Study Goups
Skype thru the Bible www.abodia.com/skype/bible.htm
Hi. I am a communicator.
I invite people into discussions, and think we all benefit to talk with each other.
We get encouragement and right direction, and support for what we want to or must do.
I welcome discussion at my home and or that come here by phone conference calls.
Skype is a free program that works on devices, tablets, phones, computers so that we can meet as a group to talk about things.
Last month, I gathered several people together and we each read one verse of scripture as we read thru certain chapters of the bible.
I will host that again.
So… I am looking for people who want to do this (host) too and who:
- install and learn to use skype on your device.
- pick times they would like to join us and topics they'd like to study.
I always prefer real meetings with people together, but as our people & subjects are specific, it is easier together people to their phone then to get them in the same room.
I also want to establish some hosts to lead these meetings (be the one who calls the others).
Here is my initial plan as shown at www.abodia.com/skype/bible
Times are Eastern Daylight Savings Time
Sabbath: 8 am
Sabbath 5 pm
Sunday 6 pm,
Tuesday 5 pm and again at 9 pm
Here are possible topics:
Choose 1 Gospel (Mathew, Mark, Luke or John, and read it straight thru,
Format: One chapter per session, participants read on verse each, starting sharp at the appointed time, introductions if you like at 5 minutes before the time and discussion after the reading.
(Read it in advance to better understand it)
Then continuing thru the rest of the New Testament.
Another session / reading
- Ecclesiastics, - Genesis, Exodus, Joshua (great adventures - battles !),
Weekly reading of some of Job, Psalms, and Proverbs
The minor prophets:
Joel, Jonah, Joel, Ezekiel, Malachi,
New Testament Letters:
Pauline Letters Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians
Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
Then a group on these:
Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter
1 John 2 John 3 John Jude
So pick a time and gather friends.
Then we'll pick a topic that suits several of us.
People can come or go, but I hope to be at most of the sessions.
Ted Elden@SuddenLink.net
304 344 2335