Join our
conference call on phone or skype
7 till+ 9 pm or later EDT
Some days - Tech Talk - learn tricks & tips on computers, tablets, androids Thursdays - Rights, Law, Common Law
All information this private as per these terms: www.abodia.com/p
Your thoughts & ideas are important to us. Let's hear from you !
You can come on our conferences by phone in. See How
If you miss a call, you can phone in and play the recordings.
We think it is best if you come on with skype, but you can also use a phone.
This discussion group is about what we find in national media that's a distraction and vast deception.
We can know better with a little curiosity, investigation, time & energy.
YOU can help us - join our discussions. You can bring unique & important information & insight to us.
Our current discussion is of Intro to Common Law by Bill Thornton on You Tube.& his web www.1215.org
You have rights above and beyond the reach of our corporate government,
but only if you know of them and how to apply them.
Notes on Intro to Common Law by Bill Thorton
Contact me if you would like to host, promote, set up a skype conference call.
Past Topics:
Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve
Key Points: Main points of Deception of Fed. Resv.
Discussion: www.CorbettReport.com/FederalReserve/
14 Aug. Thursday: Review Video: Russian Documentary on World Power Intro here.
To Join our Skype calls, e-mail to: t @ abodia.com Give me your skype name, also a little info about you !
- Mary Croft: How I Clobbered every Bureaucrat
- Robert Menard: Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception
- John Harris: It's Illusion (law to steal your property) tpuc The People's United Community, Rich Priosky- taxes, rights
- Philosophy of Liberty
- Judy Woods: Where Did the Towers Go ? of WTC, NYC 9-11
- People's Rights (Maryland) & Americans Bulletin
- Media is bought out, deception, since 1917, War of Words
- Your Strawman - Story of Your Enslavement
- Free Energy - Chem Trails - Vaccines - Underground Bases - Silent Weapons - Wake Up America
- Steven Greer: Sirius UFOs, - Water: Schauberger, Batmanghelidj, MD: Your body's many cries for water
- Servant King
- Laken Rose: Tiny Dots (Legislators are few compared to populations - yet we fear them ?)
- Clint Richardson: Killing Your Strawman / Corporation Nation
- Education: Eliz. Iserbyte, Gatto Taylor
Seeking Volunteers: - pick a topic to present, - call & invite others to participate, find convert research to web site links
These are the topics that Ted Elden would like to lead.
Please give me feed back (Say you want to participate in these topics, then I will schedule a time and we'll gather a group.
- ThoughtPrint.org How any one who can read, think & type ( ask internet a question)
How they can find basic facts, truth and confirm them
- How to make your Windows Computer reliable, and safe from crash or loss
- The legal traps around us: YOUR NAME in ALL CAPS, corporations trying to get control and take our money (fees/ tax) and property. Other traps, 2 letter states, zip codes, all US law is fiction, Fed. Resv. notes / debt, birth certificate created fiction ALL CAP name. Don't join to or accept any liability assigned to the NAME. They create charges, if you don't accept the charges, then they have to settle the account - not you.
- How to return anything: traffic ticket, court summons, IRS bill (within 3 days - UCC 2.201)
Whatever you get as items above, they are presentments. On receiving them by mail or service process, you can just return them and that cancels their offer to contract. See: www.abodia.com/law Click on Return Claims at bottom left.
- How to mail any where in continental United States for just 2 ¢ per 1/2 ounce
- Get Inner Library Loans - find a book anywhere in uSA and borrow it for a month for just $ 3
(Ted already has 2,500 eBooks he can send you on 1 DVD)
- Have information ready for study or reference: Use Total Commander & Index Your Files - free programs from the internet
- Learn from DVDs - Ted has 2,500+ DVD documentaries, he can put on disc, thumb drive or portable USB hard drive.
- These people pretend to help but will not help us: - Politicians, - Candidates, - news media, - government.
We have ALL our rights right NOW ! but we need to learn of them, and STAND on them.
If you are arrested, jailed, taken to court or in any way involved in anything you don't want, DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING !
To be a part of our skype conferences, get & install free skype program.
Skype works on computers, tablets, some phones or androids.
(If you cannot come via internet, you can come in as a phone call, but then I have to pay $ 5 hour to have you on our calls.)
Set up an account with YOUR skype name - it could be any name: John Doe, Firehouse, Red Tree, it is your handle.
Then Search for Contact: Hyparhouse Send an invitation to me. I am Hyparhouse on skype.
Send an e-mail to Ted t at abodia.com Tell me your name (or any nick name) & subjects of interest.
I am curious to know - (but you don't have to tell me) the type of work you do (for money) and your general area: city/ state
I am revealed: Pretty much is shown about me; work, experience, location, & how I think in 1,000+ pages on my web sites.
If you can't figure this out, you can e-mail or call me for more help.
I like people to know how to use Skype, then they can choose to talk to us or anyone.
People who, at the last minute want to talk to us, cannot get on the call.
We need to practice BEFORE the call or you annoy the other people if you don't know how the program works.
I have been hosting since fall 2013. People want to talk. we are not yet unified on many subjects.
If people will see it is important to talk and work with other people, we could all benefit.
I want teachers, any subject, plan in advance, send a blurb of your presentation in advance so I can post for others.
We will attract more people if we focus on our topic.
In one year, I have only had 3 people to clarify what they wanted to present and tell me.
I have many important issues, but I can't get anyone to consider them:
How to own property, privately through pure trusts
How to exit the United States Corporation to be out of their laws (codes), courts, fines & jail.
How to handle claims, presentments, summons, tickets, fines, taxes, etc.
If you just want to be on one call and drop out, you miss the good spirit and huge help we can give you.
I have better ways to teach and learn, but I host skype to bring the shy, confused people to a forum to see the issues we find and discuss are real. We live in a huge world of deception. Certainly many unbelievable things are on going.
Most stay away from these topics and they don't see how they get a benefit.
We, in our skype group, know that we have to find the truth and find solutions because the news, governments, universities, corporations are stealing our wealth, health and burying us in distractions rather then deal with the real and serious issues that effect us all and our future.
Former Discussions:
Energy, Spirit, and Intention Monday: 8 pm EST to 9:30 Skype Leon in Arizona presents:
The nature of energy and how we can direct it by/ to our intention.
How energy in harmony or disharmony effects us.
The structure/ nature/ frequency/ colors of the energy of creation-
the energy within us and around us.
Consider our spiritual nature/ anatomy and how to use our intention and breath to 'recharge' with love and gratitude.
There will be a meditation that anyone can follow and get benefit.
then comment/ question/ discussion.
Here is indie or start place for my 1,000+ web site pages:
You can learn how to clear debts, avoid taxes & courts and of suppressed cures & technologies.
All my information is for educational purpose only.
I do not guarantee the truth of the info nor it's benefits.
(But I think it is all true, important and mainly suppressed
so you lose rights, freedom, wealth, health and property.)
It takes time, energy, thought, resources, to find, confirm, learn & apply the TRUTH.
We think it is worth it.
All that we do is based on what we know, but ...
consider broader, deeper issues.
But what we know is based on whom we trust.
i.e. what information we get, or consider.
If you consider, evaluate, investigate what leaders are saying,
you can soon find they are avoiding facts & subjects which are very different then they presume, imply and or state.
If you spend the time & energy, you will certainly begin to separate from those around you who choose to live in the lie.
Many in government, media, universities & corporations lie & deceive the public to increase their profit and control over us.
However, if you can read, think & type (ask question to the internet)
if you spend the time & energy, you can find a much deeper &durable truth.
If you live in the lies and deceptions,
then what you do for immediate gain, safety, is actually hurting many of us,
and YOU too in the big picture, in the future and for your children.
Step from the lie.
Live in the truth.
Learn how to find & confirm the truth.
Basically suspend or let go of many of the things which you have always thought are true.
Lean how to seek, find, confirm & act in truth.
Of all things, seek truth first.
It's the best foundation for the best resolve of what ever you do.
Mark Passio speaks of fundamental truth
Life is a thinking man's game.
The wise man uses reason.
The common man is limited by experience.
The beast is driven by passion & lusts,
his natural desire, unchecked by his experience or reason.
A wise man advised this regarding a meeting, a conversation, a book or a movie, to maximum benefit:
- Show Up, - Pay attention, - Deal in the Truth,
- Let go of the outcome (see what develops, don't force you r ego and predetermined ideas.)