Trials of Obama pg. 2

Obama Watch

UPDATE: Questions Continue About Obama's U.S. Citizenship
Nancy Morgan
Updated: December 17, 2008
December 17, 2008
San Francisco Chronicle

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has rejected two more efforts to get the court to consider whether President-elect Barack Obama is eligible to take office.

December 15, 2008
Justices Won't Review Obama's Eligibility to Serve
The Supreme Court has turned down another challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility to serve president because of his citizenship. The appeal by Cort Wrotnowski of Greenwich, Conn., was denied Monday without comment. (Complete timeline /w video)

More Bad News For Obama
Contributed by Administrator
by Barry Weinstein
Dr. T.B. Bradley, Psy. D. Forensic Psychologist who works for the Criminal Justice System and the Courts, accuses Obama's Mother of Fraud on Obama Birth Docs.
Obama's mother defrauded the United States not once, but twice due to her out of US births of her children that she desperately sought to protect by late registration births with false and fraudulent information declaring that both children were born on US soil. (Complete Report)

From the Black Agenda Report:
Barack Obama: The Empire's New Clothes
by Paul Street
Barack Obama and his followers continue to revise the history of his ascendance, pretending his campaign was rooted among the "outsiders." The public line is a fiction, as even the most rudimentary research reveals. In fact, Obama's own words document his intense courtship of the rich and powerful. Unfortunately, "few if any of Obama's staunchest supporters have bothered to read a single solitary word of Obama's blatantly imperial, nationalist, and militarist foreign policy speeches and writings,"says the author. "And my sense is they never will." (Complete report).

[Note: For some reason the above report has advertisements which overlap the report. However, I feel the information and source of the report to be so important that I have included the link anyway. I found that if you highlight the article it will bring the covered portion to the front so that you can read it. . . Dennis].
Video: Obama's Plan to Disarm America
The Fate of The Most Powerful Nation:
The Rise of the United Socialist States of America


Kenyan Birth Evidence to be Revealed


Obama is spending too much -
where does he get the cash ?  has 71.8 + million hits                   back to Elden Truth Seekers

Grandmother dies of Cancer  Current                 Obama is related to VP Cheney

Press Release 10 30 2008 - Berg Filing Injunction to Stay Presidential Election
Thursday, 30 October 2008 11:41
Philip J. Berg Will Be Arriving U.S. Supreme Court, Washington, DC at 3:15 p.m. today to file for an Injunction to Stay Presidential Election Pending Writ of Certiorari regarding Obama who is "NOT" qualified to be President of the United States

Bookmarks to articles below:                          - - - > top index
Hawaiian Court will not act on Birth Certificate proof !

Birth Certificate Sealed by Governor       Original Court Documents       

State of Hawaii agrees Birth Certificate was never made public Obama, FactCheck, CNN lies
 Judge sets Hawaiian Hearing - Nov. 18
            Stop if Not Qualified - NYC Andy Martin
- - - -  > Constitutional Crisis to Elect other than "natural born citizen" - leads to civil war. < - - - -
Obama Citizenship Case Appealing to the Supreme Court  

Governor's letter explaining Sealed record 

Real Birth Certificate     Legal Fight over Obama's Citizenship Boils      

Philip J. Berg is Appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court

Devvy Kidd gives great legal summary of the arguments             other suits  1,000s of articles
Obama campaign offers $3 million 'bribe' to news agency to prevent release of tape!!!

It is easy to ignore what is not popular,     thinking "It could not be."
But anyone who has access to internet has direct access to the court's document and can see confirmation of these activities.


Line breaks show different information from different web sites, and notes at top the web site link.

See comparison with a real birth certificates with the Doctors names, Hospital Name, and typical information on a birth certificate with signatures & witnesses. All below is from the web, web sites notes at top of each clip.  You can also search a "quoted phrase" to find the original document quickly.

HONOLULU, Hawaii – Although the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama’s birth certificate has become a focus of intense speculation – and even several lawsuits – WND has learned that Hawaii’s Gov. Linda Lingle has placed the candidate’s birth certificate under seal and instructed the state’s Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.

WND ExclusiveELECTION 2008
Obama's birth certificate sealed by Hawaii governor
Says Democratic senator must make request to obtain original document

Posted: October 26, 2008    9:54 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi    2008 WorldNetDaily  See Link above

Here are the original court documents on filing this case in Philadelphia, Phil Berg Dismissal at bottom of this page - - - > top index

BERG v. OBAMA et al - 2:2008cv04083 - Justia Federal District ...

"Justia Federal Filings - Pennsylvania Eastern District Court - Other Statutes - Other Statutory Actions - BERG v. OBAMA et al."

BERG v. OBAMA et al

Plaintiff Philip J. Berg alleged that Defendant Barack Obama is not eligible for the Office of the President because Obama lost his U.S. citizenship when his mother married an Indonesian citizen and naturalized in Indonesia. Plaintiff further alleged that Obama followed her naturalization and failed to take an oath of allegiance when he turned 18 years old to regain his U.S. citizenship status.

The case was dismissed on October 24, 2008. See Jurist for a summary of the dismissal.

All this is on the web site.  .

Plaintiff:       PHILIP J. BERG

Defendant:   Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee, the Federal Election Commission and Does 1-50 inclusive

Case Number:         2:2008cv04083

Filed:          21-Aug-08

Court:         Pennsylvania Eastern District Court

Office:         Other Statutory Actions Office [ Court Info ]

County:       Montgomery

Presiding Judge:      Honorable R. Barclay Surrick

Jury Demanded By: 28:2201 Injunction  


Date Filed

August 21, 2008

> COMPLAINT against all defendants ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 951001.), filed by PHILIP J. BERG.(tj, )

August 21, 2008



Available Case Documents   Some selected documents for this case are included below

up til 27 Oct. 2008 -  29 Documents filed


Media inquiries:

Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

If you want to schedule a print interview, or a radio / television appearance, use this form

Philip J. Berg, Esquire

555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12

Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531

Cell (610) 662-3005

(610) 825-3134

(800) 993-PHIL [7445]

Fax (610) 834-7659


Contact: Steve Marquis

Telephone Number: 425-698-7084

Email Address:

Web site address:

Lawsuits Starting Across the Nation Proceeding to Avert Potential Constitutional Crisis, Possible Civil Unrest, and Confidence in Elections; Lawsuits are being filed in Eight States Seeking to Require Barack Obama to Provide Certification of Birth in U.S. or Be Removed as Presidential Candidate on State Ballots.

Seattle WA. 10/22/2008   Lawsuits in eight states as of this writing Hawaii, Washington, California, Florida, Georgia. Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut, are seeking judicial authority to force the certifying or decertifying of Senator Barack Obama's qualification to run as a candidate for President as a natural born U.S. citizen. Previously, two lawsuits have failed to force the certifying documents from Obama.

Philip Berg's months-long lawsuit in Federal Court in Philadelphia reached a dramatic plateau yesterday as Mr. Obama and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) failed to respond to the court that Mr. Obama is not a natural born U.S. citizen and therefore not qualified to run for office of President of the U.S. They admitted to Obama's non-qualification by their failure to respond to a 30-day court ordered discovery in which Obama and the DNC were ordered to answer a petition by Berg. Berg is a lifelong Democrat in the Pennsylvania Democratic Party who has sought to ratchet up the legal pressure as Obama and the DNC has continually delayed providing certifying documentation of Obama's birth, which he claims to have been in Hawaii.

A lawsuit in Honolulu in the First District Court is seeking a court-order to open Obama's secret birth records. Obama has thus far neglected a Freedom of Information request for the records at two hospitals in Hawaii. Lawsuits in Washington and Georgia are seeking state Superior Courts to force the states' Secretary of State, as the chief state elections officer, to perform their state constitutional duties to require original certifying birth records from Mr. Obama that would verify his birth in Hawaii.

Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution reads: ""No Person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States."


There are numerous allegations to Obama’s claim of natural birth in the U.S. on the web and in the media, all raising suspicion and doubt as to Obama’s actual place of birth and qualification to run for president. Some of the assertions to which Obama “admitted” on Berg’s suit are: he was born in Mombassa, Kenya in 1961 while his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was married to Barack Obama Sr., a Kenyan; when his mother, divorced from Obama Sr, moved to Indonesia and married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian, Obama was adopted by Soetoro and became an Indonesian citizen; while in Indonesia, Obama had his name changed to Barry Soetoro; Obama traveled to Pakistan in 1981 under an Indonesian passport when Pakistan was a no travel zone for Americans; Obama had “admitted” to receiving illegal contributions in his campaign for president. Additionally, there is an allegation that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother claims that Obama was born in Kenya; Muammar Gadhafi, leader of Libya, has publicly claimed that Obama was born in Kenya and studied in Muslim schools in Indonesia. Obama has also “admitted” to hold citizenship in another country (the U.S. Constitution forbids dual citizenship).  


Non-partisan and independent reviews and examinations of Obama’s birth certificate as shown on his official website has evidence of tampering and in any case does not list any of the points of information commonly found which would make it traceable and verifiable such as hospital, doctor, size weight, foot prints etc.


Interestingly, all these state lawsuits would be dropped if Mr. Obama would simply provide the requested documents supporting his claim of being born in Hawaii.


Lawsuits in additional states are being added each day. For more information about each lawsuit, contact:


(HI) Andy Martin at     email:

(WA) Steve Marquis   email: ; website:

(CA) David Archbold  email

(GA) Tom Terry         email:

(PA) Philip Berg         email: ; website:

(NY) Dan Smith           email:

(CT) Cort Wrotnowski  email:              

Andy Martin Hawaii lawsuit #1 Complaint

Lawsuits Regarding Mr. Obama and 

His lack of Standing as a Natural Born Citizen have gone viral

Press Release regarding multiple lawsuits Oct 22

Clarification Response

Washington Lawsuit

Federal Lawsuit

Hawaii Lawsuit Latest

Hawaii Lawsuit

Virginia Lawsuit

For a man without a past, he sure wants to have a big say in our future.

Something caught fire in the hearts of Americans when Obama recently decided to stonewall in federal court refusing to yield documents like a birth certificate and instead tried to protect his past. 

 If the allegations brought in the federal suit are true this will be the biggest fraud attempted in history and none of the state's respective Secretary of States ever bothered to require the most ordinary documentation when they accepted Obama's applications for the ballot!

The derelict Secretaries of State don't think it's their job, the FEC claims it's not theirs and you have Obama arguing to the court that Berg has no right to ask either - Well that leaves nobody. 

Well, some of us are not going to take this dereliction of duty and obfuscation lying down. The respective state's constitution give the Secretary of State ample oversight to create rules and procedures to facilitate fair and transparent elections that project a sense of veracity on the process - that trust in the process is THE reason we have enjoyed peaceful transitions of power. 

It's one thing to challenge the dogcatcher in court after the election, no big deal; but blood will flow and property will go up in flames if that occurred in the contest over the office of the president - Riots - mark my words.

We intend to argue that the Secretaries of State can prevent such carnage and Constitutional Crisis by simply demanding the same documentation I had to present to get my voter card and passport - a birth Certificate. Not some photo-shopped WEB image, but a real, certified verifiable traceable to a birth location Certificate.

I can do that. You can do that. Why is Obama having such a trial? Whatever the reason, if he want any votes certified from my state he better be able to show the minimal documents. I hope to require our Secretary to receive that certified, verified, traceable-to-a-birth-location certificate or withhold any certification of electors so cast.

Steve Marquis

Google Search Links    - - - > top index


6. Obama Citizenship Lawsuit Headed to U.S. Supreme Court ...

"DISCLAIMER: The author is a registered Independent and does not have an opinion as to the truth and/or veracity of the allegations of the lawsuit referenced ..."

7. Newsvine - Obama citizenship question goes to U.S. Supreme Court

"26 Oct 2008 ... The former deputy Pennsylvania attorney general who challenged Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's qualifications to be president ..."

8. LegalNewsline | Obama citizenship question goes to U.S. Supreme Court

"27 Oct 2008 ... LegalNewsline - Obama citizenship question goes to US Supreme Court."

9. BERG v. OBAMA et al - 2:2008cv04083 - Justia Federal District ...

"Justia Federal Filings - Pennsylvania Eastern District Court - Other ... the Office of the President because Obama lost his U.S. citizenship when his mother ..."

10. Obama citizenship, Federal Court challenging Barack Obama’s ...

"08-cv-4083, Philadelphia Federal Court, Obama not citizen, Hawaii, Kenya, Indonesia, Obama does not meet qualifications for president → ..."

Legal Fight Over Obama's Citizenship Boils

"There is no record of Obama being a naturalized US. Citizen. Thus, the court must rule by default judgment that Obama was born in the Coast Province ..."

23. Newsvine - Obama citizenship question goes to U.S. Supreme Court

"26 Oct 2008 ... Judge Tosses Lawsuit Challenging Obama Citizenship - Cincinnati breaking news, weather radar, traffic from 9News | Channel 9 wcpo. ..."

24. Berg is taking Obama Citizenship Question Case to US Supreme Court ...

"Berg is taking Obama Citizenship Question Case to US Supreme Court: https:// ..."

Obama Citizenship Lawsuit Moves To The Supreme Court

"25 Oct 2008 ... to the U.S. Supreme Court as Obama is "NOT" qualified to be President of the United States. Lawsuit Against Obama Dismissed from ..."

32. America's Right: Obama Sued in Philadelphia Federal Court on ...

"Any American should be able to prove citizenship in less than a day. Why can’t Mr. Obama? Here is a link to the actual court documents ..."

Obama Citizenship Case Appealing to the Supreme Court    - - - > top index

Added: Oct 27th, 2008 3:32 AM   

Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania (Worthy News) -- Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama's lack of "qualifications" to serve as President of the United States, announced today that he is immediately appealing the dismissal of his case to the United States Supreme Court. The case is Berg v. Obama, No. 08-cv-04083.


Berg said, "I am totally disappointed by Judge Surrick's decision and, for all citizens of the United States, I am immediately appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.


This is a question of who has standing to uphold our Constitution. If I don't have standing, if you don't have standing, if your neighbor doesn't have standing to question the eligibility of an individual to be President of the United States - the Commander-in-Chief, the most powerful person in the world - then who does?


So, anyone can just claim to be eligible for congress or the presidency without having their legal status, age or citizenship questioned.


According to Judge Surrick, we the people have no right to police the eligibility requirements under the U.S. Constitution.


What happened to '...Government of the people, by the people, for the people,...' Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address 1863.


We must legally prevent Obama, the unqualified candidate, from taking the Office of the Presidency of the United States,” Berg said.


Our website now has 71.8 + million hits. We are urging all to spread the word of our website – and forward to your local newspapers and radio and TV stations.


Berg again stressed his position regarding the urgency of this case as, "we" the people, are heading to a "Constitutional Crisis" if this case is not resolved forthwith.

Legal Fight over Obama's Citizenship Boils   - - - > top index

From Joel Skousen

Editor - World Affairs Brief

Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World


 I'm putting the economic issues in second position this week to cover an important and ongoing election story with tremendous legal consequences to the issue of presidential qualifications. The election's most under-reported story, among many, is the story of Obama's origins in Kenya and the evidence indicating that Obama's subsequent birth certificate from Hawaii was falsified to give him citizen status. There are two court cases pending on the issue, and it seems obvious now that the courts are dragging their feet to evade a ruling until the election is over. The State of Hawaii appeared to be complicit in the forgery when it happened and is now equally reluctant to come forth and certify the bogus copy of a birth certificate. The US government Election Commission has also failed to do its due diligence in certifying Obama's citizenship and right to be a US President. Don't expect this important legal technicality to stop the Obama steamroller. There exists a major conspiracy of silence.


The notoriously liberal debunking website dismisses the legal challenges to Obama's citizenship as typical of many "unsuccessful challenges" common to US elections. That's a bit premature to label a current case as "unsuccessful," especially when they don't have the courtesy to air any of the powerful evidence submitted in this legal challenge nor comment on its veracity. This is typical of debunking sites that are propaganda arms of the establishment. They never attempt to answer the tough questions, only the easy straw man arguments. gives us a summary of the issues in the case: "A Mr. Philip Berg [a Clinton Democrat] presented a case before Federal District Court (Philadelphia), last summer, to have Obama, DNC and Federal Elections Commission show evidence, in the face of Berg's powerful evidence to the contrary, that Obama is a "Natural Born Citizen." The defendants moved to dismiss, but the judge denied the motion (9/29) and seemed to think Berg's documented evidence, that Obama was born in Kenya and then naturalized into Indonesia, was powerful enough to order defendants to produce verified documentation to support Obama's "Natural Born" claim and status. The judge ordered defendants to produce a birth certificate verified by Hawaii, which seems to be a problem, as well as other documents. On 10/6/2008, defendants filed for protection until they can argue it out. They filed for relief in DC and several levels of government agencies.


"On 10/7/2008, a Psychiatrist Dr. Bradley filed a motion to intervene on Berg's behalf. The "friend of the Court" [amicus brief] asked to be placed in the records as 'Jane Doe,' citing professional and family reasons. She presented documentation from Obama's grandmother, stepbrother and stepsister that Obama was born in Kenyaand, after birth, was rushed to Hawaii to fraudulently file for birth certification. She further documented that Obama's Indonesian step sister was also rushed to Hawaii for US certification after her birth.


"Further, Bradley produced documentation that Obama had Indonesian citizenship under the name of Barry Soetoro. He also had an Indonesian passport up to and beyond age 18. After moving in with his Grandmother in Hawaii he did not 'naturalize,' as would be required. Bradley's motion is that Obama is actually an illegal alien. 10/9/2008: In response to defendants' request for evasion and continued secrecy, Berg filed a summary motion for a speedy trial date ... against BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (his post Pakistan trip name), a/k/a BARRY SOETORO (his Indonesian name), a/k/a, BARRY OBAMA (his American nickname), a/k/a, and BARACK DUNHAM (another formerly used name)."


Obama has claimed at various times to have been born at either Queens Medical Center or Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. Public records do not show any record of his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama) giving birth to anyone in either place. There is no record of Obama being a naturalized US. Citizen. Thus, the court must rule by default judgment that Obama was born in the Coast Province Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya, as per evidence present by Mr. Berg and that he is not a US citizen.


But, the court is stalling. According to the Philidelphia Daily News, "Mike Finney, deputy clerk to Judge Surrick, says that their office has gotten a blizzard of phone calls about the suit. 'Within the past week the calls have instensified,' Finney told us. 'People from all across the country have been calling.' He said we should expect a ruling soon. We'll see. I suspect the judge will either grant a further delay to produce evidence or will find some other technical excuse to stall. Default of a court order is an open and shut cause for affirming the case. The judge is obviously consulting with the PTB on how to get out of this predicament without declaring Obama's candidacy illegal. This is further evidence that the judicial branch of the US is compromised and the Constitution is dead whenever it gets in the way of the establishment agenda.


Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted.


Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief

Obama Citizenship Lawsuit Moves To The Supreme Court    Craigs List

Reply to: [?]

Date: 2008-10-27, 10:52AM CDT

For Immediate Release: - 10/25/08

For Further Information Contact:

Philip J. Berg, Esquire Berg v. Obama

555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12

Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531

Cell (610) 662-3005 No. 08-cv-04083

(610) 825-3134

(800) 993-PHIL [7445]

Fax (610) 834-7659


Philip J. Berg is Appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court as Obama is "NOT" qualified to be President of the United States. - - - > top index

Lawsuit Against Obama Dismissed from Philadelphia Federal Court

(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 10/25/08) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States, announced today that he is immediately appealing the dismissal of his case to the United States Supreme Court. The case is Berg v. Obama, No. 08-cv-04083.

Berg said, "I am totally disappointed by Judge Surrick's decision and, for all citizens of the United States, I am immediately appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.


This is a question of who has standing to uphold our Constitution. If I don't have standing, if you don't have standing, if your neighbor doesn't have standing to question the eligibility of an individual to be President of the United States - the Commander-in-Chief, the most powerful person in the world -then who does?


So, anyone can just claim to be eligible for congress or the presidency without having their legal status, age or citizenship questioned.

According to Judge Surrick, we the people have no right to police the eligibility requirements under the U.S. Constitution.

Lawsuit Against Obama Dismissed From Philadelphia Federal Court    


The order and memorandum came down at approximately 6:15 p.m. on Friday. Philip Berg's lawsuit challenging Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to serve as president of the United States had been dismissed by the Hon. R. Barclay Surrick on grounds that the Philadelphia attorney and former Deputy Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lacked standing.


Various accounts, details and ambiguities from Obama’s childhood form the basis of Plaintiff’s allegation that Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States.


To support his contention, Plaintiff cites sources as varied as the Rainbow Edition News Letter …
and the television news tabloid Inside Edition


These sources and others lead Plaintiff to conclude that Obama is either a citizen of his father’s native Kenya, by birth there or through operation of U.S. law; or that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia by relinquishing his prior citizenship (American or Kenyan) when he moved there with his mother in 1967.


Either way, in Plaintiff’s opinion, Obama does not have the requisite qualifications for the Presidency that the Natural Born Citizen Clause mandates. The Amended Complaint alleges that Obama has actively covered up this information and that the other named Defendants are complicit in Obama’s cover-up.


A judge’s attitude toward the factual foundation of a plaintiff’s claims is an essential factor in understanding just who indeed has standing to sue.


The question running to the heart of the standing doctrine is whether or not the plaintiff indeed has a personal stake in the outcome of the otherwise justiciable matter being adjudicated.


As has been discussed before many times - a plaintiff wishing to have standing to sue must show (1) a particularized injury-in-fact, (2) evidence showing that that the party being sued actually caused the plaintiff’s particularized injury-in-fact, and (3) that adjudication of the matter would actually provide redress.


In this case, Judge Surrick’s attitude toward the evidence presented by Berg to support his allegations figures in heavily because, while there is a three-pronged test to standing in itself, there is no definitive test by which the court can determine whether a certain harm is enough to satisfy the first element of that three-pronged test by showing true injury-in-fact.


Traditionally, it hasn’t taken much to satisfy the need for an injury-in-fact, but as the plaintiff’s claimed injury is perceived as being more remote, more creative, or more speculative, the injury-in-fact requirement becomes more difficult to satisfy.




What is the Deal on this Birth Certificate   

The constitution demands “natural born” so as to mitigate the possibility of “divided loyalties” ***


Anyone can swear and sign the form to the registrar in Hawaii that they were a citizen of Hawaii and within the previous year gave birth. The individual gives the date/time of the birth and a document record is dually entered. Perhaps someone can inform as to whether you even need to show the baby! Doesn’t look like it from my read of the statute.


In any case, one can get a “Certificate of Live Birth” with its minimal documentation.  The date of birth can be any date the person enters! In any case this document is then useful for the barrer to establish citizenship for getting a passport, but its lack of physically identifying information found on the "Birth Certificate" precludes it from being useful in proving "Natural Born" status. I guess Obama thinks enough folks are so ignorant that he can get into the Whitehouse before too many finds out.


 The normal “Birth Certificate” has all kinds of uniquely identifying information along with eyewitness’s (doctor, nurse, orderly) and the specific location so that it is now verifiable and traceable. What Obama’s has displayed in NOT a Birth Certificate, Even if it is real, (some forensic experts say the displayed cert has signs of tampering) it does not provide any kind of traceable proof. This is not the tractable to an individual “Birth Certificate” most any other American would be able to show. 

This may well be the biggest fraud ever perpetrated. What is the big deal in showing the real deal Obama?


Real Birth Certificate     - - - > top index

Obama web posted computer generated doc

This is what everyone is Expecting




SEE The Difference! The amazing thing is that lacking the real thing, forensic experts have really dug in and several put forth convincing evidence that even this worthless document has been tampered with.  from this web site:


Note this dialog regarding the difference in certificates.

A Certification of Live Birth is not a legal document and is explained on this State of Hawaii Department of Hawaiian Home Lands website.


To process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL.

End Quote - See


Note the difference between a "Certificate of Live Birth" and a "Certification of Live Birth." The certification needs ...


Letter From Hank - A good run down on this key issues- a pithy read too 

I don't wear tin foil hats.  I really don't care about the font, or the word "AFRICAN" instead of the widely-used word of "NEGRO" or "BLACK" in 1961.  The borders make absolutely no difference, to me.  If you peel back the layers, and claim to find the word "Adobe" embedded in the electronic document - this means nothing to me.  Frankly, I don't even know what a "halo" around a word is.  The mystery surrounding Barack Obama's "Live Certificate of Birth", is in fact no mystery at all.  The document is authentic, and this cannot be disputed.


But Obama is hiding something, and I'll tell you how I know...


After months and months of unrequited requests, the Obama campaign did finally present a document which they claimed validated his eligibility (per the Constitution of the United States, Article II, Section I) as a "Natural born citizen" to have his name on the ballot in contention for the office of the President of the United States of America. 


However, contrary to what the few media outlets who are giving this outrageous claim any attention at all have concurred, what the Obama campaign supplied was not, in fact, a "birth certificate".  What they supplied was actually a "Certificate of Live Birth."  There is a major difference between a "birth certificate" and a "Certificate of Live Birth."  Aside from the level of detail differentiating the documents (hospital of record, doctor, height, weight, etc) - in the state of Hawaii, one authenticates natural born citizenship, and the other doesn't.  This part is important, and again - it has nothing to do with tin foil hats.  Per the State of Hawaii's Department of Health, "Amended certificates of birth may be prepared and filed with the Department of Health, as provided by law, for 1) a person born in Hawaii who already has a birth certificate filed with the Department of Health or 2) a person born in a foreign country."  (For citation purposes, please feel free to visit their site: ). 


Why is this important?  The "Certificate of Live Birth" provided by Obama, is in fact, a derivative of the "Amended certificates of birth" they site.  Why is that important?  Because per the second clause in the above citation, while you may earn citizenship via such a document, you do not necessarily earn "natural born" citizenship.  "Natural born citizenship" is what is required to be eligible to be considered for the Presidency, per the United States Constitution


So where does this leave us?  Well for starters, it leaves many of us....some in tin foil hats, some not....wondering why the Obama campaign did not supply the definitive, actual, long-form birth certificate.  Contentions are, because one such authentic certificate does not exist. 


"That's a pretty distant plea, from the far right, wouldn't you say?  I mean he couldn't have gotten this far without being properly vetted, right?"  That is the assumption that most people are making.  "This isn't possible.  You're out of your mind.  Get off the internet."  People have made the assumption, but that's all they've made....the assumption.  Fact: Senator Barack Obama is yet to provide an actual birth certificate to any governing or other body, validating his eligibility, per the United States Constitution, to have his name on the ballot as the next, prospective President of the United States of America. 


When the Obama campaign, after several unrequited requests, did finally submit the "Certificate of Live Birth", in an effort to more formally properly vet and lend credence to the Senator's run for the Presidency - which governing body did they submit it to?  Was it to the Board of Elections?  No, not there.  Was it to the Federal Elections Commission?  No, not there either.  Well then it must have been to the Democratic National Committee, right?  Wrong again.  The Obama campaign chose as their advocate-for-legitimacy, none other than .  Yes, a non-governing, unofficial website.  Adding further mystification and fuel to the "conspiracy whack job" it or not, is a product and entity of the Annenberg Foundation; the very foundation that coupled Barack Obama with Bill Ayers, and Senator Obama worked so vigorously to denounce. 


"Hey, come on.  Now you're just getting too far fetched."  Facts are facts.  However, let's get away from the fact that the sole body the Obama campaign relied on to provide legitimacy to his "Certificate of Live Birth" was birthed itself, from the very Foundation that partnered Senator Obama with Bill Ayers.  There is still yet another legitimate question, barring that fact:  Why a website?....


Why not the Board of Elections?  Why not the Federal Election Commission?  Why not the Democratic National Committee?  It may very well be because they likely chose not to draw undue attention to "proof" that they ultimately knew was accompanied by zero actual credibility. By handing a "Certificate of Live Birth" over to a true governing body as "proof", the burden is then on that governing body to put their own credibility on the line and provide advocacy for that proof.  Rather, however, given the illegitimacy of a "Certificate of Live Birth" as being proof of anything at all regarding natural born citizenship, they would have been forced to effectively say, "This means nothing. And now that you've brought it our attention, and asked for us to put our name on the line as complicit in validating your 'natural born citizenship', we're going to need the actual birth certificate. And if you can't provide it, apologetically, we absolutely can't cite what you've given us as validation." So what did they do?  They sent it to, knowing full well it would be embraced and credited by the allegedly non-partisan website.


And who stepped up after that and asked questions?  No one.  Wait, that's wrong....the "nut job, tin foil-hat-wearing right wing conspiracy theorists" did.


In August, "nut job, tin foil-hat-wearing right wing conspiracy theorist", lifetime Democrat, former US District Attorney General for the State of Pennyslvania, Philip Berg, challenged Barack Obama in court - seeking to ultimately compel him to produce an actual birth certificate.  After months of fighting this, and months of expending time, money and resources by the Obama campaign - the case was ultimately thrown out.  "Well if the case was thrown out, it must mean it was baseless."  Wrong again.  The case was thrown out, not unlike the one against Ohio's SOS, Jennifer Brunner, due to the standing of the party that brought the case, to do so.  There was no decision on merit.  There was no ruling.  There was only the citation that a citizen could not bring the charge.  But still, the question remained, why did the Obama campaign, or rather, Barack Obama himself - who the case was brought against, not quell the charge entirely by simply producing an actual, authentic, long-form birth certificate....thereby validating his eligibility to be complicit with the United States Constitution, Section II, Article I, prove his natural born citizenship, and march comfortably through the rest of a fair, tested, and properly vetted election process?  This time, I have no answer.  Do you?  Does he?  Many of us are waiting.


He had plenty of time to manufacture and execute and incredible campaign.  Outspending his opponent by estimates of up to 5 to 1, he certainly had resources.  He did find time, amidst this very quiet and clearly extraordinarily tricky trial that the media mostly would not touch, due to the "nut job" nature of the theories - to go to the state in question, Hawaii, to visit his grandmother.  When did he have time to make this trip?  Not only at the tail end of the election, but coincidentally - at the tail end of the trial questioning his natural born citizenship, in fact only a few days after he and his attorneys watched the clock expire on the court-recognized demand by the Plaintiff to produce the document.  But alas, no time or resources to actually hand a piece of paper over to the courts, the Board of Elections, the Federal Elections Commission or even the Democratic National Committee.


"Well Hank, that law in the Constitution is pretty minor compared to what Barack Obama will do for us as President."  That's very, very questionable - to anyone who truly understands the nature of capitalism and/or national security.  Actually, that's an unfair statement.  I would say, in the opinions of many, many Americans - that's very questionable to those who believe they, or Senator Obama's opponent, better understand the nature of capitalism and/or national security, than does Senator Obama.  So let's not ignore the Constitution entirely, just because potentially a little more than half of the voters believe he's the man for the job.  Afterall, I may very well be considered able-minded to more responsibly and effectively spend $100,000.00 better than a bank or it's customers....but this doesn't give me the authority to go in and steal it.


Obama has not yet properly disclosed the one document that would remove all doubt, and properly vet him for the position he has pursued, by way of the trust of the American people and the millions and millions of dollars of contributions they have handed over to him, and his effort.  He simply, has not yet done this. 


He has given a less credible document to a website enabled and hosted by a foundation Barack Obama worked under, to provide advocacy on the issue.  But that document authenticates the claim the same way hearsay ineffectively would support a defendant's testimony.  It is still, one removed from the actual truth.  No.  In fact it's even less credible than that.  The fact is, the contention of Philip Berg is that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya, per a hospital record that allegedly exists there for Barack Hussein Obama II, as well as his paternal grandmothers proud citations of having been in the delivery room in Kenya when he was born.  The document Senator Obama provided the website, per the Hawaii Department of Health, could be attained by someone who was not born in the United States.  It's effectively moot.  This is the Presidency of the United States of America.  This is a matter of upholding a basic fundamental of the United States Constitution.  These are bases of significant stature.  I have seen many people get many passes, but this simply cannot be one of them.  Whatever may or may not be done in the next 4-8 years, is entirely insignificant relative to what will happen to our process, and the indiscretion "We the people" allow to occur by affording someone the ability to cheat the American people on his way to the most powerful position on the entire planet. 


He may not have known Bill Ayers was an unrepentant domestic terrorist when he sat in his living room and arguably launched his political career.  He may have been 8 years old when Ayers committed these acts, but at 40 years old....he may not have heard him repeatedly declare that he was not remorseful for his terrorist behavior.  It may have been coincidental that Ayers and Obama both gave interviews within a week of each other in September of 2001, where they each discussed the importance of the redistribution of wealth.  He might really have slept through 20 years of Jeremiah Wright's sermons, never once hearing the race-filled propaganda and anti-American sentiments we all eventually caught wind of.  Perhaps it slipped his mind when he claimed to have no ties to ACORN, that he led training sessions for them....or contributed over $800,000.00 to their umbrella for the 2008 election season.  Maybe that's all true. 


What part of "natural born citizenship" escaped him though?  This one, I have to hear.  And if it's an illegitimate question, then I would plead with Senator Obama to retain all the money he's expending fighting the multiple cases that have popped up across the country, once and for all provide proof of his natural born citizenship by way of an actual birth certificate, and....I don't know, maybe give what he would have spent on the trials to the middle class he is so concerned about.


Hank Rand

Lakewood, Ohio



Response: 10/23/08

 - The republicans don't want to be in any way connected to our work

                None of us have any previous connection with each other - we are just sharing helping each other


The statement regarding the lawsuits is broad because they are in various stages of readiness, 3 patterned after, or inspired by, my arguments, 2 predated mine and have been well published and seek the same goal - truth about Obama.

Almost every day a new state gets started -When I think they are really going forward they get listed; in this case I gave the email contacts in the Press Release. If there is a mistake I apologize - this is no organization - just a grassfire and it is quite something for me to behold what has taken hold.


WA filed and due in court on Mon

Ct I believe was served today or perhaps tomorrow, Ill have to check.

Ga will be before the judge tomorrow.

PN Ongoing as well publicized

HI  Ongoing as well publicized

VI  Filed 10/22  hearing 29th


Look I don't know who you are, when these folks call me and ask for help in filing, a small cadre of like minded folks do what we can to help. If it looks like they are serious and the paperwork is moving forward, I list them as filers. As fast as we can go, the process personally is laborious, really.  But I believe each of the following should have lawsuits being prepared ready to go any day.


I am getting sooo little sleep now, perhaps that wording as submitted to me could have been tighter, but it does represent reality that these suits really are going forward. That's real and to the best of my knowledge..


Current list of additional committed filers that should be in the court houses in the next couple days





I hope this helps to clarify the exact status of each of these pending & actually court filed lawsuits.


Great News

written by Wild Bill, October 22, 2008


The Virginia lawsuit (actually a Petition for Writ of Mandamus) was filed today. Ironically, we almost missed filing and serving due to the thousands of people downtown today to see Obama speak. In even better news, the Honorable Walter W. Stout III, the chief judge, granted our motion for an emergency hearing and set a briefing schedule. We were required to serve the Board of Elections a copy of the schedule today (which we did). We must file our brief and all supporting evidence on Friday. The Board of Elections has until the 28th to file a response. We may file a reply on the 29th and the hearing will be held on the 30th at 1:30p.m.

We did send copies of the suit and orders to the local media, but unlike some people, we are more interested in pursuing the legal battle, not whoring ourselves out to the media. For that same reason we are not setting up a website or soliciting donations.

We will let you know how things progress.

Ted,  29 Oct 08         from David Archbold


I do not know of any active case in CA and am coordinating various state actions. I know of many people interested, and some intending to file in CA. We are still trying to build on what we've experienced in these cases that have already been dismissed.


PAPER CHASE NEWSBURST    - - - > top index

Federal judge dismisses Obama citizenship lawsuit
Devin Montgomery at 2:55 PM ET


[JURIST] Judge R. Barclay Surrick of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania [official website] on Friday dismissed [case materials] a lawsuit challenging the citizenship status and eligibility of Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) to become US president. The lawsuit [complaint, PDF], filed by Pennsylvania attorney Philip Berg, had alleged that Obama did not meet the constitutional requirement [LII backgrounder] of being a "natural born" US citizen, arguing that Obama had lost his citizenship as a child when his mother married an Indonesian man, and had failed to reclaim it upon becoming an adult. Berg also alleged that there was insufficient evidence that Obama had been born in the US, and challenged the veracity of his Hawaiian birth certificate [certificate image]. Surrick dismissed the case, finding that Berg lacked standing to bring the suit because he did not face direct harm even if the allegations were true. Berg has said that he plans to appeal [press release] the suit's dismissal. AP has more.

A similar court challenge was previously made to the citizenship of Obama's presidential rival, Senator John McCain (R-AZ), arguing [NYT report] that McCain did not qualify as a "natural born" US citizen because he was born at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone, a military installation outside of US territory. US District Judge William Alsup dismissed that lawsuit [order, PDF] in September for lack of standing


Unconvinced Obama's a citizen  ... that both candidates meet the 'test' despite the pending lawsuit in U.S. District Court of Pennsylvania against Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election... News-Star, Tue, 14 Oct 2008 07:00:00 GMT • Found on Topix News

PRODUCE OBAMA EMBOSSED BIRTH CERTIFICATE - The Petition Site We signed the "PRODUCE OBAMA EMBOSSED BIRTH CERTIFICATE" petition! ... I would also like to know if Obama has dual citizenship (Kenyan) and if his father • Found on Windows Live

israelinsider: politics: LOLo: one certificate theory crashes but new Obama citizenship doubts ... several private initiatives in various states to petition the responsible authorities to demand that Obama ... • Found on Windows Live, Yahoo! Search

BERG v. OBAMA et al :: Justia News  BERG v. OBAMA et al - Justia - News - Free Legal Information - Laws, Blogs, Legal Services, News and More. • Found on Google, Windows Live, Yahoo! Search

Stop the Obama Constitutional Crisis | Concerned American Voter  Action Petition: Stop the Obama Constitutional Crisis ... Stop the Obama Constitutional Crisis. Sign the Petition : 10,877 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

HeraldNet: Obama's birth stirs legal action in Washington   Obama's birth stirs legal action in Washington October 14 ... Obama's birth stirs legal action in Washington. Posted at 4:48 pm by Jerry Cornfield | 10/10/2008 | Candidates meet 'natural-born' test   As John McCain and Barack Obama vie to become president, certain fevered voices ... a "natural-born citizen" as the Constitution requires.</p><p>Obama plainly is, ...

Where's Obama's proof of citizenship?  San Francisco Examiner

> Fox Toledo News airs Berg v. Obama story

Tuesday, 14 October 2008 17:51 administrator Main - Main

Former UT law student sues, questions Obama's citizenship

Philip J. Berg, a former University of Toledo law student, is suing Sen. Barack Obama, asking questions about the Democratic presidential nominee's citizenship. Berg doesn't believe he was born in the United States and if the Illinois senator is elected, it would cause a crisis within the U.S. Constitution. Obama's campaign contends he was born in Hawaii. FOX Toledo's Kristi Leigh investigates.

> Where's Obama's proof of citizenship?  San Francisco Examiner

Dismissal of lawsuit questioning Obama's presidential eligibility to be appealed     - 10/26/2008

Philip Berg's lawsuit challenging Obama's constitutional eligibility to serve as president of the United States was dismissed by Judge R. Barclay Surrick

Elden does this type of research, 1,000s of hours,          - - - > top index

        because your local and our national news         Does not tell us complete and current news !    Truth Seekers meets Sunday at Top O Rock since Feb. '05

Obama's Kenyan Birth Evidence to be Revealed (with video)   - - - > top index

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Update 1/1/2009, 3:36am CT - In his 7:45pm Plains Radio broadcast, this last night, Ed Hale backed down from his prior assertion of having gained even uncertain information about the Barack Sr. / Stanley Ann divorce decree containing language referring to Barack Jr. as being born in Kenya. Instead, Hale referred to an apparently tricky recollection... of an indeterminate person... referring to such a document's generally referring to the place of birth of the children of the divorced parents. That is not what I heard from Mr. Hale on the 31st.

Two people reported during the broadcast that they had contacted Hale's private investigator yesterday, who indicated he did not thoroughly read the documentation and does not know how it addresses Barack Obama Jr. -- nor did he make a copy for himself. It would appear that Hale will receive a valid copy of this decree, probably Friday, 1/2. What it states will be what it states. He promises to post and report, as described below.

While my article maintains a journalistic separation from the principals of this story and is a report of statements of others on the matter, I believed it worthy of "pushing out" to readers and those who would faithfully relay the story. That worth appears less merited at this point and I apologize for that, to them and you. However, this should mean the first public viewing of that divorce decree. If it does not include information pertinent to Barack Obama's birth, at least that will be known. And that is more than may be said of President Elect Obama's actual birth certificate. This also seems fitting for a politco who advanced to the U.S. Senate along a path of the convenient "mainstream media" reporting of scandals from two of his opponents' own divorce records and an "outing" of a family member of another; sauce for the goose.

I.O. emphasizes that place of birth aside, Barack Obama is clearly and thoroughly not a natural born Citizen and is therefore specifically ineligible to be our United States President. This is due to his U.K. citizenship at birth, passed from his father. That is referred to below and explained in the article, "The Donofrio 'Natural Born Citizen' Challenge."

I.O. also observes that even a valid hard copy of the kind of certificate of birth that Obama has ostensibly submitted is not the kind of birth certificate which is required for numerous purposes. Further, it is suspect that Obama has invested what some say is approximately $1M to keep his actual, Hawaiian birth certificate undisclosed -- seemingly thematic with "pleading the Fifth." At the very least, it would officially document his father and that is one wheel off his bike to the White House.

12/31 - A private investigator in Hawaii has uncovered the divorce decree for Barack Obama's father and mother, which indicates they had "one child under the age of eighteen, born in Kenya." That is the report of Ed Hale of, an Internet radio site which has focused upon the natural born Citizen challenges to Obama's presidential eligibility.

Hale announced this during his evening Internet broadcast on, Tuesday, 12/30 and confirmed it with I.O. in an online interview, later that night. He reported that certified copies of this documentation have been sent from Hawaii by the investigator to himself and four others. Hale is to receive his copy today, Wednesday, 12/31 and plans to post it graphically on the site, during the day. He will also discuss this on a special Internet broadcast, between 6pm and 10pm Central Time, tonight. [I.O., 12/31, 2:30pm CT: Ed Hale has sent an email stating that his delivery has been delayed until Friday, 1/2. We wait another day for what he has to show. We can be patient in light of how long we wait for Barack Obama to admit the truth of his ineligibility per Article II (and show us the whole truth of his actual Hawaiian birth certificate, besides)] The site streams audio as soon as it is accessed via Web browser.

The Texan Internet entrepreneur relates he got fed up with the lack of documentation on Obama and decided to discuss ideas with his radio audience. His offer to hire an investigator was met with piecemeal sums of money from listeners to his broadcasts. Hale said some of the information one would expect to find was not available. For example, documentation from Obama's mother, Stanley Ann's divorce to her second husband, Lolo Soetoro had vanished. Hale speculates, the reason this forthcoming 1964 divorce decree had not also been "scrubbed" could be that the divorce had been filed not by Obama's mother, but by Barack H. Obama, Sr. Thus, it may have been overlooked by any plumbers for Obama.

Hale does admit to incomplete certainty of his investigator's work until he receives it, partially due to the PI's accent, the telephone connection, and his slight hearing impediment. However, he is very confident of what he will receive during the day. Mark S. McGrew, who writes about Obama's natural born Citizen problems for, accompanied Hale in his broadcast and also expressed confidence. McGrew had sought publication in numerous American news outlets, but they turned down his articles referring to Obama's apparent ineligibility. Russia's Pravda however, decided his effort to find and report the truth was not to be redlined.

As often related, Barack Obama, due simply to his U.K. citizenship at birth via his Kenyan father, is not a natural born Citizen of America, by definition and the original intent for that term in the Constitution. The Supreme Court has turned down cases which make this point, but according to a September decision in a lower federal court (regarding John McCain's eligibility problem) this would be due to a question of jurisdiction, until Congress is to certify the Electoral College vote on January 8. Further action is to occur, after this date. You may read about this in previous I.O. articles and the sites linked in its sidebar.

Meanwhile, on the question of Obama's place of birth, professionals dealing with documents and forensic evidence have testified that the online "certificate of live birth" provided by Obama is not identifiable evidence of American birth. Now, if Obama's parents' divorce decree states that he was born in Kenya (as his Kenyan grandmother has repeatedly stated) the second epistemological wheel is coming off his vehicle to the White House.

Will Congress pay attention and do its Constitutional duty?

Permission to copy and post this article's text is granted, I.O., AW.

Article originally posted, 12/31, 12:XX am CT