@ 2013-01-12 – 11:45:38 https://espavosozo.blog.ca/2013/01/12/dear-druanna-johnston-public-servant-notice-public-trust-death-certificate-15420200/
(Strawman Hoax Reveals Its The Death Certificate! A Voice for the Estate - YouTube2 Captain Jade
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lzrX82SQsk Info here listed is from the internet - with sources listed. Go to www.abodia.com/t to understand how to find things and disclaimer
(Ted also recommends reading David Robinson's - Pure Trusts - Protect Your Assets from www.Maine-Patriot.com
and Sheriff ? McLamb's trust - Arizona ?)
Dear Druanna Johnston,
This notice comes to you as a public servant announcement. Your contact was forwarded to me from XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX, the Esquire, This notice is for immediate clarification on the subject of the "Death Certificate"
The concept around the "CORPUS" the legal name and what it is and how to administer it is what is effectively the reason of this correspondence in part. First, some general concepts need to be addressed first. Please keep the focus as you go through this email.
Most people have heard of this concept but have NOT gone far enough to see how it relates to legislation and their position, or status. Some know that it relates to being a minor vs. an adult; some believe it is their chance to go out and drink and get intoxicated…. The Age of Legal Consent is when the guardianship gets reverted back to the State or Crown. The assumption is that 'it' is given to the holder or the living man. Of course it is in the words, the age of legal consent. Legal does NOT deal with people but instead; persons’ under the commercial definition of the word. The notion around the age of legal consent stems from several Acts including the Cestui que vie Act of 1666 concerning property. (It’s a short Act to read)
In short, the age of legal consent is when the guardianship of your ‘person’ gets reverted back to the State, Crown. The fortunate point in the 'Age of legal consent-concept' is that you become ‘deemed’ competent to exercise your sound of mind, (if you believe you have one)… through establishing a parallel account; the testamentary trust. (as the first part of the procedure). But if we do not how to contract correctly, there may be no point in establishing this parallel account. Basic contracting is something that was probably left out as your education took you through grade school, college, university and all levels of academic mastery.
Contracting by definition is what creates law. A Blacks Law Dictionary will certify this. Contracting is what proves that a man (mind) is an adult because s/he moves out of belief systems for the purpose of verifying his assumption/presumption as fact. The tenants to an effective contract consist of;
a): an Offer
b): Consideration
c): Acceptance.
In the de facto-government, all public officials MUST accept all registered mail. To not do so is considered dishonor. (Under the bills of exchange Act, terms of conditions for bills of exchange are outlined for dishonor for non-acceptance by public bodies). This in it’s self is the basis of the de facto-government because it is based in bankruptcy. In bankruptcy, all securities are defined under the "Securities Act" including notes, signed notes...etc. In fact, the word ‘fiat’ is defined as a security that is used as the currency of choice for the perpetuation of the economy. Yet when the definition is discovered in the etymological dictionary, fiat is defined as by an act of will that brings something about…”or by the power of the word, let it be done.” Therefore without the ability to contract, for the general execution of the will or act of will, the de facto-government assumes and presumes ownership and control over the accounts that are within their legal jurisdiction.
First, it is important to know that one does NOT have to be dead to create a Will.
Second, the "Will" effectively appoints an executor. The "Will" does not have to be longer than a page as it is essentially giving voice to an executor for trustee-ship. (Note: that the executor is the top 'trustee' in the admiralty/public system and please DO NOT forget the a beneficiary is also a trustee)
For some bizarre reason, the Tax Office will accept a "will" along side a T3 return filling. This establishes a Trust (also known as the 'estate') with Revenue services. Once this occurs, the status of the 'person' immediately changes into a decedent. The 'person' (the account) although labelled "deceased" is still operational because the S.I.N still has NOT been terminated (TX-19; Certificate of clearance. This clearance also liquidates all the accounts under the S.I.N to puts the funds into the testamentary trust).
[Social Security Card says on back:
This card belongs to the Social Security Administration and you must return it if we ask for it.]
The testamentary Trust is "the VOICE" for the account (CORPUS) on paper (things written on paper become facts), aka; the testimony of the donor.
[ See IRS Form 1041 U.S. Income Tax for Estates and Trusts ]
The idea of filling a death certificate or giving notice for the account as (CORPUS) a non-living entity is good. The acumen and delivery of the concept is the difference in different language structures. The operation of law as a procedure with the T3 return filing is an administrative language. Talking about the death certificate and filling it for a non living entity is a legislative/executive language. Within the maze of government, one must be aware that several languages exist that all deal with the transfer of securities. For the sake of expanding perspectives on securities, let's use the concept of "how a "bill" is passed.
1. The legislative branch propose new 'bills"
2. The executive branch of government vote on new 'bills' through parliamentary protocols.
3 The judiciary branch pass sentences and adjudicate on bills in order for the treasury to make the profit and interests on the bills.
4. The administrative department of government are there to calculate risk and make sure that the other departments are effectively following the rules. (This are the ones who are the most aware that there is NO money in the system and the merit for credit are certified administrative actions)
So, if there is NO administration on behalf of people for their accounts to establish an estate, the government must take on the position of being parents and guardians to these accounts.
There is no point in arguing with the system (when the system offers through administration the method of being removed from assessment), if the donor can NOT prove its testimony with a "will."
This is a method for creating security for your person (legal) that may be the accounts that are being utilized by you the donor (of energy and sweat-equity) for the accounts mistaken as your LEGAL NAME.
- RC1e: Request for a Business Name (this is a gst/hst#... this way it is free if you need one)
(the basis of this is to put the legal name in a position to account for Public Servant liabilities, breach, violations and fraud) It is the duty of people to balance the assumed and presumed laws with facts (administrative action; “contract 101”).
a1) Get a BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FOR YOUR TRADENAME. This is NOT the same as the BUSINESS NUMBER (BN). This is a B.I.N. (The masters of business license). This provide a peculiar status in your local provincial (residential) jurisdiction. (ask about this.) This is in addition to the BN. One is national and one is provincial. They are both crucial.
a2) Get a bank account for your business. This is NOT an immediate requirement but eventually it will become part of “who” the beneficiaries are, who can receive “funds” from the TRUST.
(the basis of this is to give the LEGAL NAME a Bank, a depository and a repository so he can file all of his notices, notes, securities…etc and account for his status. The bank is the TRUST for the Trustee (the LEGAL NAME.). YOUR TRUST can be called JOHN DOE TRUST. Use your legal name and add TRUST at the end. Canada Revenue Agency has a protocol at the business window to deny the existence of trust at this number when in fact that is the office to call to get the trust account. 1.800.959.5525. (My guess is that is the key to correcting the status on the back end of the registration and balance sheet. But that is only stage 1 out of 6 stages.) They (C.R.A) deny that a trust can be opened, although it tells you clearly on the rc1e that one can be opened up.
b1) File a T3 TRUST return to establish a testamentary trust. (This is the “estate” and/or the one account that can hold ALL of the assets if “one” wishes to move into estates.) The T3 filling regardless if “one” does NOT have a trust established, can be filled as a zero. (The method of filling this T3 TRUST return requires a TRUST DEED. In this case, this can constitute a single signatory TRUST document.) * File it as a Testamentary TRUST (there are many types of trusts), this way securities such as the “WILL and TESTAMENT” can be filed into them and this filing is the MOST important). For the sake of these steps, please consider the T3 TRUST as the “private” TRUST.
b2) After the Testamentary TRUST is established (with C.R.A), then “one” must establish a Testamentary TRUST in the Public domain (i.e.; at a bank), this way any securities issued to the inheritors can be placed into a secured bank account; Testamentary Trust). The public TRUST also requires a TRUST DEED (as all TRUST documents do.), as a multiple signatory TRUST. This will allow one take private “funds” (checks from the private TRUST) and place them into the public account that allocates the funds to a beneficiary; a CORPUS, or an ALL CAPS NAME)
c) Fill out a RC59 and attach it to the RC1e. This is the form to authorize a representative to speak on behalf of the PROGRAM ACCOUNTS (as they are called).
The authorized representative must be the name of the executor that you will assign to manage the estate.
d) Fill out a T1013: AUTHORIZING or cancelling a representative. This form is similar to the RC59 and the difference is that it secures the S.I.N account under the executor. The S.I.N account is used for personal income tax. This is a different account from your business accounts. On page two of this form, it even asks you or gives you the option, as;
I am not the taxpayer named in the part 1 of this form. However I have power of attorney for this tax payer, I am the legal guardian of this taxpayer, or I am the executor /administrator of this taxpayer’s estate.
(So please, STOP blaming the “defacto Government about your rights/rites when they provide privileges for ‘persons’ that can not, will NOT exercise their powers of law (Contracts).)
e) Order some tax forms from C.R.A 1.800.959.2212;
- T5008 Slips, T5008 Summaries, T7DR, T3 Slips, T3 Summaries.
f) Create a “Will and Testament” (YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE DEAD TO HAVE A WILL).
Since the person is considered and legislated as a NON LIVING ENTITY, the WILL and TESTAMENT is what gives it a voice. This is considered a security for the TRUST.
g) Create an Affidavit of Executor (The “WILL and TESTAMENT” merely appoints an EXECUTOR) The Affidavit of the executor is the authority of the executor to take on the role of managing the accounts known as the ‘legal person’. Remember, executor simply means one that executes under the WILL of the estate. This is considered a security.
h) Create a notice for the PRESUMPTION / ASSUMPTION that the legal NAME has always been a DEAD CORPSE and now a general executor exists to manage the estate for the need of correcting any allegations and/or assumption/presumptions made by any public service bodies at a rate under an invoice and notice. This is considered a security.
Finally, what needs to go out as a public service announcement is for everyone to read up filing a testamentary trust (and how to file it) and then file one immediately. WHY?; its the account that PROVES THAT YOU ARE ALIVE, as an ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION...then you can plug into that account your other certified docs.
This is the equivalent to the conversations about the death certificate. Remember the IRS manual defines the decedent as a child that has yet to receive its social security number. (also in that manual, you may qualify without needing a social security # is you claim to be Menonite or (Aumish)? In Canada, the term may be aboriginal) Of course we have one and we are still being treated like we are dead or absent.