Submit        07/07/2023

My web site has some of my thoughts & introductions to the great findings of other people.

That information can help many people.

The information is abundant on the web, but few are those who know how to find the info and what it means.

I try to introduce ideas, people, laws, rights, etc. 

The introductions are the vital link to get other people in involved in our struggle to regain our rights, property, life, health, wealth.

You can help us too.

Type notes, and send as e-mail.

Be clear, focused. Do not just send links or title, give some kind of an introduction.

I MAY post your notes on OUR web site.  You could build a whole web site as part of my web.

You could point people to a single link (your web site on mine).  Then they could read many articles or see links you refer to.

To communicate in writing, via the web, and pointing to other resources, articles, videos etc. is a way to talk to many people with little of your personal effort.  I think I am getting about 100 hits a day.

Even if you start your own web site $ 50 to $ 2,000, you still need to establish traffic. Note I've had 350,000 hits.

What I'd like from you is clear typed info to add to my web site.

Many people call or send me little pieces.

I am more persuaded when I have several items pointing to the same subject or conclusion.

Anyone could take a part of my web site: - rights - law - debt - history - cures - deceptions, etc.

and manage only that one part with much better clarity then I presented here.

I could use help in many ways, - physical research, - typing, - mailing, -donations, etc.

        You can help us all.

If you are looking for fame or fortune, I am not your partner.

I just do what I can do because I can. I have not found a way to make money.

When I try to make money, then people avoid me.

I am more intent to share information then to get money.



Here I think are my talents, listed in order of less importance.

- Organizing information (the 1/2 million files I have)

- learning software and strategies & teaching those

- using computers, logic, having perseverance, patience to prevail.

I am NOT smarter then other people, I am just very focused on what I do.

I'd love to teach anyone my process and get their help.

If you learn my process, you can apply it in many different ways to your life for your benefit.

You can improve your live if you just learn how I think, how I do things with the great aid of computers & software.

My book,  A New Reality    pretty much tells you my process.

You can learn faster from me if you first read my book.