Join us for My skype conference call Thursday 31 Mar.    7-9 pm

Please invite others. Establish skype contacts before the meeting.

            content at bottom of message:


You would be kind to tell me before the skype if you plan to come to our conference.


My thesis is that information can help us.


Some people see that freedom await us, when we learn some truths.

Some of those truths maybe written down by some one, or recorded in existing laws.


We need to learn those truths & those laws.

They may be found in written documents and or you tube videos, or on the web.


Many people contact me and ask me questions (as if I knew stuff)

What i know is written down and I send it to other people free, but many CHOOSE to ignore it, not learn how to read it.


I would like any person to know what I have, what I am doing and how to read my stuff.

Would you take a lesson from me ?  Thursday 7 pm til we are done.


I will start at 7 pm on Thursday by sharing my screen on skype.

I will NOT bring in our conference phone call - that cost me money, that could be recorded, no one can listen and learn what I SHOW.

only those who come on skype screen sharing can learn what I teach visually.


I will let others come to our skype too.  They may call in at any time, but I will not call them.


Some people regularly have trouble using skype. They should NOT practice when I am in our session.


Forget that I may know anything. I am strictly trying to show people how to handle information.

I will not be teaching (not going slow and showing every command)

I will be going fast to show WHY people should want to work as I do.


I know that people want to be individually persuaded.   I have said the same thing for years.

I have no interest to beg people to take what I give them.

They can either see what I offer or find the same stuff from other people.


I know that some people cannot come to this coming skype.

They can just go out and get the free programs I found and learn to use them by themselves.

That is how I learned.


Anyone can do anything IF THEY WANT TO !


I think that information radically changes my life.


Info could help you too, but I want you to have simple and quick ways to get information.


I will NOT talk to people individually and to explain files I have.


I have stuff, 1,000s of files, I am happy to give away.

I think YOU GET A VALUE to read the files, not to ask me what the files say.


My failure in life is personal contact.


My excellence in life is thinking fast. 


Anyone can think or learn as slow as they want if they will just learn how to read

(& how to read the files I give away)


Also note, once you are holding this important info, you can easily go out and confirm it is true.

the problem is to get the information in the first place. 

That (for me) was the hard & expensive effort. 


Getting the info. was hard - Confirming is easy.


I am NOT showing the kind of information that Kallenbach shows.


I am showing HOW to get & confirm information & how to manage it.


I will follow ideas in my book             A New Reality


I may demonstrate software & strategies:

Total Commander, MS word reader, internet explorer tricks, misc.

Omni Page Optical Character Recognition, Screen Capture & conversion.

converting pdf files, using Cute PDF writer


free programs can save you huge time.


Knowledge comes from other people, they often write things down.