-hp- Truth Seekers - - Movies ... www.abodia.com/t 
The world is very different then main steam news and government tells us. 05/03/2024



One program to Watch Movies, TV, YouTube, music & more

Quick & Easy to use, all free. Book marks, search & more


How to install this program.


https://kodi.tv/  Home Page, please review


CanaKit Raspberry Pi 2 Complete Starter Kit (9-Items) from $ 70 to $ 120


This kit also needs: a - TV or monitor that accepts HDMI input.

- Internet access, possibly internet service, modem and wireless router.


A Smartphone can be a hot spot or supply internet for a near device, and or

you may be able to install a Kodi app on your smart phone to run the application from the phone.


The SD card needs to be programmed (from a computer - to copy the files to the card).


Here is a Raspberry kit on ebay



Some ask "How this can be so cheap and yet do so much ?"

You have to learn and act to get benefit.

Many adults are afraid of new technology and devices,

so they can't get these benefits.

Students (young or old) who can read & learn can get these benefits.

You may have complications and or technical problems as you proceed.

Working with a technician, or friend with experience can help.

If you are afraid or unable, then find a student to help you.


Learn how to use the internet,

you can get most answers directly by stating your question to an internet search,

read what answers you get and follow to other links for more information.

You Tube has many presentations on how to do many things.


It is OK if you do not get an immediate or a focused answer.

You need to be open minded and follow information to deeper and deeper sources.

You can pay to have people help you or to answer questions,

but as you become more familiar & experienced in using the internet,

you can solve most of your own problems.


Knowledge (of possibilities) is the beginning.

Desire is the next step.

(If you don't really want something,

you probably will not spend

the necessary time, thought & money to get it.)


Persist, with patience, until you prevail your goal.



This web site is filled with great information.