Dana Ashlie
The lives of 81 people who took the j@b
Ever wonder what happens to those who take the jab? This piece will lay out what adverse events the govt quietly admits to watch out for...and will get very detailed about what happened to the lives of many of those who took it. Document that shows what the F D A is supposed to be looking out for in the way of adverse events: https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/down...
The V A E R S system where you can look these up for yourself, see directions at end of video: https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html
The CNA who shared his first hand testimony of what is happening at the nursing home where he works: https://www.bitchute.com/video/AR5BZp...
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Old school: Dana A PO Box 3324 Blue Jay, CA 92317 Email: danaashlie@yahoo.com