Law Notes - Jennifer West 2022 June 1
[Ted] Here is a concept well documented by Jennifer.
We, the living people on uSA, are exempt from any involvement
with government (tax, fine, court, jail) unless
we consent to them or if we harm someone, their property, steal or lie (break
We are not bound nor controlled lawfully by gov. unless we're drawn into their
Law by Jenn West 92 You Tube presentations.
Vaccine Card for the Military - Military Locator System 319813 MLS #s
All actions of government, thru their only agent, the military, is to protect we, the civilians, the private people, protect us, our rights & our property. If we consent to their offers to contract, then we are subject to all their millions of statues & codes. No consent, no jurisdiction. [ Ted's note - did I over simplify ?] - The Liberty Lion, articles by Jennifer West