4 July /2013
Wake Up -
Surround us. Research by Ted
Public Speaker, Architect, ret. computer guru
The world is very different then main steam news and government tells us.
This is a private work, by a private man.
All information on this web site and linked web sites is created or handled by
:henry-theodore :elden-jr., the private man, working in the private.
Pages are for educational and entertainment purposes only. They are not legal, ethical nor practical advice.
I create and am involved with information and diverse people.
Nothing about me, or information I handle, either receiving, sending or sharing, is available or permissible for the public.
People can only engage me in a contract, which is written and fully disclosing all terms, with an exchange of equal consideration, with wet ink signatures between some live man/ woman and me and witnessed by one or more of my friends.
Nothing I create is available to any one else unless it bears my wet ink signatures and is witnessed by one or more of my friends.
No one may read, copy, use or apply any of this information without the approval and written consent of this author/ manager.
You may find this or similar information at other places, beyond my control or involvement.
Note how I
You can learn this technique. You can usually find or confirm information and or
related or deeper information
on the internet from many different sources.
Any involvement by you with me or any of these web sites, any of my
communications, or any activity with me
is limited by written consent, signed, witnessed involving both you and me.
Of any information I handle, it was believed to be true at the time it was written or created, but subsequent investigation may confirm or reject it's truth. I am not responsible to correct all the information I have been involved with.
You alone are responsible for your own thinking, research and your
involvement with information
and with other people or organizations.
Ultimately information comes from people., and finally from people's observation.
Many people, for a benefit; money, honor, title, job, perks; car or privilege,
may diverge from real truth
to say or repeat information that they do not know or have not checked to be
A little immediate benefit (real or promised) often causes people to not think
deeply nor consider future consequences,
and to do things that favor them, or those they know, that may ultimately case
harm to other people.
This is clearly illustrated in the Nazi's treatment of other people in WW II,
and in the prisoner experiments done:
in 1971 by Dr. Phil Zimbardos at Stanford University and by Stanley Milgram at
Yale University, showing that people, for a benefit and or under the supposed
authority of other people, will abandon their own moral, ethical, lawful or
human consideration.
I believe God searches the heart of people's motives and resolves their
opportunities and or handicaps accordingly.
(their blessings or their curses)
Proceed at your own risk.
Caveat emptor - buyer beware !
non assumpit - without recourse
both meaning: I am not responsible for anything.
Any involvement by you or anyone in any information, communication or reference to things done by or about me are by your willing consent and acceptance that I have no obligation to you or anyone, except under the specific terms here disclosed.
At this time I am not aware or don't recall of any on going lawful contracts that currently bind me.
If any hold lawful contracts involving me, they must furnish
me with with all information, proof, signatures
and a record of custodians of such contracts.
Any terms, statements or communications are subject to change at any time without any notice.
I am a child of God working within human limits to do what I currently think is appropriate.
Thought is free (unrestrained).
Of anything you find on my words or writing, or on this web site - it is free to read and share, either in reference to my name, or web site link or not. Who can control thought ? Is not all thought free to all people ?
The form, style, manner and location of my words & ideas and or of those I have seen from other people may or may not be unique or original. Some things are supposedly copyrighted. And what does that mean ? Is the idea is locked, not to be used or copied without getting permission and or paying tribute or money to the author / publisher stating the idea or presenting it in a book, video, or audio? Certainly ideas cannot be locked. Perhaps particular presentations or styles may be locked by US Code or copyright law, but Fair Use is a provision for sharing copyrighted works for one or more of these reasons: - criticism, - entertainment and / or - educational purposes.
As language is the limit of thought, language is also diverse in communicating, expressing and sharing information from individual or combinations of: words, phrases, writings, graphics, photos, drawing, sounds, and more.
As you share these ideas with others, if you also share from whom you got them, such as me, that may enable the one who sees these ideas to come back to the source for more such ideas.
I do not show the source and date from which I got my ideas, as I find by searching or by using ThoughtPrint.org method that any one may be able to see one or many sources of that information.
Leaning how to search for (& confirm) information has been critical to my being able to look deeply on many subjects.
After I studied 9-11 I learn that news and government reports are intentionally flawed, distorted, incomplete. I had not known that I could know this suppressed information. Now I know and I teach that most all of us can easily know a deeper truth. To find, confirm, know and tell is the process whereby we must stop the ongoing evil and also bring forth the suppressed good: the cures, technologies and inventions that others have already developed.
Oath of Secrecy: Some people may have sworn an oath not to share certain information they may hear or see.
Regardless of their supposed oath of secrecy or possible punishment, if we learn of something evil that can, will or does harms others, it is our moral duty to report such information. How can you swear not to tell something that you did not know. The oath is void in its concept. If you discover anything evil, it is a crime. To know of a crime and not report it, that is a crime. To conceal a fraud is a fraud. I think that U.S. Code itself confirms that anyone who knows of a crime is bound to report it to someone who will act to see, confirm and prosecute the crime.
If you know of a crime, you are bound to tell someone, perhaps someone in law enforcement, a judge or a court.
They may - ignore you, - pretend it is not true, or find reasons not to pursue or investigate, yet you still have the obligation to report the crime. If you present it in writing, and sign with witnesses, then the one you told is definitely involved in the crime if he does not investigate or report to higher level.
One way to report a crime of loss, injury or death where you are the victim or injured party is to use the governments SF 95 form for reporting a loss, injury or death.
The United States Code is not my idea of real crime nor justice. I believe in Common Law, wherein there is no crime until someone is injured: i.e. physical injury, loss / theft, or someone broke a contract/ agreement.
Then that injured party needs to make a claim (written - signed - witnessed) against the one who injured him.
There should follow some adjudication, court, hearing, settlement and compensation for the wrong.
If you see anything on this or related websites, you could honor me to refer others back here,
but you cannot punish me in that I give no guarantee or authority that this is useful for other people.
It is just a recording of what I once observed, fond and or tried.
I think that most thought is a product of many things: observation, reports, readings, even video or lectures,
memory, telepathy and or remix of any of these.
I do not know if other see my thought nor do I remember all the places I have seen the thoughts & expressions of other people.
As ideas come from diverse places, and are handled by diverse people & media. who can own, control, block or magnify any thought or idea.
Copyrighting is a curious world, as if to say that someone at some time or place or of a thought, writing, object or creation uniquely owns that and that others may be punished, fined or controlled on their use of that thought, idea, expression.
Indians in north America, I believe, shared the land, wild animals, lakes rivers, skies.
that they share in common usage, without ownership.
When Europeans came to "settle these lands, the began claiming everything to be of their ownership.
Have we I that way, spoiled, destroyed, possessed and or misused the great abundance of he natural world that god alone owns.
Are we not to just be Stewarts of the land, managing god's recourses for he use by many, equally.