Land Patent- How To - by Ted Elden 10 April 2013
I read many books on Land Patent. You want to establish a chain of titles, back 110 years from the deed to your land now, who owned the land before you, and who before them, etc.
When you have a Land Patent, then you are free from property tax, bank loans/ mortgages, and any law suit claim against your home or property. People can sue, but they cannot claim or put a lien or sell your home to get money from you, nor can a court or the IRS put a lien on your home.
Send me $ 25 (cash) I will put many books, and articles on a Disk, like in MS word files and or pdf files that you can read more, and or you can buy some of the printed books for about $ 100.
I have 100s of pages about this subject. Including case law where other people were tested to try to take, sell, or steal their homes. The Land Patent has prevailed. They cannot sell or take your home. It can even stand against a claim for Eminent Domain.
This guy helped me:
Alan Kreglow
1001 Oakwood Boulevard
Fairfield, Iowa 52556
641-472-0262 home
This organization sells the book:
I Want to Own My Land
Dr. Teresa Blankenship
The Divine Bulletin
Post Office Box 4747
Medford Oregon 97501
541 779 7709
I did my own local research at my county courthouse, reviewing recorded deeds to see the chain of titles of who owned my land before me. I went back 110 years to 1902, and actually to the deed that preceded an before that, so I know who actually owned the land in 1902 (110 years ago).
I made notes as to who was the Grantor (the former owner) and the Grantee, who bought the land, the date of the deed, and the deed book and page number in which the deed is recorded.
I gave the list of all the deeds I needed to the county clerk and bought certified copies of the deed. They copied them, then embossed the deed with the court seal, then their notary there signed them that it was a certified copy. Certified copies from the county records is admissible and durable in court. Documents that are not publically recorded may be excluded from any lawful argument or court case. If not certified, they would not be admissible in court.
After I did all the research and got the deeds, I confirmed all the information by reading over it and even making notes.
I made a list of the succession of land ownership listing the deed book & page, the date it was executed, the grantor, grantee and notes about the actual piece of land conveyed, such as the metes and bounds (145 feet at 42 degrees South West) I coordinated and made. Be careful to actually look at the metes and bounds and or the description of the land. Lands may be added together or even sold as separate pieces.
I sent the deeds to Alan for his inspection. Alan looked it over, then he wrote specific information in forms that he sent to me.
I had witnesses sign that I had signed/ autographed the documents, and had some of my signatures notarized. (You can find a notary in most any bank – show them your photo ID - then they will notarize (certify that’s your signature) on your documents.
Alan will give you several forms to fill out. One is a PUBLIC NOTICE that you sign your name and then post it on a wall in a public place: like the courthouse, Post Office, etc. and or also run a legal ad in your newspaper.
The public notices says:
You are claiming the land (your Land Patent) at (your address) If anyone else has a claim against that land, they need to show their paperwork (proof) and present that to you within 30 days (or 60, or 90 – what ever is the state or county requirement.)
They need to show their claim against the land. If no one brings their lawful claim against the land within the time period, then the issue is closed forever and no one can later make a claim against your home or property to get or lien that property.
Now here is the local work that you or someone local or at your county courthouse has to do. Alan, in Iowa, cannot do this.
Anyone can start this process, but only those who finish will it gain a value, and establish this protection..
It is good to understand what this is about, so I recommend reading books and articles about Land Patents or land rights & ownership. That will increase your resolve, your commitment to do this.
Here is what must be done at the county courthouse (where the property deeds are).
There are 100 ? of deed index books, and 1,000 ? of actual deed books. A few indexes, many actual deed books.
Look at where the deed books are in the room. Can you go and look at both the Indexes and or the Deed Record books yourself ? Maybe you have to work with a clerk there to ask many questions until you understand how the records are available.
If you want to take away a copy of a deed, you write a list of the deeds you want them to look up and copy (& sign as certified). Give them book # and page #. They should go to the end of each deed whether 1 or 10 pages long.
Individual deeds can be on one or many pages. Sometimes another deed is just finishing on the top of a page, when a new deed begins in the middle of a page.
When you pick up copies, confirm that they have copied all the way to the finish, including any signatures, and or notary statement. (You should determine how many pages are involved when you originally look up and review the deed.)
I have returned some copies and said, this is printed too light, or faint, and or other wise unreadable or not useful. They have then made a replacement copy for free.
Some of our deeds are white letters on black sheets. I ask them to reverse print them when they make copies, so that I get black letters on a white sheet.
When you leave a list of deeds to be copied, they may ask you to leave your contact info (name/ phone) on the sheet.
Our clerks will make the copies and file them under our name to pick up a day after the order is placed.
On picking them up, I pay $ 3 to $ 10 per certified deed copied, depending on the number of pages it is.
It cannot be determined how many deeds are involved, until you complete all the research, following each back to former deeds.
A deed typically has this information. Some deeds have more, some have less. It is not unusual to find a deed that is missing some information, but by thinking and using indexes, it is possible to figure out what is missing in one deed by what is said in other deeds, maps, wills, or other records.
A deed has a title listing names involved and short land location or description. That is not final, read further in the deed for accurate info.
- The Grantor, the Grantee (1st & 2nd parties), the date,
notes about the location, families, monies, financing, payment, etc. Sometimes notes about right of ways or other info. For $ 50 or a bank note,
On 14 May 1996, John Doe, party of the first part, sells to Mary Smith, part of the 2nd part, this piece of land located near the Ohio River above Mamet.
The land may be described as such: possibly a listing of the metes and bounds like this:
BEGINNING at a point along highway 16 at the corner of the fire station, go 300 feet North 16 degrees west, thence 57 feet South 78 degrees east, thence … to the place of the beginning. The land is 1.3 acres.
A deed may refer back to a former deed.
This property was conveyed to John Doe by William James as noted in deed book 340, page 34 dated 15 January, 1945. Signed on this date. etc.
This is the info that you need to look up the former deed. If this is not included, inaccurate or illegible, you can look in the indexes. The grantor of this deed, would have been the grantee in former years when he got this land. (The earlier deed would be at a date before this deed.)
I look up each deed, make notes as to that deed and the former deed, then look up the former deed, and repeat this. Then I get a certified copy of all the deeds that I can see. Sometimes when I study them at home I either see errors and or other info that I need. So I list that and go back to the court house.
Only then will you know how many deeds have been involved. A piece of land may sell once ever 2 or 5 years, or be held for 50 years with no sale in between. There is no standard, each land is different.
You have to read each deed in full carefully. Sometime a deed will combine the properties that were separate deeds before and or it will later sell pieces of the whole land to different people at different times.
There can be other issues to resolve. A deed went to Betty Smith, then later Betty Jones sells the land. She got married in the mean time and changed her name and or her new husband sells the land.
Sometimes someone dies and there is an invisible name change.
Sometimes transfers are made in wills, or in trusts in other records and books.
Most things are straightforward, but sometime you come to things you cannot initially figure out. You can ask the clerks, but really, they don’t know much more then how to look up the original deeds.
You could pay a lawyer or a realtor to help you, ($ 50 to $ 200/ hour), but just thinking clearly, and doing the work yourself, sometimes you can solve your own problems. I find clear thinking is better then spending money of “professionals” who also don’t know.
On your list of deeds to be copied, here is what I have listed:
- your name (possibly phone or address)
- the deed book and page numbers that you want
- Like this: 107 – 45-48 (meaning pages 45 to 48)
You can order a copy of the deed and or certified copies. For your Land Patent, you will need a certified copy.
You may actually get a deed copied that you do not need. Mistakes happen. They will not refund to you money for work and copies they have made. Be careful in your research and check your notes.
If you complain when you receive a deed about it’s clarity, faintness, or missing pages or deeds, you must resolve that when you pick them up.
I get my original order listing back and check what I am receiving from my order listing form.
After you give them your order, They will copy them and have them hours or days later to pick-up.
If you get certified copies it costs a little more and the clerk who embosses and stamp the deed and sign as a notary that they are true copies.
For the Land Patent you need to have a certified copy of each deed in the chain of titles of the deeds going back 110 years.
In your courthouse, find the Record Room, where they record deeds. Learn how to use their records. Find the indexes. They probably have Grantor & separate Grantee index books (by a period of years 1920 to 1940, 1941 to 1960 etc.)
Find a copy of your deed and see who sold you the land.
You are the Grantee, they are Grantor.
Learn how to use the Grantor/ Grantee indexes. Look in the Deed Index both ways. Look in Grantee Index book to find your name. There you will find both Grantor & Grantee name, the date of the deed was recorded, the deed book & page number and possibly a short phrase describing the property or location.
Be careful to understand how the Deed Indexes are organized.
Our Deed Index book on the first several pages, have list of names, then a separate index of lists of corporations. They are not mixed together.
Family names may be grouped within the set out of order, but the index shows me what page of the index to look.
Now look up the Grantor Index book to see how that book works too. It is similar.
You find the name you seek in the index, then turn to the pages in the index to find the line listing of the property.
Learn where those indexes are and how to use them.
Now look at your deed or get a copy of your deed, or read of your deed from the actual recorded deed books.
What you want is who sold you your land, and possibly the deed book and page #, and date of the former deed, where they got their land.
Then look up their deed (where they got the land). Then you look up where that former owner got their land.
The land could have changed hands every 10 years or every 50 years. That is unknown until you look it up.
Usually a Deed will say something like this.
So each deed may have the name of who the land came from (was conveyed from) and also the actual deed book and page of that deed.
If it does not have the book and page, then you need to go to the index and look up John Doe as the Grantee and find who he go that land from, the name of the former owner and particularly the deed book and page number.
A deed may refer to a former deed book # 104, but it is not there, by using the indexes, and other ways, you may determine that it should have said book 140. There may be errors. If you think carefully, you can solve the errors.
This or anything seems difficult when you are learning it, but as you keep going over this and or actually look up a couple of deeds and look in the deed books & index, you will find it gets easier.
I suggest that before you buy the individual deeds, which might cost $ 3 to $ 8 each, that you look up each deed and make notes.
Deed 380, 88
John Doe to Mary Smith, 14 May 1996, from former Deed 340-34, 15 Jan 1945
Deed 340-34
William James to John Doe 15 Jan 1945, from former deed 310-26, 5 July, 1912
When you think you understand which deeds are linked to which deeds, then give the clerk your order and they will look up, copy and certify the copies as true copies. If you cannot find how the deeds connect together, you are stuck. Buy no copies (yet).
You must solve the linkage or the whole process fails.
I went ahead and bought deeds as I did the research, because I was committed to make it all link and work, and I did. But I did have some problems.
Carefully read the deeds (eventually) in case there are other complications, like right of ways, and or adding land parcels together and or dividing land.
My Dad bought several separates pieces of land and eventually sold the group all as one deed, one parcel of land.
People can also take one piece of land and sell it in parts to different people at different times.
You can scan your deeds and send me a copy of them, and or make a paper Xerox copy (I don’t need to see the original certified copy.) if you want to pay for my help. Anyway, I could try to read and confirm your deeds are properly linked.
Alan charges for his work, about $ 650, but he just wants the final deeds, and (may not) interpret or read them. You can do this. These notes are to get you started to see what you need to do.
If you complete your research in 5 to 10 days, he can probably do his work in 2 to 3 weeks. So If you start now, possibly in 5 weeks you could have a Land Patent claim in place. Although it must be in the public, with notice for 30 to 60 days, it is an effective defense immediately unless someone one else can come forward with signed paperwork that they have a claim on your land (I don’t think they can).
The reason that you do a Land Patent, is to do the research, make it public, recorded at the courthouse and run in legal advertisement and/or posted at public place, like courthouse.
You do this to make your information public and exposed for attack or counter claim. In old law, as long practiced, this is how claims are established. You determine what to say, you give public notice. If none complains, contests or bring forth conflicting evidence, then the issue is settled forever.
No one can bring forth a claim later in a week, or a year, after the Land Patent is established.
Hold and protect your paperwork safely. Record where it is recorded at the courthouse to be a reliable and available record in the future.
Kreglow and or other sources may tell you more of how you would defend against any attack, claim and or lien, foreclosure or suit to attach to your home or property.
I have many books, and many court cases that clearly show that this Land Patent process is absolute and complete.
This will give you total and permanent ownership of your land (& home) No tax, no mortgage, no law suit can call it into question.
It is a lawful process. First you go to your court house and follow back those from whom you bought your land.
You get certified copies of those deeds, then send them all (or a copy) to me or to Kreglow and he will finish the enclosed paperwork.
You can own your home free and clear. No mortgage, lien, law suit, or tax can come against your property after you do this.
Kreglow cost me $ 650. I spent some hours doing the research myself. Once I figured out how, it was not hard.
Lawyers, realtors will not tell you of this. First they don’t know and 2nd they will not learn, because this defeats all they do, trying to take your property and give to another. Their US law is based on YOUR NAME in CAPITAL LETTERS, based on you being indebted to the National Debt, as a debtor. US law is based on each citizen being an “Enemy” of the federal government, which is a private, foreign for profit corporation.
The National debt is an illusion perpetrated by the international bankers who own and control the Federal Reserve (private cartel of private banks for profit – separate from any government.) When the real, living man/ woman, steps forward and makes a claim, then they lose jurisdiction. We win in international common law.
When I made public notice, I posted my PUBLIC NOTICE on the walls at eth Post Office, and the Courthouse and had witnesses watch me put up the notices and remove them one month later.
I ran a legal ad in the newspaper for 2 months just to be sure.
There maybe more info here:
How to Aquire your land through a declaration of land patent?.doc
Deeds are not Ownership (Land Titles)
Florida Court Case, throwing off a Mortgage (I think)