Title 1 Passing Knowledge

Please forgive me that I exaggerate
Suppose the world were ending and or I was dying
     (Neither are true)

But I have some knowledge and or ability and I want to GIVE it to someone.

The problem is that other people do not know my software and
do not know my strategies to sort out deep truths.

I understand that they do not believe me and do not want to look at what I find.

But I can teach YOU or anyone how to easily find, see and use what I find, but it takes thought, time and energy, and maybe some resources.

Unless you have and use my resources, strategies, then it is too hard, takes too much time and or effort to do these things.
There I am stuck. I find it hard to motivate other people

I hope that for some cash gifts, I might keep you focused and learning for a while.

It would be much easier if you were in the same room as me, that I could show and help you faster.

That is not an option.

It is hard for me, takes time, effort and money to send and or tell you things, but I hope that you learn and remember.

You will meet lots of people in your life, I am only one person.

But I hope that you can come to see that I am very fast and efficient at what I do

I have found quick ways and I have done many different things.

I went to Colorado Outward Bounds (a survival training) school.

I learned that I could do many things I did not think or know that I can do.

I went to great Prep school in New Jersey, 11 & 12th grades.

I read 300 books that were not required while I was there in my senior year. I thought I would be a writer and I read many fictions, all of Leon Uris, Faulkner, Steinbeck, and many others.

Many people like to do some things slowly. I almost always do many things and I do them fast.

I learn fast, and I can teach.

After school and college, perhaps I was sleeping while I worked for 30 years.

Then at age 55, I started studying 9-11, to find that much of news and government reports are not true, nor complete and are intentionally misleading.

Most people will never consider this.

You can learn this, just by what you explore, what you read deeply about.,

You can learn form many different perspectives; vaccines, medicine, cures, war, banks, money, taxes, government, etc.

Trish, the reason that I write is so I don’t have to repeat.

Writing is slower then talking, but you can read many times and or mark up and I don’t have to repeat.

I know many short cuts and I want to teach you.

Learning – seeing something new, coming to understand it, trying to remember it so you can use it.

Repetition and or thinking about it shortly each day is a way to commit to memory.

Unless you remember what you learn, then learning is useless.

Unless you practice and use information, then it is hard to remember it.

Some times just practice with pretend cases, later practice with real cases, write real letters, write real thoughts.

You can learn or acquire information by sight, sound, reading, listening, pictures, video, many ways.

I can give you info by talking, writing, and or giving you books or pointing to web sites.

I can get something from a book or web site and then put it on my web site for you to see or send it by mail or e-mail to you.

I want you to read, absorb what I give you and I want you o have it handy to review, repeat, reread, to learn better and deeper.

I never want you to do something you think is wrong, dangerous, etc. but sometimes, you have to follow my lead a little while before you can see it is a good thing.

It is hard for me to change adults on what they think.

They are already committed

They have friends or colleagues who already know the same things, and they have bought houses and cars based on what they know and have jobs and families.

They cannot look again at the fundamental information and find the different info.

They are committed to maintain the status quo.

I was different.

When I saw something that I knew was not true, I took the time and effort to confirm what I knew.
The more I looked the more I saw that I did not have good reasons, nor deep resources to prove what I knew.

When I looked at the things I knew were wrong, I just kept researching them.

I found more and more evidence, congressional records, court case, public c records.

After a long time of research and thinking, I came to believe the other information was more probable then what I knew before

I learned. I consciously looked and info and I chose the deeper, more sensible, more concrete info.

I did this despite the fact that many prominent authorities told me there was no other evidence, that if there were it was lies and or not true, and that it came from bad sources.

All those were scare tactics to keep me from looking at the other evidence.

I began to believe people that I had never hear d of, that I did not know, that were far away.

I traveled out and met many of them.

I want to help you ,and you to help me and many people.

We have to start thinking and quit just following the crowd.

I think that I have a very clear picture of reality, and how the world really works.

This is very different then I was always taught, and that those who taught me know, but they have never seen, nor will not look at the easy information that I have found.

Most people do what is popular, and what is “safe”.

When you call to question a man’s thinking, that might bring on the strongest argument, fight, anger.

People don’t want you to force them to think. They may fear they will look stupid or don’t really know.
Their gut reaction is to just not think, just hold to what they know.

Miss Patricia, when you personally come to see all the lies around you that everyone accepts, you may at first be mad, then be alone, then be scarred.

I have passed through all that.

I went through all that.

You do not have to talk to your friends about what we learn together, but you could mention some basic things if you want.

If you try to tell someone something deep, they will reject you, you have go very slowly take them just one step at a time.

When they accept that in 5 minutes or 5 years, then you can go one step deeper.

If you go to fast, they will block you, not believe you and even stop talking to you.

All that we do in conversations with other people, even when I talk to you, we have to go slow.

The other person needs to consider or accept some things to look deeper.

Let’s look at what I did.

I did not talk to others, because I knew they would not be reading what I was reading, they were not that curious or would not spend the time and energy that I spent.

They want instant truth, instant news from the news paper.

They are unaware that there are many other ways to get info, particularly when you look , research, instead of when you just wait for newspaper and TV to show you something.
The TV, news do not give you the full report. They are owned by people who do not want you to be curious or to know more.

They package what they tell you and most believe it.

So here is what I did.

I read things that I did not believe.
From what I read, I chose ideas, people, events and I researched them further, still not believing them.

After a while, I got swamped with details, related reports, from different unrelated people, who did not know the other people.

I have collected tomes of info from people that do not know each other. How could they all be saying such similar things when they don’t talk to each other.

At first I thought maybe people from Germany or Russia were in the US making these false web sites, but I met the people talking on the web sites, I have seen them extensively all over the US.

I doubt that some foreign government is here on our soil writing connected lies.

I think it is more probable that just real people, like me, who see or know something, write it down and put it on a website, user group, local radio, etc.

But the big news agencies, they a

There were 1000s of newspapers in America 100 years ago.

Today, just 9 corporations own all the different newspapers, the TVs, the movies and the books published. They own about 98 % of all the information, even text books that are in circulation.

Just 9 corporations; Disney, Time Warner/ AOL, General Electric, and others.

US laws use to require different owners in a city town different news & TV.

The laws have changed, now just one owner will own all the TV, news, etc. in whole cities, states, even more.

Information is very controlled in America. The people that I find who have something interesting to say cannot get on TV, or in the news.

Authorities say what they say is not true, not important, you should not read or consider it.

I just listen to these crazy people, then I go looking for what they san, and I too, can easily find what they say in Congressional Reports, Court Cases, public Records.

When I don’t hear from these crazy people, I am not suspicious and I don’t know what to look for.

When I hear form them, and when people hear from me, I clearly articulate where the problem is, what to look for, how to know something.

Trish, when I have my meetings, when people first come, I want to hear form them, I want to listen, I want them to know that I am listening.

At first they talk shyly, maybe later they tell of UFO sighting or something precious and private, when they grow to trust me.

When they see many of us meting, who consider things not in the news, they become more curious them selves, and not so afraid.

They realize that other people also have experiences, unlike in the news.

So I am a window for [people to think, share, gather.

You will have to read and study much that I send or point out to you, before you can jump on this stuff like I do.

Trish, many things are wrong, messed up and working against you, me, your mother, against many Americans, but most do not know and they continue to aid the bad people who are stealing form us, causing inflation, and concentrating power and not listening or even caring about most people.

You cannot fix or improve the problem until you understand the problem.

The news, the politicians, all these people are keeping you and me form understanding the real problems.

Sending money to Africa, protecting the whales, there are many distraction.

Since 1900, the value of the dollar has dropped to 5 % or so of it’s purchasing power.

The Federal Reserve is owned by a few very rich people who own the currencies of other nations around the world.

They cause a famine, stock market crashes, farm & home foreclosures, bank bailouts.

They buy for pennies companies that were once worth great sums.

They mess up markets and cause people and business to go bankrupt, and people to commit suicide.

They do all this intentionally, so they can make more and more money.

They pretend these are natural cycles in economies, when they are causing these things.

I want to teach you \how all this works.

It is complicated, but you can understand it.

Why would you care ?

Because I care, because I know, because it will effect you much more then me or your mother.

You, the young people are going to get the worst deal, unless someone comes to understand and stop helping the bad guys.

Please forgive me for having so many words.

I want to work with you, teach you, listen to you.

But to get going deep, fast, we have to learn some software, some techniques.

I use computers to help me think and remember, to research, to show others, to find, share, confirm information.

I want to help you learn these things too.

There may be times that you want to work on a different software program, or computer and or move away form you.

I cannot follow everyone every where, I try to do things that we can all share.

I am trying to find the best ways to talk to you, via computers, web sites, e-mail.
I am happy to donate some money to you as you learn.

I hope that we can do this a long time, so that you can learn deeply what and how I think, do things, then you can help me get more information and smooth it out to give to other people by discs, writings, published books, web sites, etc.

I have many things to give you, to share, but I try to go slow and steady and help you, not swamp you.

I am still trying to find the best ways to talk to you.

Phone is OK, but written has advantages.

Rather then e-mail, initially, I’d just like to post things - then you read from website.

I can mail, but that takes time and money.

I can send typed words, audio files and or links.

I want to help you learn how to find, use these.

Someday, I hope to give you a computer, but initially, you should learn how to put YOUR information on a Thumb drive.

I work on one hard drive and back up to another hard drive. I’ve worked about 9 years and never lost anything important, even thought my computer may have crashed, failed to work, lost a program or a file. I can still find in my backups what I have created.

When you read or listen to me, it is good what you learn and get, but also important, please tell me what you do not understand that we can discuss it so you do know.
I fear most what you don’t get.

On remembering, if you talk to your self, say or write notes, repeating or practicing – then you will remember best.

You or I can talk, write, type.

I can get you a little sound recorder.

When you are tired, but have things to say or think, you can say them to your sound recorded.

Later if you want you can write to type them, or tell or ask me.

Having a little sound recorder is like having a friend or a secretary to help you.

Recording sound and words is the easiest way to capture thought or info.

When I travel and see a book, or note the time a store opens, etc. I just put these on my sound recorder.

Some I play back to remember or use, some times I type into my computer to get to or find & read any time.

When you have a thumb drive or 2, then you can put words, pictures, sounds into your computer and be sure that you don’t lose anything.

Total Commander is a program that makes it easy to find anything.
I have 100,000+ files on just one computer and I can find things fast.

You are young (that’s good) You will have a dog, or bike, or friend. If you write a poem or photo or notes from a trip or adventure, I think you should learn how to put and keep that on a hard drive, or your thumb drive.

Then you can have a world, a life time of experiences, photos, fun, stuff that is your and easy to keep.

If you have real photos, books, clocks, dresses that you acquire, that takes more and more space.

I just try to keep things in my computer, rather then all over my home.

You could do this a little now, maybe more later.

When you do what I say, and then weeks, months later, then you MIGHT see it has a value.

When I give you an idea, it is OK that you reject or don’t like it.

I find when I do the idea, practice it, in the testing and experience, I get a benefit, but when I saw the idea I might not have INITIALLY liked it.

I change all the time as I learn.

I have many needs, many things I want to do.

But for someone to help me, they have to learn different programs and different strategies.

Files and folder, then software, then strategies

That is how I move fast.

To study www.abodia.com/l  L for lessons is a beginning.

Don't be controlled by your first impression.

Beginnings, Middle and End, they are all separate and not connected.

Some thigns start badly, but have great ends, conclusions.

If you don't endure, you will miss the end.

Many people avoid things that seem unpleasant, or unfamiliar.

I go pretty deep into things before or if I ever judge them.

I don't take some outsiders comments or review of something they have never experienced, or tried.

Have a thick skin, don't be repelled or driven away from things because of how they appear or what other tell you.

Think for yourself. test deeply, suspend or delay judgment until you have more information.