Learn to Step Out of Debt.
We are all enslaved, to work & pay money to the super rich without our knowing it.
We don't have chains on our hands/ feet, nor bars around us, but invisible debts surround us all our lives.
Animated You Tubes to simplify how Money works:
The American Dream Film-(English
Subtitles) wo titles
Money As Debt - Full Length
Debt Crisis 2016 United States of America
Explained in a Simplified Way
Your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is a fiction.
Learn of money, law, etc. from
notes from Set Off Debt web site of Fred & Nina
Learn how YOUR debt formed and how to get out of it (cancel it).
See more info & sample letters at
In a nut shell:
The US government, which is really run by the elites, the wealthy thru their control of the Federal Reserve.
They removed lawful
constitutionally money from circulation in 1933,
giving us instead Fed. Resv. notes which have no real value.
They removed law from our country, and put us all under public policy.
They create a corporation of each of us named as our name but with all CAPITAL LETTERS.
Therefore any debt on you is built on your ALL CAPITAL NAME, but that is a fiction.
To step out of debt:
Ask your bank for a
copy of the original loan contract,
which shows where you and they signed
a loan
(It does not exist, you only signed an application, a promissory note, which they converted to cash.
They did not sign anything, so you have no obligation to them - there is not a real 2 party contract.)
When they cannot show you the contract,
you only signed an application, they never signed any contract to loan you money.
When you discover their fraud, they should excuse or cancel your loan.
You keep what you bought: car, property, home, etc.
Then you are debt free ! They hope you don't sue them for their fraud.
Understand how money is created, to see that it works to concentrate wealth to a few,
rather then serving humanity at large
Information – controls (guides) our (personal) world.
Here is a 3 minute trailer of How Money Is Created
Here is the longer film.
Here is a great web site explaining more like how Rothschilds are taking control over everyone.
Very simply. Money Creation
The Federal Reserve is just a group of foreign owned, private banks, operating for profit.
They are not a part of our government. They loan money to our banks & government to be paid back with interest.
Banks loan money to you and me, thru mortgages, car & college loans & credit cards.
Whenever you borrow, even on a credit card, and spend.
The banks just print new paper money to channel to the seller.
(The money has NO backing, they just print it as it is needed.)
US Mint prints $ 100 bill and gives to the Fed. Reserve. and charges them 2 ¢ for making the $ 100 bill.
So while you and I are borrowing and spending, the seller is getting his money,
but the banks & the Feds are just creating the money as it is borrowed and spent.
This makes the dollar you already have worth less and less, as more money is printed without any real backing.
Letting them do this is destroying our nation, and the nations of the world.
This concentrates the money in the hands of the super wealthy, who control banking and all laws.
As long as we do not really understand how money works, we let them do this con.
Knowledge is the first step to a cure.
Please watch the film, and even better read this web site.
The history is clear,
is the
most suppressed subject on the
When you strike at the money handlers, you face the strongest, most evil power on the planet.
If, like Iceland, we throw out the Bankers, then let our government issue money, with gold/ silver backing,
then we will not suffer such inflation and loss of value.
Note how silver has risen from $ 1 to $ 30 / ounce and gold from $ 30 to $ 1600 in the years we have had the Fed. Resv.
To understand money is important to all of us.
Relying on newspapers and legislatures for information is to give away our rights and property.
Those agents are controlled by the money ! The important information, the truth is suppressed !
Fractional Banking allows banks to accept $ 100 in deposits, then loan out $ 1000, or even $ 10,000 based on that $ 100 asset.
They loan much more then they have, and get interest on it all.
You deposit $ 100, and in a year get $ 100 + $ 5 interest = $ 105.
The bank gets your $ 100, and loans $ 1,000 and gets back $ 1,000 and $ 100 interest.
You gain $ 10, the bank gains even $ 1,000 or more from YOUR transaction !
The bank gets 10 to 100 times whatever money they handle for you.
The government is not getting this, the banks get it.
If you want to know how to clear your own debts made to the fiction of your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS
Read more at www.abodia.com/debt
Basically you just ask the bank some questions.
They are embarrassed at your knowledge and their deceitful, unlawful actions, and then they forgive your debt.
Ted Elden © - 304 344 2335 Charleston W.Va.
Truth Seekers - www.abodia.com/t /5 /law /911 /debt
PS another curious subject is
Since each government agency is really just a private for profit, foreign owned corporation,
they must make a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
They list, as does any corporation, what money they take in and where they spend it.
Most government agencies get money from investments, in stocks, bonds, etc. that they do not report to the public as income.
To the public they say, their income barely matches expenditures and they need more TAXES !!
But in reality, they have lots of other money & resources they do not report to the public.
Government & agencies are private corporations, so they do not have to report it to the public.
See Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports at www.CAFR1.com for further details on all of this.
It is easy to not believe, by avoiding the information,
But when you see the facts in cold hard numbers, then you wonder why others do not also know.
Those who do these evil things protect themselves by making it unpopular for other people to think about or inspect what they do.
You may think this is not your problem,
But when you realize that most people will never see or understand this,
then you see why it is important to reveal the hidden truth.
Then we can adjust our lives and quit supporting and honoring those who lie, cheat, steal & destroy.
To know that government agencies are corporations, on You Tube, watch Corporation Nation
Jump ahead to 10 minutes in the film for the core events.
www.USAvsUS.info Shows the former, original lawful form in America and how the government corps. were taken over by corporations.
On money, marriage, education, courts, police, debt, jail, mail and much more.