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Truth Seekers


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What we know, we learned.

Yet we’ve never seen many important things !

My selection of documentaries below.

The reason you don’t know these subjects is that others profit and control over you
because you don’t know the deeper truth.

Go to the top link and search there for the title of your interest to get a link to that movie.

At bottom are synopsis of videos:

America: Freedom to Fascism Pay no income tax – lawfully !

Architects of Control, Program One - Mass Control & The Future of Mankind

Confessions of an Undercover Cop

Core of Corruption

Corporate News Is Completely Staged

Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs

DMT: The Spirit Molecule

Earthlings – very powerful, pets, food, health research

Economic Hit Men How the Developed World Robs the Third

End of Liberty

Esoteric Agenda

Fibonacci and the Golden Mean

Flow - For Love of Water

Food, Inc.

Global Warming or Global Governance?

Holes In Heaven? HAARP and Advances in Tesla Technology

I, Psychopath

MK-ULTRA - CIA Mind Control Experiments

Money as Debt

My Brilliant Brain (3 part series)

Nutricide - The Codex Alimentarius

Orwell Rolls In His Grave

Philosophy - Guide to Happiness (6-part series)


RESONANCE - Beings of Frequency

Rex84, FEMA Concentration Camps in the United States

Ring of Power

Scientists Under Attack: Genetic Engineering in the Magnetic Field of Money

Scientology, the CIA, and MIVILUDES: Cults of Abuse

Secret of Oz, The

Simply Raw

The Capitalist Conspiracy

The Century of the Self

The Corporation

The End of America

The Illuminati

The Men Who Sold The World

The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

The Secret Life of Plants

The Shock Doctrine

The Story of Stuff

The U.S. vs. John Lennon

The Union: The Business Behind Getting High

The World According to Monsanto

They Are The Actors of The News Industry

THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11

WACO: The Rules of Engagement

War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death

Who Killed the Electric Car


THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

Directed by Foster Gamble and Kimberly Carter Gamble

"But as powerful as they are, the architects of the new world order cannot create their dreadful vision withour our collusion. To stop them, to render their agenda obsolete, we have to wake up. We have to take action."

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.


The Shock Doctrine

The Rise of Disaster Capitalism – Naomi Klein

Fear is the best method of control. Shock a person or a group of people long enough and they too will become obedient. An excellent video based on Naomi Klein's book 'The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.'

America: Freedom to Fascism

Pay no income tax – lawfully !

Produced by Aaron Russo

Determined to find the law that requires American citizens to pay income tax, producer Aaron Russo ("The Rose," "Trading Places") set out on a journey to find the evidence. This film which is neither left, nor right-wing is a startling examination of government. It exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913 when the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created. Through interviews with U.S. Congressmen, a former IRS Commissioner, former IRS and FBI agents and tax attorneys and authors, Russo connects the dots between money creation, federal income tax, and the national identity card which becomes law in May 2008. This ID card will use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips which are essentially homing devices used to track people. This film shows in great detail and undeniable facts that America is moving headlong into a fascist police state. Wake up! ( https://www.freedomtofascism.com

The Illuminati

Produced by Christopher Everard-Jurquet

This Illuminati, this group who calls themselves the enlightened ones, had gained positions of power through control of the banking system." –Anthony J. Hilder

Billions of people on planet earth are living in ignorance.  Before your very eyes, politicians are advancing a global plan. Since the time of Napoleon, secret societies have been influencing politicians to take over and conquer Europe. Now, in the 21st century, their work of ages is coming to fruition.  The New World Order is about the centralization of power. It's about silencing any public criticism of the system. It's about commercializing and selling everything as a product. It's about letting China torture students and still allowing them to host the Olympics. It's about closing down government owned schools and hospitals, turning them into apartments, and then letting private companies make profits from teaching your children or selling you drugs. The secret societies and political organizations running the New World Order use various symbols and numbers. Once you learn their secret language, you too will have the All Seeing Eye. (Excerpt from film)

Please visit the official website for more information:

Ring of Power

Produced by Amenstop Productions

"Although geographically separate, the city-states of London, the Vatican, and the District of Colombia are one interlocking empire called "Empire of ‘The City.’” The flag of Washington’s District of Colombia has three red stars, one for each city-state in the three city empire. This Corporate Empire of three city-states controls the world economically through London’s inner-city, militarily through the District of Colombia, and spiritually through the Vatican.”

From the mystery religions of ancient Egypt to the Zionist role in 9/11, "Ring Of Power" unrevises 4000 years of revisionist human history with never - before - seen revelations. "Ring Of Power" puzzles together the pieces of a giant puzzle into one BIG PICTURE documentary series.  ABOUT THE PRODUCER: The Producer is an experienced, award winning documentary filmmaker who, as a child, learned that her father was a member of the secretive cult of Freemasonry. She recalls many arguments between her parents over her father's secret meetings and the exclusion of women from the brotherhood. The Masonic ring that her father wore had been passed down from father to son over the generations. When she asked her father about the meaning of the letter "G" and the compass and square on his ring, she got no response. As an adult, she decided to investigate. That investigation grew into four years of intensive research into the identity and history of the diabolical globalists who she calls the "Ring Of Power". Their goal is one World Empire and one world ruler.

Food, Inc.

Directed by Robert Kenner

"There is a deliberate veil, this curtain, that's dropped between us and where our food is coming from. The industry doesn't want you to know the truth about what you are eating because if you knew, you might not want to eat it."

In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that has been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of our government's regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA. Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, herbicide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won't go bad, but we also have new strains of E. coli—the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults.

Secret of Oz, The

Directed by Bill Still

It is well known in economics academia that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum in 1900 is loaded with powerful symbols of monetary reform which were the core of the Populist movement and the 1896 and 1900 president bid of Democrat William Jennings Bryan.

The yellow brick road (gold standard), the emerald city of Oz (greenback money), even Dorothy’s silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers for the movie version) were the symbol of Baum’s and Bryan’s belief that adding silver coinage to gold would provide much needed money to a depression-strapped, 1890s America.

We believe Baum’s symbols represent the only solution to relieve the growing economic hardship here in America – and the rest of the world. Practically speaking, 2009 marks the 70th anniversary of the 1939 MGM release of the The Wizard of Oz movie, so interest will be very high. Even Oz websites put up by kids get millions of hits.

Orwell Rolls In His Grave

Meticulously tracing the process by which media has distorted and often dismissed actual news events, Pappas presents a riveting and eloquent mix of media professionals and leading intellectual voices on the media.

From the very size of the media monopolies and how they got that way to who decides what gets on the air and what doesn’t, ORWELL ROLLS IN HIS GRAVE moves through a troubling list of questions and news stories that go unanswered and unreported in the mainstream media. Are Americans being given the information a democracy needs to survive or have they been electronically lobotomized? Has the frenzy for media consolidation led to a dangerous irony where in an era of more news sources the majority of the population has actually become less informed?

ORWELL ROLLS IN HIS GRAVE reminds us that 1984 is no longer a date in the future. (Excerpt from main website)

Money as Debt

Produced by Paul Grignon

"Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal, there is no human relation between master and slave." –Tolstoy

"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later, is the people versus the banks." –Lord Acton

The Century of the Self

"This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy." –Adam Curtis

The Corporation

Ted says – In US Law, corporations have gained dominance over living people. They have no soul, they never die, they just keep moving for profit for their share holders, killing, maiming and destroying without consciousness.


Frontline: The Tank Man


Tank Man, or the Unknown Rebel, is the nickname of an anonymous man who became internationally famous when he was videotaped and photographed during the Tiananmen Square protests on 5 June 1989. Several photographs were taken of the man, who stood in front of a column of Chinese Type 59 tanks, preventing their advance.


The still and motion photography of the man standing alone before a line of tanks reached international audiences practically overnight. It headlined hundreds of major newspapers and news magazines and was the lead story on countless news broadcasts around the world. In April 1998, the United States magazine TIME included the "Unknown Rebel" in its 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

The Capitalist Conspiracy

Directed by G. Edward Griffin


The purpose of this presentation is to show that the conspiratorial view of history -particularly of recent history- is the correct view; that there is a secret and powerful combine at work today: that it constitutes the unseen government of the United States; and that it properly can be identified as The Capitalist Conspiracy.


Earthlings – very powerful, pets, food, health research

Humans, therefore, being not the only species on this planet, share this world with millions of other living creatures as we all evolved here together."

The World According to Monsanto

"There's nothing they are leaving untouched: the mustard, the okra, the bringe oil, the rice, the cauliflower. Once they have established the norm: that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be collected. We will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow. If they control seed, they control food, they know it – it's strategic. It's more powerful than bombs. It's more powerful than guns. This is the best way to control the populations of the world." –Vandana Shiva

The story starts in the White House, where Monsanto often got its way by exerting disproportionate influence over policymakers via the “revolving door”. One example is Michael Taylor, who worked for Monsanto as an attorney before being appointed as deputy commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1991. While at the FDA, the authority that deals with all US food approvals, Taylor made crucial decisions that led to the approval of GE foods and crops. Then he returned to Monsanto, becoming the company’s vice president for public policy.

Thanks to these intimate links between Monsanto and government agencies, the US adopted GE foods and crops without proper testing, without consumer labeling and in spite of serious questions hanging over their safety. Not coincidentally, Monsanto supplies 90 percent of the GE seeds used by the US market.

Who Killed the Electric Car

"This wasn't the first time the electric car was killed. One hundred years ago, there were more electrics on the road than there were gas cars. For many people, electric cars were the car of choice. They were quite and smooth and could be charged at home. Gas cars by comparison required cranking and produced exhaust."

WACO: The Rules of Engagement

Nutricide - The Codex Alimentarius

Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs

Economic Hit Men

How the Developed World Robs the Third

Economic hit men," John Perkins writes, "are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder."

Core of Corruption

"Those in power will do anything within their power to remain, in power."


Esoteric Agenda

"This all may start making more sense when you start understanding that common citizens aren't meant to know what is happening at the top. Is there any dispute that to gain power in our day in age, it takes strategy and intelligence rather than brute force? Logic will tell you that in any sport or game, to claim victory, you must keep your moves strategic and secret. Why would it be any different in global politics?


Fibonacci and the Golden Mean

The Divine Proportion in Nature

Holes In Heaven? HAARP and Advances in Tesla Technology

Corporate News Is Completely Staged

They Are The Actors of The News Industry

MK-ULTRA - CIA Mind Control Experiments

The Nazis Didn't Lose, They Just Moved

They are at work now here in America

DMT: The Spirit Molecule

"[Dr. Rick Strassman's] pioneering has raised some very important questions about the pineal gland and its interaction with a strange hallucinogenic chemical known as DMT. Could the interaction of these two components be the seat of consciousness? Could it in fact be the gate through which we enter and leave each new life?"


Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11

Directed by Barrie Zwicker

"The left is far more infiltrated by actual paid agents of the FBI and the CIA, and the like, than most of us on the left are willing to think about seriously. The CIA...has virtually unlimited funds. It is above and beyond the law and it knows no moral constraints. It has no financial or moral or legal constraints to stop it from doing whatever it's going to do. There's a tremendously large number of CIA agents who are moles within the media. They occupy positions, high and low, throughout the newspaper, television, radio, and book publishing industries."

Rex84, FEMA Concentration Camps in the United States

Martial Law is Creeping In...

There over 600 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States.

War Societal Science/Tech Religion People Overwhelmed?! Mystery Money/Economic Media Inspirational Human Rights Featured

"If Voting Changed Anything, They'd Make It Illegal" –Emma Goldman

"The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."

RESONANCE - Beings of Frequency

Producted by James Russell

"The pulse of the earth, Schumann Resonance, was exactly 7.83 hertz. The discovery was remarkable. Schumann Resonance wasn't just similar to alpha waves of the human brain, it was identical. The brain's frequency which controls our creativity, our performance, our stress, anxiety, and our immune system had somehow tuned into the frequency of the planet. The pulse of the earth had become the pulse of life itself."

RESONANCE is a sensational eye opening documentary which reveals the harm we are doing by existing in an ocean of man made wireless frequencies.

Two billion years ago life first arrived on this planet; a planet, which was filled with a natural frequency. As life slowly evolved, it did so surrounded by this frequency. and Inevitably, it began tuning in.

By the time mankind arrived on earth an incredible relationship had been struck; a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend.

Research is showing that being exposed to this frequency is absolutely integral to us. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronizes our circadian rhythms, and it aids our immune system and improves our sense of wellbeing.

Not only are we surrounded by natural frequencies, our bodies are filled with them too. Our cells communicate using electro magnetic frequencies. Our brain emits a constant stream of frequencies and our DNA delivers instructions, using frequency waves. Without them we couldn't exist for more than a second.

This delicate balance has taken billions of years to perfect. But over the last 25 years the harmony has been disturbed. and disturbed dramatically.

Mankind has submerged itself in an ocean of artificial frequencies. They are all around us, filling the air and drowning out the earth's natural resonance.

To the naked eye the planet appears to be the same. But at a cellular level it is the biggest change that life on earth has endured; the affects of which we are just starting to see and feel.


Directed by Scott Noble

"Propaganda has become the primary means by which the wealthy communicate with the rest of society. Whether selling a product, a political candidate, a law, or a war, seldom do the powerful delivery messages to the public before consulting their colleagues in the public relations industry."

Here in the United States, we’re often brought up and told we don't have propaganda. That we have a hard-charging investigative crass, we have this educated, skeptical, even cynical citizenry and that if there were powerful interests trying to manage and manipulate public opinion, they would be exposed.

The reality actually is just the opposite. Academics like Alex Cary and others who’ve spent their lifetimes looking at how propaganda works, finds that it’s actually in western democracies and open societies where you need the most sophisticated sorts of propaganda.  Since World War I, thanks to people like Ivy Lee and Eddie Bernays… propaganda has become a business, this business of public relations.  

Confessions of an Undercover Cop

Directed by Brian Hill

"The story of Mark Kennedy is about a lot more than who he was sleeping with and whether his bosses knew about that. It's about why he was deployed for seven years to infiltrate the environmental movements and why did the police believe it was acceptable to prevent people from exercising their democratic right to protest."

Flow - For Love of Water

"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water." –W.H.Auden

Irena Salina's award-winning documentary investigation into what experts label the most important political and environmental issue of the 21st Century - The World Water Crisis.

Salina builds a case against the growing privatization of the world's dwindling fresh water supply with an unflinching focus on politics, pollution, human rights, and the emergence of a domineering world water cartel.

Interviews with scientists and activists intelligently reveal the rapidly building crisis, at both the global and human scale, and the film introduces many of the governmental and corporate culprits behind the water grab, while begging the question "CAN ANYONE REALLY OWN WATER?"

Beyond identifying the problem, FLOW also gives viewers a look at the people and institutions providing practical solutions to the water crisis and those developing new technologies, which are fast becoming blueprints for a successful global and economic turnaround

Scientists Under Attack: Genetic Engineering in the Magnetic Field of Money

"The attack on scientists is very well structured by the biotech industry. It's systematic. It's worldwide. It's very coordinated. It's part of the way that they do business. So anywhere in the world, at anytime, if someone finds a problem, they are jumped on. If the problem is really severe, they get jumped on even more, whenever there is something that comes up that can threaten this biotechnology empire." -Jeffrey Smith

"[S]cientists under Attack" is a documentary thriller on the theme of genetic engineering and the independence of science. We exemplary show the fate of scientists - such as Árpád Pusztai and Ignacio Chapela - who do research in the field of genetic engineering and who were punished hard through character assassination and by withdrawing their means of research from them. They are only examples for many important scientists whose careers have been ruined. Statements of scientists prove that 95 % of the scientists in the field of genetic engineering are paid by the industry. Only 5% are independent. The loss of freedom of thought and democracy is obvious. May the public - may we all - still trust the scientists?

Scientology, the CIA, and MIVILUDES: Cults of Abuse

Producted by TheSOTTReport

"Mind control techniques figure prominently throughout the entire scientology curriculum and these techniques bear a striking resemblance to those developed by the CIA around the same time that scientology emerged."

This documentary provides compelling evidence of deep and disturbing connections between intelligence agencies, abusive cults, and the failure of government anti-cult organizations like MIVILUDES to investigate the widespread reports of ritual child abuse around the world. Understanding these connections is key to understanding the psycho-political control of human beings around the world. If you would like to be free, we urge you to study the situation yourself and draw your own conclusions.

End of Liberty

"The US dollar will soon become worthless and Americans will see the purchasing power of their savings and income destroyed."

The United States is no longer the land of the free. Americans live in a system with literally millions of unnecessary government regulations that have destroyed the free market and sent millions of well paying jobs overseas.

Americans today are constantly watching their speedometers and trying to conform to every little rule, yet there are so many rules that it's impossible for even the most honest and hard-working Americans not to be breaking some type of law on a daily basis.

We are slaves in a criminal monetary system where the Federal Reserve steals from the middle class through inflation and transfers this wealth to their banker friends on Wall Street. (Excerpt from film)

My Brilliant Brain (3 part series)

"Susan is the living proof of an amazing theory, that any ordinary child can be turned into a genius."

Three films exploring the very thing that makes us human. Each episode features an extraordinary character who can do extraordinary things with their brain:

Marc Yu is only 7 years old, but he already has a repertoire of over 15 classical piano pieces - some of them over 20 minutes long. Chess grand master Susan Polgar tells the story of how her father turned her and her sisters into chess prodigies. Autistic Savant George Widener stuns us with his superhuman calculating and memory skills. And prepare to be moved by Tommy McHugh - the Liverpool hardman who turned into an obsessive artist after surviving a stroke.

We find out how they do it.

Episode 1 - Born Genius

The secrets of the developing brain - featuring Marc Yu, a 7-year-old pianist, who some say will be the next household name in classical music.

Episode 2 - Make me a Genius

Is a genius born or made? 37-year-old chess sensation Susan Polgar thinks she knows the answer.

Episode 3 - Accidental Genius

When accidents in the brain reveal extraordinary skills - featuring George Widener, the human calculator, and Tommy McHugh, a labourer turned into an artist by a stroke.

Architects of Control, Program One - Mass Control & The Future of Mankind

Produced by Michael Tsarion and Blue Fire Film

"The real war is the war on consciousness. It's very important to always remember that ...Mind control is ubiquitous. It's almost a question of who is not mind controlled, as opposed to who is mind controlled. It's just a difference in degree. The whole question of what is consciousness and how it can be manipulated is one of the most crucial questions of our time."

Program One, explores humankind’s future and the posthuman world. Will the “perfect” human be a dumbed down, regimented inhabitant of a cyber purgatory created by unseen elites? Will the children of tomorrow be smiling depressives of a technocratic dystopia?

Subjects Include: Jim Keith, Mass Control, Mind Control and its History, Radiotronic Weaponry, Psychic Dictatorship, Mass Ritual Killings, The Men in White, Operation Cointelpro, Operation Chaos, Teen Rage, School Shootings, Media Manipulation, Sleeper Assassins, Project Monarch and MK Ultra, Operation Paperclip, Sorcery and Magic, The Cult of Dionysus, People’s Champions, Astro-Theology, The Anatomy of Thought, Tragedy: Catalyst of Change, Global Awakening, The Myth of Progress, The Global Village, The Inauthentic Life, Drugged, Medicated, and Under Control, The Deconstruction Cycle, The Rise and Fall of Civilizations, The Death of Emotion, The Posthuman World Initiated, 2012: The Age of Revealing, Civilization: Rise and Fall, Psychic Hygiene, The Sane and the Unsane.

I, Psychopath

"The vast majority of psychopaths, like an iceberg, are under the water and like an iceberg, they are inert; they do nothing, they're just there. They torment the spouse by being un-empathetic, but they don't beat her or kill her. They bully co-workers, but they don't burn down the office. They are not dramatic. They are pernicious. Most psychopaths are subtle. They are more like poison than the knife and they are more like slow working poison than cyanide." –Sam Vaknin, self-aware psychopath


The End of America

Directed by Ricki Stern and Anne Sundberg

"I saw that the great dictators learned from one another what was essentially a blueprint for closing down an open society. And then it became clear to me that this blueprint is simple. It consists of ten steps. Ten clear steps and then what became so chillingly clear to me is that these ten steps are in place in the United States today."

Investigating parallels between our current situation and the rise of dictators and fascism in once-free societies, Wolf uncovers a number of deeply unsettling similarities—from the use of paramilitary groups and secret prisons to the targeted suspension of the rule of law. With this galvanizing call to arms based on her recent book, she urges regular citizens to take back our legacy of freedom and justice.

The Men Who Sold The World

Everyday people are slowly but surely finding out and learning about the not-so-secret global elite running the world behind closed curtains through global institutions like the UN, IMF, and the World Bank.


Global Warming or Global Governance?

The Story of Stuff

All the stuff we buy, use discard, profits few and devastates many, stripping the rain forests, and natural resources & human resources world wide, while just a few profit, the rest of us suffer the consequences. Great 20 minutes


The Project of the New American Century is the ongoing project that is being pushed by the global elite through corporations in the military industrial complex and global institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.


War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death

"In real time, officials have explained and justified these military operations to the American people by withholding crucial information about the actual reasons and potential costs of military action again and again, choosing to present an easier version of war's reality; a steady and remarkably consistent storyline designed not to inform, but to generate and maintain support and enthusiasm for war."

The Union: The Business Behind Getting High

"Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man." –Francis L. Young, Administrative Law Judge

The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

Directed By Bill Moyers

"Secrecy is the freedom that zealots dream of; no watchman to check the door, no accountant to check the books, no judge to check the law. The secret government has no constitution. The rules it follows are the rules it makes up."

This is the full length 90 min. version of Bill Moyer's 1987 scathing critique of the criminal subterfuge carried out by the Executive Branch of the United States Government to carry out operations which are clearly contrary to the wishes and values of the American people. The ability to exercise this power with impunity is facilitated by the National Security Act of 1947. The thrust of the exposé is the Iran-Contra arms and drug-running operations which flooded the streets of our nation with crack cocaine. T

The Secret Life of Plants

A fascinating account of the physical, emotional, and spiritual relations between plants and man."

That said, this book is about much more than just plants; it delves quite deeply into such topics as the aura, psychophysics, orgone, radionics, kirlian photography, magnetism / magnetotropism, bioelectrics, dowsing, and the history of science.

Philosophy - Guide to Happiness (6-part series)

"We tend to accept that people in authority must be right. It's this assumption that Socrates wanted us to challenge by urging us to think logically about the nonsense they often come out with, rather than being struck dumb by their aura of importance and air of suave certainty."


The U.S. vs. John Lennon

"John Lennon was a born enemy of those who control the United States, which I always say was admirable. Lennon came to represent life, while Mr. Nixon... and Mr. Bush... represent death. " –Gore Vidal

Simply Raw

Raw food has much more nutrition then cooked food.