[political history, government and law]
Judge Dale, retired
Due to an historic perversion and expert mind
programming labeled as, Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques, which has been
adopted and employed by the United States Government, few citizens realize that
‘Elephants are
gray but not all gray things are elephants!’
This expose’ hopes to reveal to you the Great
Adventure and some Secrets of America but not all because there are too many,
such as:
The success of this private corporation relies
heavily upon the ability of its slave drivers identified as the chiefs of
staff, politicians, bankers, judges, priests and lawyers to convince teachers,
policemen, soldiers and the general public of its authenticity. Two major problems exist for this private
corporation because everything that the corporate Board of Directors [the
European Royal, Elite and Sabbatean Jewish Bankers]
decide is always recorded somewhere and is accessible with the advent of new
technological advances! Even some of
those files marked Top Secret are accessible with a little help from your
friends. Ironically, the only secrets’
being concealed within those files is their treason; rogues history and new
technological advances being withheld from public view!
“History is a
fable agreed upon.”
Napoleon Bonaparte
Would it interest you to know that historically,
every documented skirmish, global catastrophe and war that ever occurred on
Earth since ancient Babylon has been a well planned and staged event,
orchestrated by the Royal and Elite classes of the World with a focus on mind;
crowd; population control and the stimulation of commerce? After all, the European Board of Directors
makes their money off of commerce and unfortunately wars and catastrophes
generate more income and spending than tranquility and peace! Do they care that people might die? Like all sociopaths, they actually plan on
What would be your first reaction, if I were to
prove to you that two elected Presidents of the
Would it interest you to know that the first CIA
Agency for the United States was completely staffed with former Nazi SS and OSA
Officers, with the blessings of President Harry S. Truman and the United States
Congress and they placed WWII flying ACE, “Wild Bill Donovan,” in a figurehead
position as Director, in order to sell the CIA to the American public? Would it shock or even concern you to learn
that the Patriot Act is a carbon copy of the Nazi Constitution of the
History suggests that the Allies defeated the Nazi
War Machine when in fact Churchill and Hitler were close friends and Masonic
brothers. Queen Elizabeth called Adolph
Hitler, “Uncle” and
Adolph’s real name was Baron Rothschild and he was a member of the European
Royal Family. Didn’t you ever wonder why
the Queen’s
Shortly after the WWII German surrender, the government
of the United States secretly repatriated 155,000 Nazi SS and OSA Officers into
the United States in 1945 under, “Operation Paperclip” and the average
immigrant to America today is forced to suffer all kinds of hurdles; pitfalls;
prejudices and propaganda to finally be accepted under US Immigration
Laws! Immigration laws that countermand
the basic principles and guarantees of the Declaration of Independence!
How would you feel about President George W. Bush,
if you knew that he issued two Executive Orders as President, which 1] made all
American Presidents the official Dictator of America and 2] permits
Pharmaceutical Companies to release new drugs and vaccines to the public
without performing the usual battery of safety tests? This same Executive Order also releases the
FDA [Food and Drug Administration] of any liability for approving such new
pharmaceuticals and vaccines for distribution and sale to the general public?
Would it interest you to know that all but four
Would you feel just a little bit ignorant to learn
that the Republican and Democratic Party is another political fraud and that
these political parties are actually the product of one large political
conspiracy? All of the candidates chosen
for the highest positions in government, are not
chosen by party members or the public but are pre-selected by the Royal and
Elite and each approved candidate must swear an allegiance too and render a
pledge to adhere to the demands of these Corporate Directors and Masters.
Your so-called right to vote in
The use of racist remarks and displays of racism
is also planned by the Royal and Elite to divert attention away from their true
purpose! Racism is used heavily and well
The Federal Government’s usual motive of operation
is to cause a problem; blow it out of proportion in the media and then provide
for and adopt a remedy that only they can control! This is never the “Exception” but rather the
“Rule” and each time a little more of our humanity and liberty is subtly stolen
by government without the public ever taking notice of it! Most people are easily entertained and
distracted, which is the same reason why people are so fascinated with
Magicians and Hypnotists!
This next question doesn’t constitute any proof
but think about this: If American judges truly are the “Good Guys,” why don’t
they all wear white robes instead of black?
The answer is: Because black is the pagan traditional color for
Illuminati Priests, which will make more sense to you as you read on through
this expose.
The local police and prosecutors are not in place
to, “serve and protect” the American public but to the contrary, they are
structured to protect the Slave Drivers and the private United States
Corporation, by enforcing its corporate statutes against the corporate enemy,
“The American citizen.” Most of these
police officers haven’t a clue about how they have been indoctrinated and
manipulated! They are so naïve and
well-meaning that they actually believe they are preserving and protecting the
public! The politicians, prosecutors,
judges, priests and clerks know the truth and many of them increase their
personal spoils with every conviction!
Yes, the
If our police officers would simply invest a
little energy and time, to research and read something other than PLAYBOY or
POPULAR MECHANICS or to hoist a few at the local police pub, they would
discover that the amended version of the: “Trading with the Enemy Act of 1933,”
by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, specifically identifies the American
citizen as the enemy of the Federal Government!
The fraud and deception perpetrated by these Slave Drivers works well,
as long as they can maintain their deception and manipulation over the masses!
In fact and in reality, the historic civilian
government promised by: “The Constitution of the
He then installed a military government, which is
concealed in plain site. [e.g.] COMMANDER in CHIEF;
Attorney GENERAL; Secretary GENERAL; Auditor GENERAL; Surgeon GENERAL; Postmaster
GENERAL, etc. The Constitution was a
well written document, which was copied from the Iroquois Federation
Government! Many of the safeguards found
in the organic Constitution were added by the Founding Fathers to bind the
hands of the other Delegates because none of them trusted each other, which
proves the old Proverb that:
“There is no
honor among thieves!”
I bet you never knew that the American Indians
were governed by an Emperor named MOY TOY and enjoyed a Federation
Government? We were all falsely taught
that the Red Race were just savages! The
Iroquois Indians are the architects of the Universal Postal System of the
World! And I bet you never knew that the
Red Race of America are the only known living
descendants of the Continent of Atlantis, which sunk into the
The overthrow of the Constitution by President
Washington was NO real loss to
America factually continued to operate under the
privately owned corporation of: “The Virginia Colony,” until March 9, 1933, and
then that corporation was dissolved by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, upon
the passage of: “The Emergency Banking Act,” and at which time he instituted a
new privately owned corporation called: “The United States, Inc.,” which is
registered in France and recorded under the Vatican Corporation of Rome! Now isn’t that a perplexing situation?
The term: “The United States of America,” never
got off the ground and is a fictitious name fraudulently used by the Masters
and Slave drivers because it conforms to the same educational material that
society has been indoctrinated with and because it appeases the ears and minds
of the patriotic public but it is all just another corporate prevarication!
“and therein lies the rub!”
Factually, the concept or government institution
known as: “The United States of America,” has not existed since the passage of:
“The Declaration of Independence” however the [elite slave drivers] have
cleverly convinced the American public that this is all real by: Creating and
celebrating National Holidays; by erecting monuments; by adopting a National Anthem
and flag; by fictionalizing history; by propagating a false freedom and by
forcing this indoctrination upon society through mandatory public
According to the Articles of Confederation, the
phrase: “We the People” is defined to mean, “We the Delegates,” which refers
only to the politicians and not the public, which proves again that: “The
Constitution of the
Everything in
The American B.A.R.
Association is a ‘Foreign Union’ and its members are all working in
collusion with Israel; the British Empire; the Vatican; the Rothschild and
Rockefeller Banking Empires; Congress and the Elite to undermine America. All attorneys are ‘Agents of a Foreign Power’
who swear allegiance to that Foreign Power [i.e.] The Queen of
This is why all lawyers
must file a written, ‘Notice of Appearance,’ in every court case they
represent. By that Notice, the lawyer is
admitting to the Court that he is a ‘Foreign Agent’ and he is requesting
permission to represent you in that
When a prosecutor loses a
trial, he is obligated by the court to pay the costs of prosecution, out of
pocket! Your attorney always divulges
your defense strategy to the prosecutor to avert this embarrassment and penalty
from being assigned to him. This group
is a brotherhood and these corporate courts are a business and everything is
about commerce! People are regarded as
nothing more than corporate property!
The American B.A.R.
Association is actually a branch of the, National Lawyers Guild Communist
Party, which can only be located in the hard copy printing of 28 USC 3002,
section 15a. The on-line version of
Title 28 USC has been altered by the Attorney General to read something
entirely different, apparently because this fact has recently shown up in too
many private court petitions and memorandums of law.
To become a member of the
American B.A.R Association, applicants must have obtained a Doctorate in Law or
the equivalent thereof and passed an examination designed to test the depth of
their indoctrination. If they pass, they
are required to surrender their American citizenship and swear allegiance to
the Queen of England and not the Constitution!
This means that all card carrying American lawyers are foreign agents,
liars, traitors and communists!
No wonder Jesus
warned us about, “lawyers!”
The privately owned corporate Federal Reserve
Systems debt has cleverly been renamed: “The National Debt,” to suggest
that this is the American public debt however it is not America’s debt
but rather Israel’s Debt and the private Federal Reserves corporate debt
and yet we have been deceived into thinking and believing the complete opposite
by the [corporate slave drivers] through their use of patriotic slogans like:
“This is the
cost of freedom!”
If you want more proof, examine the fine print of
your Savings or Checking account contract. You will discover that each time you
opened one of these accounts; you agree to be responsible for the repayment of
the National Debt! Now why would that
language ever be included in an application for a checking or savings account
if the National Debt already was our responsibility? The answer is: So that the Banks may
confiscate your assets without further permission! Pretty clever on their part,
if I do say so!
Would it interest you to know that the FCC, CIA,
FBI, IMF, NSA, IRS, OPM, ATF, DEA, NASA, INTERPOL, HS [Homeland Security] and
all the other members of the alphabet gang are all privately owned corporations
and none of them are or ever has been an agency of: “United States, Inc.” The
All of this deception is compounded by the refusal
of ordinary Americans to realize, know or understand that it is this secrecy
and duplicity of privately owned corporations, being surreptitiously portrayed
as American agencies and government, coupled with the deceit and endless greed
of Israel; European Bankers and the Royal and Elite families of the World, that
have come together to fleece the American people like the sheep they truly are and unfortunately, Americas’
public apathy and ignorance only serves to reinforce the lie!
This paper hopes to expose many of these Secrets
of America but unfortunately not all of them!
A few references have been suggested or offered for you to investigate
on your own, if you are so inclined. If
you strongly disagree with anything I have written, GREAT, now
prove that I am wrong but be careful how you react because we patriotic
Americans’ have all been taught from an early age, too just simply deny without
proof, anything that contradicts that imaginary template defined as:
“The American
way of life!”
I happen to know that everything that will be
discussed herein is factual and I grant you that these Secrets of America will
not be easy to digest because deception never is an easy pill for anyone to
swallow! If ignorance truly is bliss,
you certainly can choose to remain apathetic and ignorant [or] you can decide
to grow up and begin to digest some hard core reality! Some of your best friends may be lawyers,
judges and politicians and unfortunately they are all apart of the lie and they
all have sworn an oath to propagate the lie and deny the truth, so you may need
to do some soul searching and investigation of your own! It was hard for me to accept too!
“Those who do
not know their past are condemned to repeat it.”
George Santayana
Offered as a Prologue: The most objective and original information I
have discovered, concerning the ORIGIN of an
ancient system of crowd and mind control called: [Babylonian
Slave Driving Techniques] and its historic application and effects upon
the European and American culture was researched by a group of Asian
historians. All of what they discovered
is extremely germane in understanding the Secrets of America and this
information helps to set the stage for: The Great American Adventure.
The following is a brief synopsis of their
research, which I have condensed, utilizing my knowledge, experience and
comprehension of their systematic investigation and I have included several
small details in that synopsis, which I uncovered during my many years of
research. I warn you that most Asian
people believe in a deep spirituality more so than in religious dogma; miracles
or human Gods and that such Christian beliefs will be
treated by them with complete indifference.
I apologize now, if I tend to repeat myself at
times or go off on tangents throughout the body of this paper but unfortunately
I find it most difficult not to, when each time-line event or topic lends
itself to further qualitative or quantifiable data.
At the dawn of human history,
some 6000 years ago, in the ancient city of
Hamurabi devised
a system of mind control; population control and laws of conduct and trade,
which was later defined as: The Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques. Hamurabi’s system
of controls was reduced into writing, in which he combined local folk wisdom
and prophecy, in an effort to lend to his system more credibility among the
Tribes and he included additional propaganda about the existence of an
omniscient, omnipresent, Almighty God, who saw all things, rewarded all deeds
and punished all misconduct.
NOTE: There was another civilization the size of the ancient
Roman Empire that existed near the City of
Hamurabi’s system
of control, conduct, folklore and prophecy preempted the Christian Holy Bible
and the general Laws of Government. His
Trade Laws would eventually become known as the: Law of Merchants, which is
still used and recognized today internationally as: The Uniform Commercial
Code. Hamurabi
plagiarized the concept and existence of an Almighty God, which had been prophesized
for many years in folk legend and he cleverly included himself in these
writings as the man named: Abraham.
NOTE: As you read on
you will see that according to these Asian historians, they have concluded that
the Christian Holy Bible was actually compiled by the royal and elite classes
to be used as a tool to keep them in power and to help them control and drive
the ignorant and unwashed masses defined as their slaves!
Individuals in Mesopotamian
eventually built upon Hamurabi’s concept of crowd;
mind control; his all-seeing and all-knowing God and the prophecy of
Abraham. One of their members, a bearded
man with a charismatic persona, appeared out-of-clean-air; sat upon a throne
and proclaimed to all of the Tribes that his royal status and bloodline was
derived from none other than: Abraham.
There was no way to prove the
truth of his statements and so in order to maintain this belief of his royal
status and retain absolute control over the many Tribes, a series of great
visual aids and displays resembling miracles were engineered. Next, this god-king employed and empowered a
special sect of slave drivers to further cement his will and control over the
people, which initiated the birth of the: “Freemasons.” One tenth of the wealth of the Tribes
agriculture would be demanded of and surrendered too this god-king as a tax
upon his subjects, which he called tithing.
Eventually, the combined Tribes
invaded the pagan empire of
NOTE: This Egyptian
pagan symbol of an all-seeing eye at the apex of a pyramid is still used today
and appears on the reverse side of the Federal Reserve Notes, printed by the Sabbatean Jewish Bankers of
These Slave Control Techniques
created a parallel cultural evolution between the royal and elite ruling class
and the ignorant, unwashed masses, by utilizing a combination of knowledge;
food and financial restraints, which included a forced superiority over life and
death! Any unusually intelligent
individuals who discovered or deduced the true nature of this royal and elite
movement were either: inducted into it;
murdered or their position and influence was neutralized by an assortment of
other devious means.
The royal and elite ruling class were constantly confronted by numerous
rebellions. One such notable rebellion
was led by a person named, Jesus Christ and despite the fact that Jesus was
eventually executed by the elite class for treason; his radical ideas appealed
so deeply to the poor and down-trodden that His rebellion called Christianity,
spread like a wild-fire across the land.
NOTE: There were more poor people than the royal and elite
class however the royal and elite were infinitely superior in intelligence and
wealth and they used their intelligence; wealth and cunning to control the
minds and hearts of the unwashed masses they defined as slaves. The same principal is applied in
The Roman Church at this time
was totally a pagan church composed of doctrines that encouraged murder; human
sacrifice; devil worship; peonage; the accumulation of wealth and the worship
of demon-god like idolatry. Emperor
Constantine deduced that he needed to either crush or utilize the
tide of this Christian rebellion, which was devouring his Kingdom and so
Constantine ordered that the basic principles of the pagan Roman Church and the
new Christian movement be merged together into one religion, at the Council of
Nicaea, which resulted in the birth of: The Holy Roman Church.
Over many centuries to pass, the
doctrines of The Holy Roman Church have been constantly expanded upon by the
absorption of other ideas and beliefs procured from other religions, prophets
and folklore. Those ideas and beliefs
that were considered palatable to the royal and elite classes, was
persecuted relentlessly in an effort to establish a universal mental control
and culture!
NOTE: All of the Royal families located in Europe; Asia and
A philosophical riff eventually developed between the
European Royal Family factions regarding their beliefs in an Almighty God and
their purpose and duties toward mankind.
This riff split the Royal Families into two factions: The European Royalty and the Chinese Royal
Family. These are just names.
The European Royal Family
conceal their power and intervention behind the Rothschild name, a group which
included most of the Nordic; Eastern European families and some Central and
South American countries and the Vatican.
The Sabbatean Jews follow the ancient religion
The European faction finances
the Freemasons; the Mossad [and] an Elite army of
mercenaries concealed within their rank and file known as the, Illuminati. The Freemasons are charged with the
responsibility of driving the slaves; the Mossad are
used as bodyguards and intelligence gatherers and together the Illuminati are
responsible for eliminating or terminating obstacles and problems with severe
prejudice, affecting the royal and elite families!
The other, larger royal faction
known as the Chinese Royal family include all of the royal families in the
Middle East, Asia, Russia and most of Central and South America. They became a more devout group who had
amassed what they believed to be proof of the existence of an Almighty God and
who believe that their royal family obligations included serving mankind. They
believe that their pooled wealth in safekeeping, belongs only to their Almighty
God, pending His physical return to Earth and in the meantime their Almighty
God’s wealth should benefit all of humanity, so that man can devote more time
and energy toward his mental; physical and spiritual discipline and
Ever since this philosophical
split between the royal families, the European faction has constantly attempted
to steal all or part of the Chinese factions physical cache of wealth and plot
the murder of the Chinese family elders.
All of the world’s Martial Arts
Societies and Masters are financed by the Chinese Royal family and in return
the martial arts Masters have sworn a pledge to their Almighty God and to the
Royal family, to provide security and protection for the Chinese Royal
family. An Army of Ninja’s protect the
family elders today.
NOTE: The oldest living elder is currently 165 years old and
the youngest elder is 95! Yes, there is
a secret of youth; longevity and a body free of disease and the Royal Chinese
elders know what it is!
Nearly all of the countries on
Earth have at one time or another received financing from the Chinese Royal
family because they truly are a devout and honorable group. It is this financing that the European
faction has alternately been attempting to procure since they have frequently
failed to seize the Chinese factions’ great physical cache of wealth, which is
estimated to be 85% of the entire Worlds gold; silver; precious gems and
The European faction is a
ruthless group! They do not lend, they
bribe and steal and both Royal family factions liberally utilize look-alike
decoys surrounded by bodyguards because all of their family members are
constantly at risk of assault and murder!
The Holy Roman Church, which is
a privately owned corporation defined as a religion, is housed within the
[Vatican City of Rome] and is a powerful royal faction and mono-culture in
their own right. Following the same principle utilized by the European Royal
faction, the
The appointed administrator of
the Jesuits is called: “The Black Pope” and his pulpit is
located within the confines of the United States Pentagon! He is Illuminati and on special occasions
dons the traditional black robe of the Illuminati Priests. “The White Pope” is the Chief administrator
of the church and the positive public image that the corporate Holy Roman
Church desires to propagate upon the World’s masses. His pulpit is located within the confines of
the Vatican of Rome. He dons a white
robe gilded in gold, which is supposed to symbolize the Almighty God’s purity;
property and the wealth of the Earth.
The reformation by Martin Luther
was another rebellion against this Royal Catholic mono-culture and their
Babylonian system of slave controls.
Many of the European people being persecuted for their objections and
ideas to these control techniques, found freedom from persecution in the New
World and as a result,
In a parallel to this genuine
religious belief and feeling of the American people, manipulators from the
European Royal faction, secretly infiltrated the American society and the new
deceptive concept of government that certain American leaders were attempting
to establish. These manipulators then planned and evolved increasingly
sophisticated ways to regain control over their deposed slaves and control over
the new Republican American government.
Several of the manipulations
they employed, was designed to drive the people into conflict and war; to
strengthen them through competition; to reduce their population growth and to
profit from the sale of arms to them.
The European faction used the gold and jewels they had looted from India
during the middle ages, to finance both England and America during the American
Revolution and the War of 1812. Their
additional goal was to strengthen their influence over the King of England and
regain control over their English slaves.
This is also how Freemasonry became so central to the development and
history of both
NOTE: The Chinese Royal Family faction had initially
provided financing for the expansion and improvement of
There was a true idealism in the
American adventure however the original concept of American Democracy proved to
be too unruly and too difficult for the European faction to control! To tighten their reigns and employ a stricter
discipline, the royal family quietly waged a 137 year physical; political and
financial battle against their deposed American slaves, utilizing the same
ancient [Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques] premised upon the philosophy
that: “He who controls the keys to the grainery, controls the food, the culture and the people.”
NOTE: In addition to driving America into War and the
staging of conflicts between the various races and creeds, their next target
and goal was to drive the small American farmer out of business and then
deplete the nutritional level of food products or replace many natural food
products with chemicals utilizing a new science called micro-biotic’s. Next they forced the unwashed masses to become
dependent upon the privately owned corporate government to feed; clothe and to
protect them and lastly, they broke the backs of the labor unions by
encouraging American industry to move their operations into 3rd World Countries
by eliminating Americas’ import and export taxes.
After the European Royal Family
secured control of America’s assets by the passage of the Federal Reserve Act
in 1913, their first planned strategy was to initiate preparations to immerse
North America into a World War, which was accomplished by cleverly arranging
for the sinking of the Lusitania and the circulation of propaganda world-wide,
which accused the government of Germany, “for this despicable act of
NOTE: It will not be discovered until some 80 years later
that the
The fruit of the European Royal
endeavors resulted in the First World War and they financed both sides of the
War. The financing contracts with these
Nations was arranged through the Rothschild banking empire and was conditioned
that: Regardless of who wins or loses, both Nation Countries shall be
responsible for the war debt, which shall be paid back in gold with interest
and usually included a lien upon each Nations Treasury, which ensured the
European Royal Families future control over the legislators of each government.
NOTE: During World War I, a great many types of gas and germ
warfare was implemented by both sides.
The Illuminati took advantage of this type of warfare and released an
airborne flu virus in the
World War II was also a planned
event and was instigated for several of the same reasons: [e.g.] Too reduce the
world’s population and stall its population growth; to generate prejudice, hate
and competition between the various nationalities; races and creeds; to gain
the profits generated by another World War and lastly to scare the Jews out of
Europe and back into Palestine.
NOTE: Historically, the Jews were always a highly
intelligent race who home schooled their children in religion; language; arts;
science and mathematics. They were not
your typical ignorant, unwashed society and they questioned everyone and
everything and were opposed to being governed by any other faction, which made
them a constant obstacle for the European Royal faction to control and or
eliminate. The Sabbatean Jews do not practice the
same Judaism as other Jews around the world and since they couldn’t
successfully convert the other sects to the pagan Judaism practiced in ancient
Baron Rothschild [a/k/a Adolph
Hitler] a Sabbatean Jew, got carried away with his
new role as the Chancellor of Germany and became a little too ambitious in the
development of the Illuminati’s pre-planned regime! Hitler circumvented the original, scripted,
long-term Masonic plan of ruling the world from Mesopotamia and opted to
establish an instant global empire with his central headquarters located in
NOTE: All of the materials that the World has been furnished
regarding the origin and death of Adolph Hitler, was like his name, a complete
fiction. Hitler died
of old age in Argentina and no one knows what really happened to his concubine,
Eva Brawn.
By the end of World War II, the
Masonic cabal [Freemasons] attempted to cement the European Royal factions’
control over the rest of the World by creating the privately owned corporate
United Nations, which explains why only [71] out of [267] countries ever came
on board. At that time, the Sabbatean/Rothschild
criminal cabal controlled all five of the permanent Security Council members
but has since lost the support and controls over the Republic of China and
NOTE: For clarification purposes, The Republic of
Back in America, the patriarch
of the Rockefeller family, [John D.] representing the gas and oil industry and
his fellow robber barons, [J.P. Morgan] in banking; [Ford and Carnegie] in
transportation and steel production and [Coolege;
Hoover; Roosevelt and Truman] in government, began a long-term program to
complete the final physical enslavement of the American people by quietly and
systematically gaining control over the Congress; the media and the text-book
publishing business. They accomplished this by liberally and strategically
spreading a large portion of the Rothschild wealth throughout those venues in
the form of bribes to Congressmen and by purchasing the majority shares of
stock in the American media and American text book publishing companies.
NOTE: Through their financial influence and controls, these
men of power were able to get the Federal Reserve Act and the Emergency Banking
Act passed, which were designed to control all of America’s assets and
convinced or bribed the Congress to adopt the Bretton
Woods Agreement, which is a plan designed to take over control of the American
people and lastly was the creation of the Department of Education, which was administered
by a director of their own choosing, to distort all educational materials and
control and monitor the forced education of the American masses. All of these principles are part and parcel
of the Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques!
Their greatest deception apart
from establishing a duplicitous corporate government; the theft of
T |
he following quote
was taken from the once uncirculated memoirs of .President
Franklin D. Roosevelt, which partly explains the crux or root of this great
American fraud. But, even Roosevelt
didn’t know the depth of the European Royal Family influence and control in
“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know it, a financial
element in the larger centers, has owned the government since the days of
Andrew Jackson. In politics nothing happens
by accident and if it happens at all, you can be sure we planned it that
way.” President
Franklin D. Roosevelt
This next quote is from the
writings of Mayer Amschel Bauer, 1744 – 1812, a Sabbatean Jewish German Banker and the founder of the Rothschild
Family Banking Empire; who later changed his last name to Rothschild, which was
his wife’s maiden name, because people often mistakenly addressed him as: Mr.
Rothschild. Mayer Rothschild died in the
same year as the War of 1812 and his Empire was continued on by his seven
sons. The marquee bearing the family
name of Rothschild, found above the business door, meant: ‘Revolution’ in the
German language and the six-pointed star that adorned this plaque, which is mistakenly
attributed to the Jewish faith as the “Star of David,” was actually derived
from the six-pointed star used in pagan idolatry worship of ancient Egypt. The star is two triangles, one pointed
downward and one pointed upward, which are the symbols of man and woman. By and
through his eventual success, wealth and influence, the Rothschild family
faction was responsible for causing this six-pointed symbol to be named the
“Star of David” and become adopted by the Jewish religion and the political
symbol of
“Give me
control over a nation’s currency and I don’t care who makes the laws.” Mayer A. [Bauer] Rothschild
During WWII, Adolph Hitler’s
Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, is most often quoted for this
philosophical gem! Remember this quote most
of all because it has been effectively employed upon the American public as
frequently and successfully as the proverb: “Where there’s smoke, there’s
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep
repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Joseph Goebbels
This expose’ represents a
compilation of historic Secrets, hopefully in their correct sequence of
events. It is not presented to you with
a bibliography because you the reader will either believe it or you will
not! No one will take the time to
read or examine my sources because that is not what Americans do, courtesy of
those expert mind control techniques that we all have been subjected too for so
many years. The American nature is to
believe what we hear, no matter how truthful and especially if it is repeated
a great number of times, such as this jewel of propaganda:
“You are a free
people, protected by a Constitution!” American Politicians
My other reason for writing this
expose’ in this manner also concerns my personal safety and plight. Too many patriots and loyalists who have
attempted to document and expose government corruption throughout the centuries
have been killed; are sitting in prison; are being detained in mental hospitals
or they are being detained and tortured as terrorists in the military
prison at
“They were enrolled; they were murdered
or they were dealt with by other devious means!” Asian historians
So as long as I do not attach a
bibliography to this document, I will be regarded by most of the elite and
royal classes; government officials; bankers; judges; lawyers and priests, as
some kind of “screw-ball” and hopefully my safety should be reasonably assured. Few have expressed my observations and
beliefs better than Stuart Chase, an American economist, engineer and author,
who wrote:
“For those who believe, no proof is
necessary and for those who don’t believe, no proof is ever enough!” Stuart Chase
I now wish to address my
apprehension about the Sabbatean Jewish Faction, many
of whom serve as European and American politicians, bankers, judges and
lawyers. The following quotes are from
the Jewish TALMUD, which is as much like THE HOLY BIBLE is to a Christian! After reading the following passages, I ask
you to draw your own conclusions:
1] “Jews may lie to
non-Jews; Jews may use lies to circumvent a Gentile.”
Baba Kamma 113a
2] “Jews may swear
falsely by use of subterfuge wording.”
Schabouth Hag. 6b.
3] “Jews must
always try to deceive Christians.”
Zohar 1160a
4] “Who took an
oath in the presence of goys, the robbers and the custom-house officer, is not
Tosefta Szebnot, 11.
5] “One should and
must make false oath, when the goyin ask if our books
contain anything against them. Then we
are bound to state on oath that there is nothing like that.”
Utszabot. The Book of Jore Dia, 17.