Why Skype ? Thursdays 7 to 9 pm, EDST
Hi. I am Ted Elden, web publisher of www.abodia.com/t Truth Seekers
I am retired architect. In 2005, I started to study 9-11, to realize that what news & government told us, is far from the fundamental truths.
Then I learned that we are intentionally mislead on many things: - law, debt, loans, banking, war
and on Events: Columbine, Sandy Hook shooting, Boston Marathon bombing, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City bombing, ...
I have collected much important info and posted it in 1,000s of page on my web sites.
It is a lot to consider, Many people are afraid to think differently then those around them.
We think it is fun. On many subjects, you may already have a basic understanding,
but you have yet to see the evidence that we gather and focus, to lead you to different conclusions.
I host skype conferences as most people start in casual conversations.
to build curious, energy, enthusiasm, and encouragement and support for those who are studying.
Most of us can see that news is incomplete, distorted and inaccurate. We can see why it is.
Contact Ted in any way, and or come on to our skype conferences.
I simply try to gather and join thinking people to encourage them to think more clearly and dispel the nonsense that comprises much of our national, main stream news.
We gather people across the internet in conferences call.
You can come to our group conference by computer/ internet and or thru android or phone.
If you come across the internet, all communication are free.
If you want me to call your phone number, then I have to pay for your participation.
I try to help anyone free for a while, so they get the bug to learn and know.
Much of what we learn and share seems amazing and different.
People who actually try these solutions know they are true.
People who only talk about and consider information may not get the advantage of deeper knowledge.
Knowledge is not power, Knowledge alone is virtually useless. but
Knowledge applied is power !
Contact Ted in any way, for more info, links on the web and or to join our skype conference calls.
Of those who have already established a skype contact with Ted, send him a skype note 5 minutes before our meetings,
and be on line with skype and I can join you to our group.
We like to have specific topic and hosts, and we encourage all to participate and ask questions.
The individual calls are no so as important as the concept that we are encouraging other people to
think more deeply of the world around them, to ask questions, question authorities and come to be responsible of the world we are creating.
What ever we think, we manifest.
To hear and assume the lies of news, cause us all to degrade our world by following bad leaders.
To know and act in truth is better for us all.
We are not unique to know the truth, we simply lead people to suppressed information that unveils the truth directly to any who consider the information.
Ted of Elden © family, Charleston, West Virginia 25 June 2014 a at abodia.com
Lead or Host a Skype Conference.
If you have a topic you'd like to present, and or discuss, please write up a paragraph describing it, send to me
so I can schedule you on our skype page.
Having specific topics draws more people.
I have 100s of topics I'd like to cover, bringing to life the info on my web sites.
I like it especially when other chose some topics from my web sites and refer other to particular pages so that we all might read some of the topic in advance and deal with deeper levels, rather then just basic over view of the topics.
The purpose of my web sites is to show many people the world is far different then we are told by government, news, universities, and institutions.
As we grow to know the deeper truth, then we get specific benefits.
We each have much freedom, power and benefit, but we need to learn about them and how to exercise them.
As long as you let other people tell you what is YOUR reality, you give your power to them, they steal you health, wealth, rights and property,
but when you learn the truth, then you can gain back what you have lost.
It is a game of knowledge. What you do not choose to understand, others will steal from you, leavening you vulnerable thru their lies and deceptions.
See some of my web sites: www.abodia.com/z