-hp- Truth Seekers - - New ... www.abodia.com/t  07/07/2023
Wake Up - Truth Surround us. Research by Ted Elden, Public Speaker, Architect, ret. computer guru

The world is very different then main steam news and government tells us.   visitor# :

yt means You Tube Link    New first page

Live Forever yt

Fulford: Knights Templar 1 Mar. '18

9-11 Crimes in Nevada Court - Take down of national leaders:

Cheney, Brennan, Ashcroft, Mueller, H & WH Bush, K Spacey, Obama, McCain, Baker, Bronfman Sr., Wolfowitz, Perle, Munk, Rice, Soros, Kerry, Sultan, Rockefeller, Snowcroft, Brzezinski H. Clinton

72 Hour Countdown has begun - Imminent Release of Heavily Censored Records
Could Change Course of 2016 Election and American Politics: 'Hacking at the Roots of Tyranny

DC Madam's records of her client list may be soon released. This may reveal (more of) Ted Cruz's affairs that might finish his

Still Report # 736 - Enquirer: 3 More Cruz Babes - affairs https://youtu.be/1dB3VXwD6X0


Significant info from Benjamin Fulford – 3/22/16

... around Antarctica ... shrouded in secrecy, ... attracting a lot of “heavy hitters.”  The visit to Antarctica by Patriarch Kirill – head of Russian Orthodox Church, in February ... something unusual happening.  Barack Obama will ... visit the Nazi South American headquarters in Bariloche, in Southern Argentina. Read more at above link


Conference this Thursday 24 March, 2016    www.abodia.com/new

Open Discussion    yt below means You Tube

Review of Kodi - watch for free unlimited theater movies on any internet device: computer, tablet, etc.

March-16-2016 notes from that meeting

Language is the limit thought & can limit our world

Germany Crosses the Demographic RUBICON: 20-35's a MINORITY by 2020 - The world is rapidly changing

Countries are being invaded by refugee Muslins who will overtake the countries & their existing culture.

www.1stMichiganAssembly.info  Marilyn Totzkay-Gilman, (989) 235-3330

GODS of EGYPT Movie Reveals Close SUN & FLAT Stationary EARTH! yt

Chemtrails:The Dark Agenda Exposed - Sophia Smallstorm 2011 yt

Crete to Malta - Part 1 - Walter Veith yt

As we go through the book of Acts we will see how Paul’s sea voyage is a typology to how we should view the mission of the Advent movement. Are we headed in the right direction? Are we doing what God has called us to do? We will look at some current events to evaluate what’s coming next from the enemy and see what he’s up to.

Agenda 21 UCLA: studying how to set up smart grid. plans to control all water yt

Methods of Depopulation 20 min yt

Bill Hicks aka Alex Jones is a CIA Operative EXPOSED yt

The Elite's Pill that will Kill Freewill yt

Elites age of great work

Grounding - movie - Why go barefoot

No Planes Hit the World Trade Towers - 9-11 No Plane Hoax

Airplane's thin aluminum can't pierce hardened steel 1 foot think.
Jet fuel burns at 1500'F, Steel softens/ melts at 2500'F

No amount of jet fuel nor burning office furniture could ever reach a temperature to melt steel.

."The state citizen is immune from any and all government attacks and procedure, absent contract." see, Dred Scott vs. Sanford, 60 U.S. (19 How) 393 or as the Supreme Court has stated clearly, "...every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent." CRUDEN vs. NEALE, 2 N.C. 3315'2 S.E. 70, [emphasis added] 

International Flat Earth Research Society


 Eric Dubay, who published Flat Earth Conspiracy                   (Excellent) I have pdf

 He tells on the link above all the Flat Earth Shills.

Authorities on jurisdiction of Federal Courts

Commerce - Law of the Sea yt

The Golden Web Part 1 yt

W. Va. map shows NO Federal Regions ?



Update of Political Status

Anna von Reitz 1 page Declaration of Political Status and Release and Discharge for Judge

The Down and Dirty for Thomas Deegan, Ammon Bundy, and Everyone Else Facing Prosecution
by the Vermin Pretending to Serve and Defend America —by Judge Anna 3/14/2016

Essential Knowledge for Every American to Know from Judge Anna

thomas deegan updates, Anna von Reitz

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Some have asked, so I put all I know here on Kurt Kallenbach's Process.

                        https://www.abodia.com/process     Restore your Rights, Freedom, retain your property.


If you have additions; files, links, comments, please send them to me. Thanks to Lily


You will always do best to check the sources, rather then me or any 2nd hand witness.

- - -

If you are concerned about Truth for President, Check out Andy Basiago



Andy is revealing, solving and using the hidden secrets, technologies & problems:

ChemTrails, Fluoride, Aspertane, Teleportation, Free Energy, Health cures & much much more.


I think Andy said that he was Teleported into the future as were recent US Presidents

and or they knew before they were elected that they would be elected. This gets complicated.

Time Travel and Political Control of the Human Population


- - -

Edit & Save Pdf Forms https://www.pdfescape.com/account/pdfs/

This Thursday Conference, Mar-16-2016, Watch Free unlimited theater or special interest movies from the internet .

We will show on skype/ conf. call, how anyone can watch near unlimited free theater or special interest movies from internet.

    How to at https://www.abodia.com/movies


YOU can schedule a talk to the group if  send me an outline of your topic in advance, with title, give 1 week or more advance notice to me, so we can schedule and invite others.  Shawn did this, so he leads our Kido TV applications.

I MAY post your topic at https://www.abodia.com/call  < - - - Here is how you come to the call by phone


I could show people how to use computers, but I cannot get people together at one conference.

If you have limited computer skill, that inhibits, restricts, denies you to have use of VALUABLE information.

I don't want to do all the clerical work.  Others CHOOSE NOT to learn how simple this is, as they expect me to do this.


I seek help or donations of any type: help, cash, files, communications/ calls, etc.


Patrick has done huge work on Post Office, and government forms to seek their involvement to secure our rights.

                        I hope to share his findings/ files/ documents at https://www.abodia.com/post


Ted comments: I am architect, you can think I am anxious, rushed, complicated. That is not my wish.

 I try to be patient, persistent.  The greatest hurdle I have is to communication.

When others will not learn how to use computers and files, then that make it very difficult for me to give them important knowledge.


Today, any teenager or older, who can read, think and type has nearly unlimited information & hidden truths instantly available to them thru the internet, when they learn how to use it with discernment.  More knowledge is available to a teenager,

then was to the most private of conversations of kings and monarch just a century ago.


The ignorant of today (those choosing not to know) are not the illiterate.

No, those who know how to read, but who CHOOSE not to read & know.

They are prideful, stuck in what they "already know" and blind to what the common man can easily see.


See quotes at end about being stuck and enslaved in old thinking.


I think I am intelligent and skilled, but mainly I try to knit together the brilliant people and or ideas/ findings around me.

YOU would help all of us if you would talk DIRECTLY to each other and give me organized conclusions, that I might share by my web.


I do not like to TELL people what to do. I like to offer what WE know in writing on the web, so they can look when they want.


If many of us would focus on the same subject at the same time (& know simple ways to use computers & files)

Then we all would help each other better then our scrambled current process.  See you Thursday conf. at 7 pm


If you lack a skill or method or a file, make friends with others so they can help you do what you cannot or will not do.

Shawn is the only one who I know who can work a computer as I can.  He gets great advantage that way.


God Bless you all. Forgive me if I seem rushed or anxious.  You have been a great help to all of us.


Truth is our best friend.  It is OK to make mistakes, how else can we learn.



I will try to have it ready each Tuesday by 7 pm that you can see current things & coming conference call topics


You DO NOT have to read my notes.  When you miss the notes, then you fall away from the deeper issues.

You can't come in late and understand the conclusions, as you lack the foundation we already built.

Complex ideas, solutions, information is built on the accumulation and or integration of discrete facts & systems.


Why many people can't see the reality around them.

“It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.” - Will Rodgers :

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”. - Mark Twain

We tend to get stuck in our first impressions.  We are proud and don't want to admit we made a mistake. Ted 4 Truth

“Those most hopelessly enslaved are those who falsely believe they are free.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." - J. Edgar Hoover