reverse is also true. We can` create a heaven on earth if we choose.

It's understandable to be so “victimbound” as we're raised` with constant messages of limitation. No, you can't do that.

No, you can't be that. Get real. Get a job. Get married. Get` rich. Be successful. Look good. Be right. Christianity informs` us we're hopelessly “born sinners” with a limited` imagination. Religion is the greatest form of mind control` ever created by man through the manipulation of fear, guilt` and shame. Liberate our minds from mental slavery. Free` your spirit. Stop giving your power away to other people’s` concepts of “God!” Experience “God” directly, not through` others.

So how do we reinforce a victim mentality? It's the “vibe”  that pulls it in. We magnetize energies with our thoughts. If` you're angry, you're going to be a magnet for angry people.

By hanging around the people and circumstances you` attract, the anger is perpetuated. Misery loves company and` victims love a whole herd around them.

There are support groups, radio shows, magazines, websites` for every possible victim identity. All these reinforce your` victim-hood. Sooner or later, it becomes an identity. It's` becomes a statement of who you are. It's becomes who you` are. So it must be so. If you’re joyful and happy, you’ll attract` other joyful and happy people. Expand your imagination of` yourself and free yourself from the prison so you can` experience paradise.19`

Expanding Imagination` The solutions to poverty, hunger, sickness, disease and` much of what we perceive as “problems” on the planet are` rooted in expanding our imaginations of ourselves.

Most problems are actually created by man to perpetuate the` fear-based systems that manipulate and control us. Let’s` take a hard look at ourselves and what we stand for. Let’s` expand our imagination of ourselves.

How can we stand for so much hunger and starvation on this` planet when there's plenty of food for everyone? Millions of` children die from starvation and billions are hungry every` night. Our pets eat better than most people in the Western` world.

We compost enough food from restaurants in the West to` feed many of the world's hungry. Food is left unharvested in` the fields. Prime agricultural land is suburbanized instead of` planted. Farmers are bankrupted and cannot afford to grow` food.

It's a limited imagination about how to get the food to the` people. It's a limited imagination of who we are and who is` hungry. If any one of us is hungry — then I am hungry still.

How can we stand for billions of peoples lives reduced to` poverty when there's plenty of “money” (since if you` remember it's created out of thin air by the international` bankers). Billions of people have no “credit” from the` bankers to engage in even the most rudimentary financial` transaction. Millions of people are working their lives away` paying for three houses for the privilege of living in one.

Billions of people are not engaged in productive or` meaningful work. It’s not that there isn’t plenty of “jobs” or` work that is needed and wanted to be done, but our entire` orientation is problem-oriented from scarcity consciousness.

Let’s focus on expanding our imagination about what is` meaningful and constructive work, and commit to wrapping` our lives around right livelihood.

It's a limited imagination about power, about money, about` wealth that creates lack. It’s takes an expanded imagination` to create the “money” where it's needed most.

Money is power and there's plenty of it when the people` reclaim their sovereignty and empower each other and` themselves.

Money is created from the interaction of energy and information` (i.e., currency). The creation of “money” is everyone’s` responsibility. Wealth generation is the highest agenda` of the hour. Wealth and success for everyone, not defined` solely in material terms.

How can we stand for millions of people suffering from cancers` and degenerative diseases so a few people can profit` richly from their misery, instead of making the “cures” available.

Limited imagination prevents working solutions from` being implemented. Limited imagination creates so much` unnecessary suffering. Rooted in fear, greed and insecurity` the human race suffers from lack of imagination, not resources,` intelligence or solutions. Let’s focus on creating alternative` and independent health systems, knowledge-bases` and healing work to make the existing health system obsolete.

Power structures simply set up the circumstances and conditions` whereby ordinary people can be manipulated into submission` and their imaginations curtailed. Bureaucracies` thrive, as agents of power, yet have none of their own, except` whatever you submit.

Do not submit to the shepherds waving their sticks, herding` you into the corral. Go your own way. Be free, truly free.

Let’s focus on freedom and freedom technologies for retaining,` reclaiming and restoring power to the people.

Most people believe they are “free.” Yes slave, you are free to` select any one of the 50 channels on your remote control,` and choose which form of mind control you want to subscribe` to. Yes slave, you're free to pick a Ford or a Toyota.

Yes slave, you're free to borrow our money at 10% or 12%.

It's a free country after all. Let’s focus on thinking our own` thoughts, creating our own media and educational systems,` and getting free of the programming and propaganda systems.

But consider if you’re really free? You're not really free if you` cannot be who you are, say what you think and do as you` feel so long as you don't trespass on another. You're not free` if you're a slave to your corporate job. You're not free if` you've forgotten how to think, act and feel for yourself.

You're not free if you don't know who you are and express` your uniqueness. That's real freedom — remember. Let’s focus` on real freedom for all the people this time. Let’s educate` around freedom and respect each others’ rights.

Stop giving your power to these sovereign Power structures` and marvel as they vanish from your sight. Get them out of` your life and out of your sight.

Stop participating in your own oppression. Revoke your adhesion` contracts with agents of power. Learn how to become` a sovereign being on the planet.

Focus on the positive, pro-active steps you can take to reclaim` your sovereignty.

Hierarchical power structures are fundamentally vulnerable` as the power is not at the top, but in the foundation. Those` at the top are riding on the backs of those below. The global` elite who rule over nations and herds of people only accomplish` it with our daily consent to hold them above us, to support` their lusts for power and position. We the People feed` them our power. They willingly accept and feed off the power` we give away everyday due to our limited imaginations.

The road to paradise is only a breath away. Jump out from` under the pyramid now!` “I am Imagination, an Imagination of myself.

We are imagination, creating our own, realities.”

— Johnny Light20`

Agenda 16` Editor’s Note: These are sixteen system areas we have` researched and archived beginning at the Cascadian` Resource Center and continuing at the Institute for` Communications Resources over the last number of years.

Resources, links, businesses, organizations, people,` projects, media and publications in each of these areas can` be found on the Internet at www.icresource.com Enjoy the` surfing.

American And World, History / Herstory` American and world history/herstory can teach us the` universal truths our ancestors once knew so as to not repeat` the mistakes of the past.

History/ Herstory is an honoring of what came before our` great grandfathers and great-grandmothers, our parents,` our nation’s founders, men and women of wisdom. If we` don't change our direction we're likely to end up where we're` headed.

American Law` American law can teach us the principles of our once great` nation, principles we have loved, the foundation of our` freedoms and unalienable rights we've enjoyed.

Law can inform us of the deeds and conditions of our` present “political” doctrine, the corruptibility of government` and emerging new world order, contrasting the republic and` the democracy as distinct forms of governance.

If you have interest in knowing the heart of a nation look` into the prisons and courts and see where we're headed. Are` we such a ruthless people still?

Business` Business can teach us what our values really are. To love` each other or the so-called almighty “dollar.” Choose your` currency well.

Choose debt-free, gold/silver and commodity backed` systems that create true economies of, by and for the people,` instead of global casino operations run by criminal` syndicates (i.e., transnational corporations and international` banksters).

Choose to serve others by providing goods and services that` are needed and wanted not for profit of $money$, but for` the abundance and prosperity of all humanity. Business` teaches us the power of manifestation without the` destruction of ourselves, our values and our environment.

Consume less than you produce and tithe to those in true` need.

Communications And Networking` Communications and networking can teach us to organize` information resources and news to keep us informed and` responsive, to keep us watchful of our liberties, to connect us` with opportunities and each other.

Networking has a human not technological face. To organize` the elements of our interconnectedness, enhancing our` abilities to relate and interact with each other on so many` levels still unimaginable. We are the links that bind us` together.

We are an emerging global brain of individuals working` together to expand consciousness and awakening on the` planet and in the universe.

Community` Community teaches us how to live together on the land, in` our villages, towns and cities, learning the old tribal and` family ways that support us into a deep soul experience of` belongingness. Everyone is included, one for all and all for` one. It takes a whole village to raise a whole child as a free` man or woman (not a slave).

Education` Education teaches us by the example of others. Formal` schooling is supplemental after we learn to be a human` being first and foremost. Our heroes and teachers live in the` community around us, in our families. We learn best what` we are capable of teaching.

We are all teachers first and learners second. The direct` experience of life is our own best teacher. There is no` replacement by systems of schooling, social conditioning or` mass media without the loss of self and empowerment for` which we pay dearly the rest of our lives.

Environment` Environment teaches and supports our bodies to exist on the` physical plane along with our consciousness. Treat other` living creatures, plant and animal as you want to be treated` yourself. Apply the golden rule to the environment and to` each other.

Redesign your consumption patterns to become voluntarily` simple so that others may simply live. Our forests, our` rivers, our oceans are part of our every ex-panding body.

Through loving yourself the planet is loved.

Food` Healthy food for our bodies grown in healthy soil with clean` water to drink and clean air to breathe. Simple SHELTER` for the human family to keep warm and dry from the` elements whether in mansions or huts built with minimal` impact upon the land and each other.

Build homes for the human souls to grow together in love.

Renewable ENERGY from the sun and nonpolluting` hydrogen to light our way through the darkness of these` times.

Embrace the darkness of your own soul. Appropriate and` consciously applied TECHNOLOGY is service to ourselves` and humanity without genetic interference or medical` intervention.

Global / Planetary` Our emerging global/planetary identity is merging with local` control of our destinies, a global network of local nations` working together sovereign and free with full rights of selfdetermination` for all races, cultures and ways of being.

Building a world beyond war, famine, disease and want.

Government` Simply a government of the people for the people, sovereign` and free republics awakened and intelligent. Simply an` agency of power not the source of the corruption of power.

No majority rule.

Minority rule of the self over self not over others. Respect` and apply the golden rule.

Health And Wellness` Health and wellness for the human species, honoring the` body, mind, spirit in wholeness. NUTRITIOUS food` prepared with loving hands, not chemicals but with lifeforce` intact to deliver sustenance to these human forms.

Political` Abolish all political systems. No more policy, or police for` politicians to politic about. No more representative` governments, but direct participation in self-governing` systems by people of character and moral standing. Selfpolicing,` self-governing sovereign and free people need no` outside authority, political or religious.

Sovereignty` Sovereignty is the source of all power and it is innate in all` human beings. Choose to learn to govern yourself, respect` others and apply the golden rule, not to rule the gold except` in your own heart and soul.

Spiritual` Being spiritual is about going your own way and finding` your own truth through direct experience on your soul's` journey. If your religion does not practice loving relations` with all beings, then it has nothing to offer you but slavery` and chains to bind you to outside powers over you. You` cannot hold on to this life, body or form. Acceptance and` forgiveness, self-love and virtuous action is all that’s` required for a spiritual evolvement in the company of truth.

Visual And Performing Arts` Visual and performing arts create beauty in form and the` expression of talents. Enlightenment and awakening of the` human spirit is the quest for the soul’s emergence.

“I’ve been living in the darkness for so long,` These feelings like clouds over the sun.

This mind full of judgments, down talking down.

Oh, when will I love myself, Enough to love` another?

Oh, when will I find a love, So patient and pure of` heart?

— Johnny Light21`

Creating A Paradise on Earth` There are no ordinary people. Everyone is extraordinary and` unique. To honor each other’s uniqueness and allow each` other to coexist outside the prison is what the mythological` “Garden of Eden” was all about.

Paradise is created when We the People decide to keep our` power instead of giving it away. We don't have to get it back` from the government, the church or the global elite.

We don't need permission to become a sovereign being. We` are sovereign by birth. Keep your power. Empower others to` keep their power. Use your power wisely. Love each other` and practice the golden rule. Paradise is that simple folks, so` obvious.

When visionaries and activists talk about creating “paradise”  on earth, you'll hear every lame excuse. “I can't do that. I` have a job. I have to work everyday to pay my mortgage.

What about my children's education?

I've got a car payment. I've got to take care of mine.” Dare to` talk about “paradise” and most people will discount you as` unrealistic, impractical, possessed with the devil, crazy, off` your rocker, bloody mad or all of the above. “What would` my parents think? What would my husband think? What` would the neighbors think? What would I think?”

Worse than life in the prison, which has become acceptable,` even fashionable, people are afraid the system will collapse,` so they maintain the status quo at all costs. At least life in` the prison provides three squares a day and a decent roof` over your head.

They get up and go to work each day. Like the bumper` sticker, “I owe, I owe so off to work I go.” The generalized` fear of the system collapsing keeps the system going. The` excuses for keeping it going include, “It'll hurt and be` painful, people will suffer. There'll be madness in the streets.

People will starve.”  Yes, all that will happen when the system collapses. All that` has happened, is happening now and supposedly the system` is working.

For billions of people, the system doesn't work, never` worked and has already collapsed. For millions more, the` stress and strain of maintaining it is killing them. There` were one million bankruptcies in the united states of` America last year.

This kind of “system” is unsustainable by any means. The` New World Order cannot and will not succeed in creating a` global plantation. There's no way to keep six billion people` down on the farm without their consent.

It is mathematically impossible to keep the debt-based` “money” system going indefinitely. Eventually, a new global` structure will be imposed — exactly what the global elite had` in mind all along. And most of the people will simply go` along with it. Until, they realize the prison they're in and the` hopeless lives they lead. When We the People are sick to` death of playing out victim mentality, the people will free` themselves. Declare enough suffering, enough victim-hood` and simply walk out of the corral. Take some responsibility` for creating your conditions and crawl out of the hole you've` been living in. You'll get more out of your life if you do it` now.

There are tens of thousands of people who are getting on` just fine ignoring the system by creating other realities` instead of feeding the status quo. The secret is — act and live` as if the system has already collapsed. Learn to live without` it.

Extract yourself from it. Work independently. Create your` own systems and interface with it as seldom as necessary.

Create self-reliance and interdependency in everything you` do with your family, friends and community.

You don’t have to fight the system tooth and nail, just make` it obsolete. Stop supporting the huge pyramid scheme by` pulling out, walking away, and just say “No!”  We'll all be better off supporting each other in our families` and communities, feeding each other instead of feeding the` system. Stop feeding the system if you choose to be free, to` be powerful and to manifest creation in your life.

Paradise has no room for cowards. Fear cannot exist therein.

We can love the world into a paradise. Paradise is a choice,` an attitude away.

Most people are terrified of the consequences of getting out` of prison.

Like freedom, paradise is inconceivable, yet it is coming.

More and more people are waking up to their own spiritual` power and choosing to live on the edge of the new frontier — ` the possibility of life on earth when the pyramid collapses.

You may be one of them — if you can conquer your fears. It's` a choice whether to surrender to the fear or not. We are` standing on the precipice of a new possibility. Get out of the` way or take a stand with us.

How do we turn a prison into a paradise? Be who you really` are, respect and express your uniqueness — respect others` rights to do the same. Do not impose what you believe on` others. Stop policing each other into conformity. Follow` your heart and be extraordinary. Take the time to smell the` roses. Enjoy life. Go for the joy and the gusto. 22` "We are the power in everyone.

We are the dance of the moon and sun.

We are the hope that'll never hide.

We are the turning of the tide.”  — Traditional Song`

Restoring Sustainable Economics`

A lot of lip service has been paid to developing sustainable` economic and environmental systems without addressing` the fundamental issues and concerns that prevent any` sustainability from manifesting.

There are hard questions that must be asked before any real` “sustainability” can manifest. Sustainability has become a` buzzword for the development of global infrastructure for a` world government. This is NOT the sustainability I’m` referring to.

Who is in control of the system? Who is accountable and` responsible? Who owns it? Who has rights? What rights do` Citizens have? Who decides? Who are the sovereign powers behind the system? Are the Citizens the sovereigns? What is` sustainable anyway?

How can you sustain a dysfunctional economic system? Why` would we want to? What are the principles of sustainability?

“Being broke is a state of finance.

Being poor is a state of mind.”

— Boston T. Party`

Sustainable economics from the vantage point of the existing` Power structure, implies retaining it for their exclusive` control and use under the New World Order without regard` for the environment or property rights. Sustainability means` status quo — let’s keep it the way it is. After all, it’s working` very well for us.

Sustainable economics, from the environmental perspective,` implies protecting the land itself for the control and use of the` environmentalists through expanded federal and State government` regulation at the expense of private property ownership,` local economics and personal freedom.

Sustainability means keep the land from being developed and` protect what’s left of the wilderness and endangered species.

These are noble causes and I concur with their necessity. I disagree` that the means to this ends is the abolition of individual` freedom and private property.

Sustainable economics, from the perspective of some private` property owner, implies that one can do anything on the land` without concern for the environment, for your neighbors, or` the long-term viability of the property for future generations.

Sustainability means freedom and responsibility to steward` and care-take land, property and resources as a good neighbor.

Don’t pollute the water we all drink. Think about the consequences` of our actions downstream and how it affects our` neighbors as well.

The golden rule applies well here. Can we trust individual initiative` and ethics better than centralized government control?

Yes, I believe we must educate, but not at the expense of freedom` and individual rights.

Combining elements of free enterprise capitalism and collective` socialism along with sustainable environmental principles` might be a workable option if all the people were acting as` sovereigns instead of subjects and slaves.

Subject and slave mentality (i.e., victim mentality) tends to` want to blame others for their condition or lot in life. Master` mentality tends to want to control others for security purposes.

Status quo means allowing a small, mostly invisible global` elite, the old aristocracy and bloodlines, own, control and manipulate` the entire system for their personal benefit. This is` the danger inherent in the present New World Order system` and its plan for the future.

In order for global populism to arise, individual responsibility` and cross-cultural tolerance must take root as fundamental` and universal values. We must root out racism; fundamentalism,` sexism and other divide and conquer mentalities that` have forever kept the people divided.

What are the principles of individual responsibility? What` universal moral or ethical basis must arise for the evolution of` a global culture?

“Our Constitution was made only for` a moral and religious people.

It is wholly inadequate to the` government of any other kind.”  — John Adams`

A sustainable economic system must be created backed on` the substance of gold/silver, a breadbasket of commodities,` local community-based scrips and/or solar energy production.

We the People must once again become producers, not mere` consumers, of goods and services that are needed and` wanted in the community.

We must get to know our neighbors, rely on each other` instead of the corporate food chains and suppliers, become` increasingly interdependent and autonomous from the` international lines of supply. This is the backbone of any` sustainable economy.

Look around. There is plenty of work that needs to be done.

There is no lack of “jobs (i.e., Just Over Broke),” just a lack` of imagination on how to organize systems to accommodate` the production of goods and services that will fulfill all basic` human needs.

While providing incentives and rewards for producers, not` just consumers. Consumers have incentives to buy.

Producers need incentives to produce besides the making of` so-called, fiat “money.” This has been an empty lure all` along. Don’t fall for it anymore!` Too many people walk around with an attitude that the` world owes them a living. Not so. You earn your own living` as you’re able. Instead of government-sponsored` government welfare, We the People must take care of our` own. In tribal societies, people belonged to families and` tribes and were taken care of throughout their life cycle.

This is the healthy basis for all sustainable economic` systems. This is absolutely essential and must not be pushed` aside. Do not wait for the international banking system to` collapse before you prepare yourself, your family and` community.

It will not suffice for restoring the inherent sovereignty of` the American people to remain dependent upon the` economic and “money” systems that have been installed` ultimately to control and bankrupt not only the Americans,` but all the peoples of the world.

It is insufficient to accumulate vast quantities of Federal` Reserve Notes (FRN’s), as the debt-currency systems of the` world are on the brink of total collapse and are not a viable` basis for restoring a sustainable economic system for any` nation whatsoever.

For those with an accumulation of FRN’s, divest all debtcurrency` investments and invest in the infrastructure for` sovereignty worldwide.

These investments include independent solar energy` production, independent communications technology,` organic and natural food production, alternative medicine` and health, home schooling and every other possible form of` independent commerce and community infrastructure.

I cannot emphasize the importance of these strategic investments` enough. It’s not enough to accumulate for self alone.

It’s not enough to take your assets offshore and put them in foreign banks. It’s not enough to become a survivalist and` crawl in a cave with your guns. It’s not enough to think or` act in the old paradigm of greed and power, control and fear.

Those advocating such a position for the united states of` America are blind to the bigger political and economic picture,` or perhaps their own political self-interest has gotten in` the way of the best interests of the American people.

Americans— get off your knees and stand independent of the` economic slavery of the international bankers. We the` People create economic systems, not the government or the` international bankers. Do we have the will? 23`

Gold and Silver, Local Scrip, Barter and a` Breadbasket of Commodities`

Reclaiming your rights and being a sovereign “state” Citizen` requires the ability to be economically sovereign. Being a` sovereign pauper in the modern world probably wouldn’t be` any more fun than being a poor or indigent U.S. citizen.

Being sovereign means being able to support yourself, your` family and your community in a self-reliant, self-sufficient` and self-sustaining way without infringing on the freedoms` and resources of others.

Today this requires economic networking on a community` and/or bioregional basis, using barter, trade, local scrips,` time-dollars and alternative currency systems as well as` transacting in lawful money — gold and silver.

“Without vision, the people perish.”  — Old Proverb`

We’ve already addressed he issue of gold and silver being the` foundation for restoring a constitutional money system.

We’ve also explored the components of a sustainable` economic system and the production of goods and services.

That We the People must rebuild a sustainable economic` system, both local and global in scope, is essential for` establishing our sovereignty and being able to survive,` indeed thrive in the process. There are a number of` economic tools available and we must utilize all of them in` the constitutional republic.

For example, in the Northwest, the Bioregional Economic` Network (BEN) introduced a bioregional currency system,` the Cascadia HOUR, to facilitate community-building,` economic networking and the exchange of goods and` services. The Cascadia Hour is a “time dollar” based system.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) determined in 1985` when faced with a growing number of time-dollar based,` computer credit systems being operated by senior centers` and social service agencies that “time-dollars,” exchanging` time for time, were not marketplace transactions, therefore,` not taxable.

The IRS ruling authenticated the distinction between the` marketplace and the community economy of which barter` and trade is so integral.

Other barter systems such as L.E.T.S. are compatible with` the Cascadia Hour. There are a number of local scrip` systems starting (45 systems in 1998) around America (e.g. Ithaca Hours, Santa Cruz Monarchs).

Barter systems have been under attack from the IRS in` recent years and the IRS has determined that for` professional services, members of barter organizations must` account for the “credits” as income when the credits are` posted, not when they are spent. If you are an individual` required, then pay the tax.

We assert that One Cascadia Hour has an exchange value of` $10 (FRN) applied toward part or full payment for goods` and/or services.

Through networking people, businesses and organiza-tions` willing to Accept and spend these Cascadia Hours, we’ve` created a viable economic network to supplement the` shrinking, cash-poor FRN economy.

The Cascadia Hour was launched in the Summer of 1993` from southern Oregon to British Columbia west of the` Cascades.

The Cascadia Hour is backed by “In Each Other We Trust.

Local scrips are nothing new. There were hundreds of local` scrips across the united states of America, especially during` the Great Depression, backed by wheat, sheepskins and` other locally abundant commodities.

We the People can create our own local scrips backed by` whatever is in abundance in our local economy, then trade` and exchange with each other, both locally and globally` through establishing communications networks and` departments of economic development through our newly` consummated provisional governments.

An entire breadbasket of commodities— food, shelter,` energy, appropriate technology, medicine, information,` education, skills, talents and know-how are the backing for` this new economy powered by solar energy.

“This note entitles the bearer to receive one` free hour of labor or mutually agreed upon` discount in goods or services.

Please accept it, then spend it! Cascadia Hours` stimulate local business by recycling our wealth` bio-regionally. Cascadia Hours are backed by real` capital; skills, goods and services, our tools,` forests, fields and rivers.”  Solar Energy Economy` Strategic investments in a solar energy infrastructure,` whereby megawatts of electricity are produced directly from` the sun, and distributed not only through the existing` electrical grid, but for decentralized off-the-grid applications` as well, is a sound foundation for an alternative economy` backed by the sun.

Whoever controls the energy production systems also` controls the economic system and the currency systems that` flow through it.

The price indexes are all determined by the cost of energy at` every phase of production including resource extraction,` manufacturing, packaging and distributing.

Alter the cost, control and ownership structures around the` production of energy, and a new economy emerges for the` next millennium.

By investing in renewable sources of energy production on a` global scale (e.g., Stirling Energy Systems), We the People` can also get off the “money grid” and create our own` independent economies, with an independent accounting` (i.e., currency) system as well. Anyone and everyone who` becomes an energy producer becomes a creditor in this` equation. You must simply focus the appropriate technology` on the sun, collect and distribute it as usable power. With` the advent of green power and the deregulation of the` energy industry, the consumer will have choice.

Harry Braun envisioned in his book, The Phoenix Project a` strategic plan for converting the entire planet into renewable` energy production within five years by utilizing existing,` state- of-theart, solar-hydrogen genset technologies.

These technologies exist and are beginning mass production` next year.

R. Buckminster Fuller envisioned a solar-energy economy` and accounting system in his book, Critical Path, when costeffective,` low-cost technology was available for producing` electricity directly from the sun and it was Combined with` hydrogen as a clean-burning fuel for automotive, aerospace` and agricultural use, insures that the next millennium will` be an expansion of human potential and creativity.25`

Notes and Sources`


1. Sourced from American News Service, Spring '95 p.7.

2. Sourced from John Gatto, Dumbing Us Down, (New Society` Publishers).

3. Ibid, p.13.

4. Look more deeply into the Machievellian principles that` operate behind the scenes of all power structures.

5. Sourced from The Last News Show (radio show).

6. See also The Forum and other transformational seminars.

7. Sourced from Golden Age by Johnny Light.

8. See also Guild Communications Network.

9. M. Scott Peck coined the term "people of the lie" from a` book of the same name.

10. Johnny Liberty coined the phrase "Another World Order.”

11. Sourced from an article by John D. Van Hove, The Power` & Significance of Communications Networking (Guild` Communications Network,1983).

12. Ibid.

13. Sourced from American News Service, Winter '95, p.6.

14. Ibid.

15. See also other publications concerned with the environment` and earth changes.

16. Sourced from NANS, Balanced View of the Environmental` Movement, Fall ‘96, p.42.

17. Sourced from Fencing the Northwest Forests, A Voice` from Deer Creek Cultural Survival Quarterly Spring` 1996. Reviewed by Shay McNamara.

18. Sourced from Cascadian Resource Center website.

19. Ibid.

20. Sourced from NANS, Imagination, by Johnny Light.

21. Sourced from Cascadian Resource Center website; Song` by Johnny Light.

22. Ibid.

23. Sourced from NANS, Restoring a Sustainable Economic` System, Fall ‘96, p.52.

24. Sourced from Cascadia HOUR: Bioregional Currency` System, Cascadian Resource Center, and American` News Service, Winter '95, p.1. See also Natural Coin Exchange,` MANet Silver Dollar Club and other gold investment,` or multi-level clubs.

25. Sourced from Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path (St.

Martins Press, New York). See also: The Phoenix Project` by Harry Braun (Research Analysts, 1990) (strategic` plan for transiting into a renewable energy economy` worldwide within five years).