Alan B. Jones

ABJ Press

ISBN 0-9640848-1-3

Copyright 1996 by Alan B. Jones

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 96-94874

Permission is granted to reproduce in whole or part with credit.

ABJ Press

P.O. Box 2362

Paradise, CA 95967

How the World Really Works

by Alan B. Jones

MORE AND MORE Americans are coming to feel that something has gone fundamentally wrong in our society. We have suffered repetitive wars, big and small, some won and some lost, but with the peace always lost. Our society has been drained of around $5 trillion in welfare costs since LBJ's War on Poverty was declared, but with no diminution in the incidence of "poverty." Our "War on Drugs" has also been lost, with its societal costs running around $500 billion per year. The cost of fixes for runaway environmentalism has reached about $1 trillion since the birth of the EPA in 1970. Our national debt is over $5 trillion and still going up. Two breadwinners per family has become normal, just to keep bread on the table.

Americans feel put upon, and they are right, but they don't know who's doing it to them or why. Such issues have been pondered by researchers for many years, but the historical facts are finally bringing the pieces of the puzzle together. This book paints a picture of that largely completed puzzle, and lays out who the culprits are, why they are doing what they are doing, and how they are managing to pull off what is probably the biggest mass robbery of wealth and individual freedom in human history.

Your reading this book will help to expose and stop the destruction, and help to guarantee a future of freedom rather than slavery for your children.


> Chapter                                                                             Page

1. A Century of War                                                                     5

2. Tragedy and Hope                                                                 22

3. The Naked Capitalist                                                              43

4. The Tax-Exempt Foundations                                               60

5. The Creature From Jekyll Island (Fed. Resv.)                      86

6. 1984                                                                                     120

7. Report From Iron Mountain                                                 131

8. The Greening                                                                       149

9. The Politics of Heroin                                                           171

10. Final Judgment  (JFK Assassination)                                204

11. Dope, Inc                                                                            239

12. Let's Fix America!                                                              291

Epilogue                                                                                   312

Index                                                                                        321

This book is comprised of a summary of other important books.  Here are those books:

How the World Really Works

Alan B. Jones

ABJ Press, ISBN 0-9640848-1-3, Copyright 1996 by Alan B. Jones

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 96-94874

Permission is granted to reproduce in whole or part with credit.

Americans must soon listen and act - or endure the black night of slavery that is worse than death.

Note that carte blanche permission has been granted to reproduce this book in whole or part in order to further its distribution. The text is available on floppy disk, and several such disks have already been distributed.

1 A Century of War"

by F. William Engdahl / Wars are caused by banker & greed.


2 Tragedy and Hope"

by Professor Carroll Quigley / The elite rulers think they dominate and we can not organize to resist their control.


3 The Naked Capitalist"

by W. Cleon Skousen / Why rich people support communism & other crimes.


4 "The Tax-Exempt Foundations"

by William H. Mcllhany, / Money is channeled to dumb us down, suppress truth.


5 The Creature from Jekyll Island"

by G. Edward Griffin. / Fed. Resv. is monopoly of private banks to control all populations.


6 "1984"

by George Orwell. / Shows what is now happening.


7 "Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace

 / These industrialist think they must keep us at war or depressed to keep us from prospering.


8 The Greening"

by Larry Abraham / Industry is interrupted form prospering so elites can control us.


9 "The Politics of Heroin"

by Alfred W. McCoy/ CIA & governments profit from raising & selling drugs worldwide.


10 "Final Judgment"

by Michael Collins / JFK Assassination.


11 "Dope, Inc."

by the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review / How the drugs are secretly grown & distributed by American & French governments via their covert intelligence agencies.


 12 "Let's Fix America!"

by Alan B. Jones / We must understand the sources of the problems to fix them.



The Middle Class must Not Fail"

by Taylor Caldwell


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