Money explained in 3 minutes
Private banks essentially print ink on paper called Fed. Resv. notes.
They are NOT money, they are only a promise to Pay money.
The banks loan the Fed. Resv. notes to the government who builds & pays for roads, schools, government buildings.
The banks are happy to loan the Fed. Resv. notes, their Promises to pay back to the bank.
The banks want the original money paid back and the interest too.
There was not originally extra interest money created, it cannot be paid back.
The government get Fed. Resv. note from the people by taxes & fees.
but even after then get back all the original FRns, where do they get the extra FRns, the interest ?
They get it by causing bankruptcy, property seizures, etc. by acquiring more and more private property.
The private FRns, currency, promises to pay created by the private banks are causing our woes.
We are not enslaved in chains like black slaves before the Civil War
We are all enslaved in financial obligations,
not even for real money, or things of value,
We are simply enslaved (debts, jail, property seizure) for want of papers called Promises to Pay.
Real money does no longer exist (like gold & silver coins which use to have intrinsic value.
What people think of as lawful governments to help the people are really just a front.
Governments are private for profit corporations who are the front for the banks and they use their methods (taxes & fines & jail)
to steal the time, energy, thought & labor from the people as the banks gain more and more property
and control over the lives and work of all people in the world.
People create the real improvements, labors, buildings, inventions, devices,
yet the banks by just printing paper with ink are sucking up the value, energy, creation, labor of the people.
The banks keep doing this and paying the newspaper & the colleges to teach the value of government.
ONLY when many people stop and think about this to realize the huge Bank con,
can we start to find ways to preserve out labor, our property, our lives.
Currency flow among people and back to the banks.
Money can be exchanged for products or services, and the one holding the money has something of value.
Fed. Resv. notes, as stated by the Chicago Fed. Resv. Bank, are just pieces of paper with NO intrinsic value.
Fed. Resv. notes are ONLY supported by the faith and CREDIT of the people.
which is held together as long as the people do not understand how Fed. Resv. banks & their notes work.
I and truth seekers are considered anarchist because we do not blindly believe that "governments" are here to help us
and ALL that they do is to the benefit of the many.
When you examine what they actually do: - tax & spend, - tax & spend, - incite war, death, famine & destruction world wide,
pretending it is for YOUR good they must do these hideous things.
The illusion is the "governments" must kill and destroy "bad" people in foreign lands to maintain your comfortable life style.
So armies capture control, enslave foreign nations a& people so they can profit and bring back or sell what they steal.
There is NO glory in war, and it is a deception in your supporting war thinking it helps you.
A threat to freedom any where is a threat to freedom every where. Martin Luther King.
JFK to 911 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick