2016 October 28
from G. Edward Griffin

Global Warming,
an Inconvenient Lie

The 3rd Congress of Freedom Force International will be convened in Phoenix, Arizona, on December 2, 3 & 4, 2016. It is a gathering of world experts who, once-and-for-all, will put an end to the myth of man-caused global-warming.

Here are some of the experts who will participate. 

Lord Monckton: Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, UK, is known for his journalism, conservative political views, oppossition to the EU, and especially for masterful debunking of global warming. In 2016, he was a national leader in rallying the British vote on behalf of BREXIT. Lord Monckton is a member of the Freedom Force Hall of Honor.

Tim Ball is a retired professor at the University of Winnipeg, Canada. He earned a Doctorate of Science at Queen Mary College, University of London, was Chairman of the Canadian Committee on Climatic Fluctuation, Chairman of Winnipeg's Advisory Committee on Hazardous Waste, and has authored 53 scientific papers. Professor Ball says that human-caused global warming is the biggest deception in history.

Patrick Wood is the author of Technocracy Rising; The Trojan Horse of Global Transfor-mation. He is the go-to source for information on the Trilateral Commission. He shows how the age-old drive for world power has morphed into a new form that hides behind phrases like green economy, environmentalism, and sustainable development ‒ but, at its root, it remains an all-out attack on private property and financial independence.

Jim Lee is a private geoengineering investigator without equal. With a talent for finding rare and sometimes hidden documents, he will stagger your mind with proof of your worst fears about weather modification for warfare, geoengineering for profit, steering tornados with HAARP antennas, adding sulfur, bio-fuel, aluminum, barium, strontium, and carbon dust to jet fuel, and much more.

Debbie Bacigalupi is a long-time student of the global-warming myth. She attended the UN's Paris-21 Conference on Climate Change as an observer and critic. She will show how Agenda-21 will be used to place an unbearable yoke of taxation on developed countries. This is said to be for the benefit of poor nations, but most of it will go to politicians, bureaucrats, and military ‒ in the name of fighting global warming.

William Happer is a professor at Princeton University in the field of atomic physics, optics, and spectroscopy. He is a pioneer developer of adaptive optics. He has served as Director of Science in the US Department of Energy. Professor Happer is a strong voice against the myth of anthropogenic global warming and says there is no correlation between global levels of carbon dioxide and climate change.

G. Edward Griffin is an author, film maker, lecturer, and Founder of Freedom Force. His best-known works are The Creature from Jekyll Island, and World without Cancer. Ed shows that the myth-makers are driven by an ideology called collectivism. Without this understanding, they appear to be merely stupid but, with it, we see that they are very smart in pursuit of their collectivist agenda.

Dan Happel is a former County Commissioner in Madison County, Montana, and is an outspoken foe of the UN’s Agenda 21. Dan shows how this blueprint for tyranny parades under the guise of sustainable development but really is aimed at bringing all human activity under control of government ‒ supposedly justified by the myth of global warming. Dan is on the Leadership Council of Freedom Force International.

Alex Newman is a journalist and co-author of the book Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Govern-ment Schools to Destroy America's Children. He has a keen understanding of the global-warming deception and will address such issues as the benefits of CO2, the "sustainability" narrative, and UN Agenda 2030, with is the  final phase of Agenda-21.


Michael Shaw is an environ-mentalist and founding member of Freedom Advocates, which helps people defend their property from government confiscation in the name of sustainable development. He is proprietor of a 75-acre coastal oasis internationally acknowledged as a native-plant wonderland. Michael shows how Agenda-21 is creating a totalitarian system in Califor- nia that is a model for the rest of the world. 

Early-Bird rates end on November 3

Click here for details.

~~ G. Edward Griffin