-hp- Truth Seekers - - Traveling ... www.abodia.com/t  4 July /2013
Wake Up - Truth Surround us. Research by Ted Elden, Public Speaker, Architect, ret. computer guru

The world is very different then main steam news and government tells us.

The Pope and the Roman Catholic Church


The Leopard Vision (vol.1)

The Belly of the Beast, relevant to Pope Francis' visit 2015 Watch Source,

Tell web master a @ abodia.com of any inaccuracies of this summary.

https://youtu.be/gYiXc34-FCk   You Tube   History of Papacy, events on Feb 10, 548 A.D.thru 1260 years to 1798       posted: Sept. 27, 2015

This exciting video presentation shows sorted history of Catholic Church and their coming goals for world dominion.

Current events at Vatican, White House, Congress, Supreme Court, explanations of Revelations & the book of Daniel.

(I kept my hand on the pause button, so I could read all the notes in the video.)

Video Notes:

Every 25 hours, the NSA is unconstitutionally collecting Metadata from 3 billion private phone calls of the U.S. citizens that are not suspected of committing any crimes.

President Obama said: "Nobody is listening to your telephone calls."

Amid privacy debate, Obama says "You can't have 100% security and also then have 100% privacy and zero inconvenience."

6 of 9 members of the Supreme Court of the United States of America are Roman Catholic.

A Catholic majority in the U.S. Supreme Court has unconstitutionally exercise it's judicial authority, thus undermining the governing power of the people.

Operation Jade Helm is a military training exercise to prepare U.S. Soldiers to implement Martial Law on U.S. Soil.

The Overthrow of the Horn of the Republic

Due to lack of education, and the systematic dumbing down of the America Public, the purpose and importance of he U. S. Constitution has been forgotten, and consequently disregarded.

War on the Horn of the Republic & Protest

321 A.D. Emperor Constantine "The Great" passed a law requiring Sunday observance.

This is the true origin of Sunday worship within Christianity.

One of 10 Commandments: Worship on Sabbath Saturday: Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 16:29, 20:8-11, 31:13-16, 35:2-3, Deuteronomy 5:12-15, Hebrews 4:1-7

Lucifer Trust was renamed the Lucis Trust

The Lucis Trust library, next to UN, contains the works of Alice Bailey - spiritualist, Helena Blavatsky - Theosophical Society, The Candid history of the Jesuits, Shakespeare

The Jesuit oath, as found in the Library of Congress, enjoins Jesuit priest to murder all Protestants, including pregnant women and their unborn babies, if they are commanded to do so by the Pope, or their Superior General (the Black Pope.)


The Leopard Vision        Director, the Living God

Exec. Producers: Christopher & Denise Hudson    The Forerunner: Christopher Hudson

Drone Operators: Clive Soutet , Simon Burkhalter & the Hudsons


facebook @4Runner777                   Youtube @TheForeRunner777


text @ 417-693-6995


10 February 1798:  Napoleon ordered French General Berthier to take Pope Pius VI prisoner and to turn Rome into a republic under the French Directory.  General Berthier is responsible for the prophetic Deadly Wound of the Leopard like beast of Revelations 13:1-8
The beast is the Papacy:  search internet for these:
Vatican City
Pope Francis
Pope Benedict XVI
Father Adolfo Nicholas
Father Hans Koivenbach
The accession of the Roman Church to power marked the beginning of he Dark Ages.
As her power increased, the darkness deepened. Faith was transferred form Christ, the true foundation, to the pope of Rome....

References to Revelations 13:1-3 I saw one of it's heads and it were wounded to death.

Papacy was wounded by losing it's civil power in 1798.

Papacy identified by all protestants as the Anti-Christ

The Man of Sin

The Whore of Babylon

The Little Horn

The King of the North


 538 A.D. Roman conquest:  Catholic bishop held undisputed authority in the West

1908 Feb. 10, Pope Pius X Protested the separation of Church and State

1929 Feb. 11, General Mussolini & Carlton Dispari ? formed the Lateran Treaty restoring Papacy's Sovereign power

2009 Feb. 11, President Obama visits pope in Italy.

2015 Feb. 11, another important date

2013 Feb. 11, Pope Benedict XVI announced he decided to resign his position as pope,

                        putting in place the first Jesuit Pope Francis, Padre Mario Begogolio

1.2 billion Catholics follow the pope, 1/7th of World's population.

Vatican is about 100 acres, yet the kings of the earth, form North, South, East and West come to give homage to the pope.


The year 538, therefore, marks the first time since the end of the western imperial line that Rome was freed of Arian kings and the Catholic bishop held undisputed authority in the West. That year, therefore, represents the beginning of the 1260 years of papal supremacy.


If the 1260 years (Bible Prophecy Daniels/ Revelations) began in 538 AD, they must end in 1798.

The 1260 years foretold in prophecy were therefore A.D. 538-1798.

The 7 texts referring to the 1260-year period are as follows:
      Daniel 7:25
      Daniel 12:7
      Revelation 11:2
      Revelation 11:3
      Revelation 12:6
      Revelation 12:14
      Revelation 13:5

Watch the linked video to understand this best. 

The Leopard Vision (vol.1)

The Belly of the Beast, relevant to Pope Francis' visit 2015 Watch Source,