Redemption Manual 4.5

From Government-Imposed Ignorance To Enlightenment as a Secured Party Creditor

How To Become a Secured Party Creditor: 675 pages!

Also comes with a CD with over 65 files and the audio of the Los Angeles Seminar with Sean Morton and Robert Kelly.

Now Includes:
Bonded Birth Certificate + Expanded Security Agreement

The Redemption Manual 4th Edition will teach you about the process that will take you from being A DEBTOR SLAVE ON THE PLANTATION to a SECURED PARTY CREDITOR - and that is quite a LEAP!

This is the latest, ‘Updated Edition' of the original Redemption Manual which was the FIRST BOOK that covered the complete redemption process. Here you will learn the fundamentals necessary to REDEEM your Strawman and take control of your DEBTOR and all property by filing a security interest and allow you to establish the standing and capacity as a Secured Party Creditor. It is the HOW TO BOOK that will teach you; What redemption is (commercially and from a ‘Biblical perspective), all about the Accepted for Value Process, How Corporations fit into the scheme of things, Public Education, the Monetary System, the Republic, Money Creation and Banks, Your Mirror Image, and HJR-192.

It will walk you through the beginning documents set-up; show you how to file your UCC-1 to become the Secured Party/ Creditor and how to charge back to the Secretary of Treasury your birth certificate to ‘charge-up’ your UCC Contract Trust Account with simple forms and instructions. You will also be shown how to ‘do your own’ Security Agreement, Power of Attorney, Copyright Notice, Hold-Harmless Agreement, UCC-1 and UCC-3 to take back control of your, ‘Debtor/‘Straw-man’ and all of the collateral and property. Additional ‘educational and reference material’ is also included, plus the forms you need and on a BONUS CD with even more background, history and reference material.

The American's Bulletin FOUR POINT FIVE EDITON - 4.5

McCutcheons Ink, P.O. Box 3968, Central Point, OR, 97502 is the authorized publisher/and or distributor of this book. The information and 'articles' contained in this publication are for educational purposes only. The views expressed in this book are solely those of the author and do not represent the views or opinions of the publisher - McCutcheons Ink, or any entity or affiliate of McCutcheons Ink. By using this book you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless McCutcheons Ink and from and against any actual or alleged claims, demands, causes or action, judgments, damages, losses, liabilities, and all costs and expenses of defense.

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This book is dedicated to all

who seek freedom from the Matrix...

The information contained in this book is foundational and ‘entry level' for those who want to become a Secured Party Creditor and is not to be construed as legal advice.

 The contents have been reviewed and edited but errors and typos may exist. This book is not intended to answer every question you may have as to Redemption, as no one book can do that in light of the fact of the continuation of the evolution of information and any respective new processes or adjustments to such processes.

The Redemption Manual is presented as educational information only and it is the responsibility of the reader to continue to study, research, document and understand the program called Redemption and the process(es) thereof before moving forward... whereupon we presume you will take the necessary responsibility to free your mind and take control. 

NOTICE; Proceeding from this point is in effect; taking the RED PILL, obviously from the first Matrix movie (movie review is a few pages forward). Since YOU want to know the truth, to go down the ‘Rabbit Holes,', you will be exposed to new information, history, facts, concepts, processes, etc., so hold on... it's going to be the ride of your life... and YOUR very being, your life, your beliefs, what you've been taught... and your FREEDOM will be tested!

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I would like to acknowledge and give thanks to the many men and women who have played a role in bringing the Redemption process/information forward, as well as those involved in the research, the investigation and the ‘application' of Redemption concepts, as a means to test and perfect the same. Thanks to Roger Elvick for bringing what is called Redemption forward in the beginning and to the man), others since then, too numerous to mention. A special thanks to Michael, Apollo, Nicholas and Marianne for their help in bringing this book together to a finish for this current revision. We all have sought the truth and the facts so we might all come to understand our predicament, servitude and standing; to more fully see and grasp the importance of our sovereignty and Redemption from the ‘commercial scheme; and the servitude foisted upon us while our fathers and grandfathers slept. As we continue to travel up this road, we must not forget those who traveled before us and left the signs of their sacrifice and as we so travel, we must accept the responsibility, dedicate our lives to the same but higher ends for truth and freedom. We must seek out others who desire to be free as 'equal sovereigns,' to experience the benefits of Redemption and what has been created and established for them and their posterity. May our Creator find our efforts worthy on this orb of rock, dust and water as we work towards the goal of freedom, and our Redemption!

... Robert Kelly

Director and Editor

The American's Bulletin

Note: Please disregard any typos or grammatical errors that may exist or be found herein!

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Redemption is not for the timid, the weak, and the ignorant. One must read, study and test (apply) what one is becoming exposed to, in understanding the commercial scheme being operated against every man, woman and child today in this Country... for the sole purpose to allow the ‘government corporations' to survive and continue to serve ‘themselves' under a socialistic bankrupt democracy.

There is not one book that is going to answer all your questions and give you everything you need to know and understand as to Redemption. Much has been researched and written about Redemption. It has been both shocking, interesting, and yet exciting to see the process(es) and the successes in relation to what is dubbed Redemption. It is not the end, but the beginning!

It is imperative that you move forward with the educational process, acquire other books and information (list contained herein) to understand and implement the transfer from being the 'Debtor/Slave' on the Plantation to becoming the Secured Party/Creditor and perfecting your sovereignty. If you do not have a computer and if you do not understand Redemption or are unwilling to learn all that might be necessary in regards to the commercial scheme, as the supposed ‘Principal' (sovereign in a collective capacity) and take the responsibility, it is strongly suggested THAT YOU DO NOT GO FORWARD OR CONTINUE WITH WHAT IS CALLED REDEMPTION.

From this point forward, you must decide which PILL to take. If you decide to take the Blue pill, you wake up in bed and believe whatever you want... and you go back to the plantation and all remains the same... you continue to be a debtor-slave on the plantation owning nothing, having no rights, only privileges. If you take the Red pill, you will be located and removed from the Matrix. You'll be exposed to all the rabbit trails (the reality, the truth) and soon, you'll be able to recognize the ‘commercial program' and to operate within it in a system where there is no money, just commercial paper. You

will come to understand all things as you go forward. You will learn to go to peace and not to war! Before you is a lot of responsibility. As you take the

Red pill and go forward, there's no going back. YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.

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It would be useful at the outset for us to share with you our fundamental assumptions and motivation for writing this manual and the important results and benefits that we hope you will realize in your study of Redemption.

The subject of Redemption is complex and involves the disciplines of history, government, commercial law, statutory procedure, banking and finance, real estate, and diplomacy. Each of these subjects is highly technical and has its own specialized language. To cover all of them in a single manual, at even a fundamental level, would of course be impractical. Therefore out of necessity, we have set as our goal in updating The Redemption Manual 4"' Edition, to present a high level overview of core concepts that we hope will offer you a clear understanding of what Redemption is and how it might be useful to you.

The war that is raging in the world is a war to influence what you think and ultimately how you act. You can control any group no matter how large, if you can shape their opinions, perceptions and belief system in such a way as to distract them from knowing or understanding the fundamental reality in which they are enmeshed; a prison without bars. This is the ultimate form of leverage.

Here is a summary of what happened: A group of men (who wish to remain anonymous), through their agents (employees of United States, Inc., and their sub-corporations) began, under the Lincoln Administration, to quietly hi-jack the Constitution and the three branches of the Constitutional Republic. A quasi-governmental corporate takeover was then engineered to take control of the 50 states, the banking system, and the coining and printing of money. A civil war, a bankruptcy, and the confiscation of the wealth of the nation, were sponsored in order to create a context (read EMERGENCY) for the enslavement of the (formerly) sovereign people of the 50 (formerly) sovereign states under COLOR OF LAW. The icing on the cake: In 1938 the rulings of the Supreme Court were then partitioned to prevent the invocation of any law based on the Common Law, to be replace by the Uniform Commercial Code, and courts of International Contract Law (Admiralty). The coup 'd etat, is that most of you don't even realize that you have personally, aided and abetted by your own ignorance of history and the law, signed and acted yourself into this system of ‘commercial' slavery. You do this every time you get a job, get married, give birth, register your car, take out a mortgage, use Federal Reserve Notes, or join the military. Welcome to the same-old-world order-We have seen the enemy, and the enemy is US!

If this is news, congratulations, you are a successful mind control subject. If you think you are a landowner in America, take a close look at the warranty deed or fee title to your land. You will almost always find the words tenant or tenancy. The title or deed document establishing your right as a tenant, not a landowner, has been prepared for transfer by a licensed BAR Attorney, just as it was carried out within the original English feudal system that you may have presumed yourself to have escaped from in 1776.

If your goal is to recover what has been stolen from you, it will be necessary to redeem yourself from living a life of false perceptions. Redemption is the path of waging peace with your adversary. It is the path of turning the fraud that has been perpetrated on you to your advantage, so that you can control your property and prevail in any venue involving agencies and employees of the state and federal government. This manual offers you the opportunity to move from the ranks of debtor/slave on the plantation to the elevated status of Secured Party Creditor. We wish you success in Redemption.

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If you are new to ‘Redemption,' then the information/process as presented in this book may be shocking and a little strange. We understand that it will be a leap of information that you have never been exposed to! Maybe you've experienced your "government" or were stomped on and railroaded in court or ‘raped, pillaged or plundered' by an attorney, state agency or even the IRS! Maybe you believe Constitutional due process and fairness still exists "in the law"... in the courtroom. Maybe you believe that everything is the way it's supposed to be. They say, "Jump," and you ask, "How high?" You look around and aside from the negative TV News at 6:00 pm, you just don't see anything wrong. Maybe you've not recognized the ‘glitches' in the program... yet. Well, better snap on your seat belt, Dorothy, because things have changed and where you're going, there's no turning back.

This book was difficult to update from its past 3’d edition format. Over six years have passed in regards to what has been dubbed ‘REDEMPTION.' What has come forward since the first introduction of Redemption via seminars, articles, information etc., is voluminous.

This book is not to be construed as legal advice. It is the cumulative work and effort of countless hundreds and maybe thousands of those who came before us and who at present have worked at great expense of time and energy to find the ‘Truth' and ‘Freedom,' if such exist at this time in this country and on this planet!

Using the IRS as an example, we could all agree that based upon well over 25 years of research, all that research is now historical and cannot be rebutted. The facts of history are the facts of history. You cannot go back and change history. You can't, but rather, ‘they' altered the ‘facts' of history in the text books to hide certain things for certain agendas! You'll have to be the judge of that for yourself.

While at this time of our history, the ‘fad' is ‘ have FUN,' yet many do not see the reality that ‘they are living in a fictional world.' While we want our children to have ‘fun' and live safe, go to college, live the good life, we are often pricked into a jolt of commercial reality in regards to fines, fees, taxes, DEBTS and the like, having to go court, whether for traffic or for other matters. There we experience the pain of the ‘economic needle'... extracting our blood (your labor as converted into what you think is dollars) along with the message that... ‘Go forth and be a good citizen/subject, do what you are told, shut-up and be sure to vote!' Within this fictional world of make believe, the masses are subjected to playing a gigantic ‘Monopoly Game' where there is no real money and the banker usually wins.

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As such, and from time and time again, reliable sources (including attorneys) reveal that "law" has no bearing on what happens in court proceedings as much as the "procedure" of which is only known to BAR members (judged, prosecutors, attorneys, including the very defense attorney you were gullible enough to use, hire or who had compelled upon you) who carefully and methodically extract either/all your time (community service/slave labor), money (bail, liens, levy, garnishment, fine, restitution), property (child, home, car, bank account) or your liberty (detention, jail, prison, probation). No one told you that your ‘Attorney' can ONLY represent your ‘Debtor' (an artificial person-entity). No one told you that court proceedings are purely "administrative" and not "judicial" and the "organic" Constitutions (State and Federal) mandate. In these "administrative" proceedings, why is it that these do-called courts do not explain the ‘Nature and Cause' of the action, never prove ‘Jurisdiction' and never allow you to have ‘Counsel of your Choice' and never - never ever allow the jury to decide the law in a case/trial? Maybe those ‘administrative' "Tribunals" are not Constitutional ‘Judicial' Courts of Due Process. Welcome to America!

Or maybe you turned on the radio or television and heard yet another politician praising the passage of a Bill of which neither the politician nor the other members of Congress ever read, let alone having ever brought it before the unbiased masses for scrutiny (which is not done because the Federal Constitution is not for the People). Nearly every Bill passed restricts more and more, in profound ways, freedom of speech, property rights, and freedom of travel, while at the same time, gives public servants more power and authority without having to be accountable to the "people."

Or maybe you received another tax bill (Federal, State, property), or a traffic ticket, or a child support payment bill ... or whatever. While looking at your bank balance or what's left in your wallet, you realize, "Hey, I don't have the money to pay this!" And due to the situation, you just might end up in jail or doing community service work to 'Pay Off' this ‘debt to society!' Wow, don't you get a ‘Gold Star' for the day!

What you will come to understand, learn and know, is that the United Stated (the Federal Corporation) went bankrupt in 1933 and as a result of further acts, removed the substance backing our Nation's money, replacing it with ‘bankruptcy script' of a private corporation... called the Federal Reserve Bank.

Sometime in the 1960's, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) was adopted by most all Stated. The UCC is the federal common law of negotiable instruments and governs all transactions... because there is no lawful money (substance backing the money being gold and silver) therefore you have not ‘paid' your bills nor ‘paid' for anything pursuant to the law of payment since 1933. All you have ever done is discharged the debt... until a future time, but you have not obtained title! The government, because of going bankrupt, had to finance its operation to survive and it needed to do do because it can only tax what it created. It created artificial entities ('End legid,' being a ‘corporation' or 'trust-corporation'), do that it could tax it and in doing do, sends you the ‘tax bill' or other ‘presentments' for fined, feed and taxed! In operating this scheme against you, you think the ‘presentment' is in your name. The government had divested you of your ‘rights, titled, interest, property and wealth' by and through an undisclosed and non-disclosed commercial program to RAPE, PILLAGE AND PLUNDER the American people, to keep the ‘private' government corporations functioning.

In this book and others (the Redemption Companion, Cracking the Code 3rd Edition, Redemption-The Cold Hard Facts and possibly other writings) you will learn, understand and know what the truth is, what the facts are and what the solution is to 'Re-capture' or REDEEM your ‘rights, titles, interest, property and wealth' and put yourself in the position, with standing and capacity (status & knowledge) to ACCEPT FOR VALUE and discharge the debt(s) as a SECURED PARTY/CREDITOR... (Not as a debtor/slave on the plantation as before).

Keep in mind as you begin reading this manual, things within Redemption have evolved from the beginning and continue to do so, even now. You must make the effort to stay updated and currant to the best of your ability as to any ‘new' aspects or matters dealing with Redemption.

The historical concept is: that the American people are still the sovereign power. The Bible teaches that the Israelites (Ish= man, ra = ruling, el= God, = man ruling with God) are the "Kings and Priests of Israel." When the Country was supposedly freed at the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, the concept was established that, "A man is king in his own Castle." Last but not least, "The people have succeeded to the rights of the King, the former sovereign of this State. They are not, therefore, bound by general words in a statute restrictive of prerogative, without being expressly named." Pray-tell, do ‘kings' pay taxes? The people, due to the bankruptcy and commercial law in place that allows the people, as the sovereign power, in their Secured Party / Creditor capacity, to discharge ALL the fines, fees, taxes, judgments and debts, take control of all the property... because there is no other way today to pay the debt(s) (as there is no lawful money), your status was changed to debtor/slave on the plantation for the financial benefit of corporate government.

Before you is a path, like the yellow brick road to OZ. What you will learn will affect you from this day forward, one way or the other. Freedom and truth is like a two-edged sword and with Redemption comes a lot of responsibility to know and understand all that is necessary to become the Secured Party/Creditor (SPC) aka ‘sovereign' (in the collective capacity) with other SPC's to understand the reality... ‘Of the people, by the people and for the people.' As the Creditor, you are the ‘Banker,' therefore would you not agree that you have a lot to learn?

Note: the Treasury indicated that around January of 2001 that there were "over 11 million" transactions/charge-backs sent in which equates to "Over 11 million Secured Party/Creditors on Board!" And around mid-year of 2002 the number was increased to 22 million and most recently (12-2006) 55 million... but those numbers have in no way been verified.

However, you now can become part of this growing base of informed, knowledgeable ‘Secured Party/Creditors' - men and women who, as intended by our God and due to the reality of our ‘day and time,' are moving forward as those, who being ‘above the government corporations, are taking their rightful positions over the government/servant who operate those bankrupt corporations to understand the commercial scheme and discharge the debts.



With that, as in the movie Matrix, you are holding the Red pill. You want to know the truth and a whole lot more. You may proceed into the process/program dubbed ‘REDEMPTION' and may you stay on the path to learn what has been kept from you and may you discover what is really      behind the curtain!

....May God guide and bless you on this journey!


Table of Contents

Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................... 5

Notice.................................................................................................................................. 6

Preface................................................................................................................................ 7

Introduction to Redemption ............................................................................................ 8

Forward............................................................................................................................... 12

Table of Contents.............................................................................................................. 15

MOVIE REVIEWS - Setting The Stage

Wizard of Oz....................................................................................................................... 21

Matrix I ................................................................................................................................ 28

Matrix II ............................................................................................................................... 32

Matrix III .............................................................................................................................. 43

Section I - HISTORICAL BACKGROUND & PRINCIPLES.................................... 58

Redemption ...................................................................................................................... 59

Registration / Obedience / Subjection                                   ........................................ 60

Pre-sent / Re-Present / First Born of Egypt / AFV........................................................ 61

Common Law vs Private Law......................................................................................... 62

Theory of Cognitive Dissonance.................................................................................... 63

Kings / The Career Politician's Creed / Man / Men..................................................... 64

Corporations...................................................................................................................... 65

General Information ........................................................................................................ 66

Public Education & Monetary System .......................................................................... 67

Re-Public............................................................................................................................ 68

Oath - License .................................................................................................................. 69

Money Creation & Banks / Our Mirror Image............................................................... 70

Quotes From The Past .................................................................................................... 71

March 9, 1933 - Senate Document No. 43 - 73rd Congress...................................... 72

Federalist Paper #79 Law Conference / Keynes-1920.............................................. 73

Money................................................................................................................................. 74

Stanek vs White / UCC 3-419......................................................................................... 75

UCC 10-104 ...................................................................................................................... 76

27 CFR 72.11 / Commercial Crimes / Coinage Act - 1965 ....................................... 77

And... Maxim of Law ........................................................................................................ 78

Section 2 -INFORMATIONAL ARTICLES ON US GOVERNMENT, BANKRUPTCY, FED RESERVE, ETC., PRESENTING 'NEW HISTORY'....................................................................................... 79

Time for a Quick ‘Timeline of History' Lesson..................................................................... 80

A Brief History of the United States .................................................................................... 84

What is The United States ................................................................................................... 114

The ‘New Deal' - United States Bankruptcy......................................................................... 148

73 Congress / 1933 / HJR-192 ............................................................................................ 160

Emergency Powers Fraud................................................................................................... 161

Secrets of the Federal Reserve........................................................................................... 164

What Banks Don't Want You to Know / The Credit River Case.......................................... 184

History of United States Currency....................................................................................... 214

Merchants of Fiction............................................................................................................. 216

Are You Sure You Want to Hire an Attorney........................................................................ 221

Mythological License to Practice Law.................................................................................. 225

Essay on the Law with: ........................................................................................................ 234

Babylon and the Roman Empire

Hierarchy of Law

Commercial Law

Uniform Commercial Code (Law)

Section 3 - Sovereignty .......................................................................................................... 238

On Sovereignty of the People.................................................................................................... 239

On the Subject of Sovereignty................................................................................................... 244

A Peak into the Mind of a Tory ................................................................................................. 247

Memorandum on Sovereignty................................................................................................... 250

Section 4 - THE STRAW-MAN/DEBTOR ........................................................................ 256

What is the Straw-man......................................................................................................... 257

Addressing the Straw-man Matter ....................................................................................... 259

The Debtor - UNINCORPORATED CORPORATION....................................................... 260

Why the UCC Filing.............................................................................................................. 261

It's Better to Have One Filed................................................................................................ 267

Commentary on Security Agreement.................................................................................. 280

Basic Steps for Redemption................................................................................................. 282


Secured Party....................................................................................................................... 284

Required Sources................................................................................................................. 285

Convention............................................................................................................................ 288

Process Overview................................................................................................................ 293

Security Agreement.............................................................................................................. 295

Power of Attorney................................................................................................................. 337

Common Law Copyright ..................................................................................................... 343

Hold Harmless Agreement .................................................................................................. 353

UCC-1 Financing Statement ............................................................................................... 365

Sample UCC-1..................................................................................................................... 370

Sample UCC-1 Informational Filing .................................................................................... 371

Sample UCC-1 Amendment for Private Conveyance ...................................................... 372

UCC Financing Statement - Electronic Filing ..................................................................... 373

Charge Back - Letter to SOT- B.C. Bill of Exchange ......................................................... 381

Birth Certificate Bond........................................................................................................... 392

UCC Amendment / UCC-3 Amendments w/ Sample Text................................................. 394

Birth Certificate ... (Sample Only)........................................................................................ 397

1040-ES Tax Voucher ......................................................................................................... 398

Regional Filing List ................................................................................................................ 401

UCC 1, 3 & 11 (for a Search) - Hard Copies - For Duplication

on Copy Machine (No Page Numbers)........................................................................... 402

Section 6 - NOW WHAT DO I DO?


Now What Do I Do................................................................................................................ 404

Conditional Acceptance for Value (CAFV).......................................................................... 409

Steps Dealing with Presentments......................................................................................... 432

Discharge of Debt - UPDATE with NEW INFO! AFV-RFD................................................. 435

Discharge of Debt - Reality Check...................................................................................... 438

So What ............................................................................................................................... 451

Agents................................................................................................................................... 456

Section 7 - TRAFFIC STOPS AND THE COURTS.............................................................. 459

Introduction................................................................................................................................ 460

When Dealing with the Courts................................................................................................... 462

Going into Court......................................................................................................................... 464

General Immunity Pertaining to Prosecutors............................................................................ 469

Before the Judge.................................................................................................................. 471

Courtroom Strategies .......................................................................................................... 474

Advanced Concepts and Techniques.................................................................................. 479

Strategies of Last Resort ..................................................................................................... 482

The Official State Known as PERSON................................................................................ 488

Police Encounters................................................................................................................. 500

If YOU are Taken to Jail ...................................................................................................... 513

A Few Case Cites................................................................................................................. 514

Comment Before the Judge................................................................................................. 515

All Day - Every Day.............................................................................................................. 516

The Mythological Motor Vehicle........................................................................................... 521

Section 8 - AFFIDAVITS .......................................................................................................... 529

The Affidavit................................................................................................................................ 530

Basic Sample of Affidavit............................................................................................................ 536

Affidavit of Truth - BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN ........................................................... 537

Affidavit of Notice Of Default (CAFV) ....................................................................................... 539

Affidavit of WALKER TODD (HOT!) ......................................................................................... 542

Section 9 - APPENDIX .................................................................................................

Glossary                             550

The Past is now the Future -'Shock & Awe'          661

Revised Article 9 (Summary)        662

Copy Certification 671

Theodore Roosevelt Quote - 1907             672

Books and Materials List    673

Miscellaneous         674

Appendix NOTE As To Forms (Section 5)            675

Foot Print Document - (Sample)    676

This is not the END!         677










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