From the Desk of Mark Emery
Sojourner At Large
Lighthouse Law Club
Hypar links may need some editing.
People are learning at record pace that government regulatory control is strictly limited to those participating in the municipal corporate activities and NOT 'the people' who are engaged in their everyday lives.
I thought you'd enjoy hearing the results of a couple of unlicensed contractors who had confrontations with the municipal revenooers. If, by chance, you missed our landmark webinar on this topic last week, you can find the replay here:<>
Meanwhile, enjoy the following debriefing of actual situations which unfolded. Key: The first one who 'folds' loses!
License on Wall
One of our citizens was being hounded by the City of Everett, Washington, to have a business license. They came in with the police and threatened to close down his shop. He filled out our simple request form for a business license and returned it to us. We put him on our system of records and sent him a Kingdom of Heaven business license. He called up the City and told them his license was hanging on the wall and invited them to come look at it. That was over two years ago and they have left him alone ever since.
The State has trained people to be wary of those who are not licensed. We need not have people distrust us. One of our citizens tells his clients, "Yes, my license is hanging on the wall. Feel free to examine it." If the client is curious enough to do so, his eyes may be opened.
Man Roofs for God, not by License
When you are working in God's commerce, be prepared for a battle. The State will be jealous. They want you to pay homage to them. If you are not licensed, they lose both revenue and control over you.
One of our citizens has built hundreds of roofs over the last few years, but not in the ordinary way. He has never obtained permission from the State before putting on a roof. The State has cited him a few times for not obtaining a permit, but he does not pay the fines. He operates under the sole authority of Almighty God. The State building inspectors have made many threats against him, but he continues to work. His intent is to be obedient to the One who sent him. He tells of one encounter with the building inspector:
"One day I was tearing off the roof of a 5,000 square foot building on the main street of a city. A crew of 14 was helping me.
"About 10:00 a.m. the building inspector's truck drives by, brakes suddenly, and backs up. The inspector jumps off the truck, points his finger up at the roof and yells to me, 'I want you on the ground, NOW! I want to talk to you.'
"I turn to the 14 people on the roof and say, 'Hold on, stop working. We're all climbing down the ladder to talk to this man.' I wanted the crew to listen to what was going on.
"The inspector introduces himself and hands me his card. 'You know you have to be licensed by the State of Oregon to do this roof.'
"I just stand there and don't answer him. He gets a little red faced and repeats his words. Then he says, 'I'm ordering you to cease and desist NOW.'
'I can't do that.'
'Why not?'
'Because God commanded me to do this roof and I can't obey both you and God. I'm sorry, but I have to go back to work.'
"The inspector is very upset. It's been a long time since he has been told, 'No.'
"Within 30 minutes, two police cars arrive. They start taking down license numbers, but when they come to my truck, they have nothing to write. It doesn't have State tags. While the police busy themselves with writing down licenses, I am up on the roof raising my hands, singing, shouting and praising God at the top of my lungs. There is no work getting done. Everyone is standing around watching. One of the officers shouts up to me, 'I'm coming up there to arrest you for disorderly conduct.'
'God commands me to shout when demons are round about and I'm going to obey God. If he commands me to shout, I'm going to shout.' The officer cocks his head and looks at the others with a look that says, 'This guy is a kook.' Then the officer says, 'There won't be any more shouting or I'm going to arrest you and haul you to jail.'
"I ask, 'Is there a permit on this building?'
'No, there's no permit on this building.'
"He pauses and then says, 'I'm asking you the question again, Are you going to cease and desist?'
"I address the inspector and the officers: 'God asked me to do this roof and I intend to obey Him.' Without another word the building inspector and officers turn around and leave.
"I finished the job and I continue to roof for God, not by license from men."
License Opens Doors
We are to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, go to the prisoners, and preach the Kingdom of Heaven. Kingdom of Heaven business licenses open the door to opportunities. Several of our people wanted to visit prisoners, but were denied. They applied for and received a Kingdom of Heaven "clergy" license. Now they enjoy pastoral visits with inmates at jails and prisons. Others are repairmen, carpenters, handymen, carpet cleaners and plumbers. They use their wallet-size licenses to identify themselves to customers when they do a job.
Missionaries to America
Have you ever considered being a missionary to America? Think about it. Who do the harlot State churches send as missionaries around the world? They send doctors, plumbers, electricians, contractors - almost all professions to the mission field. These men and women work as foreigners, not becoming citizens of the country where they labor. As citizens of Heaven, we do the same thing in our native land. We are not local residents. We are ambassadors and missionaries of the Heavenly government. We do God's work, right here in America, without State numbers. We use the gifts God has given us to labor for His glory. If anyone asks by what authority we work, we show them our Kingdom of Heaven business license. We stand on the highest authority.
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58
If this concept appeals to you, Community Support Network is starting a 10 week course to take you step by step towards freedom from entanglement with the octopus of Babylon. For more, go to<> and put in a guest ticket (Don't register - invitation only) and ask for guidance on 'Coming Out'.
Be Free!
Become an auxiliary ministry of WMC with PMA and convert your business, ministry, travel and/or life activity to complete immunity to regs, statutes, legislation and all jurisdiction. Click Here<>
Train yourself to be a co-creator with God and do what most would feel is impossible in initiating miracles. Be the light! Click Here<>
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To learn more see our videos. Click Here<>.
The Lighthouse Law Club is for those who want to get serious about their level of knowledge and education. The lifetime membership involves too many topics and benefits to list here. Visit the website <> and be sure to look for the testimonials.<>
The NATIONAL ACTION TASK FORCE was created to mobilize Americans and freedom lovers around the world to channel proactive energy into political action on a grass roots level to preserve American values, the constitution and the rule of law. Come, learn...Engage! Join our free forum for training and marching orders!
The Community Support Network is an outreach of WMC and is created for one singular purpose which is to help people to:
Come Out of Babylon
Members have access to numerous tools, knowledge, coaching and opportunities to completely remove themselves from the clutches of the Babylonian Octopus. We focus on personal independence based on three pillars of support which are: Finances & Personal Economics, Physical wellbeing apart from processed foods and Big Pharma, Spiritual wellbeing coaching & training which enables us to co-create with God and initiate miracles to HIS Glory! Membership is by personal invitation only. This is a 4 minute intro. Click Here<>
The status quo isn't cutting it anymore. MMG Capital provides for secure banking and financial alternatives to maximize your privacy, security, asset protection and productivity. The international financial infrastructure allows for ease of management, access and exceptional growth, just for starters. Read More<>
Forbidden Knowledge
If there ever were such a thing such as 'forbidden knowledge' these books would represent a good slice of it. Mark has been pushing the envelope for many years. He didn't get a target on his back for no reason. His antics and adventures are not only experiences you can learn from, but you'll also find them gripping and entertaining in the process. He paid the price so you don't have to! Read More.<>
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