Fossilized Customs  reading/ discussion index

By Lew White


13 Oct audios pages 15 B to 21   A 8 min  B 25 min

6 Oct

12 Ishtar 1 of 3 - 2 min 

12 Ishtar 2 of 3 - 4 min 

12 Ishtar 3 of 3 – 19 min

See scheduled dates below for current discussion.

We meet every Thursday night 7 pm EDT

I suggest we read the lesson or listen to the audio in advance. 

Make notes, bring thoughts or comments to our group call.

If you have comments, problems, or wish to help, please let me know.

> 4    Forward ~ Using Tradition To “Filter” Truth? (Greco-Roman Thinking)

> 7    Doctrines Of Demons ~ How They Invented Your World

> 12  Easter ~ Ishtar, Asherah, Great Prostitute / Mother Of Harlots

6 Oct  > 15  Sinai Autograph ~ The Creator’s Signature / Seal, Memorial Name

20 Oct  > 21  What Is Worship? ~ Obedience - Evidence Of Our Love

27 Oct  > 22  Legalism ~ Or Illegalism? One Will Get You Freed, The Other Fried

  3 Nov  > 24  Elder’s Meeting ~ Paul Warned Us There

17 Nov  > 27  Rosaries & Islam ~ Praying To “Mary”

24 Nov  > 29  Christmas ~ Santa, Nimrod, Asherah Trees, And The Solstice

 1 Dec  > 32  A.D. & B.C. ~ Invented In The Year 525 By Angry Catholic Monk

  8 Dec  > 36  Nimrod Stuff ~ Dead Guy Rules World From Grave!

 15 Dec  > 38  Asherah Connection To Christmas ~ The Tree & Wreath Secret

22 Dec  > 47  Halloween ~ “All Hallowed’s Eve’n”

29 Dec  > 49  What Happens When You Die? ~ Resurrection, Judgment

 5 Jan'23  > 51  Roman Beast ~ Caesar Was Pontiff Before The Arrival Of Catholicism

55  Mithraism ~ & Merging Multiple Religions Into One Multi-Headed Beast

57  Roman Church Timeline ~ How They Invented Your World

61  Illuminati ~ A Secret Conspiracy?

69  Cancer ~ How To Fight Your Mutant Self

70  Viruses ~ Dna Invaders And How To Beat Them

71  Jupiter Star ~ Will It Blow?

73  Appointed Times ~ Church Fathers Abandoned Them!

76  Timeline In Thousands ~ 7 Thousand Years

77  Gospel ~ The Secret Message Is The Gift Of The Torah To Mankind

79  Everlasting Covenant ~ A Marriage Satan Hates

82  10 Commandments ~ The Wife’s Vows - Israel Is Married To Yahuah

85  Last Supper ~ Passover ~ Death Remembrance

93  Turning The World Upside Down ~ The Name Yahuah

94  Church Fathers ~ Antisemitism ~ Replacement Theology

96  Protestant Confessions About Sunday

99  Questions & Answers ~ Blunt, Direct, And Full-Bore

108 Renewed Covenant ~ Guest Article By Brick Parrish

112 Word Survey ~ Greek Interpretations Can Shift Meanings

121 Queen Of Heaven ~ Her Calendar: Abomination Of Desolation

126 Nephilim ~ When Giants Stalked The Earth

129 Seeds Of The Kingdom ~ Good Seed, Bad Seed Explained

158 Mystery Of Iniquity ~ Secret Of Lawlessness

162 Circumcision ~ Immersion = Circumcision

163 Lunar Sabbath Error ~ Removes The Sign Of The Covenant

171 Critic ~ Judging Another Man’s Servant? Love Never Fails

176 Serpent Wisdom ~ Counterfeit Religion Of The Greeks

177 Natsarim And Nazirite ~ Which One Are We?

187 Strong Delusion ~ Programmed To Believe A Working Of Error

191 The Beast & The Anti-Messiah ~ Maitreya Jesus Is Coming

199 Yemach Shmo U’zikro ~ Yeshu, May His Name Be Blotted-Out

204 Letter Chart ~ Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English

206 Moloch / Santa ~ Offering Our Children

209 Resources ~ For Further Investigation

211 Birthday Celebrations ~ Where Do They Originate?

213 Nicolaitanes ~ Lording Over The People

218 Ordering Guide ~ How To Order Directly From Us