Rise of Republic & NESARA, demise of Cabal ?
Intel SITREP Report – GCR/RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA
This is complicated message. I summarize it by these few paragraphs excerpted:
As for the US Presidential elections, there’s a few things to consider before making a decision on what’s really happening. First, it’s out understanding that the USA, Inc’s form of government has defaulted per the ruling from the World Court, meaning, the office of President we all grew up with is no more because the form of government we all grew up with is no more. Second, both the DNC and RNC are remnant entities created by the old USA, Inc. intended to control the candidates that you the mass population of the USA voted on. Thus, neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump, nor any candidate presented in the current election scenario can win an office that legally no longer exists. Fourth, to replace the now default USA, Inc., like in any bankruptcy, a work though plan had to be created and approved by the World Courts in agreement with the USA’s major financial creditors China and Russia (via our US Treasury Bonds). Those countries asked that the old Republic of the United States be restored per the original US Constitution circa 1776, and as a result, quietly, without public mention, leaders for the Republic of the United States were selected and seated without attention. These leaders have been running the affairs of Americans for nearly two years now without mass knowledge (for everyone’s protection).
In October, or perhaps a little before, public knowledge of this restored constitutional Republic will be made known, and both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be removed from consideration as potential Presidential candidates. The election cycle will be lengthened per Congress’ authority, per the original Constitution, till January 3, 2017. New candidates will enter the arena, that have been pre-approved by the Chinese, Russians and World Court in agreement with the temporary leadership of the temporary leadership of the Republic (General Joseph Dunford).
Everything that will happen in the future might appear shocking to most, but in reality, this work through strategy has long been in the making, going back to August 2013 when China and Russia began legal proceedings against the USA, Inc, which actually finalized when Puerto Rico defaulted in 2015, as the USA, Inc. was incorporated in Puerto Rico in 1871. Not coincidental, Pope Francis suddenly arrived in the US for the first time and declared the Golden Jubilee for the world ending on November 20, 2016. This is important because Rome owned all corporations in the world, and thus released all corporations in the world at the same time–including all governments and banks they covertly owned, without public knowledge.
All of this information is offered now so that you fully understanding why you get to redeem currency for such a high price, without a massive public revolt or overt coup de tat on your own soil. What’s occurring, folks, is biblical, yes, but more so divine in nature and scope. Humanity is being released, and we’re all being allowed to experience such infinite wealth because God has declared our sovereignty–not the Chinese, not Russia, not the World Court Head Magistrate, not the Elders, not Putin or Xi Jinping, and certainly not the better discernment of mankind on his own.
Do remember this tutorial when you are participating in the restoration of your planet, ensuring the survival of your species and actively engaging in the second greatest moment of human history ever recorded; because such an honor does come with a steep price, as it should, as it must ; for to whom much is given, much is expected. So try and remain grateful as you wait out this final phase for to be even slightly aware of what is going on behind these scenes separates you from the overwhelming majority of your family, friends, community, country and continent who have no clue what’s going down, let alone what’s coming up. And the whole point of this global reset and revaluation of currencies is to unify mankind and expose the cabal lie that we are in any way separate from one another.
God is with us.
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US Intelligence Officer: “Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was a False Flag Attack”
Benjamin Fulford 9-19-16… “Hillary Clinton is dead, Bill on the run as Clinton Foundation scandals finish the DC crooks off”
Flat Earth, not a Globe NASA & freemasons, and secret societies try to fool us to control us, to tax, threaten and terrorize us.
It is impossible for the Sun to appear to change size (as
it sits or rises to the horizon,) if it were million s of miles away.
The Sun is Smaller near the horizon then when it is overhead in the sky.
As it traverses the earth, it is near us overhead and far when small on horizon.
This indicates that it si near to us, not 94 million miles away.