
Part 6 of the 7 Part Video Series + Christina Aguayo with Americas Voice News l Dr Rashid A Buttar


Dr Rashid Buttar Interview


Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai exposing big pharmas, hospitals and vaccines 1:26 min.

Coronavirus: how a rational CDC scientist would think, if one existed Jon Rapoport


Disclosure: On Wed. 22 April Wikileaks released all their files on the Internet.


Contract Tracing - Corbett Report


Out of Shadows, Official

How the Mainstream Media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses using CIA Mind Control propaganda.

Adrenochrome”: Secret super drug obtained by drinking blood of tortured children. 


The "Last Trump' Technology Rapture Enhancing Human Behavior

Soros pocketed $1.4 billion profit in one day.

Soros believed that the British Pound was overvalued and was headed for a devaluation. So, he borrowed over ten billion Pounds in a 'Go for the jugular' move. He then immediately converted the Pounds into German Marks. When the markets learned about Soros’ actions, other traders followed suit. This run on the Pound triggered a devaluation. Soros then used his Marks to buy back the now devalued Pounds and pocketed $1.4 billion profit. All in one day.

Soros would go on to repeat this money market manipulation across the world for decades. These funds were used to finance Bill & Hillary Clinton, The Clinton Foundation, The Clinton Global Initiative, Barack Obama, his takeover of the U.S. Democratic Party and his Open Society Foundations globalist "new world order" political agenda.

3d Bio Printing Bringing Back The Dead

Technology  tied  to  trans humanism

and is moving forward  quickly with a lot of money behind it  

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