-hp- Truth Seekers - - the Quest ... www.abodia.com/t  started Feb. 2005
Wake Up - Truth Surround us. Research by Ted Elden, Public Speaker, Little Rock Architect, ret. computer guru People Comments CMU

Weather                            You're visitor:

www.AboutTheSky.com/   explains ChemTrails

Basic Facts - Chem trails

Weather Modification & HAARP

The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use

Geo-Engineering     Morgellons    Body Snachers    Consciousness    Up Close and Personal

NEXRAD Next-Generation Radar


Weather Surveillance Radar

1988 Doppler

    There are 7,000 power plants in the US

pumping out millions of gallons of steam.

    People are told to:

Turn off water when brushing teeth,

yet they produce millions of gallons of water vapor,

often at night when it is less noticed.

WSAC Wet Surface Air Cooler

For last 50 years, these Power Plants have been

adding trillions of gallons of water vapor & heat to the atmosphere.

Some plants add 16,000 gallons per minute to the atmosphere.

There are 10s of 1,000s of these power plants

62,500 power plants world wide.

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I Timeline of Weather Modification

II How Rain is made

III Cloud Seeding small devices

IV Geoengineering/ Chemtrails (Barium)

V WSAC Wet Surface Air Coolers


VII Bill Gates' Water Vapor Silver Lining Project

VIII Case Study California Weather System Crashing

IX Artificially Created Tornadoes and Firestorms

X Future of All Life on Earth

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How Nexrad HAARP Works: Turning Natural Storms into Biblical Floods